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         Boole George:     more books (100)
  1. MODERN LOGIC: THE BOOLEAN PERIOD: BOOLE: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by John Corcoran, 2006
  2. Les lois de la pensée by George Boole, 2002-10-07
  3. The Mathematical Analysis Of Logic: Being An Essay Towards A Calculus Of Deductive Reasoning (1847) by George Boole, 2010-09-10
  4. The mathematical psychology of Gratry and Boole: Translated from the language of the higher calculus into that of elementary geometry by Mary Everest Boole, 1897
  5. The Mathematical anaylsis of Logic by George Boole, 1951-01-01
  6. A Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences, 3rd ed by George / Moulton, John F. - editor Boole, 1926
  7. The Mathematical Analysis Of Logic: Being An Essay Towards A Calculus Of Deductive Reasoning (1847) by George Boole, 2010-05-22
  8. Calculus of Finite Differences. (FOURTH EDITION) by George Boole, 1957-01-01
  9. ON THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WHICH DETERMINE THE FORM OF THE ROOTS OF ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS. In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Vol. 154 Part III, 1865 pp. 733-755. by George. BOOLE, 1865
  10. An Investigation of THE LAWS OF THOUGHT on Which the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities - Collected Logical Works Volume II by George Boole, 1952
  11. A Treatise on Differential Equations by George Boole, 2010
  12. Die Grundlehren Der Endlichen Differenzen Und Summenrechnung (1867) (German Edition) by George Boole, 2010-09-10
  13. Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences 3d Edition (Edited by J.F. Moulton) by George Boole, 1946-01-01

81. George Boole: De Logica Van Een Schoenmakerszoon
george boole (18151864), bedenker van wat later de booleaanse algebra is gaanheten, werd geboren in Lincoln, Engeland, als zoon van een schoenmaker.
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82. Auteur - Boole, George
Translate this page Auteur boole, george, 1 document trouvé. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer,Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage An investigation of

83. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
Click Here boole, george. (181564). Mathematician and logician,born in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, EC England, UK. He was largely self

84. Mary Everest Boole
Through her uncle, Mary met george boole, an already famous mathematician. 510. MacHale,Desmond. george boole His Life and Work, boole Press, Dublin, 1985.
Mary Everest Boole
Written by Michelle Frost, Class of 1997 (Agnes Scott College)
Mary Everest Boole was born in England in 1832. It was not long thereafter that her father, Dr. Thomas Everest, a minister, moved the family to Poissy, France in order to cure his serious illness. At the time, Mary was five years old and her brother, George, was only two. Although growing up in Poissy gave Mary a chance to be exposed to a different culture and language, life was sometimes difficult and lonely. For example, it was hard for the Everest's, coming from the tradition of an English minister, to live in a town that was French Catholic. Dr. Everest believed strongly in homeopathy, a medical system whose main objective was to promote health and prevent disease. Some customs of homeopathy were extreme, such as baths in ice water to help resist disease. It was during Dr. Everest's curing process that Mary stayed very loyal to him, even participating in some of the homeopathic customs. It was Mary's uncle, George Everest, who made the family name famous. Colonel Sir George Everest was the Surveyor General of India. He was largely responsible for completion of the trigonometric survey of India along the meridan arc from the south of India extending north to Nepal. The completion of the Indian survey allowed the subsequent survey of Mt. Everest (at the time un-named) and calculation of its summit height. It was later renamed in honor of George Everest. Mary and her Uncle George were very close and George had hoped to adopt her. But Mary loved her parents too much to ever agree to the adoption.

85. George Boole: A Who2 Profile
george boole • Mathematician. george boole Good biography with a curiousdetail about his death, george boole Online text of some of his work.
GEORGE BOOLE Mathematician Mostly a self-taught mathematician, George Boole rose to prominence and earned a teaching position based on his writings on differential equations and algebraic problems. During the 1840s and 1850s he developed a notational system that showed that logical statements could be represented by algebraic equations. Applied to set theory, Boolean algebra described the relationships between groups, reducing them to simple equations. His system, linking logic with mathematics, was instrumental in the development of digital computer systems.
Extra credit : Boole's wife, Mary Everest Boole, was the niece of Sir George Everest, for whom the big mountain is named.
For more information on what a "Boolean search" is, read up on Boole's role in our loop, Who's What?
George Boole

Good biography with a curious detail about his death George Boole
Online text of some of his work George Boole
Brief recap of his career, mostly for younger readers George Boole
Good biographical details in this profile Birth:
2 November
England Death:
8 December 1864 (Pneumonia) Best Known As: Developer of Boolean algebra Shop for Posters at

