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         Boulliau Ismael:     more detail
  1. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-23
  2. Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Volumes 20-21 (Latin Edition) by Immanuel Bekker, Doukas, et all 2010-02-03
  3. Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Volume 21 (Latin Edition) by Immanuel Bekker, Doukas, et all 2010-02-10
  4. Collection Boulliau: An Inventory by Robert A. Hatch, 1983-04
  5. The Collection Boulliau (BN, FF. 13013-13059): An Inventory. Foreword by Harcourt Brown. by Ismaël (1605-1694)] HATCH, Robert A. [BOULLIAU, 1982-01-01
  6. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres ... (Portuguese Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-25
  7. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2009-06-13
  8. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-23
  9. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  10. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  11. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  12. Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694): Astronome, epistolier, nouvelliste et intermediaire scientifique : ses rapports avec les milieux du "libertinage erudit" (Studies ... Landen in de Nieuwe Tijd) (French Edition) by Henk J. M Nellen, 1994
  13. Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694), nieuwsjager en correspondent by H. J. M Nellen, 1980

81. Telescopes For Solar Research; From Scheiner S Helioscopium To De
In the illustration to the Machina, the assistant is ismael boulliau, a visitingastronomer who during the eclipse of 1661, was asked for advice on

82. The University Of Chicago Press - Doi:10.1086/316493
Hevelius had too sparse a database to recognize Mira s periodicity amidst the erraticchanges, so it was left for the Frenchman ismael boulliau to announce in

83. Fellows Of The Royal Society
John Pell 20 May 1663 John Wallis 20 May 1663 Christopher Wren 20 May 1663 ChristiaanHuygens 22 Jun 1663 Nicolaus Mercator 14 Nov 1666 ismael boulliau 4 Apr
Fellows of the Royal Society of London
The list of fellows given below is only those scientists elected Fellows of the Royal Society whose biographies appear in the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, together with some present day mathematicians. The list also gives their date of their election to the Society. William Brouncker 22 Apr 1663
Robert Boyle
22 Apr 1663
John Wilkins
22 Apr 1663
Isaac Barrow
20 May 1663
Robert Hooke
20 May 1663
William Neile
20 May 1663
John Pell
20 May 1663
John Wallis
20 May 1663
Christopher Wren
20 May 1663
Christiaan Huygens
22 Jun 1663
Nicolaus Mercator
14 Nov 1666 Ismael Boulliau 4 Apr 1667 John Collins 17 Oct 1667 James Gregory 11 Jun 1668 Isaac Newton 11 Jan 1672 Jean D Cassini 22 May 1672 Gottfried W von Leibniz 9 Apr 1673 Renatus F Sluze 16 Apr 1674 Jonas Moore 3 Dec 1674 John Flamsteed 8 Feb 1676 Edmond Halley 30 Nov 1678 Denis Papin 8 Nov 1682 Joseph Raphson 30 Nov 1689 David Gregory 30 Nov 1692 Vincenzo Viviani 29 Apr 1696 Abraham de Moivre 30 Nov 1697 John Keill 30 Nov 1700 John Arbuthnot 30 Nov 1704 Guido Grandi 4 May 1709 Giovanni Poleni 30 Nov 1710 John Craig 30 Nov 1711 William Jones 30 Nov 1711 Roger Cotes 30 Nov 1711 Brook Taylor 20 Mar 1712 Johann Bernoulli 1 Dec 1712 Nicolaus (I) Bernoulli 11 Mar 1714 Pierre Varignon 29 Jul 1714 Willem Jakob 'sGravesande 9 Jun 1715 Pierre R de Montmort 9 Jun 1715 John Hadley 21 Mar 1717 Thomas F de Lagny 1 Dec 1718 Colin Maclaurin 5 Nov 1719 Giulio Fagnano 30 Nov 1723 James Stirling 3 Nov 1726 Benjamin Robins 9 Nov 1727 Samuel Clarke 2 May 1728

