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         Bohr Harald:     more books (29)
  1. Football at the 1908 Summer Olympics: Footballers at the 1908 Summer Olympics, Harald Bohr, Sophus Nielsen, Vivian Woodward
  2. Almost Periodic Functions (AMS Chelsea Publishing) by Harald Bohr, 1947-01-01
  3. Footballers at the 1908 Summer Olympics: Harald Bohr, Sophus Nielsen, Vivian Woodward, Football at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's Team Squads
  4. Harald Bohr
  5. Mathématicien Danois: Peter Andreas Hansen, Ludvig Lorenz, Harald Bohr, Johan Ludvig Heiberg, Niels Erik Nörlund, Anders Hald, Rasmus Bartholin (French Edition)
  6. Danish Mathematicians: Piet Hein, Georg Mohr, Thomas Fincke, Julius Petersen, Harald Bohr, Thomas Bartholin, Peter Andreas Hansen
  7. Akademisk Boldklub: Akademisk Boldklub Players, Niels Bohr, Harald Bohr, Mohamed Zidan, Peter Løvenkrands, Jamie Slabber, Kenneth Perez
  8. Jewish Footballers: Harald Bohr, Yossi Benayoun, Itzik Zohar, Ben Sahar, List of Jewish Footballers, Béla Guttmann, Daniël de Ridder
  9. Harald Bohr (1887-1951). by Harald (1887-1951)] NEUGEBAUER, Otto. [BOHR, 1952-01-01
  10. Akademisk Boldklub Players: Niels Bohr, Harald Bohr, Mohamed Zidan, Peter Løvenkrands, Jamie Slabber, Kenneth Perez, Simon Miotto
  11. Niels Bohr: Niels Bohr, Bohr Model, Bohrium, Aage Bohr, Niels Bohr Institute, Harald Bohr, Bohr-einstein Debates, Bks Theory, Complementarity
  12. Denmark International Footballers: Harald Bohr, Michael Laudrup, Peter Schmeichel, Jon Dahl Tomasson, Morten Olsen, Nicklas Bendtner
  13. Olympic Silver Medalists for Denmark: Wilson Kipketer, Harald Bohr, Alex Rasmussen, Sophus Nielsen, Ivan Joseph Martin Osiier, Nils Middelboe
  14. Olympic Footballers of Denmark: Harald Bohr, Thomas Helveg, Ronnie Ekelund, Stig Tøfting, Allan Simonsen, Miklos Molnar, John Hansen

81. Die Medaillengewinner Von DEN
Translate this page Andersen, Marius, Fußball, Mannschaft, bohr, harald, Fußball, Mannschaft,Buchwald, Charles, Fußball, Mannschaft, Dam, Ludvig, Schwimmen, 100 mRücken,

82. Rudi Mathematici - Index Mundi
Una Vita da Mediano, bohr (harald), 63, Calcio, sport, medaglie e classifiche.
Stanchi di problemi di matematica? Avete voglia di altri tipi di indovinelli? Perchè non provate con quest'australiano matto, allora?
Dr.Bob's Quiz

Provateci, è divertente davvero...) Rudi Mathematici

Matematica, Giochi Matematici, Problemi,
Indovinelli e Farneticazioni Rivista fondata nell'altro millennio
"Vi sono più cose in cielo e in terra, Orazio, di quante se ne sognano nella vostra filosofia" - (William Shakespeare, Hamlet) Index Mundi
Considerate quest'indice come perennemente "work in progress", per favore. All'inizio ci avevamo messo i titoli dei problemi, ma abbiamo deciso che i titoli da soli non servono a niente. Stiamo ancora decidendo quale debba essere la maniera migliore per organizzare l'Indice, e allora... per il momento, accontentatevi di questi riferimenti di massima, se potete:
PM RM Note Frazioni Continue Aritmetiche L'inizio storico dei PM Divisione di un segmento Il Capo e le costruzioni con riga e compasso Equazioni Diofantee Polli, conigli e scimmiette...

