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         Bolza Oskar:     more books (31)
  1. Vorlesungen uber Variationsrechnung (Calculus of Variations) by Oskar Bolza, 1961-01-01
  2. Lectures Of The Calculus Of Variations by Oskar Bolza, 2010-05-14
  3. Mathematical Papers Read At The International Mathematical Congress (1896)
  4. Mathematical Papers Read at the International Mathematical Congress Held in Connection with the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 by Henry Seely White, Oskar Bolza, et all 2010-02-24
  5. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by Oskar Bolza, 1931
  6. Lectures on the calculus of variations; by Oskar Bolza. by Bolza. O. (Oskar). 1857-1942., 1904-01-01
  7. Lectures on the calculus of variations; by Oskar Bolza. by O. (Oskar) Bolza, 1904-01-01
  8. Lectures on the calculus of variations; by Oskar Bolza. by Michigan Historical Reprint Series, 2005-12-20
  9. Lectures On The Calculus Of Variations - Illustrated by Oskar Bolza, 2007-01-01
  10. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by Oskar Bolza, 1961-01-01
  11. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by Oskar Bolza, 1960
  12. Mathematical papers read at the International Mathematical Congress held in connection with the Worl by Oskar Bolza, Eliakim Hastings Moore, et all 2009-11-11
  13. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by Bolza, Oskar, 2009-07-18
  14. Lectures Of The Calculus Of Variations (1904) by Oskar Bolza, 2010-09-10

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Oliver Knill (1); Omar Hijab (1); oskar bolza (1); P. Cheifetz (1);P. Griffiths (1); P. Laws (1); P. Shure (1); Patricia C. Kenschaft,att100018--more,cat_id--8031,keyword-
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82. Calculus At
Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by oskar bolza (Hardcover September 2000)Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by oskar bolza (Hardcover - September

83. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - C. Felix Klein
Translate this page P. Domsch, Universität Leipzig, 1885, oskar bolza, Georg-August-UniversitätGöttingen, 1886, 611. Henry Fine, Universität Leipzig, 1886,

84. Turing'
Semiparametric models. Binding Paperback Also available as Hardback ISBN 0521784506.oskar bolza. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations Third Edition.
Jon Barwise, John Etchemendy
Turing's World 3.0 for Windows
the Center for the Study of Language and Information Publication Lecture Notes series
Turingfs World is a self-contained introduction to Turing machines, one of the fundamental notions of logic and computer science. The text and accompanying diskette allow the user to design, debug, and run
sophisticated Turing machines in a graphical environment.
Turingfs World introduces users to the key concepts in computability theory through a sequence of over 100 exercises and projects. Within minutes, users learn to build simple Turing machines using a convenient package
of graphical functions. Exercises then progress through a significant portion of elementary computability theory, covering such topics as the Halting problem, the Busy Beaver function, recursive functions and undecidability. Version 3.0 is an extensive revision and enhancement of earlier releases of the program, allowing the construction of one-way

85. P-96-14
Translate this page Unter diesen späteren deutschen Schülern von Weierstraß war der VariationstheoretikerOskar bolza (1857-1942) wohl auch gerade deshalb einer der
Das an der Berliner Universität um 1892 "herrschende mathematische System" aus der Sicht des Göttingers Felix Klein:
Eine Studie über den "Raum der Wissenschaft"
von Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze Kastanienallee 12
10435 Berlin
Zielstellung Kleins Kritik an der zu engen Berliner "Schule" und die Rolle internationaler mathematischer Kommunikation Die Vorteile der "kleinen Gartenstadt Göttingen" für die Verfolgung von Kleins reformatorischen Zielen und die Rolle von Kleins amerikanischen Beziehungen Die fehlgeschlagenen Berufungen Kleins nach Berlin um 1890 ... Danksagung und Quellen
Literatur [1] Althoff [2] Standardwerk von K.-R.BIERMANN [3] [4] Kleinschen "Vorlesungen über die Entwicklung der Mathematik im 19.Jahrhundert" (1926) sowie unter Hinzuziehung unbekannter oder wenig bekannter Archivquellen Kleins Sicht auf die Berliner Universitätsmathematik erörtert werden. Eine besonders wertvolle, bisher weitgehend unbekannte Quelle ist ein im Anhang publizierter Brief Kleins an Althoff vom 6.Januar 1892, in dem sich Klein anläßlich der bevorstehenden Neuberufungen detailliert über das "an der Berliner Universität in den letzten Jahren herrschende mathematische System" äußert. Dieser Brief illustriert in mehrfacher Hinsicht die Kleinschen Konzeptionen für die weitere Entwicklung der Mathematik in der deutschen Monarchie um die Jahrhundertwende und verdient eine gründliche Auswertung in einer noch zu schreibenden

