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         Bougainville Louis De:     more books (71)
  1. Storms and Dreams: The Life of Louis de Bougainville (University of Alaska Press - Lives of Great Explorers) by John Dunmore, 2008-02-15
  2. The Pacific Journal of Louis-Antoine De Bougainville, 1767-1768 (Hakluyt Society, Third Series, 9)
  3. Storms and Dreams: Louis De Bougainville: Soldier, Explorer, Statesman by John Dunmore, 2010-08-16
  4. Adventure in the Wilderness: The American Journals of Louis Antoine De Bougainville, 1756-1760 (American Exploration and Travel Series)
  5. Euvres De Fréret: Eloge De Fréret / Par Bougainville ; Suivi De La Note De Ses Ouvrages. Lettres À Eugénie (French Edition) by Nicolas Fréret, Louis-Antoine De Bougainville, 2010-03-15
  6. Adventure in the Wildernessthe American Journals of Louis Antoine De Bougainville 1756-1760 by Edward P.Hamilton, 1964
  7. Traité Du Calcul Intégral Pour Servir De Suite À L'analyse Des Infinitiment Petits De M. Le Marquis De L'hôpital, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Louis-Antoine De Bougainville, 2010-02-05
  8. Euvres De Fréret: Recherches Sur Les Miracles. La Religion Chrétiene Analysée, Avec Les Notess Et Les Preuves. Religion Chrétienne.De L'origine Du Jeu Des Échecs (French Edition) by Nicolas Fréret, Louis-Antoine De Bougainville, 2010-03-29
  9. Euvres De Fréret: Observations Sur Les Oracles Rendues Par Les Ames Des Morts. Réflexions Sur Les Prodiges Rapportés Dans Les Anciens. Sur L'usage Des ... Chez Les Gaulois. Sur (French Edition) by Nicolas Fréret, Louis-Antoine De Bougainville, 2010-03-31
  10. Louis-Antoine De Bougainville, 1729-1811: A Study in French Naval History and Politics (Studies in French Civilization) by Mary Kimbrough, 1990-12
  11. Siebenjähriger Krieg (Person, Frankreich): Louis Antoine de Bougainville, Louis de Bourbon-Condé, Comte de Clermont, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm (German Edition)
  12. Voyage autour du monde par la frégate du Roi, la Boudeuse et la flûte l'Etoile by comte de Louis-Antoine Bougainville, J. (Jacques) Proust, 1982-06-04
  13. Voyage Autour Du Monde (Petits Classiques Larousse) (French Edition) by Louis Antoine De Bougainville, 2006-12
  14. Traite Du Calcul Integral, Pour Servir De Suite A L'Analyse Des Infiniment-Petits De M. Le Marquis De L'Hopital (1754) (French Edition) by Louis Antoine De Bougainville, 2010-09-10

1. Bougainville, Louis Antoine De. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. bougainville, louis Antoinede. (lw äNtwän´ d b g Nv l´) (KEY) , 1729–1811, French navigator.
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2. Bougainville, Louis Antoine De. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The Englis
bougainville, louis Antoine de. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage Fourth Edition. bougainville, louis Antoine de. DATES 1729–1811.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage Dictionary Bougainville ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

3. Louis-Antoine De Bougainville
bougainville ( louisAntoine de ) (1729-1811), avocat, adjudant, secrétaire d'ambassade, membre réformé, colonel, chevalier de Saint-louis, capitaine de frégate et de vaisseau
BOUGAINVILLE ( Louis-Antoine de ) Bougainville Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
Source : Benjamin Sulte, En 1756, on le choisit comme premier aide de camp du marquis de Montcalm er La correspondance et le Journal Journal la Boudeuse , 2 vol. Paris 1754-56; Voyage autour du monde , ib., 1771; Essai sur les navigat. Anc. et modern. , Rapp. de l'Acad. des Scienc. et Polit., t. I; , it. t. III; Lettres de Bougainville au Canada , Ottawa, Rapp. des Arch., 1926. Bibl. - H. Garneau, Hist. du Can. , t. II, Paris, 1913 ; A. G. Doughty, John Knox's Journ. , 3 vol., Toronto, 1916; Th. Chapais, Le marq. de Montcalm La Jeun. de Bougainville et la guerre de Sept ans Boug. soldat et marin , Paris, 1930.

