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         Bolyai Janos:     more books (99)
  1. Fourier Analysis and Approximation Theory: Colloquium Proceedings (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai ; 19-)
  2. Topics in topology (Colloquia mathematica societatis Janos Bolyai ; 8)
  3. Infinite and Finite Sets: To Paul Erdos on His 60th Birthday (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai ; v. 10) by A. Hajnal, etc., 1975-04
  4. Random Fields: Rigorous Results in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  5. Point Processes and Queuing Problems (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  6. Contributions to universal algebra: [proceedings] (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai ; 17)
  7. Hilbert Space Operators and Operator Algebras (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  8. Progress in statistics (Colloquia mathematica societatis Janos Bolyai ; v. 9)
  9. Finite Algebra and Multiple-Valued Logic (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai) by B. Csakany, 1981-12
  10. Sets, Graphs and Numbers: A Birthday Salute to Vera T. Sos and Andras Hajnal (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai) by G. Halasz, L. Lovasz, et all 1992-12
  11. A. Haar Memorial Conference (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai) by J. Szabados, 1987-05
  12. Theory of Radicals (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  13. Universal Algebra (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai) by B. Csakany, etc., 1982-02
  14. Topics in number theory (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai ; 13)

21. Janos Bolyai
JANOS BOLYAI. Macar Matematikçisi.(18021860) Gauss un da yakin arkadasiolan bir Matematikçi nin ogludur. Babasi Farkas, Öklid
Free Web site hosting - Web Hosting - Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet ... Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95 JANOS BOLYAI Gauss, bütün bunlarý daha önceden bulmuþtur; ama konu o kadar köktenci bir biçimde geometriyi sarsmaktadýr ki, bu buluþunu yayýnlamak cesaretini kendinde bulamamýþtýr. Bu mektupu alan Bolyai, herþeyin Gauss tarafýndan zaten bilindiðini öðrenince tüm hevesini yitirir ve bir daha o konuyla uðraþmaz. Bolyai, buluþunun 3 yýl önce Lobachewsky tarafýndan da yayýnlandýðýný öðrenseydi daha büyük düþ kýrýklýðýna uðrardý.

22. Levente's Journal
Subject Tirgu Mures Pseudosphere. Date 2003-07-18 1613. This is a recentsculpture at the 200-th birth aniversary of bolyai janos (1802-1860).
Levente's Journal
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Tirgu Mures

Subject: Tirgu Mures : Pseudo-sphere Date: This is a recent sculpture at the 200-th birth aniversary of Bolyai Janos (1802-1860). The sculpture represents the pseudo-sphere on which the non-euclidian Bolyai-Lobachevsky geometry is applied.
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Subject: Tirgu Mures : Sculpture of the Bolyai's Date: This picture is me in front of the sculpture representing the two world famous mathematicians, the Bolyai's, Bolyai Janos and Bolyai Farkas, who lived and created in Tirgu Mures. Bolyai Janos was one of the founders of the Bolyai-Lobachevsky geometry, a revolutionary non-euclidian geometry.
1 comment
post a comment Subject: Tirgu Mures : Teleki library Date: The Teleki library was founded in 1797-1799 and houses a large collection of rare and ancient books in original. The founder was Teleki Samuel, a well known politician at his time. He was so concerned about his collection of rare books, that he ordered through his will, that no lighting or heating shall be used inside the library. Fortunately with the invention of electricity, that was no longer an inconvenience, since light bulbs and electric heaters are no threat to the books. post a comment Subject: Tirgu Mures : Pseudo sphere Date: A close-up on the pseudo-sphere. On the chamfered corner there is the famous quote from Bolyai Janos: "Out of nothing I have created a strange new universe" (a reference to the creation of a non-euclidean geometry).