83. Enrico Fermi
de Copenhagen Universite sinde fizyoloji profesörü Christian bohr un oglu olarakdünyaya geldi. Niels ve küçük kardesi harald(gelecegin matematik
Niels Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962)
Niels Henrik David Bohr, 1885'de Copenhagen Universite 'sinde fizyoloji profesörü Christian Bohr'un oðlu olarak dünyaya geldi. Niels ve küçük kardeþi Harald(geleceðin matematik profesörü) geliþimi için çok olumlu bir atmosferde büyüdü, Babasý çok seçkin bir profesördü. Onun okul yýlarýnda fizikle ilgilenmesinde büyük etkisi olmuþtur. Annesi de eðitim alanýnda önemli kiþilerden biriydi. 1903' de Gammelholm Grammar okuluna girdikten sonra çok seçkin ve yetenekli bir profesör olan C. Christiansen 'in danýþmanlýðýnda Copenhagen Universite'sine girdi. Master derecesini 1909'da doktorasýný 1911'de aldý.
Daha öðrenciyken Copenhagen'daki bilimler akademisi tarafýndan bazý özel bilimsel problemlerin çözümü için ödül verileceði duyrulunca, Bohr akýþkanlarýn yüzey gerilimi konusunda deneysel ve teorik araþtýrma yapmaya baþladý. Babasýnýn laboratuvarlarýnda yaptýðý bu çalýþmayla duyurulan ödülü aldý. Bohr'un bundan sonraki çalýþmalarý daha çok teorikti. Doktora tezi tamamen teorik ve günümüzünde klasik problemlerinden olan, elektron teorisi yardýmýyle metallerin özelliklerinin açýklanmasýydý. Bu teoriyle ilk defa Bohr, Planck 'ýn quantum teorisiyle çatýþtý.

84. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page Etienne (398) Bôcher, Maxime (564*) Bochner, Salomon (149*) Boethius, Anicus (1033*)Boggio, Tommaso (436) Bohl, Piers (442) bohr, harald (616*) bohr, Niels
Full Alphabetical Index
Click below to go to one of the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (861) al-Nasawi , Abu (681) al-Nayrizi , Abu'l (621) al-Qalasadi , Abu'l (1247) al-Quhi , Abu (1146) al-Samarqandi , Shams (202) al-Samawal , Ibn (1569) al-Sijzi , Abu (708) al-Tusi , Nasir (1912) al-Tusi , Sharaf (1138) al-Umawi , Abu (1014) al-Uqlidisi , Abu'l (1028) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*)

85. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Translate this page Zusammen mit seinem Bruder harald (Mathematiker und zugleich einer der populärstendänischen Fußballspieler) spielte bohr leidenschaftlich Fußball.
Physik ist... Homepage English Version Fragebogen ... Gesine Grosche

Physik ist...
Antworten zum Fragebogen von Niels Bohr (1885–1962) (Quellen: Stefan Rosental, "Schicksalsjahre mit Niels Bohr", Stuttgart 1991/ Ulrich Röseberg, "Niels Bohr. Leben und Werk eines Atomphysikers 1885–1962", Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1992/ Karl v. Meyenn, Klaus Stolzenburg, Roman Sexl (Hsg.), "Niels Bohr", Braunschweig 1985/ Werner Heisenberg, "Der Teil und das Ganze. Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik", München 1981)
Für Bohr war das gar keine Frage. "Im Jahre 1903 legte ich das Abitur an der Gammelholm Latein- und Oberrealschule ab und begann ein Physikstudium an der Universität Kopenhagen."
2. Wo haben Sie Physik studiert? Kopenhagen, Cambridge und Manchester
3. Haben Sie in der Schule ein physikalisches Experiment erlebt, das Sie besonders beeindruckt hat? "In Manchester führte ich eine theoretische Untersuchung über den Geschwindigkeitsverlust aus, den atomare Teilchen beim Durchgang durch Materie erleiden. Dabei ergriffen mich besonders die Aussichten, welche sich durch die Entdeckung des Atomkerns zu einer weitergehenden Aufklärung der Eigenschaften und Verwandtschaften der Elemente eröffneten; diese konnte offensichtlich doch nur durch tiefgehende Abweichungen von den auf so vielen Gebieten fruchtbaren und vollständigen Gesichtspunkten der klassischen Physik verwirklicht werden."
4. Ihr physikalisches Aha-Erlebnis?

86. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books
ISBN 041512185X . bohr, harald Almost Periodic Functions ChelseaPublishing Company, 1947. ISBN 0828403317 . bohr, harald August
A B C D E F ... W X Y Z
Term Rewriting and All That
Cambridge University Press, 1999. [ISBN 0052177920 Babbage, Charles
On Tables of the Constants of Nature and Art. In: Annual report of the Board f Regents of the Smithsonian Institution... for the year 1856
Nicholson, 1857 Babbage, Charles
Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on Some of its Causes
R. Clay for B. Fellowes and J. Booth, 1830. [ISBN 0716515784 Bach, Eric
Analytic Methods in the Analysis and Design of Number-Theoretic Algorithms. An ACM Distinguished Dissertation 1984
MIT Press, 1985. [ISBN 0262022192
Algorithmic Number Theory
MIT Press, 1996. [ISBN 0262024055 Bachmann, Paul, Editor
Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke, Zehnten Bandes Zweite Abteilung - Uber Gauss' Zahlentheoretische Arbeiten Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1933 Bacon, Francis Essays Dent, 1985. [ISBN 0460110101 Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of Articulated Figures Morgan Kaufmann, 1991. [ISBN 1558601066 Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach Morgan Kaufmann, 1987. [ISBN 0934613249

87. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway - Web Catalogue
Bartholin Blichfeldt harald bohr Niels bohr Brahe Clausen Erlang Gram HeegaardJensen Juel Mohr Niels Nielsen Jakob Nielsen Petersen Thiele Witt Zeuthe

88. Members Of The School Of Mathematics
Translate this page BOCHNER, Salomon, 1945-48. BÖDIGHEIMER, Carl-Friedrich, 1992-93. bohr, harald,1947-48. BOLLOBÁS, Béla, 1996-97. BOMBIERI, Enrico, 1973-74. BÓNA, Miklós,1998-99.
BAAS, Nils A. BABALOLA, Victor A. BABBITT, Donald G BABSON, Eric BACHILLER, Tomas R. BADESCU, Lucian BADULESCU, Ioan BAER, Reinhold BAGBY, S. Thomas, Jr. BAGEMIHL, Frederick BAHRI, Abbas BAHRI, Diana Nunziante BAIADA, Emilio BAIK, Jinho BAILY, Walter L., Jr. BAK, Anthony BAKELMAN, Ilya BAKER, Alan BAKER, Roger BAKHTIN, Yuri BALACHANDRAN, Vadekke K. BALASUBRAMANIAN, R. BALDONI SILVA, M.Welleda BALK, Alexander BALKOVSKY, Eugeni BALL, John BALOG, Antal BALSLEV, Erik BAMBAH, Ram P. BANYAGA, Augustin BAO, David D.W. BARAK, Boaz BARANKIN, Edward W. BARANOVSKY, Vladimir BARBASCH, Dan M. BARBER, Sherburne F. BARCHINI, Leticia BARDOS, Claude BARGMANN, Valentine BARKER, Simon R. BARRICELLI, Nils A. BARROS-NETO, José BARSOTTI, Iacopo BARTNIK, Robert BASS, Hyman BASSI, Achille BATEMAN, Felice D. BATEMAN, Paul T. BATHO, Edward H. BATTERSON, Steven L. BAUER, Robert BAUER, Stefan BAUES, Hans-Joachim BAUM, Paul F. BAUMSLAG, Gilbert BAXENDALE, Peter H. BAYER-FLUCKIGER, Eva BEALS, Michael BEALS, Robert BEAUMONT, Ross A. BEC, Jérémie BECKENBACH, Edwin F. BECKER, Miriam F. BÉDARD, Robert

89. Mathematik/Informatik-Bibliothek Heidelberg : Sonderdrucke Staeckel
Translate this page 10, Boehm, Karl, 7. 11, Bohlmann, Georg, 7. 12, bohr, harald, 10. 13, Bolza, Oskar,19. 14, Bonola, Roberto, 19. 15, Bosmans, Henri, I 39, II 40-90, III 91-117 (allean Karl Bopp).
aktualisiert am
Homo Heidelbergensis mathematicus