4. Louis Antoine De Bougainville
You are in Museum of History Hall of North and South Americans louis Antoine de bougainville. Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. Six volumes, New York D. louis Antoine de bougainville. bougainville, louis Antoine de, navigator, born in Paris
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5. Biografía - Bougainville, Louis-Antoine
Navegante y explorador francés (17291811), durante su vuelta al mundo viajó por el Pacífico y tomó posesión de Haití. FICHA bougainville, louis-Antoine. Francia 1729 - 1811 d´un voyage aux
Francia 1729 - 1811
Alistado en la marina de guerra francesa, tenía a su cargo una fragata que formó parte de la flota que en 1764 se apoderó de las islas Malvinas, a las que dio nombre. Realizó un viaje exploratorio por el estrecho de Magallanes , tomando datos útiles sobre la ruta y los territorios visitados que son recogidos por el benedictino Dom Perraty en su obra "Histoire d´un voyage aux iles Malouines" y por el mismo Bougainville en su "Voyage autour du monde". Obligado a devolver las Malvinas a la Corona española en 1766 por el gobierno francés, emprende una expedición científica con el objetivo de dar la vuelta al globo, haciéndose acompañar de naturalistas, dibujantes y astrónomos. Así, comienza su periplo en 1766, surcando un año más tarde el estrecho de Magallanes y visitando las islas Pomotú. Este mismo año toma posesión para Francia de Haití, si bien antes lo había realizado Queirós en 1606 y Wallis ocho meses antes. Su viaje le llevó a Samoa y el archipiélago de las Salomón, cuya ubicación había sido ignorada desde su descubrimiento por Mendaña en 1567. Llegó a Nueva Guinea, las Molucas y Java, volviendo a Francia en 1769. Las impresiones y notas de su viaje aparecen publicadas en 1779, siendo además un elemento de apoyo y difusión a la teoría ilustrada acerca del carácter bondadoso del hombre en naturaleza. A los 65 años el gobierno francés le denegó el permiso para organizar una travesía al Polo. En premio a sus servicios prestados

6. Bougainville, Louis Antoine De
bougainville, louis Antoine de, lwE äNtwän du bOOgaNvEl PronunciationKey. bougainville, louis Antoine de , 1729–1811, French navigator.
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7. MSN Encarta - Bougainville, Louis Antoine De
Sign in above. bougainville, louis Antoine de. Find more about bougainville,louis Antoine de from, Related Items, Other Features from Encarta.
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Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Bougainville, Louis Antoine de Bougainville, Louis Antoine de (1729-1811), French military officer and navigator, known for his important contributions to science and geography... Related Items areas explored island named for Bougainville 5 items Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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bougainville, louis ANTOINE de (17291811), French navigator, was born at Paris on the 11th of November 1729. ~e was the son of a notary, and in early of colonel and the cross if St louis. He afterwards served in
BOUGAINVILLE, LOUIS ANTOINE DE Bougainvilles name is given to the largest member of the Solomon Islands, which belongs to Germany; and to the strait which divides it from the British island of Choiseul. It is also applied to the strait between Mallicollo and Espiritu Santo Islands of the New Hebrides group, and the South American climbing plant Bougainvillea, often cultivated in greenhouses, is named after him. STANISLAS JEAN, CHEVALIER DE BOUFFLERS BOUGHTON

9. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Bougainville Louis Antoine De
Encarta Search results for bougainville louis Antoine de . Page 1 of 1. louis 7. Magazine and news articles about bougainville louis Antoine de *.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Encarta Search results for "Bougainville Louis Antoine de" Page of 1 Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers Bougainville, Louis Antoine de Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Bougainville, Louis Antoine de (1729-1811), French military officer and navigator, known for his important contributions to science and geography... related items areas explored island named for Bougainville plant named for Bougainville Louis Antoine de Bourbon Angoulªme Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Angoulªme, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duc d’ (1775-1844), eldest son of King Charles X of France. He was appointed lieutenant-general of the kingdom... Louis Antoine L©on de Saint-Just Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Saint-Just, Louis Antoine L©on de (1767-94), French revolutionary leader, born in Decize, and educated in law at the University of Reims. In 1789,... Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de

10. Bougainville, Louis Antoine De
bougainville, louis Antoine de 17291811, French navigator. He accompanied Montcalm to Canada as aide-de-camp, and he later (c.1764) established a colony on the Falkland Islands but had to Bol -

bougainville, louis ANTOINE de (17291811), French navigator, was bornat Paris on the 11th of November 1729. louis ANTOINE de bougainville.
BOUGAINVILLE, LOUIS ANTOINE DE Bougainvilles name is given to the largest member of the Solomon Islands, which belongs to Germany; and to the strait which divides it from the British island of Choiseul. It is also applied to the strait between Mallicollo and Espiritu Santo Islands of the New Hebrides group, and the South American climbing plant Bougainvillea, often cultivated in greenhouses, is named after him. STANISLAS JEAN, CHEVALIER DE BOUFFLERS BOUGHTON

12. Bougainville, Louis Antoine De
bougainville, louis Antoine de. French navigator. After service withthe French in Canada during the Seven Years’ War, he made
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Bougainville, Louis Antoine de Several Pacific islands are named after him, as is the climbing plant bougainvillea
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13. Bougainville, Louis Antoine De
Pronunciation Key. bougainville, louis Antoine de , 17291811, French navigator louis Antoine de bougainville. bougainville, louisAntoine de bougainville, Comte de
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14. Bougainv
Translate this page bougainville, louis-Antoine de. * 1729 (Paris) - † 1811 (ebd.). Stammteaus einer adeligen Familie. Mit 34 Jahren wurde bougainville
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de
Royal Society. John Byron Drei Jahre später wurde Bougainville mit einer "Informationsreise" in den Pazifik beauftragt. Das Ziel dieser Unternehmung bestand im Auskundschaften der englischen Stützpunkte im Stillen Ozean. Mit zwei Schiffen, der Boudeuse und der Etoile
Auf seiner Weiterfahrt entdeckte er eine Gruppe von vier kleinen Inseln, die er auf den Namen "Quatre-Facardins" taufte (heute: Tehai, zur Tuamotu-Gruppe gehörend), und warf Anker vor Tahiti, das vermuteterweise bereits 1606 vom Spanier Pedro Fernandez de Quiros Samuel Wallis Auf Westkurs segelnd, steuerte Bougainville die Samoa-Gruppe an sowie eine Inselgruppe, die er auf den Namen "Louisiaden" (östlich von Neuguinea) taufte. Des weiteren fand er den Durchgang zwischen den Salomonen und der Bismarck-Gruppe, erforschte die nördliche Küste von Neuguinea, besuchte die holländische Niederlassung auf Borneo und kehrte um das Kap der Guten Hoffnung herum, über Ascension, Kap Verde und Terceira (Azoren) nach St. Malo am 16. Februar 1769 zurück.
Obwohl Samuel Wallis Literatur:
  • Bougainville, L.A.: Reise um die Welt. Berlin 1972

15. Louis-Antoine De Bougainville - LEXIQUE DES ANTHROPONYMES
BROWNING, John Moses BRUCE, David - BUZAS. louis Antoine de bougainville (comte) personnage historique (1729-1811) Navigateur français. Auteur du célèbre Voyage autour du monde ( 1771). bougainvillée ( BONAPARTE (les) - BORÉE - BOUDDHA - bougainville, louis Antoine de - BOURDALOUE - BOVARY, Emma

16. WIEM Bougainville Louis Antoine
bougainville louis Antoine de (17291811), francuski zeglarz, pierwszy, któryoplynal swiat dookola. Z wyksztalcenia prawnik, wstapil do wojska