23. Farkas BOLYAI
tatal lui bolyai janos (18021860), creatorul unei geometrii non-euclidiene. father of bolyai janos (1802-1860), the creator of a non-euclidian geometry. de personalitati romanesti_files/index domen
Farkas BOLYAI (1975-1856) matematician - inventator al unui cuptor economic, folosit pe larg in România la acele vremuri - tatal lui Bolyai Janos (1802-1860), creatorul unei geometrii non-euclidiene (1975-1856) mathematician - inventor of a type of economic oven, largely employed in Romania at that time - father of Bolyai Janos (1802-1860), the creator of a non-euclidian geometry

24. Colleges And Universities - A-z
Teacher Training; Banki Donat Polytechnic; Technical College for LightIndustry; bolyai janos Military Technical College; Budapest Teacher
In Colleges and Universities A-Z

25. InstitutionBolyai Janos Katonai Müszaki Föiskola
Translate this page bolyai janos Katonai Müszaki Föiskola. Hilfe. Ausführliche BezeichnungBólyai Janos Katonai Müszaki Föiskola (vor 2000). Abkürzung

26. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
A bolyai janos Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (BO/00480/ 98) and a Ph.D.Fellowship of Szent Istvan University provided financial support 13.

27. Reference Serial List For Fine Hall Library: Princeton University
title Journal de physique IV Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai Book,HOLDINGS 24(1981) Earlier title bolyai janos Mathematikai Tarsulat.
Reference List of Serials: Circolo matematico di Palermo. Annuario
Circolo matematico di Palermo. Annuario
SEE: Annuario del Circolo matematico del Palermo
Circolo matematico di Palermo. Rendiconti
SEE: Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo
Classical and quantum gravity
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1984)-
Clermont-Ferrand II. Annales scientifiques de l'universite de ...
SEE: Annales scientifiques de l'Universite de Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathematiques
Cluj. Transylvania. Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai". Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Series I
SEE: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Mathematica.
CMMP condensed matter and materials physics
Earlier title: Solid State Physics Conferences - Outline of talks.
CMS Conference proceedings
[Book], HOLDINGS: 1(1980)-
CMUC: Commentationes mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
SEE: Commentationes mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Codata bulletin
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 9(1973)-66(1987)
Collectanea mathematica
[MathJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1948)-
Collective phenomena
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1972)-3(1981)

28. Reference Serial List For Fine Hall Library: Princeton University
matematica MathJ, HOLDINGS 1(1902)27(1931) Bollettino di storia delle scienzematematiche MathJ, HOLDINGS 1(1981)- bolyai janos Mathematikai Tarsulat.
Reference List of Serials: Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 48(1912)-
Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 3(1928)-ser 8,9(1989)
Later title: Memorie lincee. Matematica e applicazioni
Later title: Memorie lincee. Scienze fisiche e naturale
Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1925)-ser 8,83(1990)
Later title: Rendiconti lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturali
Later title: Rendiconti lincei. Matematica e applicazioni
Atti della Reale Accademia d'Italia. Rendiconti
SEE: Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
Australasian journal of combinatorics
[MathJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1990)-
[StatJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1959)-
[PhysJ], HOLDINGS: 1(1964)-

29. Nagykanizsai Fotoalbum : Bolyai Janos Altalanos Iskola
Bólyai János Általános Iskola A vár köveibõl épült uradalmivendégfogadó ma általános iskola Vendégkönyv.

30. A School Year - Joys And Sorrows
visits and excursions. Of course we visited classes in bolyai janosAltalanos School, where the meeting was held. And we could also
C o m e n i u s -Project
A School Year - Joys And Sorrows Back to meetings Project Meetings
Discussion subjects for the meeting:
  • evaluation after the first half year discussion about forthcoming tasks planning a fixed timetable for the project work

Orietta and Maria Vittoria from Italy, Lisbeth, Jeanette and Bettina from Denmark, Marianne and Raija from Finland. Every day we worked with the project several hours, but still we had time to make some visits and excursions. Of course we visited classes in Bolyai Janos Altalanos School, where the meeting was held.
- visit to a wine cellar in the village of Tarnok
- party together with teachers from Bolyai Janos Altalanos school
- visit to Tropicarium (live sharks, snakes, colourful fish and birds, even alligators)
Back to meetings

