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1. Boole George Boole. Born 2 Nov 1815 George Boole first attended a schoolin Lincoln, then a commercial school. His early instruction in http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Boole.html | |
2. Poster Of Boole George Boole. lived from 1815 to 1864. Boole approached logic in a new wayreducing it to a simple algebra, incorporating logic into mathematics. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Boole.html | |
3. George Boole George Boole . . . . . With George Boole s Mathematical Analysis and Investigation ,Boolean algebra, sometimes known as Boolean logic, came into being. http://www.kerryr.net/pioneers/boole.htm | |
4. George Boole George Boole (18151864) was a British mathematician and is known as the founderof mathematical logic. Search our IT-specific encyclopedia for http://www.whatis.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci525743,00.html | |
5. George Boole Definition Of George Boole In Computing. What Is George Boole? Mean Computer term of George Boole in the Computing Dictionary and Thesaurus.George encyclopedia. Provides search by definition of George Boole. http://computing-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/George Boole | |
6. Biographies Info Science : Boole George GeorgeBoole n a pas les moyens financiers d aller à l université. http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=62 |
7. BOOLE George Translate this page boole george (1815-1864). Lógico y matemático inglés nacido enLincoln y fallecido en Cork (Irlanda) Procedente de una familia http://almez.pntic.mec.es/~agos0000/Boole.html | |
8. Boole George Translate this page boole george. Né le 2 novembre 1815 à Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Angleterre Décédéle 8 décembre 1864 à Ballintemple, County York, Irlande. Historique. http://www.lycee-international.com/travaux/HISTMATH/boole/ | |
9. Boole_george Ordinateur D'occasion, Ordinateur Portable D'occasion, Informatique Translate this page boole george, 04-11-1998. /boul/ np. m. PERS (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc.1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur http://www.pckado.com/e-marketing/b/boole_george.html | |
10. [JargonF] Boole George Translate this page boole george. /boul/ np. m. personne (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864)Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de http://www.linux-france.org/prj/jargonf/B/Boole_George.html | |
11. Boole George Boole, George. Ingiliz mantikçisi ve matematikçisi (Lincoln1815Cork yakini 1864). Ögretmenlik yapan George Boole, bu http://www.sanalhoca.com/matematik/matematikçiler/boole.htm | |
12. Boole George From FOLDOC boole george. Recommended Reading A Boole Anthology Recent and Classical Studiesin the Logic of George Boole, ed. by James Gasser (Kluwer, 2000). http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Boole George |
13. Computer Dictionary Definition Of Boole George Computer Dictionary Definition of boole george. Search dictionary. Site Options. Displayingall Computer dictionary definition of boole george. Definition http://www.realdictionary.com/computer/Computer/Boole-George.asp | |
14. George Boole - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia George Boole. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This articleis not about George Boolos, another mathematical logician. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Boole | |
15. George Boole - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia George Boole. (Redirected from Boole). Server will be down for maintenanceon 200405-12 from about 0200 to 0300 UTC. This article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boole | |
16. ORIENTALIA | Encyclopedia | Cultural Studies: Philosophy And Psychology | Boole+ Free Super Saver Shipping on books, video, videogames, DVD, DVDs, disks, VHS, magazines,boole george, Books, cheap, big discount, rabbat, free, Super Saver. http://www.orientalia.org/term25060.html | |
17. CentralWeb - Boole George Translate this page Le dico CentralWeb. boole george. (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) MathématicienBritannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la logique http://www.centralweb.fr/dico/def/boole-george.htm | |
18. Hébergement Internet, Hébergement Payant, Heberge Site Web, Site Internet, Php Translate this page DEFINITION boole george. /boul/ np. m. PERS (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc.1864) Mathématicien Britannique du XIXème siècle, créateur http://hosting.infomaniak.ch/support/jargon_article.php?iCodeArticle=14610 |
19. George Boole George Boole (18151964) invented Boolean algebra. He was born in Lincoln, England,on November 2, 1815. Mary Everest and George Boole married in 1855. http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/Museum/boole.html | |
20. Boole George Translate this page boole george. /boul/ np. m. PERS (2 nov. 1815- 8 déc. 1864) MathématicienBritannique du XIXème siècle, créateur de de la http://sysadmin.eila.jussieu.fr/jargon/B/Boole_George.html | |
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