No. Name Vorname Anzahl Sonderdrucke Beck Hans Bernstein Felix Berwald Ludwig Berzolari Luigi Bianci Luigi I: 18, II: 21, III: 14 Bieberbach Ludwig Blaschke Wilhelm Blumenthal Otto Maxime Boehm Karl Bohlmann Georg Bohr Harald Bolza Oskar Bonola Roberto Bosmans Henri I: 39, II: 40-90, III: 91-117 (alle an Karl Bopp) Anton v. Brouwer Luitzen E.J. Burckhardt Heinrich Cantor Georg Cantor Moritz Constantin Et. Cosserat Courant Richard Couturat Louis Cranz Carl Czuber Emanuel (Mechaniker) 21 Dehn Max Demoulin Alphonse Denizot Alfred Dingeldey Friedrich Disteli Martin Engel Friedrich Escherich G.v. Faber Georg Leopold Finsterwalder Sebastian Fischer Ernst Fricke Robert Frischauf Johannes Fuchs Richard Fueter Rudolf Greenhill A.G. Gundelfinger S. Paul Gutzmer August Hadamard Jacques Haentzschel Emil Hahn Hans Hahn Lilly Hamburger M. Hamel Georg Hartogs Fritz Harzer Paul Haupt Otto Hausdorff Felix Haussner Robert Hecke Erich Heffter Lothar Hellinger Ernst Hensel Kurt Hermite Charles Heun Karl (Mechaniker) 8 Hilb Emil Hilbert David Otto Horn J.

90. Harald Bohrs Papirer
Oversigt over samlingen, der omfatter papirer af og om matematikeren.
KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET Samlingsoversigt This inventory in English
Harald Bohrs papirer
Overordnet beskrivelse af samlingen
Kort beskrivelse:
Denne samling består bl.a. af manuskripter, notater, korrespondance, nekrologer og avisartikler. Omfangsmæssigt udgøres størstedelen af samlingen dels af materiale vedrørende Bohrs undervisning og dels af materiale i forbindelse med udgivelsen af Bohrs Collected Mathematical Works i 1952-53. Undervisningsmaterialet omfatter en stor del af hans forelæsningsmanuskripter og hans eksemplarer af anvendte lærebøger med kommentarer. Faktisk alt materiale fra udgivelsen af Collected Mathematical Works er bevaret, dvs. plan for værkerne, korrespondance med forlag, redaktører etc. Det biografiske materiale i samlingen er særtryk af de fleste nekrologer om Bohr, avisudklip om Bohr, en del billeder af ham og forskellige personlige papirer. Korrespondancen er udelukkende videnskabelig korrespondance og iøvrigt kun en meget lille del af Bohrs samlede videnskabelige korrespondance. De videnskabelige manuskripter og notater er næsten alle fra Bohrs studietid 1904-10. Endvidere er der en samling taler, som Bohr har holdt ved forskellige lejligheder. Materialet som helhed er fra perioden 1904-65 og på sprogene dansk, tysk, engelsk og fransk med hovedparten på dansk.

91. Bohr, Niels (1885-1962) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Physicists. Nationality. Danish. Gender or Minority Status. Scientific Families. bohr, Niels (18851962) Danish physicist who proposed a successful quantum model of the atom in 1913. are integral
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality Danish ... Scientific Families
Bohr, Niels (1885-1962)

Danish physicist who proposed a successful quantum model of the atom in 1913. His model assumed that (1) the electron exists at precise distances from the nucleus, (2) as long as an electron remains in one location, no energy is given off, (3) electrons have circular orbits (this is only correct for s orbitals), and (4) the angular momenta associated with allowed electron motion are integral multiples of . Bohr stated the Correspondence Principle, which states that quantum mechanical formulas must reduce to the classical results in the limit of large quantum number. He also advocated a probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics known as the Copenhagen interpretation Bohr (Aage) Bohr (Christian) Bohr (Harald)
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Blaedel, N. Harmony and Unity: The Life of Niels Bohr. Madison, WI: Science Tech, 1988. Murdoch, D. Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pais, A.

