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         Boole George:     more books (100)
  1. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought by George Boole, 2010-04-02
  2. The Mathematical Analysis of Logic: Being an Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning (Classic Reprint) by George Boole, 2010-03-18
  3. Calculus Of Finite Differences by George Boole, 2008-11-04
  4. George Boole - Selected Manuscripts on Logic and its Philosophy (Science Networks. Historical Studies)
  5. A Boole Anthology: Recent and Classical Studies in the Logic of George Boole (Synthese Library)
  6. On Boole (Wadsworth Philosophers Series) by Dale Jacquette, 2001-11-21
  7. Collected logical works by George Boole, 2010-08-24
  8. George Boole: A Miscellany
  9. Derivation of the Laws of the Symbols of Logic from the Laws of the Operations of the Human Mind: An Excerpt from the Writings of George Boole by George Boole, 1991-02
  10. People From Lincoln (District): People From Lincoln, Lincolnshire, George Boole, Mark Byford, Jim Broadbent, Lee Swaby, Ashley Bayes, John Ward
  11. Treatise on the calculus of finite differences; by George Boole, 2010-08-27
  12. A Treatise On Differential Equations, Volume 2 by George Boole, 2010-04-01
  13. Studies in Logic and Probability (Dover Phoenix Editions) by George Boole, 2004-11-23
  14. An Investigation Of The Laws Of Thought: On Which Are Founded The Mathematical Theories Of Logic And Probabilities by George Boole, 2007-07-25

1. Boole
George Boole. Born 2 Nov 1815 George Boole first attended a schoolin Lincoln, then a commercial school. His early instruction in
George Boole
Born: 2 Nov 1815 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
Died: 8 Dec 1864 in Ballintemple, County Cork, Ireland
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George Boole first attended a school in Lincoln, then a commercial school. His early instruction in mathematics, however, was from his father who also gave George a liking for constructing optical instruments. George's interests turned to languages and he received instruction in Latin from a local bookseller. By the age of 12 George had become so skilled in Latin that it provoked an argument. He translated an ode by the Latin poet Horace which his father was so proud of that he had it published. However the talent was such that a local schoolmaster disputed that any 12 year old could have written with such depth. Boole did not study for an academic degree, but from the age of 16 he was an assistant school teacher. He maintained his interest in languages and intended to enter the Church. From 1835, however, he seems to have changed his mind for he opened his own school and began to study mathematics on his own. He was later to realise that he had almost wasted five years in trying to teach himself the subject instead of having a skilled teacher. At this time Boole studied the works of Laplace and Lagrange , making notes which would later be the basis for his first mathematics paper. However he did receive encouragement from

2. Poster Of Boole
George Boole. lived from 1815 to 1864. Boole approached logic in a new wayreducing it to a simple algebra, incorporating logic into mathematics.
George Boole lived from 1815 to 1864 Boole approached logic in a new way reducing it to a simple algebra, incorporating logic into mathematics. He also worked on differential equations, the calculus of finite differences and general methods in probability. Find out more at

3. George Boole
George Boole . . . . . With George Boole s Mathematical Analysis and Investigation ,Boolean algebra, sometimes known as Boolean logic, came into being.
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George Boole (1815 - 1864)
The original Working Class Boy Made Good, Boole was born in the wrong time, in the wrong place, and definitely in the wrong class - he didn't have a hope of growing up to be a mathematical genius, but he did it anyway. Born in the English industrial town of Lincoln, Boole was lucky enough to have a father who passed along his own love of math. Young George took to learning like a politician to a pay-rise and, by the age of eight, had outgrown his father's self-taught limits. A family friend stepped in to teach the boy basic Latin, and was exhausted within a few years. Boole was translating Latin poetry by the age of twelve. By the time he hit puberty, the adolescent George was fluent in German, Italian and French. At 16 he became an assistant teacher, at 20 he opened his own school. Over the next few years, depending mainly on mathematical journals borrowed from the local Mechanic's Institute, Boole struggled with Isaac Newton's "Principia" and the works of 18th and 19th century French mathematicians Pierre-Simon Laplace and Joseph-Louis Lagrange. He had soon mastered the most intricate mathematical principles of his day. It was time to move on.

