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Bortolotti Ettore: more detail | |||||
21. SpiritLive(TM) Mr Chris Kenny, Mrs Frances Elmore, ettore, Mario Cimbro bortolotti, Ruby Robert CarlysleSmith, Hugh Lugden, Mrs L http://ststephens-cathedral.catholicau.com/Newsletter.html | |
22. Matematici Italiani - Wikipedia bortolotti, Enea (1896 - 1942); bortolotti, ettore(1866 - 1947); bortolotti, Pietro (1818 - 1894); Boschetti, Luigi http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matematici_italiani |
23. La Matematica Italiana 1800-1950 ettore bortolotti, in occasione http://www.math.unifi.it/matematicaitaliana/schede_opere/40riccardi70.html | |
24. Kändisars Födelsedagar - Version 3.0 Namn ettore bortolotti Nationalitet italiensk Yrke matematiker Född 6 mars1866 Död 194702-17 Antal sökningar 30 Med i registret sedan 2001-03-06. http://www.mats-andersson.se/fodd/sok.asp?sok=namn&ID=4734 |
25. Kändisars Födelsedagar - Version 3.0 Cyrano de Bergerac, författare, 385 år. ettore bortolotti, matematiker, 1866,Avled 194702-17. Naum Ilich Akhiezer, matematiker, 1901, Avled 1980-06-03. http://www.mats-andersson.se/fodd/sok.asp?sok=dag&namn=06-03 |
26. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 1424 - 1484) Born, Max (1882 - 1970) Borsuk, Karol (1905 - 1982) Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus(1868 - 1931) bortolotti, ettore (1866 - 1947) Bosanquet, Lancelot http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
27. Llista Col.legiats Translate this page Blum, Rene Natan. Bohm, Carlos. Boix Sans, Tomàs. Borgarello Allasia, Susana B.bortolotti, ettore. Bosch Capdevila, Silvia. Boyer, Philippe. Brau Maire, Isabel. http://www.coec.net/girona/llistat-colegiat.asp?nom= |
28. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (1868 - 1931). bortolotti, ettore (1866 - 1947).Bosanquet, Lancelot (1903 - 1984). Boscovich, Ruggero (1711 - 1787). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
29. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Borda, Jean (121) Borel, Félix (219*) Borgi, Piero (51) Born, Max (766*) Borsuk,Karol (95*) Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (70) bortolotti, ettore (210) Bosanquet http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
30. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Borda, Jean (121) Borel, Emile (219*) Borgi, Piero (51) Born, Max (766*) Borsuk,Karol (1109*) Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (70) bortolotti, ettore (210), Bosanquet http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
31. Aligi Sassu - Ettore Gianferrari Translate this page ettore GIANFERRARI. Fondatore dellomonima galleria, conosciuto da Sassu attraversolo scultore di Bergamo Timo bortolotti, sarebbe diventato uno dei http://www.aligisassu.it/argtxtit/arg003.htm | |
32. Aligi Sassu - Ettore Gianferrari ettore GIANFERRARI. The founder of the gallery bearing his name, whom Sassu metthrough the Bergamo sculptor Timo bortolotti, he went on to become one of the http://www.aligisassu.it/argtxten/arg003.htm | |
33. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Borda, Jean (121) Borel, Emile (219*) Borgi, Piero (51) Born, Max (766*) Borsuk,Karol (1109*) Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (70), bortolotti, ettore (210) Bosanquet http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
34. Library Book Catalog Foreign Lang, Boole, George, X, Analysis Matematico de la Logica, 1960. ForeignLang, bortolotti, ettore, X, L Ecole Mathematique de Bologne Apercu Historique,1929. http://thisisnotthat.com/services/webbooks.htm | |
35. Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek. Ångströmbiblioteket - Nyförvärv London Butterworth, 1958. 238 s. tab. bortolotti, ettore. L École mathématiquede Bologne aperçu historique. - Bologna Nicola Zanichelli, 1928. http://www.ub.uu.se/linne/ang/dec02.htm | |
36. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Born 7 Aug 1868 in St Petersburg, Russia Died 15 July 1931 in Berlin, Germany bortolotti,ettore bortolotti Born 6 March 1866 in Bologna, Italy Died 17 Feb http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=B |
37. OHST Home Page - Book Holdings Leo S. Olschki, no date. Cahiers du Séminaire d Epistemologie et d Histoiredes Sciences 17 TorricelliII. bortolotti, ettore. University de Nice, 1984. http://ohst7.berkeley.edu/LocalInfo/books.html | |
38. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Borda, Jean (121*) Borel, Emile (219*) Borgi, Piero (51) Born, Max (766*) Borsuk,Karol (1109*) Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (845*) bortolotti, ettore (210) Bosanquet http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
39. Informazioni Generali ettore bortolotti (1866-1947 http://www.dm.unibo.it/libradm/document/ibiblioteca_sf/geninf_lib.html | |
40. Syllogismos - U.M.I. Translate this page Gino Loria (2), Angiolo Procissi, Amedeo Agostini, Ugo Cassina (2), ettore bortolotti,Giacomo Candido, Alessandro Padoa, Giuseppe Burnengo, Alpinolo Natucci http://www.syllogismos.it/libristorici\umi.htm | |
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