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         Braikenridge William:     more detail
  1. Exercitatio Geometrica De Descriptione Linearum Curvarum (Latin Edition) by William Braikenridge, 2010-03-16
  2. Exercitatio geometrica de descriptione linearum curvarum. Auctore Gulielmo Braikenridge, ... (Latin Edition) by William Brakenridge, 2010-05-29

21. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada
Translate this page pelo papa Leão XIII em 29/12/1886) Fatos relacionados 30/07/1762 Morte MatemáticaFatos Inglaterra Morte do matemático inglês william braikenridge 30/07

22. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada
Translate this page de professor de matemática Fatos relacionados e imagem Frases 30/07/1762 Morte MatemáticaFatos Inglaterra Morte do matemático inglês william braikenridge

23. Neue Seite 1
Translate this page Brahmagupta (598 - 670). braikenridge, william (1700 - 1762). Bramer, Benjamin(1588 - 1652). Brashman, Nikolai Dmetrievich (14.6.1796 - 13.5.1866).
Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

24. Records Template
166 Blackmore william, 106, 17, Carpenter, Somt. 167 Blackmore william, 106, BackedCott. 173 braikenridge Anna F, 45, 30, NO, 174 braikenridge Elizabeth, 45, 25,NO,
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You may need to select small text from your browser bar! View,Text size, Smaller. Clevedon Civic Society 75: Badman Alfred Somt. 76: Badman Anne Somt. 77: Badman Elizabeth General Servant Somt. 78: Badman Ellen A Somt. 79: Badman Emma Somt. 80: Badman Henry Somt. 81: Badman Simon Somt. 82: Badman Simon Beaufort House Carpenter Somt. 83: Bailey Emma General Servant Somt. 84: Bailey Mary A Somt. 85: Baker Benjamin Somt. 86: Baker Charles Somt. 87: Baker Elizabeth Somt. 88: Baker Hannah Somt. 89: Baker James General Servant Somt. 90: Baker John Road to Walton Labourer Somt. 91: Baker John Moor Lane Gardener Somt. 92: Baker Martha Bound? Servant

25. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page 1855 - 1944) Bradwardine, Thomas (1290 - 1349) Brahe, Tycho de (1546 - 1601) Brahmagupta(598 - 670) braikenridge, william (1700 - 1762) Bramer, Benjamin (1588
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

26. Guide Introduction: Records Of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations–Series L:
his brother John Jerdone, brothersin-law Alexander Macauley of Yorktown, Virginia,and George braikenridge of Bristol, England, and cousin william Douglass.
Compilation © 1995 by the Virginia Historical Society
Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations
From the Revolution Through the Civil War
Series L: Selections from the Earl Gregg Swem Library,
College of William and Mary
Part 2: Jerdone Family Papers, 1736-1918
[This item added to Web May, 1996.]
General Introduction
By Kenneth M. Stampp, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley Planters ambitious to augment their wealth, together with their black slaves, were an important driving force in the economic and political development of new territories and states in the Southwest. Their commodities accounted for more than half the nation's exports, and the plantations themselves were important markets for the products of northern industry. In short, they played a crucial role in the development of a national market economy. The plantations of the Old South, the white families who owned, operated, and lived on them, and the blacks who toiled on them as slaves for more than two centuries have been the subjects of numerous historical studies since the pioneering work of Ulrich B. Phillips in the early twentieth century. The literature, highly controversial, has focused on questions such as the evolution and nature of the planter class and its role in shaping the white South's economy, culture, and values; the conditions experienced by American blacks in slavery; the impact of the "peculiar institution" on their personalities and the degree to which a distinct Afro-American culture developed among them; and, finally, the sources of the tension between the proslavery interests of the South and the "free labor" interests of the North that culminated in secession and civil war.

5. FEATURES} \smallskip \noindent{\bf Construction Zone The braikenridgeMacLaurinConstruction Course and Monograph} \smallskip \noindent{\bf william D. Drake

28. Local History
Edwin Fox Bousfield. Solicitors william Gordon. Particulars and conditions ofsale. Solicitors FJ GJ braikenridge. Agents Daniel Smith, Son Oakley.
Links: Barry Wintour's Home Page Oliver Collection - Introduction Oliver Collection - Local History
General Directories and Reference Works
Kelly's directory of Surrey 1899, 1907, 1934. London: Kelly's Directories Ltd., 1899-1934 [914.221 KEL] Larkin's directory for West Surrey, and the neighbourhood, for 1870 including a considerable area of the adjoining counties. Chertsey: R.H.B. Larkin, 1870. [914.221 LAR Pamphlet] Links
Engravings and Prints
Chertsey Abbey, plan of the demesne from the exchequer leiger. Engraver: Whitlock. 1842. Engraved for Brayleys History of Surrey. [1830] Chertsey Bridge, etc. Coloured engraving. [1204] Colonel Onslow's lodge at Try-Hill, near Chertsey, Surry. Artist: P. Sandby. Engraver: M A Rooker. Engraving. 1777. [1136] Colonel Onslow's Lodge at Try-Hill, near Chertsey Surry. Artist: P Sandby. Engraver: M A Rooker. Engraving. 1777. Mounted engraving. [A54] Cowley's house at Chertsey. Two engravings and two descriptions. [A52]

