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         Bolza Oskar:     more books (31)
  1. On the theory of substitution-groups and its applications to algebraic equations (American journal of mathematics) by Oskar Bolza, 1891
  2. Volesungen Uber Variationsrechnung by Oskar Bolza, 1963-01-01

41. Morris Kline's, Why The Professor Can't Teach: Bibliography And Index
T., 30 Bellow, Alexandra, 91n Bellow, Saul, 91n Biot, JeanBaptiste, 209 Birkhoff,George David, 35 Bok, Derek C., 250-51, 258 bolza, oskar, 35 Bocher, Maxime
HomePage Prof Morris Kline Bibliography and Index BIBLIOGRAPHY Alder, Henry L. "Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students." The American Mathematical Monthly Allendoerfer, C. B. "The Narrow Mathematician". The American Mathematical Monthly Ashby, Eric. Adapting Universities to a Technological Society . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1974. Axelrod, Joseph. The University Teacher as Artist . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1973. Baker, Liva. I'm Radcliffe! Fly Me! The Seven Sisters and the Failure of Women's Education . New York: Macmillan, 1976. Barzun, Jacques. "The Cults of "Research" and "Creativity". Harper's Magazine , October 1960, 69-74. _Teacher in America. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1954.
_ The House of Intellect. New York: Harper and Bros., 1959.
Bell, Eric T. Review of The Poetry of Mathematics and Other Essays The American Mathematical Monthly Berelson, Bernard. Graduate Education in the United States . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. Bidwell, James K., and Clason, Robert G. Readings in the History of Mathematics Education.

42. Person Oskar Bolza
Translate this page Person oskar bolza. Arnold Sommerfeld an Felix Klein, 16. Juli 1898Otto Schlesinger an Arnold Sommerfeld, 11. Dezember 1898. Personen
Person: Oskar Bolza
Arnold Sommerfeld an Felix Klein, 16. Juli 1898
Otto Schlesinger an Arnold Sommerfeld,
11. Dezember 1898 ... Institutionen

43. Record Unit 7320 - National Museum Of Natural History, Division Of Mammals, Biog
1927). Biographical memoir, 1930. Folder, 15, bolza, oskar (18571942).Bibliography, undated. Folder, 16, Bond, Frank (1856-1940).
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution
Record Unit 7320
National Museum of Natural History, Division of Mammals,
Biographical File, 1860-1973 and undated
Descriptive Entry
This collection contains a variety of materials documenting the lives and careers of scientists from a wide range of fields, including mammalogy, ornithology, ichthyology, herpetology, botany, entomology, paleontology and geology. Also included are files on conservationists , taxidermists, historical figures, explorers, frontiersmen, and hunters. The files include biographies, news clippings, press releases, correspondence, and photographs. The amount of documentation varies with the individual. Of particular note is extensive material on United States National Museum taxidermist William L. Brown. Included are reminiscences of his fifty-one year career at the Museum; photographs taken on the Beach Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Expedition, 1937; and correspondence concerning the Fenykovi elephant. Box 1 of 17 Folder Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916). Includes obituaries; biographical memoirs; and a news clipping, 1916 and undated.

44. Calculus Of Variations Books From Countrybookshop The Independent
10. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations bolza, oskar Ordered upon request,usually dispatched within 28 working days Hardback - Published February 2001

Lectures on the Calculus of Variations, QA 315 B631 1960, bolza, oskar, ChelseaPublishing Company. Lens Design, QC 385.2.D47 L35 1991, Laikin, Milton,

46. A Brief History Of The Department Of Mathematics
He immediately appointed oskar bolza and Heinrich Maschke, and the threeof them became the core of the department during the period 18921908.
A Brief History of the Department
The University of Chicago, and with it the Department of Mathematics, opened its doors in October of 1892. The first chair of the department was Eliakim Hastings Moore, who had been an associate professor at Northwestern. He immediately appointed Oskar Bolza and Heinrich Maschke, and the three of them became the core of the department during the period 1892-1908. R.C. Archibald has described this group as follows: These three men supplemented one another remarkably. Moore was a fiery enthusiast, brilliant, and keenly interested in the popular mathematical research movements of the day; Bolza, a product of the meticulous German school of analysis led by Weierstrass, was an able, and widely read research scholar; Maschke was more deliberate than the other two, sagacious, brilliant in research, and a most delightful lecturer in geometry. During the period the University of Chicago was unsurpassed in America as an institution for the study of higher mathematics.