86. University Of Michigan Historical Math Collection
PDF ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜;idno=ACM2517

87. © 1998-2002 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 29. Dezember 2002
(1868-1951); Weierstraß, Karl (1815-1897) Wissenschaft Kreisel; Mathematik
Arnold Sommerfeld an Felix Klein, 16. Juli 1898
Archiv: (Klein 11, 1048) Brief mit Antwort (3 Seiten) aus Clausthal; Sprache: deutsch, Schrift: lateinisch. Stichworte
Kreisel; Mathematik
Reihen: Theorie des Kreisels
Institution: Start Biographie Projekt Online-Suche

88. Antiquariat Thomas Haker: Mathematik B
In unserem Bestand suchen: Antiquariat Thomas Haker suchen zur Detailsuche Links Mathematik: A B C D E F ... Z
Bandemer, H.: Theorie und Anwendung der optimalen Versuchsplanung I und II. 2 Bde. (=Mathematische Lehrbücher und Monographien, Bd 47). Handbuch zur Theorie (Bd 1). Handbuch zur Anwendung (Bd 2). Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1977 Leinen 1070 S. Guter Zustand, Aus dem Bestand der ehemaligen Bibliothek der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Bd 2: 1980. Einband und einige Seiten des Bandes 2 leicht fleckig.
[SW: Mathematik Formulierung Versuchsplanung Schätzproblem linearer Regressionsansatz Konstruktion Versuchspläne MKQ Schätzung Schätzprobleme Regression Ansatzmenge Mehrfaktorpläne nichtlinearer Ansatzdiskrimination Erwartungswerte ] Preis: EUR Bestellen... Bengler, Anton / Schmidt, Eva: Mathe. Lernplanung für den Mathematikunterricht Jahrgangsstufe 1. Wolf Regensburg 2001 Kartoneinband 64 S. Sehr guter Zustand, Großformat.,
[SW: Mathematik ] Preis: EUR Bestellen... Bense, Max:
[SW: Mathematik Philosophie Laplace Antimathematica ] Preis: EUR Bestellen...

89. Cornell Math - Early History
John Irwin Hutchinson (18661935), a student working under the direction of OskarBolza (1857-1942) at the University of Chicago, finished his Chicago Ph.D in
Cochell: The Early History of the Cornell Mathematics Department
The biggest star in this group of young faculty members was Virgil Snyder. In more than forty years at Cornell he published over eighty articles and books, while directing the Ph.D.'s of thirty-nine students, thirteen of whom were women. He also had national visibility, serving as Vice-President (1916) and President (1927-28) of the American Mathematical Society [20]. Relative to research, Snyder also excelled, although his approach was clearly grounded in the nineteenth century even as others moved beyond those techniques in the early decades of the new century. As a student, Arthur Coble characterized it, Snyder's early research began In addition to his extensive body of research in algebraic geometry, Snyder also actively engaged in the education of undergraduates. In the spirit of the Oliver-Wait-Jones department Snyder coauthored a Treatise on Differential Calculus (1898) with McMahon, Differential and Integral Calculus (1902) with Hutchinson, and Plane and Solid Geometry (1911) with Tanner. All three of these books were used in the lower level courses at Cornell. and elsewhere. Other members of the Cornell Mathematics Department also contributed to the newly emerging American mathematical scene. John Tanner was active in both the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS), becoming treasurer of the later in 1907. He also received recognition in American Men (and Women) of Science when he earned a star for his research, a distinction reserved for the top people in each field.