92. Bohr, Aage Niels (1922-) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
bohr, Aage Niels (1922), Portions Motta. Danish physicist born in Copenhagenon June 19, 1922 as the fourth son of Margarethe and Niels bohr.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality Danish ... Motta
Bohr, Aage Niels (1922-)

Portions of this entry contributed by Leonardo Motta Danish physicist born in Copenhagen on June 19, 1922 as the fourth son of Margarethe and Niels Bohr . He entered the Copenhagen University in 1940, following the steps of his father. By that time, Aage was already assisting his father with mail and writing papers. During World War II, the Bohr family fled to Sweden to avoid the Nazis. Shortly afterwards, Aage and his father went to England. During this time, Aage was acting as his father's assistant and secretary, sharing his father's research. In August 1945, they both returned to Denmark, and Aage resumed his studies, obtaining a master's degree in the following year with a thesis on some aspects of atomic stopping problems. In 1948, Aage joined the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, and from there went to Columbia University, where he discussed a newly discovered effect in the hyperfine structure of deuterium with I. I. Rabi

93. Das Bohr'sche Atommodell
Translate this page bohr verlebte eine sorglose, behütete Kindheit. Mit seinem zwei Jahre jüngeren BruderHarald führte er endlose Diskussionen, die sie im Gesprächskreis der
Next: Die Quantenmechanik Up: Die Quantentheorie und ihre Previous: Inhalt
Das Bohr'sche Atommodell
Shakespeare und Goethe Niels Harald und entwickelte daraus sein Man kann offenbar nicht zugleich denken und Vorgang des Beobachtens ist vom Beobachten des Vorgangs
Harald studierte Mathematik und verbrachte nach der Promotion einige Jahre bei David Hilbert in Elektronentheorie der Metalle eingearbeitet. In seiner 1911 vorgelegten und ausgezeichneten Dissertation behandelte er auch das Problem der magnetischen Rutherford in Manchester.
n Newton Kepler bestimmt worden. Newton gelang es mit Hilfe seiner Kraftdefinition, die Gesetze Keplers aus dem Gravitationsgesetz zu folgern. Mit dem Geniestreich seiner Gravitationstheorie Planck Einstein formulierte die Photonenhypothese postulierte er sogenannte sprunghafte Die Energiemenge n n , in einen, der n n entspricht, ist daher unter der Voraussetzung homogener Strahlung mit m Quantentheorie Systems der Elemente
Einsteins Photonenhypothese
Next: Die Quantenmechanik Up: Die Quantentheorie und ihre Previous: Inhalt Ingo Tessmann