86. MicroMegas • P A P E L E R Í A • George Boole
Translate this page george boole (1815-1864). Click Here! boole recluyó la lógica a unaálgebra simple. También trabajó en ecuaciones diferenciales
Boole recluyó la lógica a una álgebra simple. También trabajó en ecuaciones diferenciales, el cálculo de diferencias finitas y métodos generales en probabilidad. Boole primero concurrió a una escuela en Lincoln, luego a un colegio comercial. Sus primeras instrucciones en matemática, sin embargo fueron de su padre quién le dio también a George la afición para la construcción de instrumentos ópticos. El interés de George se volvió a los idiomas y recibió instrucción en Latín de una librería local. A la edad de 12 años había llegado a ser tan hábil en Latín que provocaba controversia. Él tradujo del Latín una Oda del poeta Horacio de lo cual su padre estaba tan orgulloso que tenía su publicación. No obstante el talento era tal que un maestro de Escuela local cuestionaba que nadie con 12 años podría haber escrito con tanta profundidad. Boole no estudió para un grado académico, pero a la edad de 16 años fue un profesor auxiliar de colegio. El mantuvo su interés en idiomas e intentó ingresar a la Iglesia. Desde 1835, sin embargo, pareció haber cambiado de idea ya que abrió su propio colegio y empezó a estudiar matemáticas por si mismo. Tardó en darse cuenta que había perdido casi cinco años tratando de aprender las materias en vez de tener un profesor experto. En ese periodo Boole estudió los trabajos de Laplace y Lagrange, tomando apuntes, los cuales llegaron a ser más tarde las bases para sus primeros papeles matemáticos. De cualquier modo el recibió estímulos de Duncan Gregory quién se encontraba en Cambridge por ese tiempo y del editor "Cambridge Mathematical Formal" recientemente fundado.

87. Smart Computing Dictionary
boole, george. george boole was a selftaught nineteenth century mathematician.boole argued that logic was useful within mathematics, as well as philosophy.

88. Smart Computing Encyclopedia
Smart Computing ® Encyclopedia. boole, george. See george boole. Copyright Legal Information Privacy Policy Site Map Contact Us Need Site Help?

89. MSN Encarta - Boole, George
Translate this page boole, george. boole, george (1815-1864), mathématicien et logicien anglais. Médias. Plusde résultats pour boole, george, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Boole, George Boole, George (1815-1864), math©maticien et logicien anglais. M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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Plus de r©sultats pour Boole, George Autres fonctionnalit©s Encarta

90. The Globe And Mail
It was 150 years ago that george boole published his classic The Laws of Thought,in which he outlined concepts that form the underpinnings of the modern high
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91. George Boole
Go Back index biographies george boole. Nov 2, 1815 Dec 8, 1864, Lincoln, England.principal papers. hardware. software. keywords. see also. related subjects.

George Boole
Nov 2, 1815 - Dec 8, 1864, Lincoln, England
principal papers hardware software keywords
see also
related subjects Achievement George Boole laid the groundwork for what we know today as Information Theory through the publication of his masterpiece, An Investigation of the laws of Thought, on which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities. In this work, published when the author was 39, Boole reduced logic to an extremely simple type of algebra, in which 'reasoning' is carried out through manipulating formulas simpler than those used in second-year traditional algebra. His theory of logic, which recognizes three basic operations - AND, OR and NOT - was to become germane to the development of telephone circuit switching and the design of electronic computers. Biography
Honors and awards Last Updated on July 12, 2001 For suggestions please mail the editors

92. Georges Boole Philosophe Ou Matématicien?
Paper by Sabine S©guin (in French).

93. Biografia Di Boole
boole. Formatosi
Boole, George Boole, George (Lincoln 1815 - Cork 1864), logico e matematico britannico che elaborò l'algebra di Boole. Formatosi principalmente come autodidatta, nel 1849 venne nominato professore di matematica al Queen's College (attuale University College) di Cork, in Irlanda. Nel 1854 Boole delineò un sistema algebrico che venne successivamente denominato algebra booleana, nella quale le proposizioni vengono formalizzate con una notazione simbolica e le procedure di calcolo si possono condurre grazie a operatori matematici corrispondenti alle leggi della logica . L' algebra booleana è di primaria importanza per lo studio della matematica pura e nella progettazione degli odierni computer. Torna all'inizio di biografie di grandi matematici Vota questo sito!

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