84. Fellows Of The Royal Society
Hooke 1663 William Neile 1663 John Pell 1663 John Wallis 1663 Christopher Wren 1663Christiaan Huygens 1663 Nicolaus Mercator 1666 ismael boulliau 1667 John
Fellows of the Royal Society of London
The list of fellows given below is only those scientists elected Fellows of the Royal Society whose biographies appear in the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, together with some present day mathematicians. The list also gives their date of their election to the Society. William Brouncker
Robert Boyle

John Wilkins

Isaac Barrow
H S M Coxeter

Leslie Howarth 1950
Hans A Heilbronn

Alan M Turing

Freeman J Dyson 1952
William McCrea 1952
A Cyril Offord 1952 John C Burkill Michael James Lighthill Louis V P R de Broglie Wolfgang Pauli ... Werner Heisenberg Walter K Hayman 1956 Fred Hoyle Harry R Pitt 1957 Satyendranath Bose Graham Higman Bernhard Neumann C Ambrose Rogers ... Lev Landau Douglas G Northcott 1961 Solomon Lefschetz Michael Atiyah John W S Cassels J Frank Adams ... Richard P Feynman Peter Swinnerton-Dyer 1967 Ioan M James Douglas S Jones 1968 David Rees 1968 J Anthony H Halsbury 1969 James H Wilkinson C Terence C Wall Frank F Bonsall 1970 Eugene P Wigner John F C Kingman Henri Cartan John Bell Bryan J Birch1972 Roger Penrose Fritz J Ursell 1972 Alan Baker Harish-Chandra Stephen W Hawking Jean-Pierre Serre ... Richard Rado Ian G Macdonald 1979 John G Thompson Jerzy Neyman Paul M Cohn John H Conway Michael Berry 1982 Graeme Segal 1982 Evgenii M Lifshitz Christopher Hooley 1983 George Lusztig 1983 Michael J D Powell 1983 Ian N Sneddon William Parry 1984 David Williams 1984 John H Coates James D Murray 1985 Ian C Percival1985 S S Chern Simon K Donaldson Henry K Moffatt 1986 James A Green 1987

85. JC OnLine
Translate this page Eles foram copiados em meados do século 17 pelo padre e astrônomo ismael boulliau,que na época era secretário do embaixador da França na Holanda, e levou
Jornal do Commercio - Recife, de novembro de 1998
Manuscritos revelam astronomia do século 17 por VERÔNICA FALCO Uma equipe do Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST/CNPq), no Rio de Janeiro, está estudando 119 manuscritos do alemão Georg Marcgrave, que integrou o grupo de artistas e cientistas trazidos para Pernambuco pelo Conde Maurício de Nassau, no século 17. Os manuscritos foram copiados da biblioteca do Observatório de Paris e relatam eventos astronômicos observados no Nordeste por Marcgrave, entre 1638 e 1643. O astrônomo acredita que Marcgrave tenha usado o Sistema Solar verdadeiro para medir as horas. "Naquela época era completamente diferente. Não havia uma hora universal e nem um meridiano de referência, como é Greenwich", afirma. A hora solar verdadeira, explica o Matsuura, é dada pela sombra do Sol em uma haste ao longo do dia. A diferença entre o sistema e um relógio convencional pode chegar a 45 minutos para mais ou para menos.

