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Braikenridge William: more detail | ||||||
21. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page pelo papa Leão XIII em 29/12/1886) Fatos relacionados 30/07/1762 Morte MatemáticaFatos Inglaterra Morte do matemático inglês william braikenridge 30/07 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad9.php?w=7&pg=15 |
22. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page de professor de matemática Fatos relacionados e imagem Frases 30/07/1762 Morte MatemáticaFatos Inglaterra Morte do matemático inglês william braikenridge http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=4 |
23. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Brahmagupta (598 - 670). braikenridge, william (1700 - 1762). Bramer, Benjamin(1588 - 1652). Brashman, Nikolai Dmetrievich (14.6.1796 - 13.5.1866). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
24. Records Template 166 Blackmore william, 106, 17, Carpenter, Somt. 167 Blackmore william, 106, BackedCott. 173 braikenridge Anna F, 45, 30, NO, 174 braikenridge Elizabeth, 45, 25,NO, http://www.clevedon-civic-society.org.uk/weddings/1841bcd.htm | |
25. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 1855 - 1944) Bradwardine, Thomas (1290 - 1349) Brahe, Tycho de (1546 - 1601) Brahmagupta(598 - 670) braikenridge, william (1700 - 1762) Bramer, Benjamin (1588 http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
26. Guide Introduction: Records Of Ante-Bellum Southern PlantationsSeries L: his brother John Jerdone, brothersin-law Alexander Macauley of Yorktown, Virginia,and George braikenridge of Bristol, England, and cousin william Douglass. http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/guides/southern_hist/plantations/plantl2.asp | |
27. Hsize = 6.5 True In %THE FIRST 14 LINES ARE TYPESETTING CODE. 5. FEATURES} \smallskip \noindent{\bf Construction Zone The braikenridgeMacLaurinConstruction Course and Monograph} \smallskip \noindent{\bf william D. Drake http://www.arlinghaus.net/image/monograph18/SOLS29~1.HTM |
28. Local History Edwin Fox Bousfield. Solicitors william Gordon. Particulars and conditions ofsale. Solicitors FJ GJ braikenridge. Agents Daniel Smith, Son Oakley. http://www.rhbnc.ac.uk/~uhyl007/chertsey.htm | |
29. News c1861), Samuel Jackson (18301904), Nicholas Pocock (1740-1821), william West (1801 importantpatron for many of the painters was braikenridge who commissioned http://www.arlis.org.uk/news/news9809.html | |
31. Moreton, Peggy. Brooking Rowe Bookplate Collection Handlist. 0158. Bradley, Denington(Berks), , -, 0268 B. Bragge, william, -,-, 0163. Bragneti, -, -, 2989 B. braikenridge, George W, -, Buznell,0162. Brandon http://www.devon.gov.uk/library/locstudy/bookplat.html | |
32. Devon Local Studies Service. Local Studies Newsletter, March 2002 126. BLIGH, william. Bounty mutiny / william Bligh. Penguin, 2002. Regionalhistorian Win 2002. Watercolours from braikenridge Collection. 191. http://www.devon.gov.uk/library/locstudy/list366.html | |
33. CLEVEDON 1841 CENSUS, Somerset braikenridge Isabella M 45 15 Yes. braikenridge Wllm Jerdon 45 20 Yes. WyettMary 45 20 General Servant Yes. Roberts william 45 65 General Servant NO. http://www.rootsweb.com/~cotswold/Clevedon41.htm | |
34. BIFHS-USA: National Inventory Of Documentary Sources, 007 Family records of the 6068992 Hale and braikenridge families Paperspertaining - 6069003 to the estates of william Henry House and James http://www.rootsweb.com/~bifhsusa/nids/007.html | |
35. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives 16981758) *MT Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) *SB *MT Charles-Étienne-LouisCamus (1699-1768) *SB 1725 william braikenridge (c. 1700-post 1759 http://godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=64&topic=3&message=278278&mpa |
36. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Robert (2607*) Boys, Charles (291*) Bradwardine, Thomas (1193) Brahe, Tycho (479*)Brahmadeva (219) Brahmagupta (1512) braikenridge, william (1247) Bramer http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
37. FreeBMD Scan2 Syndicate 334, Braham,william,23,Bethnal Green,1c,166_, **** DISCREPANCY is present.336, braikenridge,Isabella M.,67,Bedminster,5c,406_, **** DISCREPANCY _ http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~abneypark/Errors/89d3-033a.html | |
38. 30 Jul History: This Date yon aged thorn. . 1762 william braikenridge, English Anglicanclergyman and mathematician born in 1700. He worked on geometry http://www.safran-arts.com/42day/history/h4jul/h4jul30.html | |
39. Virginia Gazette Index: Burnley-Butchers Burnley braikenridge,. Publisher Purdie Dixon Page 3, Column 1, 176605-23.adv. Publisher Purdie Dixon Page 2, Column 2, 1772-09-24. william Matthew,. http://www.pastportal.com/VA_Gazet/Html/B/Burnley-Butchers.htm | |
40. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of Brahmagupta}\footnote{{\sc Brahmagupta}, \born 598, \died 670} } \newcommand{\braikenridge}{{\scbraikenridge}\footnote{{\sc william braikenridge}, \born 1700 http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
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