4. George Boole
George Boole (18151864) was a British mathematician and is known as the founderof mathematical logic. Search our IT-specific encyclopedia for,,sid9_gci525743,00.html
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B C D ... General Computing Terms George Boole
George Boole (1815-1864) was a British mathematician and is known as the founder of mathematical logic. Boole, who came from a poor family and was essentially a self-taught mathematician, made his presence known in the world of mathematics in 1847 after the publication of his book, "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic". In his book, Boole successfully demonstrated that logic, as Aristotle taught it, could be represented by algebraic equations. In 1854, Boole firmly established his reputation by publishing "An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities", a continuation of his earlier work. In 1855 Boole, the first professor of mathematics at The College of Cork, Ireland, married Mary Everest, who is now known as a mathematician and teacher in her own right. Mary, who was 18 years younger than Boole, served as sounding-board and editor for her husband throughout their nine years of marriage. Unfortunately, Mary's poor choice of medical treatment may have hastened Boole's death. After getting caught in the rain and catching a cold, Boole was put to bed by his wife, who dumped buckets of water on him based on the theory that whatever had caused the illness would also provide the cure. (It seemed logical to her.) George and Mary had five daughters; the third daughter, Alicia Boole Stott, became well-known for her work in the visualization of geometric figures in hyperspace.

5. George Boole Definition Of George Boole In Computing. What Is George Boole? Mean
Computer term of George Boole in the Computing Dictionary and Thesaurus.George encyclopedia. Provides search by definition of George Boole. Boole
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George Boole
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition (person) George Boole - 1815-11-02 - 1864-12-08. An English mathematician best known for his contribution to symbolic logic ( Boolean Algebra ) but also active in other fields such as probability theory, algebra , analysis, and differential equations. He lived, taught, and is buried in Cork City, Ireland. The Boole library at University College Cork is named after him.
For centuries philosophers have studied logic, which is orderly and precise reasoning. George Boole argued in 1847 that logic should be allied with mathematics rather than with philosophy.
Demonstrating logical principles with mathematical symbols instead of words, he founded symbolic logic , a field of mathematical/philosophical study. In the new discipline he developed, known as Boolean algebra , all objects are divided into separate classes, each with a given property; each class may be described in terms of the presence or absence of the same property. An electrical circuit, for example, is either on or off. Boolean algebra has been applied in the design of binary computer circuits and telephone switching equipment. These devices make use of Boole's two-valued (presence or absence of a property) system.

6. Biographies Info Science : Boole George
GeorgeBoole n a pas les moyens financiers d aller à l université.

7. BOOLE George
Translate this page boole george (1815-1864). Lógico y matemático inglés nacido enLincoln y fallecido en Cork (Irlanda) Procedente de una familia
BOOLE George (1815-1864)

8. Boole George
Translate this page boole george. Né le 2 novembre 1815 à Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Angleterre Décédéle 8 décembre 1864 à Ballintemple, County York, Irlande. Historique.
Liste de Mathématiciens Al Khwarizmi Apollonius de Perge Archimède Argand Jean Bezout Etienne Bombelli Rafaele Boole George Cardano Girolamo Cauchy Augustin Chasles Michel De Moivre Abraham De Morgan Augustus Del Ferro Scipione Descartes René Eratosthene Euclide Fermat Pierre Ferrari Ludovico Fibonacci Leonardo Galois Evariste Gauss Carl Germain Sophie Huygens Christiaan Leibniz Gottfried Pascal Blaise Peano Guiseppe Pythagore Tartaglia Nicolo Viete François Zenon d Elée Boole George

