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41. Middlezoy | British History Online of the rent had been held by Elizabeth, daughter of william Basset, in Studies Libr.,Pigott colln., drawing by J. Buckler, 1836; braikenridge colln., drawing http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=15111 |
42. Search Results For Cowper, William - Encyclopædia Britannica Paradise. william braikenridge University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographicalsketch of the eighteenthcentury English mathematician. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=cowper, william&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&st |
43. Search Results For Frederick William Sanderson - Encyclopædia Britannica writings. william braikenridge University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographicalsketch of the eighteenthcentury English mathematician. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=frederick william sanderson&ct=igv&fuzzy= |
44. Dibden One Name Study Land And Property Records Office Catalogue Search Deeds collected by George Weare braikenridge received from Bristol,esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, widow of william Canynges, esquire http://www.angelfire.com/ar3/dibden_onename/land.html | |
45. AMBRA BOOKS - Bristol Antiquarian And Secondhand Books A Selection From Stock. 22.00. Ayres (william F) THE Bickley (Francis B) A CALENDAR OF DEEDS (Chiefly relatingto Bristol) Collected by George Weare braikenridge, FSA 144pp, original http://www.localhistory.co.uk/ambra/ab-br.htm | |
46. University Of Gloucestershire : About The School -> The Staff -> Millss-bib 8 Note on the braikenridgeMacLaurin Theorem , Notes Records of The Royal Society 11 william Crow of Netherbyres (c. 1704-1750); A Sketch of his Life and http://www.glos.ac.uk/business/content.asp?pid=66 |
47. NAME , OCCUPATION , NUMBER , STREET CARY Mary , Livery Stables L. , Blacksmith , ,Brislington WITHERINGTON william , Captain , ,Brislington JAMES Thomas , Carpenter / Builder , ,Brislington braikenridge George W http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/GLS/Bristol/Pigot1830.csv |
48. Music - Publications Blezzard JH, Monsters and messages the Willmott and braikenridge manuscripts ofLatin Brown AM, william Byrd Keyboard Music (I), 1999, University of Sheffield, http://www.hyphen.info/rdf/hero/67_ra2_author.php | |
49. Incomplete Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Mathematics 1964.). braikenridgeMaclaurin Construction (add figure). IEEE 754An Interview with william Kahan. Computer, 114115, Mar. 1998.). http://mathworld.wolfram.com/contribute/incomplete_entry.html | |
50. Proceedings GREEN, E, Portrait of Col. william Strode , vol. 53 (1907) pp.6872. 53 (1907)pp.192-193. , Obituary of WJ braikenridge (1817-1907) , vol. 53 (1907) pp. http://www.sanhs.org/Proceedings Index.htm | |
51. Untitled Document by the early 18th century architect and landscape designer william Kent by the industriousand farsighted Bristol antiquary George Weare braikenridge (1775-1856 http://www.digitalbristol.org/members/baas/pages/news.htm | |
52. The Math Forum - Math Library - Documents/Sketches/Galleries Robbins Algebras are Boolean william McCune, Automated Deduction Group, Argonne OrganicConstruction and one on the MacLaurin/braikenridge construction of a http://mathforum.org/library/resource_types/interactive_files/?keyid=9340407&sta |
53. 1830 Gloucestershire Pigot S Directory - Index Of People For The 309 BRAGGE John Kingwell,324 BRAHAM John,309 BRAHAM John,339 braikenridge Geo. BRAMHALLJas.,336 BRAMHALL Jas.,333 BRANDT (Mrs),357 BRANT william,396 BRANWHITE http://www.rod-neep.co.uk/books/indexes/0024gls.txt |
54. BRISTOL - PIGOTS DIRECTORY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE FOR 1830 (Part 1 Of BRADLEY F. Mrs. 3 St Michael s Terr, Bristol BRAGG william George Boot Clifton,Bristol BRAHAM John Optician 42 College Green, Bristol braikenridge George W http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~mwi/BRISTOL1.SDF |
55. RootsWeb: Bristol_and_Somerset-L Archive (August 2001) Family of william Roach, b abt.1759 by kenn; Cherry Alley by kenn braikenridge ExhibitionBristol before the Camera by Mike Gould; Stagecoach Service by Mary http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/index/Bristol_and_Somerset/2001-08 | |
56. Business Listings On Touch Enfield - Alphabetical Begining With B Page 1 Bradshaw Electrical in Waltham Abbey Bradwell Meads Ltd in Barnet braikenridge Edwards Heating in Waltham Abbey Brian White in Enfield Brian william Coney in http://www.touchenfield.com/comdir/majorcar.cfm/b/1 | |
57. Business Listings On Touch Enfield - Alphabetical Begining With B Page 1 Electrical Waltham Abbey Bradwell Meads Ltd - Barnet braikenridge Edwards Heating - Waltham Abbey Brian White - Enfield Brian william Coney - Enfield http://www.touchenfield.com/comdir/majorcar.cfm/b | |
58. Subscribers c. c. . william Tooke, Esquire, MP FRS c. c. c. Thomas Beil, Esquire, FRS GS c. c. c. c. Two copies. GW braikenridge, Esquire, FGS SA c. c. c. http://www.plesiosaur.com/references/hawkins/003subscribers.html | |
59. Ancestors Of Sven Henry Marriott Dodington Elizabeth Hewish Coloured drawings of this glass in the braikenridge Collection in Taunton castleshow By inquisition taken after the death of his son, william Wykes, who died http://www.dodingtonfamily.org/402.htm | |
60. Bute V Mason, 1849 of Dowager of Bute v. Henry Ward Mason, James Watson, John Hunter, Archibald MLachlanand william Hull. Soclrs App W braikenridge 16 Bartletts Building. http://www.law.mq.edu.au/pc/ButevMason,1849.htm | |
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