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         Boole George:     more books (100)
  1. A Treatise On Differential Equations by George Boole, 2010-04-01
  2. The Mathematical Analysis Of Logic: Being An Essay Towards A Calculus Of Deductive Reasoning (1847) by George Boole, 2007-11-03
  3. Treatise on differential equations. Supplementary volume by George Boole, 2010-08-28
  4. Boole: 1815-1864 : l'oiseau de nuit en plein jour (Un Savant, une epoque) (French Edition) by Souleymane Bachir Diagne, 1989
  5. The Boole-DeMorgan Correspondence, 1842-1864 (Oxford Logic Guides)
  6. Calculus of Finite Differences (Classic Reprint) by George Boole, 2010-03-23
  7. Treatise by George Boole, 2009-11-23
  8. George Boole: His Life and Work by Des MacHale, 1985
  9. Academics at University College Cork: Academics at Queens College Cork, George Boole, Carol Rumens, Charles Lynch, Charles Wyville Thomson
  10. British Philosophers: Ludwig Wittgenstein, C. S. Lewis, Karl Popper, Michael Polanyi, Derek Parfit, George Boole, Ralph Cudworth
  11. Academics at Queens College Cork: George Boole, Charles Wyville Thomson, Andrew Leith Adams, Robert Kane, Frederick Bickell Guthrie
  12. Boole, George: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Tom Wall, 2002
  13. Précurseur de L'informatique: Blaise Pascal, Alan Turing, Jacques de Vaucanson, George Boole, Charles Babbage, Al-Khawarizmi, Bryan Donkin (French Edition)
  14. Mathématicien Britannique: Andrew Wiles, Paul Dirac, Alan Turing, John Maynard Keynes, Oliver Heaviside, Roger Penrose, George Boole (French Edition)

21. George Boole
George Boole. This article is not about GeorgeBoolos, another mathematical logician.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
George Boole
This article is not about George Boolos , another mathematical logician. George Boole November 2 December 8 ) was a mathematician and philosopher As the inventor of Boolean algebra , the basis of all modern computer arithmetic, Boole is regarded as one of the founders of the field of computer science His father was a tradesman of limited means, but of studious character and active mind. Being especially interested in mathematical science, the father gave his son his first lessons; but the extraordinary mathematical powers of George Boole did not manifest themselves in early life. At first his favourite subject was classics. Not until the age of seventeen did he attack the higher mathematics, and his progress was much retarded by the want of efficient help. When about sixteen years of age he became assistant-master in a private school at Doncaster , and he maintained himself to the end of his life in one grade or other of the scholastic profession. Few distinguished men, indeed, have had a less eventful life. Almost the only changes which can be called events are his successful establishment of a school at Lincoln , its removal to Waddington, his appointment in 1849 as professor of mathematics in the Queen's College at Cork, and his marriage in 1855 to Miss Mary Everest, who, as Mrs Boole, afterwards wrote several useful educational works on her husband's principles.

22. Définition Du Mot Boole George. Voyage Au Coeur Du PC
Translate this page boole george. Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateurde la logique moderne qui porte son nom logique Booléenne . George

23. Matematicos
Matem¡tico ingl©s (1815 1864).
George Boole
Laplace y Lagrange , tomando apuntes, los cuales llegaron a ser más tarde las bases para sus primeros papeles matemáticos. De cualquier modo el recibió estímulos de Duncan Gregory quién se encontraba en Cambridge por ese tiempo y del editor "Cambridge Mathematical Formal" recientemente fundado.
Boole fue incapaz de tomar los consejos de Duncan Gregory y estudiar cursos en Cambridge; ya que necesitaba los ingresos de su colegio para cuidar a sus padres. No obstante él comenzó a estudiar álgebra. Una aplicación de métodos algebraicos para la solución de ecuaciones diferenciales fue publicada por Boole en el "Transaction of the Royal Society" y por este trabajo recibió la medalla de la Real Sociedad. Su trabajo matemático fue el comienzo que le trajo fama.
Boole también tradujo en ecuaciones diferenciales, el influyente "Tratado en Ecuaciones Diferenciales" apareció en 1859, el cálculo de las diferencias finitas, "Tratado sobre el Cálculo de las Diferencias Finitas" (1860), y métodos generales en probabilidad. Publicó alrededor de 50 escritos y fue uno de los primeros en investigar las propiedades básicas de los números, tales como la propiedad distributiva que fundamento los temas del álgebra.
Hirst describe a Boole como:
......Evidentemente una capacidad extrema y al mismo tiempo un hombre genial.