29. News
c1861), Samuel Jackson (18301904), Nicholas Pocock (1740-1821), william West (1801 importantpatron for many of the painters was braikenridge who commissioned
Based on the (no. 134, September/October 1998. ISSN 0308-809X)
  • EDITORS NOTE Drawing from nature: art and illustration in the natural history sciences, Natural History Museum, London, 14-16 April 1999 FORTHCOMING EVENTS RECENT EVENTS ... AUDIO VISUAL NEWS

    Helen Pye-Smith has gone on maternity leave from her post as Information Services Manager at the National Art Library as well as from her job as Co-editor of the News-sheet. Helen compiled the Publications News column for a short time before becoming editor with Liz Kerr in 1992. Sarah Mahurter of London College of Printing will take over as co-editor during Helen's maternity leave. We wish Helen the best of luck and thank her for her wonderful contribution to the News-sheet
    Drawing from nature: art and illustration in the natural history sciences, Natural History Museum, London, 14-16 April 1999
    The 12th International Conference of the Society for the History of Natural History will be a joint conference with The Natural History Museum London. The conference will explore the following topics:
    Why illustrate: examining the role of illustration, how it has been integrated with text and non-illustration;

    30. HMC | NRA | Persons Beginning BR
    william Henry (18621942) Knight Physicist (9) Bragg, Sir william Lawrence (1890 2)Braid, Jim (fl 1914-1917) Private (1) Scotland braikenridge, George Weare

    BE BH BI ... BY List of persons with surname beginning BR
    Brabazon, Anthony (d 1724) County Sheriff

    Brabazon, Chambre (c 1645-1715) 5th Earl of Meath

    Brabazon, John Chambre (1772-1851) 10th Earl of Meath

    Brabazon, John Theodore Cuthbert Moore- (1884-1964) 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara, politician
    Bracebridge, Charles Edward (b 1826) Farmer, Leicester

    Leicester, Leicestershire
    Bracebridge, Charles Holte (1799-1872) Friend of Florence Nightingale

    Bracey, Bertha L (1893-1989) Secretary Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens

    Bracey, Charles James (fl 1885)
    Bracey, Herbert Richard (c1849-1901) Ship's Surgeaon, Birmingham Birmingham, Warwickshire Bracken, Brendan Rendall (1901-1958) 1st Viscount Bracken, publisher Bracken, Charles William (1868-1950) Schoolmaster and Local Historian Bracken, Sir Geoffrey Thomas Hirst (1879-1950) Knight Civil Servant Economist Brackenbury, Charles Booth (1831-1890) Major General Military Writer ... Brackenbury, Sir Henry (1837-1914) Knight General Writer On Military Subjects Spilsby, Leicestershire Brackenbury, John William (1842-1918) Admiral

    31. Moreton, Peggy. Brooking Rowe Bookplate Collection Handlist.
    0158. Bradley, Denington(Berks), , -, 0268 B. Bragge, william, -,-, 0163. Bragneti, -, -, 2989 B. braikenridge, George W, -, Buznell,0162. Brandon
    Devon Library and Information Services. Local studies service.
    Brooking Rowe bookplate collection : handlist County Council Library service Local studies Persons ... Contact The collection of bookplates in the Westcountry Studies Library was largely assembled by the Plymouth antiquary Joshua Brooking Rowe (1837-1908) and bequeathed to Exeter City Library in 1908. It was added to at later dates until the 1930s but no indexes survived the air raid on the Library in 1942. In the 1990s an index was made to the collection by a volunteer, Mrs Peggy Moreton, and it is through her enthusiasm that this guide to the collection can be made available on the internet. Prospective users should be aware that the collection is remotely stored and prior enquiry is essential.
    Ian Maxted
    County Local Studies Librarian
    October 2001
    Surnames quick find. Click on "back" arrow to return to this point.
    B C D ... Y,Z
    NAME MOTTO ENGRAVER/NOTES NUMBER Abbot, Charles Abbot, Philip Henry. Hon 3392 U Abbott, John Gardez bien Gullan, London Ackland Ackland, Hugh. Sir (Dev)