86. Gaston Maurice Julia
The summary for this page contains characters that cannot be properly displayed in this language/character set.數學史/Ismael Boulliau/Ismael B
Ismael Boulliau ¥Í©ó¡G1605¦~¤E¤ë¤G¤Q¤K¤é¥Í©óªk°êªº­Û´° ¦º©ó¡G1694¦~¤Q¤@¤ë¤G¤Q¤­¤é¦º©óªk°êªº¤Ú¾¤ Ismael Boulliau Boulliau ¬O Pascal ¡AMersenne ©MGassendi ªº¤@­ÓªB¤Í¨¥B¤ä´©¤F ¦÷§Q²¤ ©M ­ô¥Õ¥§ ¡C ¦b 1645 ¥L¥Xª© Astronomia philolaica Principia

87. :: Navod Na Pouziti Vesmiru ::
krucek. Ten ucinil roku 1667 ismael boulliau (16051694), jež došelk záveru, že se Mira mení s periodou 333 dní. O pár
návrat na obsah cestopisu Kde se vzala, tu se vzala Aè to tak na první pohled možná nevypadá, jsou astronomové ze stejného masa a kostí jako bìžní smrtelníci. V této souvislosti nemohu nevzpomenout na jeden pikantní zážitek z poèátku devadesátých let. Díky prùseèíku mnoha neuvìøitelných náhod, ocitl jsem se v létì roku 1991 na zapadlé hvìzdárnì v zapomenuté vesnici Roztoky, nedaleko zapomenutého Svidníku, jenom kousek od slavného Dukelského prùsmyku. Zdejší veèery byly bájeèné. S nìkolika dalšími pozorovateli jsme tenkrát proplouvali Mléènou dráhou, obdivovali temné mlhoviny, cítili témìø erotické vzrušení pøi východu Jupiteru, jehož nejvìtší satelity prosakovaly mezi vìtvemi borovic na pøíšernì vzdáleném obzoru, a zažili ten neopakovatelný zážitek pøi východu Slunce... Neopakovatelný? V kontrastu s øadou jiných nebeských objektù, které náhodný pozorovatel tenkrát zahlédl na sametovì temné obloze, onen ranní oranžový disk doslova vybledl závistí. Kdo poprvé zažil zjasnìní SS Cygni, kdo zkoumal detaily Èinky a komu se pøed oèima vykreslily temné mlhoviny... nemohl považovat východ Slunce za pøíjemný okamžik. Naopak! Byl to odporný vetøelec, jehož jas se pøikradl stejnì jako neúprosný požár nemilosrdnì požírající všechno krásné. Možná právì proto tenkrát onen "svatý" východ Slunce degradoval na naprostou parodii. V pøesnì stanoveném okamžiku, který odvodily zástupy astronomù peèlivì sepisujících dìní na hvìzdné obloze, zjevila se nad východem ona toužebnì oèekávaná koule šest tisíc stupòù horkého plazmatu. Bylo to skvìlé, pøímo fascinující. Fotony pronikaly pod unavenou kùži a vpíjely nám do žil novou životodárnou energii.

88. Systema Saturnium By Christiaan Huygens: Introduction
Huygens confided his Saturnian secret to few people. An important confidantwas the wellrespected Parisian astronomer ismael boulliau (1605-1694).
Christiaan Huygens
Systema Saturnium...
Christiaan Huygens and his Systema Saturnium
Christiaan Huygens (pronounced How'-kenz) was born in The Hague, Netherlands, on April 14, 1629. He had the good fortune to be born into a prominent Dutch family with his grandfather, father, and brother serving as secretaries and diplomats to the ruling house of Orange. Huygens did not enter into government service as his interests turned toward science and mathematics. He could do this primarily because his father set him up with an allowance which enabled him to concentrate entirely on his studies. From 1650, when he left college, to 1666, Huygens lived at home and conducted his research with only three brief interludes in which he visited Paris and London. Huygens's time at home proved very fruitful for his scientific research. He published three mathematical books, produced a manuscript on hydrostatics, wrote a work on collision of elastic bodies, did research on centrifugal force, and invented the pendulum clock. Huygens was also interested in geometrical optics and, together with his brother, experimented with grinding lenses for microscopes and telescopes. Huygens turned his new telescopes to the heavens in 1655 and began making regular observations of the planets, stars, and comets. Huygens was particularly intrigued by Saturn, mainly because of its puzzling appearance. To an observer using a telescope from the early 17