31. 24 Ore Muresene
si ?Socrates?, aprobate si derulate în perioada mentionata, ca si proiectul?ElectroBolyai? - scoala tehnica bolyai janos din Budapesta cu care

32. VITA
at international advanced study institutes sponsored variously by NATO, NSF, TheInternational Institute of Management, The bolyai janos Mathematical Society
VITA Fred W. Glover University of Colorado Leeds School of Business Campus Box 419 Boulder Colorado Date and Place of Birth: March 8, 19 Kansas City Missouri Education: B.B.A., University of Missouri Kansas City, 1960 Academic Experience: Comcast Chaired Professor of Systems Science, University of Colorado , 1998 – present US West Chaired Professor of Systems Science, University of Colorado Hearin Professor and Director of Research, Hearin Center for Enterprise Science, University of Mississippi Director of Research, Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence (founding member), University of Colorado Head of Research, NASA Center for Space Construction, University of Colorado Graduate Faculty of Applied Mathematics (founding member), University of Colorado Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Colorado Associate Professor, Operations Research and Computer Science, University of Texas Assistant Professor and Research Fellow, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of California Berkeley Principal Research Areas: Applications of computers to the fields of optimization, decision support, industrial planning, systems design, supply chains, financial planning, multi-criteria analysis, energy, natural resources planning, logistics, transportation, large scale allocation models.

33. World Of Quotes - Janos Bolyai Quotes.
David H. Schultz, Publications of Computer Sciences, University of WisconsinMadison, and Proceeding of the Colloquiumon Differential Equations of the bolyai janos Mathematical Society
i Topics Authors Proverbs ... Quote-A-Day Main Menu Topics Authors Proverbs Documents ... Contact Sponsor 1 Quotes for 'Janos Bolyai' in the Database.
Letter "J" Out of nothing I have created a strange new universe.
Topic: Geometry
Source: on the creation of a non-Euclidean geometry
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All Quotes are provided for educational purposes only and contributed by users.
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34. From Wed Apr 3 115935 2002 Received
Institute of Mathematics) Moderator Laszlo E. Szabo (Theoretical Physics HPS,Eotvos) Iden unnepeljuk bolyai janos szuletesenek ketszazadik evfordulojat!
From Wed Apr 3 11:59:35 2002 Received: (from majordomo@localhost) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA00327 for mafla-list; Wed, 3 Apr 2002 11:59:20 +0200 X-Authentication-Warning: majordomo set sender to using -f Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id MAA23227 for ; Tue, 2 Apr 2002 12:54:58 +0200 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7E09548692 for ; Tue, 2 Apr 2002 11:53:04 +0200 (CEST) Received: from there ( []) by (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.1 (built Jan 30 2002)) with SMTP id for; Tue, 02 Apr 2002 11:35:46 +0200 (MEST) Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 10:37:04 +0100 From: Laszlo E Szabo Subject: PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM, Panel discussion: Goedel theorem To: mafla , fizinfo , Multiple recipients of list Reply-To: Message-id: ; Thu, 4 Apr 2002 07:40:03 +0200 Message-Id:

35. Ziarul De Mures
Exista o singura exceptie, o lucrare a unui nespecialist, Pseudosfera , care sevrea un omagiu adus spiritului descoperitor al lui bolyai janos, un omagiu

same communist period of Stalinist background, another university, this time a Hungarianone, was established and named after the mathematician bolyai janos.