90. July 5 - Today In Science History
applied to the particle rather than the quantity of charge. OskarBolza. Died 5 Jul 1942 (born 12 May 1857) German mathematician
JULY 5 - BIRTHS Ernst Mayr
Born 5 Jul 1904.
German-born American biologist known for his work in avian taxonomy, population genetics, and evolution. In 1928, he led the first of three expeditions to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands where he studied the effects of geographic distribution among various animal species. He led development of the modern synthetic theory of evolution (the interplay of gene mutation and recombination, changes in structure and function of chromosomes, reproductive isolation and natural selection). In 1940, he proposed a definition of species that became accepted in scientific circles. He began bird watching as a young boy, and by the age of ten, he could recognize all of the local bird species by call as well as sight. John Howard Northrop
Born 5 Jul 1891; died 27 May 1987.
American biochemist who received (with James B. Sumner and Wendell M. Stanley) the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1946 for successfully purifying and crystallizing certain enzymes, thus enabling him to determine their chemical nature. During WW I, he conducted research on fermentation processes suitable for the industrial production of acetone and ethyl alcohol. This work led to a study of enzymes essential for digestion, respiration, and general life processes. He crystallized pepsin (1930), a digestive enzyme present in gastric juice, and found that it is a protein, thus resolving the dispute over the nature of enzymes. Using the same chemical methods, he isolated the first bacterial virus (bacteriophage), and found it is a nucleoprotein (1938).

91. - Ökonometrie
English Deutsch Fran§ais Kategorie:
Architektur Belletristik Comics ... Stichtwort: Autor: Titel: ISBN: Preisbereich: zu Buchposition: Grossbritannien Irland Deutschland Frankreich USA Resultate 21-40 von 104 LUEDEKE, Dietrich - Schaetzprobleme in der OEkonometrie.
Identifikation und punktuelle Parameter- und Prognosenschaetzung bei interdependanten Systemen. Wuerzburg, Physica 1964. gr.8 . 172 S. OKart. Vergr.
Preis: EUR 10.00 - mehr info
Buchposition: Deutschland
LAEUFER/v.LUCIUS/RICHTER - –konometrie des Zinssatzes. Mitweiteren Beitr¤gen von Friedrich/Kammerer/Steden.Stgt.1973, 512 S, Oln, OO, 2

Preis: EUR 28.00 - mehr info
Buchposition: Deutschland
Bolza H., - Die Elemente der –konometrie.

134 S. Broschur. (2. erweiterte Auflage).
Publizierte: Berlin/ Heidelberg/ New York Springer-Verlag 1965. Preis: EUR 15.00 - mehr info Buchposition: Deutschland L¼deke D., - Sch¤tzprobleme in der –konometrie. 172 S. Broschur. (Identifikation und punktuelle Parameter- und Prognosesch¤tzung bei interdependenten Systemen). Publizierte: W¼rzburg Physica 1964.

92. University Of Liverpool Archives: Papers Of W.H. And G.C.Young
D140/30/111 Letters on mathematics with Otto Holder, S Pincherle, Tonelli, OskarBolza, Max Dehn mentions the Schonfliess controversy, encyclopaedia, Lebesgue
Papers of Professor William Henry Young,
and Grace Chisholm Young
Biographical notes
William Henry Young Publications: Fundamental Theorems of the Differential Calculus , 1910; nearly 200 mathematical papers, as well as articles on educational and academic topics; jointly with his wife, Theory of Sets of Points First Book of Geometry , 1905 (translated into German as Der Kleine Geometer , 1908, also Italian, Swedish (1920), and Magyar (1925).
Grace Chisholm Young Born 1868, married 1896. Educated at Girton College, Cambridge, also Oxford (1892); Doctorate from Gottingen 1895 (first woman allowed a degree in Prussia). Studied medicine at Gottingen and Geneva. Publications: for joint books with her husband see above; articles in Nature ; poems; mathematical and astronomical papers.
Arrangement of the archive
The Young papers have been listed in the categories into which they had been sorted before their deposit in the University Archives in 1976. This organisation was preserved as adding a valuable extra dimension to the archive since it was the work of successive persons with detailed knowledge of the family and mathematical background. One of these organisers of the archive was the eldest daughter, Dr Cecily Tanner, who wrote a note explaining the background thus: "Both William Henry and Grace Chisholm Young had as their first love an interest in history and this included family history. William Henry Young particularly hoped that as it did for him, their own life and the upbringing of their children, as far as preserved letters might show, would give the next generation a conscious sense of their background in their own careers. Other papers were systematically destroyed because each successive home was to be a temporary one, and last no more than seven years at the outside, until in the later 1920s the idea of a return to England for permanent family residence was abandoned.

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