47. Descripteur - 49Lxx
Translate this page 1 bolza, oskar (Principal) Verlag Und Druck Von BG Teubner 1908 Ouvrage RdC (B). 2bolza, oskar (Principal) Verlag Und Druck Von BG Teubner 1909 Ouvrage RdC (B).

Translate this page Bolsens, Ivo Boltjanskii, VG Boltzmann, L.. Boltzmann, Ludwig Bolyai, Janos Bolyai,Johann von Bolyai, Johann Bolyai, Wolfgang bolza, oskar bolzano, Bernard
B C D ... Z
Aazhang, Behnaam
Abadi, M.

Abadi, Martin

Abbadi, Amr el
Azbelev, N. V.
B"achtold, Martin
B"olcskei, Helmut

Baayen, P. C.

Babbage, Charles
Bürgi, Jost
Cacciabue, Pietro Carlo
Caccioppoli, Renato
Caffarelli, L.A. Caglioti, Vincenzo ... Córdoba, António
D"urre, Karl D'Alembert, Jean-le-Rond D'Amato, Francesco D'Amato ... Dürre, Karl P.
Eberle, Karin Eberlein, W.F. Eberstark, Hans Ebrahimi, Touradj ... Ezhkova, Irina Vasilyevna
F"urstenberg, Harry Fabes, Eugene B. Faci, Mohammed Faddeev, Lyudvig Dmitrievich ... Fuster Casas, D. Jose
G"odel, K. G"odel, Kurt G"ortler, H. G"unter, Paul ... Gödel, Kurt
H"older, Ernst H"older, Otto H"ormander, Lars Haantjes, J. ... Hülsemann, Johannes
I, Chih-Lin Ibnkahla, Mohamed Ienne, Paolo Iinatti, Jari H. ... Izzard, Martin
J"orgens, Konrad Jaaksoo, Ülo Jablonsky, Boleslav Jackson, Michael ... Jwo, Jung-Sing
K"ahler, Erich K"ohler, Torsten K"onig, Heinz K"onigsberger, Leo ... Kühn, Johannes
L"owig, H.F.J. L"owner, Karl L'Abbé, M.A. L'Ecuyer, Pierre ... Lück, Wolfgang
M"obius, August Ferdinand M"oller, Rolf M"uhll-His Karl von der M"uller, Claus ... Müntzer, Thomas
Nacabal, Francois

49. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 680*) Boislaurent, Budan de (171) Bois-Reymond, Paul du (137*) Boltzmann, Ludwig(661*) Bolyai, János (450*) Bolyai, Farkas (160*) bolza, oskar (442*) bolzano

50. 1957, University Of California: In Memoriam
For many years it was his great pleasure to visit annually with his reveredteacher, oskar bolza. His last visit, in 1933, is worthy of special note.
Expand Search
1957, University of California: In Memoriam
John Hector McDonald, Mathematics: Berkeley
John Hector McDonald, Mathematics: Berkeley
Professor Emeritus
Doctor McDonald came to the University of California, Berkeley, upon appointment as Instructor in Mathematics, in January, 1902, became Professor of Mathematics in 1927, and retired as Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, in 1945. He passed away on July 4, 1953, after a short illness. Professor McDonald had a profound and broad knowledge of the entire field of mathematics. His instruction was conducted on the highest level of scholarship; his graduate courses were characterized by a perennial freshness, since he always developed his subject from a new and independent point of view. He was always helpful to students, and colleagues likewise sought his advice on research problems in varied fields. During the two world wars he contributed his skill in applied mathematics to engineers for the solution of vital ballistic and air-foil problems. Professor McDonald's publications were mainly on theory of numbers, Bessel's functions, transformations of elliptic integrals, and on differential equations. They appeared in

