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         Boulliau Ismael:     more detail
  1. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-23
  2. Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Volumes 20-21 (Latin Edition) by Immanuel Bekker, Doukas, et all 2010-02-03
  3. Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Volume 21 (Latin Edition) by Immanuel Bekker, Doukas, et all 2010-02-10
  4. Collection Boulliau: An Inventory by Robert A. Hatch, 1983-04
  5. The Collection Boulliau (BN, FF. 13013-13059): An Inventory. Foreword by Harcourt Brown. by Ismaël (1605-1694)] HATCH, Robert A. [BOULLIAU, 1982-01-01
  6. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres ... (Portuguese Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-25
  7. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2009-06-13
  8. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-23
  9. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  10. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  11. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  12. Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694): Astronome, epistolier, nouvelliste et intermediaire scientifique : ses rapports avec les milieux du "libertinage erudit" (Studies ... Landen in de Nieuwe Tijd) (French Edition) by Henk J. M Nellen, 1994
  13. Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694), nieuwsjager en correspondent by H. J. M Nellen, 1980

41. Constantijn Huygens Instituut - Henk Nellen
Zijn proefschrift handelde over het correspondentienetwerk van eenzeventiende-eeuwse Franse geleerde ismael boulliau (1605-1694).
Henk Nellen
Op 19 november 1980 promoveerde H. Nellen aan de Katholieke Universiteit van Nijmegen. Zijn proefschrift handelde over het correspondentie-netwerk van een zeventiende-eeuwse Franse geleerde: Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694). Nieuwsjager en correspondent (Nijmegen 1980). Van dit proefschrift verscheen in 1994 een Franse vertaling.
Als medewerker van het Grotius-Instituut en het Constantijn Huygens Instituut werkte H. Nellen aan de uitgaven van de Briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius , delen XIII-XVII. Daarnaast verrichtte hij onderzoek naar andere aspecten van de zeventiende-eeuwse geleerde wereld. Momenteel heeft hij een biografie over Hugo de Groot in voorbereiding en is hij tevens betrokken bij Europa Humanistica, een repertorium van humanisten-editeurs uit de zestiende eeuw.
H. Nellen is bestuurslid van 'Grotiana', een stichting die de uitgave van de werken van Hugo Grotius bevordert. Tevens is hij secretaris van de Vereniging van Neolatinisten, een organisatie die een jaarlijkse nieuwsbrief uitgeeft en (meestal in het najaar) een studiedag verzorgt.
Belangrijkste publicaties (vanaf 1985)
Hugo de Groot (1583-1645). De loopbaan van een geleerd staatsman

42. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
Boscovich, Ruggero (160*) Bose, Satyendranath (186*) Bossut, Charles (159) Bougainville,Louis de (1054*) Bouguer, Pierre (688) boulliau, ismael (269) Bouquet

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43. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
Bouguer Born 16 Feb 1698 in Le Croisic, France Died 15 Aug 1758 in Paris, Franceboulliau, ismael boulliau Born 28 Sept 1605 in Loudun, France Died 25 Nov

44. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW
Translate this page 8.270.751 9.238.969 Boulez, Pierre 2.925.584 3.194.197 3.715.572 3.831.507 7.523.4037.567.102 8.085.605 Boulle, Pierre 7.301.570 boulliau, ismael 7.079.656
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45. Optics, Antiquariaat Forum
, 15.000,00. Prices in EUROS (€), shipping and BTW/VAT extra. 5. boulliau,ismael. De natura lucis. Paris, Ludovicus de Heuqueville, 1638. Small 8vo.
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LONGINUS, Caesar (or: CAESAR, Longinus).
Frankfurt, Jacobus Gothofr. Seylerus, 1673. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. (24), 498 pp.
Complete copy, with emblematic bookplate of the "Bibliotheca Venerab: Conventus Viennensis Rossaugia, Ord. Servorum B.M.V.".- (Old shelf-marks erased with ink on title; browned; inkstain in the lower inner margin of the central quires).
Duveen 366 (ed. of 1616); Caillet 6783 (ed. 1629, and 1663); not in Ferguson; see especially Thorndike VI, pp. 599-602: Appendix 5 "Zimara and the Trinum Magicum of Longinus Caesar or Caesar Longinus".
Prices in EUROS (€), shipping and BTW/VAT extra.
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Page 1 of 1 Antiquariaat FORUM B.V. Tuurdijk 16 3997 MS 't Goy-Houten, The Netherlands Phone: (+31) (0)30 601 1955 Fax: (+31) (0)30 601 1813 E-mail: Web:

