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         Bois-reymond Paul Du:     more books (29)
  1. Über Die Fernkraft Und Das Durch Paul Du Bois-Reymond Aufgestellte Dritte Ignorabimus (German Edition) by Caspar Isenkrahe, 2010-01-10
  2. Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond [ 1910 ] by G. H. (Godfrey Harold) Hardy, 2009-08-10
  3. Orders of infinity: The 'infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond, (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics) by G. H Hardy, 1971
  4. Beiträge Zur Interpretation Der Partiellen Differentialgleichungen Mit Drei Variabeln, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-01-10
  5. Théorie Générale Des Fonctions (French Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-02-23
  6. Die Allgemeine Functionentheorie, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-01-11
  7. Uber Die Grundlagen Der Erkenntnis: In Den Exacten Wissenschaften (1890) (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-09-10
  8. Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond by G. H. Hardy, 1910
  9. Orders of infinity, the 'Infinitärcalcül' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond by G H Hardy, 2009-11-18
  10. Orders of Infinity:: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond by M.A., F.R.S., G. H. Hardy, 2010-06-07
  11. Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond. (Second Edition) by G. H. Hardy, 1954
  12. Orders Of Infinity, The 'infinitarcalcul' Of Paul Du Bois-reymond
  13. Die allgemeine Functionentheorie: (Volume 1) (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 1882-01-01
  14. Über Die Grundlagen Der Erkenntnis in Den Exacten Wissenschaften: Nach Einer Hinterlassenen Handschrift (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, Guido Hauck, 2010-02-28

61. 1273-1274 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 22. Possession - Retzia)
Till hans förlagsartiklar hörde arbeten af Hippel, W. von Humboldt, Jean paul,du boisreymond, Haec-kel, Lachmann, Mommsen, Niebuhr, Schleierma-cher m. fl.
Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 22. Possession - Retzia
(1915) Tema: Reference
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62. La Page Des Mathematiques Au Lycee Claude Fauriel, Classes Preparatoires, Saint
Translate this page Mannigfaltigkeit). paul du bois-reymond (1831-1889) équation intégrale.Richard Dedekind (1831-1916) idéaux (1871). Charles

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Les mots mathématiques
et transcendant aux mots et fonction nombres impossibles nombres imaginaires nombres imaginaires nombres complexes touchantes sont devenues des tangentes . Les fluxions , et les fonctions synectiques holomorphes squelette , de ossuaire murs , des appartements et des immeubles ... Charles Ehresmann, inventeur des mots : fibre, jet, germe, tige injection injectif en 1952 dans les Foundations of algebraic topology surjectif surjection en 1964 dans les Foundations of algebraic topology bijection biunivoque n mots
En tout bien tout honneur... Tout commence avec : Pythagore (580-520 av. J C) Pythagoriciens classification des nombres : nombres pairs, impairs, impair-pair, nombres pairement pairs (puissances de 2), pair-impair (i.e. de la forme 2(2m+1)), impair-pair (i.e. de la forme 2 n+1
: puissance : logique. Euclide (365-300 av. J C) oper edei deiksai q.e.d., quod erat demonstrandum, : arbelos. Apollonios de Perge (262-190 av JC) : ellipse, parabole et hyperbole, cylindre, asymptote (probablement) Al Khowarizmi (790-850) Fibonacci (1170-1250) : addition, extraction (1201

63. Paul Langerhans (
Biography paul Langerhans’s father (18201909), for whom he was named Berlin underHeinrich Adolf von Bardeleben (1819-1895), Emil du bois-reymond (1818-1896


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Contact does not give medical advice.
This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.
Paul Langerhans
German pathological anatomist, born July 25, 1847, Berlin; died July 20, 1888, Funchal, Madeira.
Associated eponyms: Birbeck's granules A small tennis racket-shaped, cross-striated membrane bound granule with characteristic periodicity on electron microscopy, first reported in Langerhans's cells of the epidermis. Langerhan's islands Clusters of cells present in the pancreas of most vertebrates. Langerhans adenoma Insulinoma. Langerhans' cell histiocytosis A rare disorder that primarily affects children. Biography: Paul Langerhans’s father (1820-1909), for whom he was named, was a well-known physician and President of the Berlin City Council. He had two younger stepbrothers who were also physicians. One of them, Robert (1859-1904), was an assistant to Rudolf Virchow and later became professor of pathology. Langerhans attended the Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster in Berlin and graduated at the age of sixteen. From 1865 to 1866 he studied medicine at the University of Jena, where he was strongly influenced by Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) and Karl Gegenbaur (1826-1903). He continued his medical studies in Berlin under Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben (1819-1895), Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896), Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), Julius Cohnheim (1839-1884), and Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs (1819-1885). In 1869 he graduated M.D. At Berlin he was particularly influenced by Virchow and Cohnheim, and he became later a close friend of Virchow’s.