24. Roger P@rsons_world Of George Boole
Biography from Roger Parsons' Lincolnshire World , by Eileen Harrison.
p@rsons_world of...
Written by Eileen Harrison, Lincoln Cathedral Guide,
for the Information Desk at Lincoln Cathedral. 1993. George Boole
Mathematician and Philosopher

Born: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Today, George Boole is rightly regarded as one of the founding fathers of computing and information technology. George Boole is the unsung hero of the Information Revolution. It was his genius that set the scene for all the technological innovation that we take for granted today, from digital recordings and television through to the Internet itself. Eileen Harrison's article sets the record straight.
This is known as the "Teaching Window". The story of "the calling of Samuel" in the lower medallion was suggested by George's wife, as it was one of his favourite passages in the Bible. The centre medallion is of Christ with the teachers in the temple and the top one of Christ teaching "Render unto Caesar". Beneath the window is a brass plaque: "In memory of George Boole, Dr of Laws, of Lincoln. A man of acutist intellect and manifold learning, who, being specially exercised in the severer sciences, diligently explored the recesses of mathematics and happily illuminated them by his writings. He was carried off by an untimely death in 1864." Sadly, insufficient money was raised for a City memorial.

25. Papers Of George Boole - Library University College Cork - Ireland
Brief overview of his papers at University College Cork Library.
Papers of George Boole
The papers of George Boole, first Professor of Mathematics at Queen’s College Cork, are preserved in the archives section of the library which bears his name, the Boole Library, University College, Cork. The inventor of Boolean logic, he laid the foundations in the latter half of the nineteenth century of a system of mathematical expression which formed the basis for all modern computer languages. The collection consists mainly of personal letters to and from Boole which were collected by his sister Maryann, who had hoped one day to publish a biography of her famous brother. This archive offers us insights into the life of George Boole from the period immediately prior to his arrival in Cork in 1849, until his death in 1864. Very few of Boole’s academic works are preserved here, however drafts of unpublished lectures dealing with such topics as astronomy, ancient mythology, education and one entitled "Are the Planets Inhabited?" are extant. Boole’s letters home to his sister after his arrival in Ireland contain valuable social information on the Cork of the mid nineteenth century, where lavish banquets were given to the elite while crowds of beggars thronged the streets. In October 1849 he describes one encounter with Cork’s poor which

26. Boole
Biography from the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
George Boole
Born: 2 Nov 1815 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
Died: 8 Dec 1864 in Ballintemple, County Cork, Ireland
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George Boole first attended a school in Lincoln, then a commercial school. His early instruction in mathematics, however, was from his father who also gave George a liking for constructing optical instruments. George's interests turned to languages and he received instruction in Latin from a local bookseller. By the age of 12 George had become so skilled in Latin that it provoked an argument. He translated an ode by the Latin poet Horace which his father was so proud of that he had it published. However the talent was such that a local schoolmaster disputed that any 12 year old could have written with such depth. Boole did not study for an academic degree, but from the age of 16 he was an assistant school teacher. He maintained his interest in languages and intended to enter the Church. From 1835, however, he seems to have changed his mind for he opened his own school and began to study mathematics on his own. He was later to realise that he had almost wasted five years in trying to teach himself the subject instead of having a skilled teacher. At this time Boole studied the works of Laplace and Lagrange , making notes which would later be the basis for his first mathematics paper. However he did receive encouragement from

27. Boole, George
encyclopediaEncyclopedia boole, george. boole, george, 1815–64, English mathematicianand logician. Related content from HighBeam Research on george boole.
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28. Boole, George (1815-1864) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
boole, george (18151864), English mathematician who was the author of several classicworks on mathematical logic. MacHale, D. george boole His Life and Work.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality English
Boole, George (1815-1864)

English mathematician who was the author of several classic works on mathematical logic As a child, he taught himself Latin and Greek in the belief it would enable him to rise above his wretched lower-class existence. He spent four years teaching at elementary schools, at which time he studied and on his own. Following this, he discovered the usefulness of invariants. His most important work was in the separation of symbols from operations and creation of mathematical logic In the works The Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847) and Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854) he established formal logic and Boolean algebra (the algebra of sets). In Treatise on Differential Equations (1859), he pointed out parallels between differential operators and the rules of algebra.
References Bell, E. T. "Complete Independence: Boole." Ch. 23 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 433-447, 1986. Boole, G. and Moulton, J. F. A Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences, 2nd rev. ed.

29. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Boole, George
boole, george (b. 1815, Lincoln, UK, d. 1864, Cork, Ireland). Inhis principal work, An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on
Boole, George (b. 1815, Lincoln, UK, d. 1864, Cork, Ireland). In his principal work, An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities (1854), Boole established a new branch of mathematics, symbolic logic, in which symbols are used to represent logical operations. Tadeusz Zawidzki References Zusne, Leonard (1984). Biographical dictionary of psychology . Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. bookstore Last updated: May 11, 2004

30. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Boole, George
Brentano, Franz (b. 1838, Germany, d. 1917, Zürich, Switzerland,Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Tübingen, 1862). He is known
Brentano, Franz intentionality or internal object-directedness of thought, and his revival of Aristotelianism and empirical methods in philosophy and psychology. Tadeusz Zawidzki References Audi, Robert, ed. (1995). The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy . New York: Cambridge University Press. bookstore Last updated: May 11, 2004