89. Index
III, VX Philo van Byzantium IV Philoctetes IV Philodemus XII Philodusus, Janus(=Daniel Heinsius) XVII Philolaus (=ismael boulliau) VII, IX Philonomus IV
HOME REACTIE SITEMAP HULP ... VERWIJZINGEN PROJECTMENU Home Addenda Index log in ... Z Paauw: zie Pauw
Pacheco Pereira, Duarte: I
Paci, Pietro: VIII
Paciano: XIV
Pacianus: V
Pacius a Beriga, Julius: XVII
Pacuvius: XI
Padburch, David: IX
Paderborn: IV, VII-XI, XIV; zie ook Paterborn
Padua: V, VII, VIII, XIV, XV
Padua, Marsilius van: zie Marsilius Padus: zie Po Paedianus, Q. Asconius: I Paedts: zie Paets Paeones: IV Paeschael: zie Pascal Paets, Annetgen: IV, VI Paets, Joh.: I, XII; zie ook Patius, Johannes Paets, Marten (Maerten): X, XIV, XVII Pafenhovium: zie Pfaffenhofen Pagenstecher, Andreas Christian: XVI Pagninus O.P., Sanctes: VI Paina: V Paitzum: zie Peitz Palaeologa: zie Margaretha (Maria) Palaeologa Palaephatus: IV Palamedes: III Palamedes Nauplius (=Johan van Oldenbarnevelt): III, IV Palamedis filius (=Willem van Oldenbarnevelt): IV Palatijn (Palatinus): X Palatina domus: zie Palts Palatinat: zie Palts; Opperpalts Palatius: V Palau (Polaldus), klooster van San Pedro de Roda: XV Palermo: VIII, XI Palestina: IV, V, IX, XIV, XVII

90. Revolução Copérnica - Time-Line
Translate this page Planetas. 1645 - ismael boulliau propõe uma lei para uma força centralagindo sobre planetas que é proporcional ao inverso do quadrado.
Planetas Ismael Boulliau propõe uma lei para uma força central agindo sobre planetas que é proporcional ao inverso do quadrado.

Translate this page Centre Cornell University Anys 1998 Durada 6 mesos Tema ismael Boulliauand the Scientific Revolution. Conferències per invitació.
CURRÍCULUM VITAE ANTONI MALET Formació acadèmica Títol Especialitat Institució Any Ph.D Història de la Ciència Princeton University Master Història de la Ciència Princeton University Llicenciat Ciències Matemàtiques Universitat de Barcelona Tesi doctoral Títol : "Studies on James Gregorie (1638-1675)"
Director: Prof. Charles C. Gillispie
Readers: Prof. Noel Swerdlow i Prof. Michael S. Mahoney Posicions acadèmiques 1995- Professor Titular de Universitat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 1990-1995 Professor Titular de Universitat, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 1989/90 Becari de reincorporació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 1988/89 Professor Ajudant, Princeton University. 1984-1989 Becari de postgrau, Princeton University. 1977-1984 Catedràtic de I.N. Enseñanza Media. 1976/77 Becari de postgrau, Université de Lyon 1974-1976 Catedràtic de I.N. Enseñanza Media. 1973/74 Professor Ajudant, Universitat de Barcelona. Estades a centres estrangerss Centre: I.R.E.M., Université de Lyon (França).
10 mesos
Tema: Evariste Galois i els orígens de la teoria de grups.