Royal Society
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9. Boole_george Ordinateur D'occasion, Ordinateur Portable D'occasion, Informatique
Translate this page boole george, 04-11-1998. /boul/ np. m. PERS (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc.1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur
Boole George /boul/ np. m. PERS ] (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la logique moderne qui porte son nom (logique Booléenne), aussi appelée « Algèbre de Boole » ou algèbre booléenne . Voir booléen . Boole au aussi travaillé dans d'autres domaines mathématiques, des équations différentielles aux probabilités en passant par l'analyse.
Articles liés à celui-ci : algèbre booléenne booléen booléen logique floue Articles voisins : BonD Bonux bookmark ... Courrier

10. [JargonF] Boole George
Translate this page boole george. /boul/ np. m. personne (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864)Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de
Boole George /boul/ np. m. personne ] (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la logique moderne qui porte son nom (logique Booléenne), aussi appelée « Algèbre de Boole » ou algèbre booléenne . Voir booléen . Boole a aussi travaillé dans d'autres domaines mathématiques, des équations différentielles aux probabilités en passant par l'analyse. Articles liés à celui-ci : algèbre booléenne booléen booléen logique floue Articles voisins : Bonux bookmark bookmarklet ... Courrier

11. Boole George
Boole, George. Ingiliz mantikçisi ve matematikçisi (Lincoln1815Cork yakini 1864). Ögretmenlik yapan George Boole, buçiler/boole.htm
Günlük hayatta iþinize yarayacak dersler... En can alýcý noktalar... Ana Sayfa Kimya Matematik Fizik ... e-mail Boole, George Ýngiliz mantýkçýsý ve matematikçisi (Lincoln 1815-Cork yakýný 1864). Öðretmenlik yapan George Boole, bu arada Ýtalyanca, Almanca, Fransýzca öðrenerek, Lincoln'da özel bir okul açtý ve matematik dersleri verdi. Cork'ta, Queens College'ta 1849'dan baþlayarak matematik profesörlüðü yaptý.
Çalýþmalarýnýn çýkýþ noktasý deðiþmez nicelikler üstüne cebir uygulamalarý olan Boole'un kuramsal çalýþmalarý, cebirsel yöntemlerin mantýkta kullanýlmasýna olanak saðlamýþ, ama çaðýný aþmýþlýðý, çalýþmalarýnýn gerçek deðerini sonradan ortaya koyan North Whitehead ve Bertrand Russel'a kadar unutulmasýna yol açmýþtýr. Matematik düþüncelerden yola çýkan ve simgeci yöntemi kapsayan genel ilkelere varan Boole, çaðdaþ matematiðin temelini oluþturmuþtur. Ayrýca, elektronik hesap makineleri üstüne önemli çalýþmalarý vardýr.

12. Boole George From FOLDOC
boole george. Recommended Reading A Boole Anthology Recent and Classical Studiesin the Logic of George Boole, ed. by James Gasser (Kluwer, 2000). George

13. Computer Dictionary Definition Of Boole George
Computer Dictionary Definition of boole george. Search dictionary. Site Options. Displayingall Computer dictionary definition of boole george. Definition
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14. George Boole - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
George Boole. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This articleis not about George Boolos, another mathematical logician.
George Boole
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
This article is not about George Boolos , another mathematical logician. George Boole November 2 December 8 ) was a mathematician and philosopher As the inventor of Boolean algebra , the basis of all modern computer arithmetic, Boole is regarded as one of the founders of the field of computer science His father was a tradesman of limited means, but of studious character and active mind. Being especially interested in mathematical science , the father gave his son his first lessons; but the extraordinary mathematical powers of George Boole did not manifest themselves in early life. At first his favourite subject was classics. Not until the age of seventeen did he attack the higher mathematics, and his progress was much retarded by the want of efficient help. When about sixteen years of age he became assistant-master in a private school at Doncaster , and he maintained himself to the end of his life in one grade or other of the scholastic profession. Few distinguished men, indeed, have had a less eventful life. Almost the only changes which can be called events are his successful establishment of a school at Lincoln , its removal to Waddington, his appointment in 1849 as professor of mathematics in the Queen's College, Cork