17. Biografia De Bougainville, Louis-Antoine
Translate this page bougainville, louis-Antoine. (París, 1729-id., 1811) Marino y exploradorfrancés. Empezó su carrera militar en el ejército francés
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Bougainville, Louis-Antoine (París, 1729-id., 1811) Marino y explorador francés. Empezó su carrera militar en el ejército francés, participando en numerosas campañas durante la guerra de los Siete Años. En 1763, se alistó en la marina e inició una expedición que lo llevó al Atlántico Sur. Durante este viaje fundó una colonia en las islas Malvinas, que se vio obligado a abandonar debido a las pretensiones españolas sobre el archipiélago. Entre 1766 y 1769 encabezó una expedición científica a bordo de las fragatas Bordeaux y Étoile, en la que descubrió diversos archipiélagos de la Polinesia. Recorrió Tahití, de Samoa, las islas Salomón y las Nuevas Hébridas. En 1769 regresó a Francia, y dos años más tarde narró las vicisitudes de su extenso itinerario en la obra Voyage autour du monde. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

18. Louis-Antoine De Bougainville
bougainville, louisAntoine de.Adventure in the wilderness the American journalsof louis Antoine de bougainville, 1756-1760, translated and edited by Edward P
Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
Eighteenth Century French Sailor, Soldier, Statesman, Mathematician and leader of a Voyage around the world
The French Sailor, Soldier, Statesman and Mathematician, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, was one of the most interesting characters of the Eighteenth Century. Born in Paris in 1729, he led a voyage around the world in the 1760s which had far-reaching repercussions in the way European Society perceived life in the Pacific. The notion of the "Noble savage" had some of its roots in the reports given by members of Bougainville's expedition of their short time on the island of Tahiti. Links to other Bougainville sites Select Bougainville Bibliography Bougainville biography Proposed Bougainville book Links to other Bougainville sites Select Bougainville Bibliography
  • Biographies and accounts of the Voyage
    • Boissel, Thierry.

19. Louis-Antoine De Bougainville Biography
A short biography of louisAntoine de bougainville. This biography was last amendedin July 2002. A short biography of louis-Antoine de bougainville, 1729-1811.
A short biography of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
This biography was last amended in July 2002. Please let me know if you find any errors. Thanks. John Robson. Links to other Bougainville sites Select Bougainville Bibliography , and Proposed Bougainville book
A short biography of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, 1729-1811
The French Sailor, Soldier, Statesman and Mathematician, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, was one of the most interesting characters of the Eighteenth Century. Born in Paris in 1729, he started the first settlement in the Iles Malouines (Falkland Islands); he led a voyage around the world in the 1760s; he fought in the American War of Independence; he wrote mathematical treatises and was elected to scientific academies; and he survived a duel and the French Revoloution to become a friend of Napoleon and grow roses. After his death in 1811 he had islands, mountains and plants named after him. He was a Renaissance man in the Enlightenment. 1729-1755 Early Life
1756-1760 Seven Years War

1760-1763 Europe

1760-1765 The Malouines
1795-1811 Old age, honours and awards
1729-1755 Early Life Louis-Antoine de Bougainville was born on 12 November 1729, the youngest of the three children of Pierre-Yves de Bougainville and Marie-Francoise d'Arboulin. It is thought that the Bougainvilles originally came from the Picardy region of France, north of Paris, though when the family moved to Paris is uncertain. A small village a few kilometres east of Amiens is called Bougainville. The family lived at 21 Rue de la Barre du Bec (it later became part of the Rue du Temple) near the Chatelet where Pierre-Yves was a notary. Their first child was Jean-Pierre, born on 1 December 1722 and he was followed in 1727 by the only daughter, Marie-Francoise, named after her mother.

20. Louis-Antoine De Bougainville --  Encyclopædia Britannica
bougainville, louisAntoine de Encyclopædia Britannica Article. louis-Antoinede bougainville. born Nov. APA style louis-Antoine de bougainville.

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