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81. Number 2. 46916EN, Alcohol and Your Liver The Incr, Theresa Anne boole, 6.8,1. 20344EN, 3. 32934EN, alicia, My Story, alicia ApplemanJu, 6.1, 25.29850EN, http://sms.smyrna.k12.de.us/smsabc.htm | |
82. Darklands-MERSEYSIDE Mortiis Parasite god (R) Gary Numan - Cars Blondie - Atomic boole - Everyday is mundicreatura The Damned - Shadow of love Horatii - Darrel + alicia (R) Adam http://www.shiva-design.co.uk/darklands/setlists.htm | |
83. A:\ms.htm 1.0. 46916EN Alcohol and Your Liver The Incr Theresa Anne boole 6.81.0. 4.0. 32934EN alicia, My Story alicia ApplemanJu 6.1 25.0. http://www.freedom.k12.pa.us/Ms/ms a-c.htm | |
84. Women Mathematicians Ayrton (18541923) Ida Metcalf (1857-1952) Charlotte Angas Scott (1858-1931) 1860-1869Charlotte Barnum(1860-1934) alicia boole Stott (1860-1940) Ruth Gentry http://www.wildelake.com/staff/math/WomenMath.htm | |
85. Math Trek: Algebra, Philosophy, And Fun, Science News Online, Jan. 15, 2000 Mary Everest boole s eldest daughter married Charles Howard Hinton (18531907),who Another daughter, alicia, developed an amazing feel for fourdimensional http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20000115/mathtrek.asp | |
86. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Bolyai, Farkas (160*) Bolza, Oskar (442*) Bolzano, Bernhard (790*) Bombelli, Rafael(202) Bonnet, Pierre (368) boole, George (796*) boole, alicia (Stott) (340 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
87. The Engines Of Our Ingenuity Episodes 850 To 899 882 Smiles Self Help No. 881 Circular Dials No. 880 alicia BooleStott No. 879 Babbage and Tennyson No. 878 Educated Pigs No. http://www.uh.edu/engines/850-99.htm | |
88. This Is Lincolnshire - News, Entertainment, Jobs, Homes And Cars family home. The Booles had five daughters, one of whom, alicia BooleStott, was able to visualise geometric figures in hyperspace. http://www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=124525&command=newMod |
89. The Science Bookstore - Chronology Robbins, Jane Eliz. Born 12/28/1860, 1860 AD, Scott, alicia BooleBorn 6/8/1860, 1860 AD, Barnum, Charlotte Born 5/17/1860, 1860 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Women |
90. »»Reviews For People«« history. alicia My Story. Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October,1999). Authors alicia ApplemanJurman and Gabriel Appleman. http://www.booksunderreview.com/Science/Math/Logic_and_Foundations/History/Peopl | |
91. Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 Hertha Ayrton, Ida Metcalf. Charlotte Angas Scott, Charlotte Barnum. AliciaBoole Stott, Ruth Gentry. Winifred Edgerton Merrill, Leona May Peirce. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/oame/gtech2000x3a.html | |
92. Matematikos Istorija Scott (18581931). 1860-1869 Charlotte Barnum(1860-1934); AliciaBoole Stott (1860-1940); Ruth Gentry (1862-1917); Winifred Edgerton http://www.emokykla.lt/mokymas/tinklapiai/matematika/istorija.html | |
93. This Is A DRAFT. Please Do Not Quote. 211. This is one of many Archimedean polytopes discovered by AliciaBoole Stott and first described in her 1910 paper 31. She http://www.georgehart.com/hyperspace/hart-120-cell.html | |
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