31. George Boole --  Encyclopædia Britannica
boole, george Encyclopædia Britannica Article. and high school students. , boole, george (1815–64). For centuries philosophers

32. George Boole --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
boole, george Britannica Student Encyclopedia. and high school students. , boole, george (1815–64). For centuries philosophers have

33. Boole, George Definition Of Boole, George In Computing. What Is Boole, George? M
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34. George Boole
Translate this page george boole (1815 - 1864). Der englische Mathematiker und Logiker george boolearbeitete sich in seiner Jugend als Autodidakt in die Mathematik ein.
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George Boole (1815 - 1864)
Der englische Mathematiker und Logiker 1854 publizierte Boole An investigation into the Laws of Thought, on Which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities . Boole reduzierte die Logik auf neue Weise auf eine Algebra, die sogenannte Algebra der Logik und verband so die Logik mit der Mathematik. powered by Uwe Wiedemann

35. George Boole En El Diccionario Soviético De Filosofía / 1965
Translate this page george boole versión digital del artículo publicado en el Diccionario filosóficodirigido por MM Rosental y PF Iudin / 1965. george boole (1815-1864).
Ediciones Pueblos Unidos, Montevideo 1965 George Boole Charles Peirce,

36. Boole, George. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Edition. 2001. boole, george. 1815–64, English mathematician and logician.He became professor at Queen’s College, Cork, in 1849.
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37. Boole, George
boole, george. English mathematician. His work The Mathematical Analysisof Logic (1847) established the basis of modern mathematical
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Boole, George English mathematician. His work The Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847) established the basis of modern mathematical logic, and his Boolean algebra can be used in designing computers.
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38. Dictionary Of Computers, Multi-Media And The Internet - Boole, George
Computers. boole, george (1815–1864) English mathematician. His workThe Mathematical Analysis of Logic 1847 established the basis
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Frames not supported Index A B C D ... Z Computers English mathematician. His work The Mathematical Analysis of Logic 1847 established the basis of modern mathematical logic, and his Boolean algebra can be used in designing computers. Boole was born in Lincoln and was largely self-taught. In 1849 he was appointed professor of mathematics at Queen's College in Cork, Ireland. In 1847 he announced that logic was more closely allied to mathematics than to philosophy. He argued not only that there was a close analogy between algebraic symbols and those that represented logical forms but also that symbols of quantity could be separated from symbols of operation. These ideas received fuller treatment in An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities
Helicon Publishing LTD 2000.

39. Boole_Note
gallery index. george boole. One of the founders of symbolic logic,ie the logic expressed in terms of algebraic operations. De Morgan
George Boole One of the founders of symbolic logic, i.e. the logic expressed in terms of algebraic operations. De Morgan and he published their books on symbolic logic almost at the same time in 1847. Boole's Mathematical Analysis of Logic clearly presents his idea that the same symbolic system of algebra can express both Aristotelian syllogism and Stoic propositional logic, if we change the interpretation of symbols. However, his algebraic method was still poor as regards quatification, i.e. the logic of "all" and "some". Boole also contributed to the algebraic basis of probability theory. See a biography in MacTuror History of Math. BACK TO BOOLE PICTURE BACK TOGALLERY INDEX Last modified March 7, 2000. (c) Soshichi Uchii

boole, george (18151864), English logician and mathematician, was bornin Lincoln on the an.d of November 1815. His limited. george boole.
BOOLE, GEORGE During the last few years of his life Boole was constantly engaged in extending his researches with the object of producing a second edition of his Differential Equations much more complete than the first edition; and part of his last vacation was spent in the libraries of the Royal Society and the British Museum. But this new edition was never completed. Even the manuscripts left at his death were so incomplete that Todhunter, into whose. hands they were put, found it impossible to use them in the publication of a second edition of the original treatise, and wisely printed them, in 1865, in a supplementary volume. Still more original and remarkable, however, was that part of his system, fully stated in his Laws of Thought, which formed a general symbolic method of logical inference. Given any proposrtions involving any number of terms, Boole showed how, by the purely symbolic treatment of the premises, to draw any conclusion logically contained in those premises. The second pact of the Laws of Thought contained a corresponding attempt to discover a general method in probabilities, which should enable us from the given probabilities of any system of events to determine the consequent probability of any other event logically connected with the given events. Though Boole published little except his mathematical and logical works, his acquaintance with general literature -was wide and deep. Dante was his favorite poet, and he preferred the Paradiso to the Inferno. The metaphysics of Aristotle, the ethics of Spinoza, the philosophical works of Cicero, and many kindred works, were also frequent subjects of study. His reflections upon scientific, philosophical and religious questions are contained in four addresses upon The Genius of Sir Isaac Newton, The Right Use of Leisure, The Claims of Science and The Social Aspect of Intellectual Culture, which he delivered and printed at different times.

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