15. George Boole - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
George Boole. (Redirected from Boole). Server will be down for maintenanceon 200405-12 from about 0200 to 0300 UTC. This article
George Boole
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Boole This article is not about George Boolos , another mathematical logician. George Boole November 2 December 8 ) was a mathematician and philosopher As the inventor of Boolean algebra , the basis of all modern computer arithmetic, Boole is regarded as one of the founders of the field of computer science His father was a tradesman of limited means, but of studious character and active mind. Being especially interested in mathematical science , the father gave his son his first lessons; but the extraordinary mathematical powers of George Boole did not manifest themselves in early life. At first his favourite subject was classics. Not until the age of seventeen did he attack the higher mathematics, and his progress was much retarded by the want of efficient help. When about sixteen years of age he became assistant-master in a private school at Doncaster , and he maintained himself to the end of his life in one grade or other of the scholastic profession. Few distinguished men, indeed, have had a less eventful life. Almost the only changes which can be called events are his successful establishment of a school at Lincoln , its removal to Waddington, his appointment in 1849 as professor of mathematics in the Queen's College, Cork

16. ORIENTALIA | Encyclopedia | Cultural Studies: Philosophy And Psychology | Boole+
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  • 17. CentralWeb - Boole George
    Translate this page Le dico CentralWeb. boole george. (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) MathématicienBritannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la logique
    Boole George
    (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la logique moderne qui porte son nom (logique Booléenne), aussi appelée « Algèbre de Boole » ou algèbre booléenne . Voir booléen . Boole a aussi travaillé dans d'autres domaines mathématiques, des équations différentielles aux probabilités en passant par l'analyse. (05-10-2003). PERS
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    18. Hébergement Internet, Hébergement Payant, Heberge Site Web, Site Internet, Php
    Translate this page DEFINITION boole george. /boul/ np. m. PERS (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc.1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur

    19. George Boole
    George Boole (18151964) invented Boolean algebra. He was born in Lincoln, England,on November 2, 1815. Mary Everest and George Boole married in 1855.
    George Boole (1815-1964) invented Boolean algebra. He was born in Lincoln, England, on November 2, 1815. He first introduced his theory on symbolic logic in a paper on calculus that was awarded the Royal Medal from the Royal Society of London in 1844. He was in Cambridge while he was the editor of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal in England. He was also elected as the yearly Fellow of scientists to the Royal Society in 1857. His knowledge was held as a quiet secret for many years until his theory of logical expressions became more widely used in the field of electronics in 1938. His concepts are well known today in the field of mathematical logic from the domain of computer science to information science. We remember him most effectively as we recall the use of "And, Or, and Not" when selecting the appropriate options for connecting search terms to find information in search engines such as Yahoo, Lycos, the Mining Company, or Alta Vista. Boole began teaching at an elementary school as an assistant at the age of sixteen. He continued teaching at his own school while learning mathematics. His dedication to teaching evolved as did his study of mathematics at Queen's College in Ireland (University of College Cork) where he became the first Professor of Mathematics in 1849. His major book on symbolic logic identified the concept of "Boolean Logic" in "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic" in 1847. He authored "An Investigation of the Laws of Thought" in 1854. Here he described what the computer industry now calls cybernetics.

    20. Boole George
    Translate this page boole george. /boul/ np. m. PERS (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) MathématicienBritannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la
    Boole George /boul/ np. m. PERS ] (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la logique moderne qui porte son nom (logique Booléenne), aussi appelée « Algèbre de Boole » ou algèbre booléenne . Voir booléen . Boole au aussi travaillé dans d'autres domaines mathématiques, des équations différentielles aux probabilités en passant par l'analyse. Articles liés à celui-ci : algèbre booléenne booléen booléen logique floue Articles voisins : BonD Bonux bookmark ... Courrier

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