46. , Antiquariaat Forum
Order Information. boulliau, ismael. De natura lucis. Paris,Ludovicusde Heuqueville,1638.Small 8vo.Contemporary vellum.With woodcut

47. Ismael Bullialdus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
thumb right ismael Bullialdus. ismael Bullialdus (boulliaud, boulliau)(September 28, 1605 November 25, 1694) was a French astronomer.
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Ismael Bullialdus
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Ismael Bullialdus (Boulliaud, Boulliau) ( September 28 November 25 ) was a French astronomer Born in Loudun Vienne France In , he suggested that gravitational force follows an inverse-square law He died in Paris , France.
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48. Mira Ceti, Een Wonderlijke Ster :: Volkssterrenwacht Mira
ismael boulliau (1605 94) kondigde in 1667 aan dat de variaties effectief periodischwaren, en dat de ster een periode had van 333 dagen, een waarde die erg
De ontdekking van Mira Ceti
Mira is echt niet zomaar een sterretje. David Fabricius (1564 - 1617), een Nederlandse amateur-astronoom, ontdekte de ster al op 13 augustus 1596. Fabricius rapporteerde een ster "helderder dan Alpha Arietis", die nochtans van 2de magnitude is. Fabricius kon de ster in geen enkele sterrencatalogus of -atlas terugvinden. Meerdere observaties in september 1596 toonden echter aan dat hij zich niet vergiste. Mira werd zwakker en zwakker, tot ze niet meer met het blote oog gezien kon worden. Fabricius vermoedde dat Mira een nova-ster was, en daarom verdween de ster uit zijn belangstelling. Een terugkerende nova was tot dan toe nog nooit gekend. Toch zou het kunnen dat Fabricius niet de eerste was die Mira zag. Vier jaar vroeger hadden Koreaanse en Chinese waarnemers een "gastster" in het sterrenbeeld Cetus waargenomen, die 15 maanden zichtbaar bleef. Waarschijnlijk is ze niet de hele tijd zichtbaar gebleven, en gaat het hier om waarnemingen van twee opeenvolgende maxima. Later werd Fabricius een pionier in het gebruik van de telescoop, die een tiental jaren na de ontdekking van Mira uitgevonden werd. Hij gebruikte de telescoop vooral voor zonnewaarnemingen.

49. List B
January 1815 in Copenhagen. Bullialdus boulliaud, boulliau, ismael (1605 1694) I. Bullialdus was born in Loudun on the 28. September 1605.
List B
This page is still under construction, this work will probably never finish.
(Entries marked with 'r' were revised after March 1999)
Babcock, Harold Delos (1882 - 1968)

Babcock, Horace Welcome (1912 - )

Babinet, Jaques (1794 - 1873)

Back, Ernst Emil Alexander (1881 - 1959)
Brag, Jonas (1781 - 1857)

Brahe, Tycho, see Tycho (1546 - 1601)
Brambilla, Enrico (1792 - 1828)

Brandes, Heinrich Wilhelm (1777 - 1834)
Bredichin, Feodor Alexandrowich (1831 - ) Bredman, Johann (1770 - ) ... De Ball, L. (1853 - ) Baade, Wilhelm Heinrich Walter Babcock, Harold Delos (1882 - 1968) Father of H. W. Babcock Babcock, Horace Welcome (1912 - ) Babinet, Jaques (1794 - 1873) J. Babinet was born in Lusignan, Dept. Vienne, on the 5. March 1794. He was Professor of mathematics in Fontenay-le-Comte and Professor of physics in Poitiers and at the College Louis- Grande in Paris. Babinet helped to improve the knowledge on astronomy with his works on optics. A list of his work is in Pogg., Vol. 1. Back, Ernst Emil Alexander (1881 - 1959) Ernst E. A. Back was born on the 21. October 1881 in Freiburg and visited school (Gymnasium) in Strasbourg until 1900. Before his studies on Physics in Tuebingen between 1909-13 he studied law from 1902-06 in Strasbourg, Munich and Berlin. Between 1907 and 1909 Back worked for the administration of justice in Alsac-Lorraine. In 1909 he asked for a leave to finish his studies on Physics, which was granted, and left the administration of justice in 1912. He received his Ph.D. (Dr.) 1913 in Tuebingen as a pupil of Friedrich Paschen. His thesis, titled 'Zur Prestonschen Regel', covered a topic which is today known as the 'Paschen-Back-Effect'. The main instrumental improvements which allowed Back to do his studies were on the light source, which had to work in a small gap only 4 mm (3/16") wide between the poles of a strong electromagnet.

50. Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution On The Web
140 AD Nicolas Copernicus (14731543) Tycho Brahe (1564-1601) Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)ismael boulliau (1605-1694) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Biography of


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51. Pier¶cienie Saturna - Astronomia I Kosmologia - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
W roku tym rozpoczal sledzenie wygladu Saturna ismael boulliau (16051694),wówczas juz obserwator z dwudziestoletnim stazem, i gdanszczanin Jan
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Astronomia Eseje Tematy Historia astronomii Narzêdzia i metody astronomii Astronomia sferyczna i praktyczna Badania kosmiczne ... Eseje
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Ka¿dy mi³o¶nik astronomii wie, ¿e Saturn By³ wiek XVII. Skierowanie ku niebu lunety wprowadzi³o do opisu Wszech¶wiata nieznan± wcze¶niej jako¶æ, spotêgowan± jeszcze przez nieporadno¶æ kszta³tuj±cego siê dopiero jêzyka nowej fizyki. Siedemnastowieczny uczony stawa³ wobec konieczno¶ci opisania zjawisk, które nie mia³y precedensu w jego obrazie ¶wiata i których natura dawa³a siê wyja¶niæ wy³±cznie za pomoc± teorii, le¿±cych poza obszarem wiedzy dostêpnej uczonemu. W tym to okresie, pomiêdzy rokiem 1610 a 1660, rozegra³a siê historia zagadkowego wygl±du Saturna. Po raz pierwszy dziwny wygl±d Saturna obwie¶ci³ ¶wiatu Galileusz. Relacjonuj±c obserwacje, wykonane za pomoc± lunety w lipcu 1610 roku, w³oski uczony pisa³ z Padwy w li¶cie do Belesario Vinty, sekretarza wielkiego ksiêcia Toskanii:

52. Cudowna I Bia³y Karze³ - Nowinki Astronomiczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
gwiazdy, która znikala i pojawiala sie przed oczyma zdumionych astronomów,wyznaczyl w 1667 r. Francuz ismael boulliau (16051694) - na 333 dni.
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Astronomia Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Cudowna i bia³y karze³
Henryk Jerzykiewicz
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Cudowna i bia³y karze³ Jedna z najbardziej znanych gwiazd zmiennych - Mira w Wielorybie - ma towarzysza. Wiedziano o tym od dawna, ale dopiero niedawno skoñczy³ siê proces rozszyfrowywania jego to¿samo¶ci.
W sierpniu 1596 r. fryzyjski mi³o¶nik astronomii David Fabricius (1564-1617) odnotowa³ pojawienie siê w konstelacji Wieloryba (Cetus) gwiazdy 3 wielko¶ci gwiazdowej. Gwiazdy takie nazywano w tamtych czasach nowymi i tak te¿ okre¶li³ j± w swym wydanym w 1690 r. katalogu gwiazd gdañski astronom Jan Heweliusz Nova in collo Ceti
Dzi¶ wiemy o Mirze sporo. Przede wszystkim, ¿e jest czerwonym olbrzymem, którego ¶rednica blisko 400 razy przewy¿sza ¶rednicê S³oñca . Rozdêta atmosfera Miry pulsuje, a zatem zmieniaj± siê jej wielko¶æ i temperatura powierzchniowa (od oko³o 1900 do 2600 stopni; w przypadku S³oñca mamy mniej wiêcej stale 5800 stopni), a przez to moc promieniowania, co przek³ada siê na wahania jasno¶ci. W ten sposób Cudowna zmienia sw± jasno¶æ na ziemskim niebie od jakich¶ 2 (staje siê wówczas najja¶niejsz± gwiazd± Wieloryba) do 10 wielko¶ci gwiazdowych (czyli znika z pola widzenia go³ego oka) z okresem 332 dni. Od niej wywodzi siê nazwa jednego z rodzajów gwiazd zmiennych pulsuj±cych (d³ugookresowych): gwiazdy typu Mira Ceti. Ale to nie wszystko. Od blisko 100 lat wiemy, ¿e omikron Ceti ma towarzysza, innymi s³owy, jest gwiazd± wizualnie podwójn±. Ten drugi sk³adnik ma jasno¶æ 13 wielko¶ci gwiazdowych i kr±¿y wokó³ czerwonego olbrzyma w do¶æ bezpiecznej odleg³o¶ci 100