51. Coxeter Library Monograph Holdings
of Variations Bliss, Gilbert Ames and kasner, Edward Lectures on Mathematics Bocher,Maxime Introduction to Higher algebra bolza, oskar Vorlesungen Uber
Coxeter Library: Monograph and other holdings
Coxeter Collection
Pounder Collection
M. Shimrat Collection
This portion of this site is still under construction.
G. Sieburth Collection
Wittenberg Collection
Miscellaneous other titles
This collection is only partially catalogued. ICM: Actes du congres international des mathematiciens, Nice 1970, 3 volumes. Donated by M. Muldoon Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver 1974, 2 volumes. Donated by M. Muldoon Equadiff: Equadiff 3 - Proceedings of the Czechoslovak conference on differential equations and their applications, Brno 1972 Donated by M. Muldoon Equadiff 6 - Proceedings of the international conference on differential equations and their applications, Brno 1985 Donated by M. Muldoon Main Menu

52. Stal Aanderaa Hao Wang Harvard 1967 Lars Aarvik ? Oslo ? Martin
Translate this page AP Morse Berkeley 1953? Guy Blelloch Charles E. Leiserson MIT 1989GA Bliss oskar bolza Gottingen ? Stephen Bloch Sam Buss UCSD

53. Stal Aanderaa Hao Wang Harvard 1967 Lars Aarvik ? Oslo ? Martin
1974 Meera Blattner Sheila Greibach UCLA 1973 Woody Bledsoe AP Morse Berkeley 1953Guy Blelloch Charles E. Leiserson MIT 1989 GA Bliss oskar bolza Gottingen ?

54. The Science Bookstore - Books
(Book ID 8468) $95.00. bolza, oskar. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations.Chicago University Press, 1904. Very good condition. (Book ID 2592) $125.00.

55. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page 1844 - 1906) Bolyai, Janos (Johann) (15.12.1802 - 27.1.1860) Bolyai, Farkas Wolfgang(9.2.1775 - 20.11.1856) bolza, oskar (1857 - 1942) bolzano, Bernard (5.10
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

56. Cornell Math - Early History
EH Moore, oskar bolza, Heinrich Maschke and Henry White, eds., Mathematical PapersRead at the International Mathematics Congress Held in Connection With the
Cochell: The Early History of the Cornell Mathematics Department
REFERENCES 1. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1881, pp. 12 and 23. 2. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1883, pp. 25-26. 3. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1884, p. 20. 4. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1885, pp. 27-29. 5. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1886, pp. 32-34. 6. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1887, pp. 55-59. 7. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1888, pp. 74-76. 8. Annual Reports to the President, Ithaca, New York, 1889, pp. 71-72. 9. Carl L. Becker, Cornell University: Founders and the Founding, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1943. 10. Biographical Memoirs, vol. 4, Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1902, pp. 59-74. 11. Morris Bishop, A History of Cornell, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1962. 12. Robert V. Bruce, The Launching of Modern American Science: 1846-1876, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987.

57. July 5,
He is noted for his often morbid and grotesque images and his rejection ofconvention. July 5, 1942. Death of oskar bolza in Freiburg, Germany.
July 5
© 1997,1998 by Paul A. Schons July 5, 1900 The German passenger ship, Deutschland, wins the Blue Ribbon, the award for the fastest crossing of the North Atlantic. At this time in history the fastest crossing of the Atlantic had come to have enormous national and corporate prestige. The Titanic was attempting to set the record when it collided with the iceberg and sank. July 5, 1914 German Emperor William II and Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg take the decision to support Austria-Hungary in the conflict with Serbia and Russia. In the escalation, the decision would bring Germany into World War I and, in the end, disaster. July 5, 1920 Death of Max Klinger in Naumburg, Germany. Klinger was a painter, sculptor and engraver. He is noted for his often morbid and grotesque images and his rejection of convention. July 5, 1942 Death of Oskar Bolza in Freiburg, Germany. Bolza was a mathematician who contributed to the calculus of variations, Lectures on the Calculus of Variations (1904), he developed the "problem of Bolza". Bolza was educated at the University of Göttingen. From 1893 to 1910 he taught at the University of Chicago. In 1910 he returned to Germany and taught at the University of Freiburg.