The best choice for education in Europe

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"Babes-Bolyai" University
of Cluj-Napoca
About the University
Babes-Bolyai University
Learning from a Tormented History

Babes-Bolyai University is the oldest and the most comprehensive institution of higher education in Romania. Its beginning dates back to the disputes between Protestants and Catholics in the Middle Ages. After the Universities of Bratislava, Buda and Tarnv had already been established, Stefan Bathory, the Catholic Sovereign, laid the foundations of a Jesuit university in Cluj in 1581.
Since the events of 1989, Babes-Bolyai University has become an important establishment of teaching and research with an intellectual output materialized in scientific research, books and studies of national and international relevance. Pursuant to the program adopted by the Movement for Democracy in December 1989, the University management committed themselves to get rid of the communist heritage in the academic management. Furthermore, the Charter of the Babes-Bolyai University (1991) stipulated that in our academic life the tradition of free thinking and democracy should prevail. The new Charter of the Babes-Bolyai University (1995) included all the modernization initiatives since 1989 as well as the most essential compatibility requirements for interfacing with the European academic system. Towards Multiculturalism

37. Bolyai : Leading Luminary Of The Mathematical And Physical Sciences. A Name To R
Lie groups and their representations Summer School of the bolyai janosMathematical Society. Mathematical Logic in Computer Science
Bolyai : Leading luminary of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences. A name to remember, works to understand, research to continue. Special Item Alerts - These deserve your attention.
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38. Janos Bolyai - Wikipedia
Janos Bolyai. Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin. János Bolyai, född15 december 1802, död 27 januari 1860, var en ungersk matematiker.
Janos Bolyai
Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin.
János Bolyai , född 15 december , död 27 januari , var en ungersk matematiker . Han är känd för att vara en av upptäckarna av den hyperboliska icke-euklidiska ) geometrin. I denna typ av geometri förkastar man eller försöker hitta alternativa formuleringar för Euklides berömda parallellaxiom Bolyai föddes i Kolozsvar (numera Cluj-Napoca i Rumänien ) i Transylvanien som då var en del av det Österrike-Ungerska väldet . Han var son till Farkos Wolfgang Bolyai som också var matematiker och som tidigt började undervisa sonen i matematik. Han studerade matematik i Wien mellan och och arbetade under slutet av denna tid, och något år därefter, med en avhandling om icke-euklidisk geometri. Arbetet publicerades dock först som ett appendix till en skrift av fadern. Arbetet lästes av den berömde matematikern Gauss som svarade att det visserligen var ett genialt arbete men han hade själv kommit fram till ungefär samma saker, och kunde inte öppet lovorda Janos skrift eftersom det skulle vara att lovorda sig själv. Senare upptäckte Bolyai också att den ryske matematikern Lobachevsky redan hade publicerat liknande ideér och blev mycket besviken.

39. ThinkQuest : Library : Mathematics History
bolyai, janos or JOHANN (18021860) and LOBACHEVSKY, NI(1793-1856). bolyai publishedhis findings in 1832 in an appendix to a mathematical work of his father.
Index Math
Mathematics History
An extensive history of mathematics is at your fingertips, from Babylonian cuneiforms to advances in Egyptian geometry, from Mayan numbers to contemporary theories of axiomatical mathematics. You will find it all here. Biographical information about a number of important mathematicians is included at this excellent site. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Korean Students Hyun-jin Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Kyung-sun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South So-young Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Coaches Jae-yun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Jong-hyun Jong-hyun Lee(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Dea-won Dea-won Ko (Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

40. Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
bolyai, janos (18021860), Hungarian mathematician who was the sonof Farkas bolyai. When bolyai began puzzling over Euclid s fifth
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Hungarian ... Scientific Families
Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860)

Hungarian mathematician who was the son of Farkas Bolyai . When Bolyai began puzzling over Euclid's fifth postulate his father wrote him "For God's Sake, I beseech you, give it up. Fear it no less than sensual passions because it, too, may take all your time, deprive you of your health, peace of mind, and happiness in life" (Boyer 1968, p. 587). Janos did not heed his father, however, and his work, which paralleled that of Lobachevsky , was published by his father. However, Bolyai's lack of recognition and the publishing of Lobachevsky's work led him to publish nothing more. Bolyai (Farkas) Lobachevsky
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Boyer, C. B. A History of Mathematics, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1968.

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