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81. Telescopes For Solar Research; From Scheiner S Helioscopium To De In the illustration to the Machina, the assistant is ismael boulliau, a visitingastronomer who during the eclipse of 1661, was asked for advice on http://www.europa.com/~telscope/solartele.txt |
82. The University Of Chicago Press - Doi:10.1086/316493 Hevelius had too sparse a database to recognize Mira s periodicity amidst the erraticchanges, so it was left for the Frenchman ismael boulliau to announce in http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/resolve?id=doi:10.1086/316493 |
83. Fellows Of The Royal Society John Pell 20 May 1663 John Wallis 20 May 1663 Christopher Wren 20 May 1663 ChristiaanHuygens 22 Jun 1663 Nicolaus Mercator 14 Nov 1666 ismael boulliau 4 Apr http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C09/C09Links/www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/7Ehistor | |
84. Fellows Of The Royal Society Hooke 1663 William Neile 1663 John Pell 1663 John Wallis 1663 Christopher Wren 1663Christiaan Huygens 1663 Nicolaus Mercator 1666 ismael boulliau 1667 John http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Societies/FRS.html | |
85. JC OnLine Translate this page Eles foram copiados em meados do século 17 pelo padre e astrônomo ismael boulliau,que na época era secretário do embaixador da França na Holanda, e levou http://www2.uol.com.br/JC/_1998/0211/cm0111a.htm | |
86. Gaston Maurice Julia The summary for this page contains characters that cannot be properly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2.emath.pu.edu.tw/s8705153/æ¸å¸å²/Ismael Boulliau/Ismael B | |
87. :: Navod Na Pouziti Vesmiru :: krucek. Ten ucinil roku 1667 ismael boulliau (16051694), je doelk záveru, e se Mira mení s periodou 333 dní. O pár http://navod.hvezdarna.cz/navod/cestopis/zari.htm | |
88. Systema Saturnium By Christiaan Huygens: Introduction Huygens confided his Saturnian secret to few people. An important confidantwas the wellrespected Parisian astronomer ismael boulliau (1605-1694). http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/HST/Huygens/huygens-introduction.htm | |
89. Index III, VX Philo van Byzantium IV Philoctetes IV Philodemus XII Philodusus, Janus(=Daniel Heinsius) XVII Philolaus (=ismael boulliau) VII, IX Philonomus IV http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BrievenVanHugoDeGroot1594-1645/index/p | |
90. Revolução Copérnica - Time-Line Translate this page Planetas. 1645 - ismael boulliau propõe uma lei para uma força centralagindo sobre planetas que é proporcional ao inverso do quadrado. http://www.escolaemcasa.com.br/datas/website-rev/1645-rev.htm | |
91. CURRÍCULUM VITAE Translate this page Centre Cornell University Anys 1998 Durada 6 mesos Tema ismael Boulliauand the Scientific Revolution. Conferències per invitació. http://www.upf.edu/huma/professors/vmalet.htm | |
92. USGS Astro: Planetary Nomenclature - Moon Nomenclature Crater 18731944). Bullialdus 20.7S 22.2W 60.0 EU FR 94 LAC 5 1935 66 AABoulliau, ismael; French astronomer (1605-1694). Bunsen 41.4N http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/moon/mooncrat.html | |
93. ü¯¬@¯Ìf[^x[X The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.town.bisei.okayama.jp/stardb/dat/jinmei/dat_j_hu_04.html | |
94. Kronoloji 1644 Evangelista Torricelli, Civa barometresi ve yapay vacum. 1645 IsmaelBoulliau, Uydulara uygulanan merkezi kuvet için ters kare kanunu. http://www.sonboyut.net/kronoloji/koronoloj1631-1799.htm | |
95. UC San Diego /Allnoslide Search History) http://roger.ucsd.edu:2082/search/tEast Asian Films Collection/teast asian films | |
96. UC San Diego /All Locations http://roger.ucsd.edu:2082/search/tAppendix, containing a number of hymns/tappen |
97. Home Page 1 9 4 8, What is The Book Of Life? Whenever you raise your levelof consciousness for whatever reason, it could be for religious http://4tell.freeservers.com/ | |
98. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/graevius/volumes.htm | |
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