92. USGS Astro: Planetary Nomenclature - Moon Nomenclature Crater
18731944). Bullialdus 20.7S 22.2W 60.0 EU FR 94 LAC 5 1935 66 AABoulliau, ismael; French astronomer (1605-1694). Bunsen 41.4N
Astrogeology Research Program
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
Moon Nomenclature: Crater
See CRATER in the descriptor terms page for additional information. NAME LAT LONG DIAM ... ORIGIN fa 1.0N 116.6E 55.0 AS PE 065D3 LTO 5 1970 AA Persian mathematician, astronomer (940-998). Abulfeda 13.8S 13.9E 65.0 AS SY 78 LAC 5 1935 66 AA Abu'L-fida, Ismail; Syrian geographer (1273-1331). Acosta 5.6S 60.1E 13.0 EU PG 080B4 LTO 5 1976 AA Cristobal; Portuguese doctor, natural historian (1515-1580). NAME LAT LONG DIAM ... ORIGIN Anaxagoras 73.4N 10.1W 50.0 EU GR 3 LMP 5 1935 66 AA Greek astronomer (500-428 B.C.). Anaximander 66.9N 51.3W 67.0 EU GR 3 LMP 5 1935 66 AA Greek astronomer (c. 611-547 B.C.). Anaximenes 72.5N 44.5W 80.0 EU GR 3 LMP 5 1935 66 AA Greek astronomer (585-528 B.C.). And

93. ”ü¯’¬@¯‚̃f[ƒ^ƒx[ƒX
The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
¡ l–¼Ž«“Ty‚Ӂz ƒy[ƒW@ ‚P ‚Q ‚R ‚S ‚T ƒvƒ‰ƒg[ Plato, Tiburtinus i12¢‹I‘O”¼j ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ Flammarion,Nicolas Camille i1842]1925j ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ ƒtƒ‰ƒ€ƒXƒeƒB[ƒh Flamsteed,John i1646]1719j ƒtƒ‰ƒ€ƒXƒeƒB[ƒh”ԍ† v ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒNƒŠƒ“ƒAƒ_ƒ€ƒY Franklin Adams, John ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ ƒvƒ‰ƒ“ƒN Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig ƒhƒCƒc‚Ì•¨—ŠwŽÒDƒm[ƒxƒ‹•¨—ŠwÜŽóÜŽÒD1900”NC”M•úŽË‚Ì•ª•zŽ®‚𓱏o‚µC‚»‚Ì’†‚ŃGƒlƒ‹ƒM[—v‘f‚ð—p‚¢‚½‚±‚Æ‚Å—ÊŽq˜_‚Ì‘æˆê•à‚𓥂ݏo‚µ‚½D1918”NC—ÊŽq˜_‚É‚æ‚镨—Šwi•à‚ւ̍vŒ£‚ŁCƒm[ƒxƒ‹•¨—ŠwÜ‚ðŽóÜ‚µ‚½D ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒfƒX Brandes, Heinrich Wilhelm ƒhƒCƒc‚Ì“V•¶ŠwŽÒC•¨—ŠwŽÒD8ŒŽ‚Ì—¬¯‚ÌŽüŠú«‚ð”­Œ©DŒõü‚Ì‹üÜ‚È‚Ç‘å‹CŒõŠw‚Ì–â‘è‚Æœa¯‚Ì—˜_‚ÉŽæ‚è‘g‚ށD ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒuƒ‰ƒE Burrau, Carl Jensen ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒtƒtƒiƒQƒ‹ Hufnagel, Leon ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
Friedmann,Aleksandr Aleksandrovich i1888]1925j ŽQl•¶Œ£ ƒuƒŠƒ“ƒNƒŠ[ Brinkley, John