    32. Devon Local Studies Service. Local Studies Newsletter, March 2002
    126. BLIGH, william. Bounty mutiny / william Bligh. Penguin, 2002. Regionalhistorian Win 2002. Watercolours from braikenridge Collection. 191.
    Devon Library
    and Information Services
    Local Studies Service
    Annales occidentales
    or, Westcountry Studies
    a bibliographical newsletter
    Issue 366. March 2002 Published by Devon Library and Information services, Lifelong Learning Division,
    Education Arts and Libraries Directorate, Devon County Council
    Edited by Ian Maxted, County Local Studies Librarian, Exeter Central Library, Castle Street, Exeter EX4 3PQ. Tel: 01392-384224. Fax: 01392-384228. Email: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Devon County Council. Contents: Newsletter distribution Forde House sale catalogue Totnes Image Bank "A Chudleigh belle" : Anna Rolestone ... List of recent publications Newsletter distribution I must apologise that the mailing list did not get properly sorted out for the issues of January and February when the original small distribution was considerably extended - there are now almost 100 recipients. As was pointed out to me, care should be taken when large groups are being circulated by e-mail in this way. This is certainly not always done, even by organisations who should know better, but I hope that what I perpetrated in my haste to get the two newsletters distributed I have now been able to retrieve, given a full month to get things sorted. Where are the books?

    33. CLEVEDON 1841 CENSUS, Somerset
    braikenridge Isabella M 45 15 Yes. braikenridge Wllm Jerdon 45 20 Yes. WyettMary 45 20 General Servant Yes. Roberts william 45 65 General Servant NO.
    CLEVEDON 1841 CENSUS, Somerset
    Armstrong Mary Eliza 1 Marine House 27 Schoolmistress Yes. Armstrong Lucy Norman 1 22 Schoolmistress NO Armstrong Sophia 1 20 Schoolmistress NO Stephens Catherine Jane 1 17 Scholar NO Stephens Lucy 1 16 Scholar NO Vallance Anne 1 16 Scholar NO Vallance Maria Ellen 1 13 Scholar NO Quei? Amelia C E 1 12 Scholar Yes. Colridge Isabell H 1 11 Scholar NO Johns Sarah 1 11 Scholar NO Heaton Adelaide 1 10 Scholar NO Gouly Mary Jane 1 7 Scholar Yes. Thomas Sarah 1 6 Scholar NO Cross Elizabeth 1 30 General Servant NO Davis Rhoda 1 21 General Servant NO
    Violet Eliza 2 Marine Cott. 30 Dressmaker Yes. Violet Rosa 2 5 Yes. Violet Eliza 2 8 NO Violet James 2 6 NO Knight Emma 2 5 Yes.
    Maynard Thomas 3 Copse Road 35 Baker NO Maynard Albina 3 30 Yes. Maynard John 3 10 not an error Yes. Maynard John 3 10 there are 2 in census Yes. Smith Samuel 3 // 35 Merchant Yes.
    3 houses on page on-going house total 3
    Smith Mary 3 37 Yes. Rees Thomas 3 14 General Servant Yes. Hughes Ann 3 24 General Servant Yes. Clarke Eliza 3 21 General Servant Yes.

    34. BIFHS-USA: National Inventory Of Documentary Sources, 007
    Family records of the 6068992 Hale and braikenridge families Paperspertaining - 6069003 to the estates of william Henry House and James
    BIFHS-USA Guide British Isles Research
    Compiled and annotated by Linda Jonas
    National inventory of documentary sources in the United Kingdom and Ireland Bristol Record Office (Gloucestershire) Microreproduction of original records housed at the Record Office in Bristol. NIDS FICHE # FHL FICHE # 0.007.001 Deposits, nos. 1-38,643. (57 fiches) 6027167 0.007.002 Subject index. Includes guide on first 6027168 fiche. (35 fiches) 0.007.003 Horse Street deeds, 1773-1827. (1 fiche) 6068931 0.007.004 Messrs. Harley and Duval. (1 fiche) - 6068932 0.007.005 Vanderhorst and Duncombe families. 6068933 Includes abstracts of South Carolina land records. (1 fiche) 0.007.006 Munroe. Deeds and documents, dating - 6068934 from 1564. (1 fiche) 0.007.007 Red Lodge, Bristol (and adjoining - 6068935 property). Deeds dating from 1563. (1 fiche) 0.007.008 Messrs. Ward. Deeds and documents, 6068936 1735-1879. (1 fiche) 0.007.009 Society of Genealogists. Contains abstracts of 6068937 various documents referring to people and/or property of Bristol. (1 fiche) 0.007.011 Bristol City Library. Deposited deeds - 6068939 dating from 1329. (1 fiche)

    35. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives
    16981758) *MT Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) *SB *MT Charles-Étienne-LouisCamus (1699-1768) *SB 1725 william braikenridge (c. 1700-post 1759

    36. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
    Robert (2607*) Boys, Charles (291*) Bradwardine, Thomas (1193) Brahe, Tycho (479*)Brahmadeva (219) Brahmagupta (1512) braikenridge, william (1247) Bramer