58. May 12
Schimper determined the role of starch grains in chloroplasts, a term whichhe coined. May 12, 1857. Birth of oskar bolza in Bergzabern, Germany.
May 12 © 1997, 1998 by Paul A. Schons May 12, 1237 The crusading order, "The Swordbrothers" is incorporated into the order, "The Teutonic Knights" by decree of Pope Gregory. Both orders had been involved in the crusade against the pagan Prussians. It was due to defeats and weakening of the Swordbrothers that they were merged with the Teutonic Knights. May 12, 1670 Birth of Augustus II (August der Starke) in Dresden, Germany. Augustus held the titles, Elector of Saxony (after 1694) and King of Poland (after 1696). May 12, 1856 Birth of Andreas Schimper in Strasbourg, France. Schimper, a botanist, was the first to divide the continents into floral regions, Pflanzen-Geographie auf physiologischer Grundlage (1898). He completed his doctorate at the University of Strasbourg and taught at the universities of Bonn and Basel. Schimper determined the role of starch grains in chloroplasts, a term which he coined. May 12, 1857 Birth of Oskar Bolza in Bergzabern, Germany. Bolza was a mathematician who contributed to the calculus of variations

59. May 12 - Today In Science History
90% at age 14. He also studied infant nutrition. oskar bolza. Born12 May 1857; died 5 Jul 1942. German mathematician and educator
MAY 12 - BIRTHS James S. Coleman Born 12 May 1926; died 25 Mar 1995.
James S(amuel) Coleman was a U.S. sociologist, a pioneer in mathematical sociology whose studies strongly influenced education policy. In the early 1950s, he was as a chemical engineer with Eastman-Kodak Co. in Rochester, N.Y. He then changed direction, fascinated with sociology and social problems. In 1966, he presented a report to the U.S. Congress which concluded that poor black children did better academically in integrated, middle-class schools. His findings provided the sociological underpinnings for widespread busing of students to achieve racial balance in schools. In 1975, Coleman rescinded his support of busing, concluding that it had encouraged the deterioration of public schools by encouraging white flight to avoid integration. Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin
Born 12 May 1910; died 29 Jul 1994.
, born in Cairo, Egypt. A crystallographer of distinction, she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1964 for her discoveries, by the use of X-ray techniques, of the structure of biologically important molecules, including penicillin (1946), vitamin B-12 (1956), and later, the protein hormone insulin (1969). Her achievements included not only these structure determinations and the scientific insight they provided but also the development of methods that made such structure determinations possible. (One of her students was Margaret Roberts, later Margaret Thatcher, the only British prime minister with a degree in science.)

60. Algebra An Elementary Textbook Weinstein:lect Sym Mani Cbms 2 Lectures On Three-
Lectures on the Calculus of Variations, American Mathematical Society, bolza,oskar, Science Nature, Calculus mathematical analysis, Mathematics


Algebra an Elementary Textbook for Higher Classe
Weinstein:lect Sym Mani Cbms 29 P
, American Mathematical Society, Weinstein, A, , Science/Mathematics, Science: General Issues, Symplectic manifolds.. Weinstein:lect Sym Mani Cbms 29 P.
Lectures on Three-manifold Topology (Regional Conference Series in Mathematics)
Iwahori-Hecke Algebras and Schur Algebras of the Symmetric Group (University Lecture Series)
I Have a Photographic Memory
, American Mathematical Society, Halmos, Paul R., , Mathematics and Science, Science/Mathematics. I Have a Photographic Memory.
Essays on Numbers and Figures (Mathematical World)
Quasiconformal Teichmuller Theory (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Large Deviations (Fields Institute Monographs) Analysis of Communication Networks: Call Centres, Traffic and Performance (Fields Institute Communications) Lectures on Hilbert Modular Varieties and Modular Forms (CRM Monograph Series) Commutative Normed Rings (AMS/Chelsea Publication) Number Theory: Algebraic Numbers and Functions Estimating the Error of Numerical Solutions of Systems of Reaction-diffusion Equations (Memoirs of the AMS) The Semicircle Law, Free Random Variables and Entropy (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)

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