94. Kronoloji
1644 Evangelista Torricelli, Civa barometresi ve yapay vacum. 1645 IsmaelBoulliau, Uydulara uygulanan merkezi kuvet için ters kare kanunu.
YIL KÝÞÝ OLAY Pierre Gassendi Merkur'un geçiþi gözlemlendi Galileo Galilei Galileci görecelik Galileo Galilei Kopernik'in güneþ merkezli teorisine destek John Ray Su termometresi G. Pers de Roberval Gravitasyon kuvveti karþýlýklý çekimdir Marin Mersenne Sesin hýzý Rene Descartes Atalet ve mekanik fizik Rene Descartes Kýrýným, gökkuþaðý ve bulutlar Galileo Galilei Hareket ve sürtünme Jeremiah Horrocks Venus'un geçiþi gözlemlendi Evangelista Torricelli Hidrodinamik teori Ferdinand II Kapalý termometre Blaise Pascal Mekanik hesap makinasý Evangelista Torricelli Cýva barometresi ve yapay vacum Ismael Boulliau Uydulara uygulanan merkezi kuvet için ters kare kanunu Otto von Guericke Vakumun gücünü göstermek için iki büyük yarým küre ve 8 atýn kullanýlmasý Ferdinand II Kapalý termometre Christiaan Huygens Saturn halkalarý ve uydularý Christiaan Huygens Sarkaç saati Pierre Fermat Optikte Fermat prensibi Christiaan Huygens Mars'ýn yüzey özellikleri Otto von Guericke Elektrostatik makina Robert Boyle Ses vakumda ilerlemez Robert Boyle Maddenin parçacýk teorisi Robert Boyle Kimyasal elementler, asidler ve alkaliler

95. UC San Diego /Allnoslide
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    97. Home Page
    1 9 4 8, What is The Book Of Life? Whenever you raise your levelof consciousness for whatever reason, it could be for religious
    Free Web site hosting - Web Hosting - Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet ... Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95 The BOOK OF LIFE (1)
    Channelled from Ismael Boulliau TEL:079440865
    Home Page Contact Page Favorite Links ... Shopping Page What is The Book Of Life?
    Whenever you raise your level of consciousness for whatever reason, it could be for religious worship, remote viewing or channeling or by whatever means, including meditation or near death experience, you tap into The Universal Consciousness which contains everything that has and will come to pass. It comprises of all the feeling, thoughts and wishes of souls that has inhabit this universe. It has many names depending on your belief but Edgar Cayce, the great spritualist called it the AKASHIC RECORDS. A closer symbolic imagery symbol, and one often used in religious movement such as the Kabala, is the TREE OF LIFE which we are but the leaves. Christians prefer to call it the RECORDS OF LIFE which contains all our deeds and mis-deeds which will be read to us when we pass on to the after-life and on the Last Day of Judgement. But whatever name is used is likely to be a traversty since there are no human words that can adequately describe the Divine Record.
    How does it work?

    98. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum
    CATALOGVS LIBRORVM QVI IN THESAVRO ANTIQVITATVM ROMANARVM In Folio XII. Voluminibus reperiuntur, OH . G EORGIO G Et typis ac impensis F RANCISCI H ETRI VANDER A A excusus; ordine
    Content by Volume Index by Author or Title Volume Tables of Content Alphabetical List of Authors Illustrators and Engravers Opening Page INDEX Volume 1 Volume 4 Volume 7 Volume 10 ... Volume 12 Volume I [Latini, Latino, 1513-1593], [Sigonio, Carlo, 1524?-1584]
    Latini Latinii observationes in Carolum Sigonium de Antiquo Jure Civium Romanorum. I. in Praefatione
    -[Grouchy, Nicolas de, 1520-1572]
    Obsevationes in Nicol. Gruchium de Connitiis Romanorum I. in Praefatione [Ferrari, Ottavio, 1607-1682]
    Octavii Ferrarii de Origine Romanorum Liber. I. (1)
    [Ligorio, Pirro, ca. 1510-1583]
    [Manuzio, Paolo, 1512-1574]
    Paull. Manutius de Civitate Romana. I. 1 [Sigonio, Carlo, 1524?-1584]
    Carolus Sigonius de Antiquo Jure Civium Romanorum, cum additamentis ex editione Parisiens. 1572. I. 39 [Panvinio, Onofrio, 1529-1568]
    Onuphrius Panvinius de Civitate Romana. I. 193 ......Imperium Romanum. I. 343 [Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667]

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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