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    37. FreeBMD Scan2 Syndicate
    334, Braham,william,23,Bethnal Green,1c,166_, **** DISCREPANCY is present.336, braikenridge,Isabella M.,67,Bedminster,5c,406_, **** DISCREPANCY _
    FreeBMD Scan2 Syndicate
    Scan2 Syndicate Discrepancies for 89d3-033a M1550
    Collihole, Maurice Current Page Discrepancies Line Record Flag INFORMATION RECORD Current Submitter is Current Password is Current Type is SEQUENCED Current B/M/D is DEATHS Current Character Set is TRANSCRIBER RECORD District Number Format is Transcriber is Maurice Collihole Syndicate is Transcribed text file is 1889D30033.BMD Transcription Date is 5-Jun-2003 CAPS Control is N BLOCK Control is Y PAGE TITLE RECORD Heading is 1889d3-033 1889 Death 3rd Quarter (BRA). SCAN SYNDICATE RECORD Current Year is Current Quarter is Sep File being Transcribed is 1889d3-033.tif Transcription Date is 16-Jun-2003 PAGE START/END RECORD Current Page is Brackstone,Daisy Louisa,0,Pewsey,5a,8[6_] Brackstone,Daisy Louisa,0,Pewsey,5a,8[6_] ********** DISCREPANCY [ is present Brader,Pattie Gwendoline,6,Gower,11a,43[8_]

    38. 30 Jul History: This Date
    yon aged thorn. “. 1762 william braikenridge, English Anglicanclergyman and mathematician born in 1700. He worked on geometry
    HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
    deaths births , of JUL 30
    [For Jul 30 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Aug 09 1700s: Aug 10 1800s: Aug 11 1900~2099: Aug 12 ... wikipedia On a 30 July:
    The previous evening Pinnacle Systems (PCLE) announced results for the quarter and for the fiscal year ended on 30 June 2003. Sales are up about 40% over the year-ago periods, but the improvement in earnings is not as great as analysts expected. Consequently PCLE is downgraded by JP Morgan from Overweight to Neutral and by USB Piper Jaffray from Outperform to Market Perform. On the NASDAQ 25 million of the 63 million PCLE shares are traded, plunging from their previous close of $12.49 to an intraday low of $7.79 and closing at $7.82. They had been traded as low as $2.80 on 2001 and as high as $35.50 on 27 March 2000. . PCLE is a supplier of video authoring, editing, storage, distribution and Internet streaming equipment for broadcasters, professionals, and consumers.
    2002 Peace at last for the Congo?

    39. Virginia Gazette Index: Burnley-Butchers
    Burnley braikenridge,. Publisher Purdie Dixon Page 3, Column 1, 176605-23.adv. Publisher Purdie Dixon Page 2, Column 2, 1772-09-24. william Matthew,.
    Burnley, Col., Publisher: Purdie Series: postscript
    Page: 2, Column: 3, 1776-07-05
    Mr., Publisher: Rind
    Page: 2, Column: 3, 1770-05-31
    store of, Publisher: Dixon
    Page: 2, Column: 2, 1780-04-01
    Garland, Lt., Publisher: Purdie Series: postscript
    Page: 2, Column: 3, 1776-07-05
    Page: 3, Column: 2, 1771-10-17

    Page: 2, Column: 3, 1771-12-26

    Page: 3, Column: 1, 1773-09-16

    Page: 1, Column: 1, 1774-05-12
    Page: 3, Column: 1, 1774-06-02
    Hardin (Harden), jr.,
    Page: 3, Column: 2, 1768-01-14
    Page: 2, Column: 3, 1771-12-26 Page: 3, Column: 3, 1774-08-11 Page: 1, Column: 1, 1780-02-19 ... Page: 3, Column: 1, 1780-02-19 Harding, Page: 3, Column: 1, 1770-11-01 Publisher: Rind Page: 3, Column: 1, 1770-11-08 Harding, sr., Publisher: Rind Page: 3, Column: 3, 1770-04-19 Page: 3, Column: 2, 1770-04-19 James, Page: 2, Column: 3, 1766-11-27 John, adv. finding horse, Page: 2, Column: 3, 1767-11-12 adv. for runaway slaves, Page: 2, Column: 1, 1773-08-19 Page: 3, Column: 1, 1773-10-28 adv. for ship for charter, Page: 2, Column: 2, 1772-11-19 Publisher: Dixon Page: 1, Column: 1, 1775-03-18 adv. machines for bolting flour, Page: 3, Column: 1, 1774-08-25

    40. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of
    Brahmagupta}\footnote{{\sc Brahmagupta}, \born 598, \died 670} } \newcommand{\braikenridge}{{\scbraikenridge}\footnote{{\sc william braikenridge}, \born 1700

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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