53. Estrelas Variaveis
Translate this page holandês John Phocylides Holwarda (1618-1651) a viu aumentar de brilho novamente,afirmando que era um evento periódico, e em 1667 ismael boulliau (1605-1694
descobriu a variabilidade de brilho da estrela Cephei, e deduziu que a atmosfera da estrela estava aumentando de tamanho e depois reduzindo.
Porcentagem de estrelas variáveis no diagrama HR, descobertas pelo satélite Hipparcos. Harvard Circular, 173 Wiedemanns Annalen
onde a gravidade superficial, o raio estelar, a densidade e Em 1890 Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt (1842-1919), On Vibrations of an Atmosphere Lord Kelvin, (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 153, 583, 1863) Gaskugeln O meteorologista inglês Sir David Brunt (1886-1965) publicou em 1913, no The Observatory Em 1917 Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) The Observatory , 40, 290 e de 1918 no Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,92, 471 e de 1942, The Observatory Cepheids, e Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4.1 Edition OGLE MACHO e EROS ) de microlentes gravitacionais [ Bohdan Paczynski (1940-)
Luminous Blue Variables ; SPB, Slowly Pulsating B stars ; PNNV

54. Stelle Della Balena
Translate this page Nel 1667 ismael boulliau (1605-1694) annunciò che Mira diventava visibilead occhio nudo ogni 333 giorni circa. L’errore compiuto
Stelle della Balena
Su [ Stelle della Balena ] Nebulae della Balena a alfa ) Cet Menkar, Menkab a d p : 0,01482”; V: 2,54; M V : -1,1; spettro: M2III; B-V: 1,63; m : -0,01184”/-0,07876”; VR: -25,8 km/sec.; d: 220 a. l.; luminosità: 350; altre denominazioni: 92 Ceti; HIP 14135; HD 18884; HR 911; SAO 110920. Il nome significa naso , benché Menkar appaia spesso rappresentare le fauci spalancate del mostro. Si tratta di una gigante arancione, variabile irregolare a lungo periodo. A 15,8’ di distanza, in PA 5° (quasi perfettamente a nord), si trova la stella azzurra (B7III; v: 5,6)) 93 Ceti; le due stelle non formano una coppia fisica, ma in un telescopio a basso ingrandimento o in un buon binocolo offrono un bel contrasto di colori. b beta ) Cet Deneb Kaitos, Diphda a d p : 0,03404”; V: 2,04; M V : 0,7; spettro: K0III; B-V: 1,02; m : +0,24475”/+0,03271”; VR: +13,1 km/sec.; d: 95 a. l.; luminosità: 100; altre denominazioni: 16 Ceti; HIP 3419; HD 4128; HR 188; SAO 147420. Deneb Kaitos è la coda della balena ; gli Arabi la conoscevano anche come la seconda rana , la prima rana essendo Fomalhaut a PsA). In Cina era

55. STAR
varying brightness, ranging from the ninth to the second magnitude, was recognizedin 1639 by John Phocylides Holwarda, and in 1667 ismael boulliau (16051694
STAR and among the earliest civilizations bene- I ficent or malevolent influences were as- Period 50 signed to them (see ASTROLOGY). With iii to to the development of observational astro- days 50~~~ nomy the sidereal universe was arbitrarily Stars 73 8 divided into areas characterized by special ascemblages of stars; these assemblages were named asterisms or constellations, and each received a name suggested by mythological or other figures. The heavenly bodies fall into two classes: (I) the fixed stars, or stars proper, which retain the same relative positioi~ with respect to one another; and (2) the planets, which have motions of a distinctly individual character, and appear to wander among the stars proper. Numerous counts of the number of stars visible to the naked eye have been made; it is doubtful whether more than 2000 can be seen at one time from any position on the earth. When a telescope is employed this number is enormously increased, and still more so with the introduction of photographic methods; with modern appliances more than a hundred million of these objects may be rendered perceptible. From the value of the light-ratio we can construct a table showing the number of stars of each, magnitude which would together give as much light as a first magnitude star, viz.: 1st mag. 2nd mag. 3rd mag. 4th mag. 5th mag. 6th mag.