64. 5000 BC China Acupuncture
aura and the advent of true physiological explanations by such scientists as du boisreymond,Brown-Séquard paul’s conversion from Saul to the Christian paul
The Historical Development of Migraine Etiology Theories Peter R. Andrews, PCII Submitted for Miniphase Project 1998 Abstract Introduction The history of migraine is one of cycles of observations followed by over-zealous theories, which drive the next round of observations and discoveries; this seems to have been so since antiquity, and continues today. Many of the modern theories of migraine etiology were foreshadowed by the beginning of the dark ages and have been rediscovered, refined, and used in modern theory. While this is not an uncommon model for scientific advancement, migraine disease has one of the longest histories of recognition without sufficient understanding. As we begin to view the development of mankind’s understanding of migraine, this perspective must be retained. In some ways it seems frustrating that given the length of its history, migraine disorder has not been fully understood, let alone solved. Yet, given the variability of the disorder, the mere fact that modern medicine has codified migraines and head pain to the degree it has should be seen as a significant accomplishment. Migraine history is often a tale described by changing and often competing etiological theories, however there are some constants as well. Given the subjective character of migraines, they seem to have been an area to which the latest medical revelations were applied as an explanation. When a new discovery was made in one area (e.g., circulatory system, epilepsy) that was quickly applied to migraine as a panacea for explanation. Sometimes, the application of new paradigms was appropriate and they have remained part of the modern models, but often they were exaggerated attempts and have fallen out of favor. We begin with ancient times, from which aspects describing the symptoms and the modern name of "migraine" are derived.

65. Aanvulling 3
De muziek is gecomponeerd door Burkhardt Soll en paul du boisreymond.Eindregie Ruud Alles. Redacteur (Editor) Stans van der Veen Tel. en School.htm
Museum en School 2002/2003
Jasmijn en Jacques Puree proeven van de soep.
Jacques Puree en koksmaat Jasmijn brengen de pan voor de supersoep naar de keuken
'Bah! Er gaat een weiland in de soep!' roept Viola van de Ster.
Viola van de Ster van Smulsoep BV vindt de soep te saai:
"Er moet meer kleur bij!"
Jasmijn heeft de keuken voor zichzelf!
Ojee! Jaccques in de puree?
omend schooljaar 2002/2003 start voor de Hortus botanicus Leiden het tweede seizoen van deelname aan Museum en School. De voorstellingen van Little Singing Garden in het afgelopen schooljaar werden in totaal door 3225 leerlingen van groep 1 en 2 en 714 begeleiders bezocht. De uitnodigingen voor deelname in schooljaar 2002/2003 zijn onlangs verstuurd. Vanaf dinsdag 17 september starten de voorstellingen van Bloemensoep, gespeeld door Theater Popject op muziek van Burkhardt Soll. I n september 2002 begint de nieuwe serie voorstellingen die zal worden gespeeld in de oude Oranjerie van de Hortus botanicus. De Oranjerie is de ruimte waar in de winter de subtropische kuipplanten worden gestald. Er kunnen daarom twee blokken voorstellingen gegeven worden: in september/oktober 2002 en mei/juni 2003. V oor het seizoen 2002/2003 is een nieuw programma ontwikkeld met als titel ‘Bloemensoep’. Bloemensoep is een jeugdtheatervoorstelling voor groep 1 en 2 waarin de leerlingen door objectenspel en dans kennis maken met de werking van planten op mensen. Bloemensoep gaat over planten die lekker zijn, die genezen en kwaad kunnen doen. Over de deskundigheid waarmee je planten gebruikt (en ook over de onkunde ...) De voorstelling gaat over tegenstellingen als de commerciële kant van het verkopen van soep tegenover de ambachtelijkheid van de culinaire creativiteit van een topkok. De voorstelling gaat ook over keuzes maken, bijvoorbeeld of je zomaar moet doen wat iemand tegen je zegt als je dat eigenlijk niet wilt.

66. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author!
William Pène du boisreymond, Emil Heinrich ~ du bois-reymond, Manuela du Lott~ du Cann, Charlotte ~ du Cann, Edward du Chaillu, paul Belloni ~ du
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, Harald
, Jim ... , Erica

67. CIS, University Of Bologna
is the notion that Hermite s political opinions and cultural values, particularlyas expressed in his correspondence with paul du boisreymond and Gösta Mittag

68. Porträt: Paul Langerhans
Translate this page paul Wilhelm Heinrich Langerhans wurde am 27 Semestern wechselte Langerhans 1867 nachBerlin und geriet in den Bann solcher Ordinarien wie Emil du bois-reymond,
Paul Langerhans Bernhard Meyer
Hoffnung der Diabetiker, Opfer der Tuberkulose
Paul Langerhans in Funchal, 1878 Paul Langerhans
Paul Langerhans
Paul Langerhans
Paul Langerhans

69. Mitarbeiter: PD Dr. Christoph Gradmann - Publikationen
du bois-reymond als Kulturhistoriker Problemeund Perspektiven, Norbert paul and Thomas Schlich (eds
Monographie "Historische Belletristik". Populäre historische Biographien in der Weimarer Republik, Frankfurt: Campus 1993, 256 pp. Herausgeberschaften und Wolfgang U. Eckart (eds.), Die Medizin und der Erste Weltkrieg, Freiburg: Centaurus 1996, 367 pp. und Oliver von Mengersen (eds.), Das Ende der Weimarer Republik und die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung, Heidelberg: Manutius 1994, 205 pp. Robert Koch and the Pressures of Scientific Research: Tuberculosis and Tuberculin, Medical History 45 (2001), pp.1-32. Isolation, Contamination, and Pure Culture: Monomorphism and Polymorphism of Pathogenic Micro-Organisms as Research Problem 1860-1880, Perspectives on Science 9 (2000), pp. 147-171. Money and Microbes: Robert Koch, Tuberculin and the Foundation of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin in 1891, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (2000), pp.51-71. Geschichte als Wissenschaft: Ernst Hallier und Emil du Bois-Reymond als Kulturhistoriker, Medizinhistorisches Journal 35 (2000), pp.31-54.

70. Pýcha Inžinierstva Celého Sveta – Aurel Stodola
na berlínskej univerzite, kde navštevoval prednášky takých velikánov akoboli fyzik a fyziológ Herrmann Helmholtz a matematik paul du boisreymond.
Pýcha inžinierstva celého sveta
Aurel Stodola: Moje city nikdy neochabli pre môj národ
Keï profesor Juraj Hronec z postu rektora predniesol vo februári 1939 slávnostnú reè na imatrikulácii prvých poslucháèov Slovenskej vysokej školy technickej, kládol im ako vzor profesora zürišskej techniky, liptovského rodáka Aurela Stodolu: “Aurel Stodola je pýchou terajšieho inžinierstva celého sveta a my Slováci môžeme by na neho hrdí. Jeho meno každý dobre zná, preto tým viac vy ako budúci slovenskí inžinieri musíte si toto meno dobre zapamäta.” Z inžiniera Rustonky zürišským profesorom Einsteinovo uznanie “Páni, dnes budeme vyšetrova problém ...” Priekopník teórie parných turbín Návrat domov Bola to azda zásluha rodinného zázemia, že Aurel Stodola i napriek tomu, že prevažnú väèšinu svojho života prežil vo Švajèiarsku, nestratil svoje národné povedomie. Známe je jeho vyjadrenie v liste J. Hroncovi z roku 1939, v ktorom z rodinných dôvodov odmieta èestný doktorát navrhnutý nedávno založenou Slovenskou vysokou školou technickou: “Predosielam, že moje city nikdy neochabli pre môj národ, z ktorého pochádzam. Keï som dostal pozvanie na vysokú školu v Zürichu, svoj pôvod som jasne zdôrazòoval a od tých èias ho vždy potvrdzujem.” Jeho koneèný návrat do pôvodnej vlasti bol napokon symbolickým pietnym aktom, ktorý azda nebol v rozpore s jeho ¾udskými a vlasteneckými postojmi. Aurel Stodola zomrel na prvý vianoèný sviatok v roku 1942 v Zürichu, kde bol pôvodne aj pochovaný, ale jeho telesné pozostatky boli v roku 1989 aj s manželkinými prevezené a slávnostne pochované v Liptovskom Mikuláši, v rodnom meste oboch manželov.

71. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Sofia Kovale
Translate this page En 1869 elle est a Heidelberg, ou elle suit les cours de physique de Kirchoff,et, en mathematique, ceux de paul du bois-reymond et de Koenigsberger.
Re: [HM] Sofia Kovalevskaya
Subject: Re: [HM] Sofia Kovalevskaya
From: Udai Venedem (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 17:15:34 EST On Tues feb 1st 2000 23:01, "Clara" ( ) asked:
As Sophia Kovalevskaia wrote much in French (the then "lingua franca" for
socialite, diplomatic and other mathematical folks), it seems appropriate to
answer and give, in that language (but without accentuation!), a commentary
I prepared for my next catalogue's presentation of S. K.'s works at the Acta
mathematica. My main source was: Jacqueline Detraz, "Sonia Kovalevskaia,
l'aventure d'une mathematicienne", Paris Belin, 1993.
Sonia ou Sophia Kovalevskaia (1850-1891) nee Kroukovski, fut tres tot une

72. Index Des Auteurs (Presses De L'Université Du Québec)
paul; Demers,Clément; Drouin, Martin; du bois-reymond, Manuela; dubé, Line; dubé, Louis;dubé

73. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Paul Du Bois-Reymond
The Mathematics Genealogy Project

74. Biographie : Paul Du Bois Reymond (2 Décembre 1831 [Berlin] - 7 Avril 1889 [Fre
Translate this page paul du Bois Reymond (2 décembre 1831 Berlin - 7 avril 1889 Freiburg).Après des études de médecine commencées à Zürich

75. Biographie : Georg Cantor (3 Mars 1845 [St-Petersbourg] - 6 Janvier 1918 [Halle]
Translate this page Les mathématiciens contemporains de Cantor (né en 1845) Bernhard Riemann (néen 1826) paul du Bois Reymond (né en 1831) Sophus Lie (né en 1842) Edouard

76. Du Bois-Reymond
Du Bois-Reymond Paul David Gustav, allemand, 1831-1889 , ce qui le conduit tout naturellement à l'étude d'équations différentielles et aux dérivées partielles, donc à leurs solutions exprimées sous la forme de séries entières ou trigonométriques, le calcul des variations ( ), les (on lui doit le terme) et le Heidelberg Après les travaux de Dirichlet sur les conditions de convergence et dans l'étonnement général, du Bois-Reymond exhibe (1876) une fonction numérique pathologique qui, bien que continue, voit sa série de Fourier diverger en (au voisinage duquel elle oscille). Du Bois-Reymond prouva qu'une série trigonométrique qui converge vers une fonction continue est la série de Fourier Fourier Hilbert L Constantes de du Bois-Reymond : source : Les nombres remarquables, françois Le Lionnais - Ed. Hermann, Paris, 1983- Rééd 1994 Nombres C n Le nombre C s'exprime en fonction de e = exp(1)
Si la série S a n S( b n+1 - b n est absolument convergente S a n b n est convergente.
Dedekind Maxwell

77. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
Translate this page du BOIS REYMOND,. du BOIS REYMOND, - 1862. du Bois - 1978. du BOISReymond, Manuela.du BOISReymond, Manuela - 1972. du BOISReymond, paul - 1913. du BOISReymond, paul.

78. Introduction
Culture. Amsterdam 1988 Stichting Beheer IISG. I06 Manuela du BOIS REYMOND Agnes JONKER 1988b. Relaties 36pp. I13 paul KAPTEYN 1984. Een
a b c d ... h i j k l m ... back to table of content
'Verhäuslichung von Kindheit in 20. Jahrhundert im interkulturellen Vergleich',
[Privatization of children's living space in the 20th century: An intercultural comparison]
Massenwohnung und Eigenheim. Wohnungsbau und Wohnen in der Großstadt seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg . Frankfurt/New York 1988: Campus. See also I04
'Lebensräume von Kindern im Prozeß der Modernisierung. Wiesbadener und Leidener Arbeiterkindheiten um 1900',
[Living space of children in the process of modernization: Working-class childhood in Wiesbaden (GFR) and Leiden (The Netherlands) around 1900]
192-221 in: G. Trommsdorff (ed), Sozialisation im Kulturvergleich (Socialization interculturally compared). Stuttgart 1989: Enke Verlag. See also I04
Stadtgeschichte als Kindheitsgeschichte. Lebensräume von Großstadtkindern in Deutschland und Holland um 1900
[Urban history as history of childhood. Social life space of city children in Germany and the Netherlands around 1900]
'The City's Public Space and Urban Childhood'

du CHAILLU, paul BELLONI (18351903), traveller and anthropologist, was born eitherat Paris or at New Orleans (accounts conifict) on the 31st of July 1835.

80. SAGE Publications - Author/Editor - Manuela Du Bois-Reymond
Manuela du boisreymond Affiliations - Centre for Youth Studies and Youth Policy,Netherlands. Products affiliated with Manuela du bois-reymond 1 Product,

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