56. Home
Other Notable Historical Channelers were, ismael boulliau FrancePriest, Scientist, Librarian and Astronomer. Michel De Notre
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Home Page Inner Quest Page Photo Page ... Shopping Page Log on the Universal Consciousness and start Channelling
To log on you must first find a quiet comfortable place where you can relax. Total relaxation causes your brainwaves to switch from beta to alpha. You must then consciously and mentally reach out to the Universal Consciousness. At this point most novices panic and the connection is interrupted. But for those who can control their nerves and hold their mind and body perfectly still, a divine connection will be made. We know we are connected when we start hearing, in the form of a dialogue, the thoughts, words and deeds of individuals who are still alive as well as those who has passed on. Such recorded dialogue is the most accurate, uncensored account of events occurring at any one time in our universe. This record has been given many names but the one which best defines it, is 'The Book Of Life' (BOL). Only shaman can do this I hear you say. It's true, historically shamans, psychics and medicine men have been fascinated by the existence of such a mystical book and some even dedicated their lives to this spiritual quest. A celebrated few succeeded, Nostradamus in the middle ages and Edgar Cayce in the last century. But most failed, not because it was difficult or inaccessible, but they tried too hard, like cracking a nut with a sledge hammer. Instead of sliding gently in the daydreaming or Alpha zone they shot straight past into first the delta (light sleep) then the theta (deep sleep) zones. As we all know, these are the domain of dreams inhabited by demons and nightmares created by our own subconscious often to assist in solving task that we find impossible in our everyday life.

57. Physics Time-Line To 1799
Evangelista Torricelli, mercury barometer and artificial vacuum 1645 ismael boulliau,inverse square law for central force acting on planets 1648 Blaise
Themes Science Physics About Physics, Generalities ... Physics Time-Line Physics Time-Line to 1799
Nicolaus Copernicus
Thales of Miletus , prediction of an eclipse
Thales of Miletus , birth of scientific thought
Thales of Miletus , water as the basic element
Thales of Miletus , magnets and attraction to rubbed amber
Thales of Miletus , first cosmologies
Anaximenes , flat Earth
Pythagoras , understanding the world and mathematics
Anaximander , Earth surface is curved (cylinder)
Parmenides , paradoxes of change and motion Pythagoreans , Earth is a sphere Oenopides , finds angle of Earth's tilt to ecliptic Protagoras , reality comes from the senses Heraclitus , fire as primary substance Heraclitus , change is the essence of being Parmenides , Earth is a sphere Anaxagoras , materials are made of "seeds" (atoms) Anaxagoras , sun, moon and stars are made of same material as Earth Anaxagoras , sun as a hot glowing rock Eudoxus , Celestial spheres Empedocles , Four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water Philolaus , Earth Rotates Zeno , paradoxes of discrete or continuous space and time Leucippus , indivisble atoms Democritus , Atomic theory Plato , theory of knowledge Plato , ether as a fifth element Democritus , Milky Way is composed of many stars Aristotle , Free falling bodies accelerate but heavier bodies fall faster Heracleides , Venus and Mercury orbit the sun Chinese , recorded observation of a supernova Heracleides , Rotation of the Earth Aristotle , Earth is a sphere Aristotle

58. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
Treffer pro Seite. UB Innsbruck. BOULANGER. BOULANGER, boulliau, ismael. BOUNDARYVALUE-PROBLEMS,BOURDALOUE, Louis Prediche. BOURGEOIS, Louis Etude, BOURGINE, Ernest.

59. References For Boulliau
References for ismael boulliau. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Books G Bigourdan, Histoire
References for Ismael Boulliau
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • G Bigourdan, Histoire de l'astronomie d'observation et des observatoires en France (Paris, 1918).
  • R A Hatch, The Collection Boulliau (Philadelphia, 1982). Articles:
  • W Applebaum and R A Hatch, Boulliau, Mercator, and Horrocks's 'Venus in sole visa' : three unpublished letters, J. Hist. Astronom.
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    ismael Bullialdus. ismael Bullialdus (boulliaud, boulliau) (September28, 1605 November 25, 1694) was a French astronomer.
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    Ismael Bullialdus
    Ismael Bullialdus (Boulliaud, Boulliau) ( September 28 November 25 ) was a French astronomer Born in Loudun Vienne France In , he suggested that gravitational force follow an inverse-square law. He died in Paris , France.
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