94. Physics4u-Niels Bohr 40 ÷ñüíéá áðü ôï èÜíáôï ôïõ áíèñþ
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Niels Bohr (1885 - 1962)
¸íáò áðü ôïõò óðïõäáéüôåñïõò èåìåëéùôÝò êáé ï êýñéïò óõíôåëåóôÞò ôçò áíÜðôõîçò ôçò êâáíôéêÞò öõóéêÞò ôïõ åéêïóôïý áéþíá. ¹ôáí ï ðñþôïò ðïõ åöÜñìïóå ôçí êâáíôéêÞ èåùñßá ãéá ôçí åðßëõóç ôùí ðñïâëçìÜôùí ôçò áôïìéêÞò äïìÞò. Ï Bohr Üóêçóå ìåãÜëç åðßäñáóç óå ðïëëÝò ãåíéÝò öõóéêþí ãéá ôïí ôñüðï óêÝøçò ôïõ, Ýôóé ï Dirac ôïí ïíüìáóå, åííÞèçêå óôçí Êïðåã÷Üãç ôçò Äáíßáò óôéò 7 Ïêôùâñßïõ 1885 êáé ðñïåñ÷üôáí áðü ìéá ðïëý äéáêåêñéìÝíç åðéóôçìïíéêÞ ïéêïãÝíåéá óôçí Êïðåã÷Üãç ôçò Äáíßáò. Ï ðáôÝñáò ôïõ, Christian Bohr, Þôáí êáèçãçôÞò ôçò öõóéïëïãßáò óôçí Êïðåã÷Üãç åíþ ï íåþôåñïò áäåëöüò ôïõ Harald, ìå ôïí ïðïßï åß÷å Üñéóôåò ó÷Ýóåéò óå üëç ôïõ ôç æùÞ, Þôáí ìáèçìáôéêüò ìå ìåãÜëç äéÜêñéóç. (Ï ãéïò ôïõ, Aage, åðñüêåéôï áñãüôåñá íá êåñäßóåé ôï âñáâåßï Íüìðåë öõóéêÞò ôïõ 1975.) Óôéò äýï ôåëåõôáßåò ôÜîåéò ôïõ Ëõêåßïõ ï Niels Þôáí ðïëý êáëüò óôá ìáèçìáôéêÜ êáé ôç öõóéêÞ, áëëÜ ï ðáôÝñáò ôïõ, ðåñéóóüôåñï áðü ôïõò êáèçãçôÝò ôïõ, Þôáí áõôüò ðïõ ôïõ Ýäùóå ôçí éäÝá íá óðïõäÜóåé ìáèçìáôéêÜ êáé öõóéêÞ. Ï Bohr Üñ÷éóå íá óðïõäÜæåé óôï ÐáíåðéóôÞìéï ôçò Êïðåã÷Üãçò ôï 1903. Óðïýäáóå öõóéêÞ óáí êýñéï áíôéêåßìåíï, áëëÜ êáé ìáèçìáôéêÜ, áóôñïíïìßá êáé ÷çìåßá óáí äåýôåñá áíôéêåßìåíá. Ï êáèçãçôÞò ôïõ óôç öõóéêÞ Þôáí ï Christian Christiansen êáé óôçí öéëïóïößá ï Harald Hoffding. ÔåëéêÜ Ýìåéíå ößëïò ìå áõôïýò ôïõò êáèçãçôÝò ãéá ðïëëÜ ÷ñüíéá êáé ìåôÜ ôçí áðïöïßôçóÞ ôïõ.

95. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On January 7, 2001
20th c.) Very short biography (Eric Weisstein s Treasure Trove). bohr, HaraldAugust (18871951) Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist.
History of Astronomy What's new
History of Astronomy:
What's new at this site on January 7, 2001
Some URLs have been updated.
Welcome / About
History of astronomy

96. The Bohr Model Of The Atom
Return to Electrons in Atoms menu. On June 19, 1912, Niels bohr wrote to his brotherHarald Perhaps I have found out a little about the structure of atoms. .
The Bohr Model of the Atom
Go to "Bohr Model - Part 2" Return to Electrons in Atoms menu On June 19, 1912, Niels Bohr wrote to his brother Harald: "Perhaps I have found out a little about the structure of atoms." I. Setting the Stage The Bohr model of the atom deals specifically with the behavior of electrons in the atom. In constructing his model, Bohr was presented with several problems. Problem #1: charged electrons moving in an orbit around the nucleus SHOULD radiate energy due to the acceleration of the electron in its orbit. The frequency of the emitted radiation should gradually change as the electron lost energy and spiraled into into the nucleus. Obviously this was not happening, because the spectral lines of a given element were sharply defined and unchanging. Problem #2: the spectral lines did not show overtones (or harmonics). These are lines where the frequency is double, triple and so on of the fundamental frequency. The lines of the spectrum of each element were scattered about with no apparent pattern, other than the purely empirical formula of Balmer (which dates to 1885). However, no one knew what Balmer's formula meant. cm.) and allow the electrons to distribute themselves inside. The calculations for his "plum pudding" model, published in 1904, showed that the model did produce electron arrangements that were stable.

97. 578 (Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon / Anden Udgave / Bind III: Benzolderivater
1905. (Li 11. Tiger s te dt, »Skand. Arch. fiir Physiol.« 1911). JSJBohr, harald August, dansk Matematiker, foreg. s Søn, f. 22. Apr.
Salmonsens konversationsleksikon Anden Udgave Bind III: Benzolderivater - Brides
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98. Í.Âèíåð. ß - ìàòåìàòèê
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Am a
The Later Life of a Prodigy
An autobiographical account of
the mature years and career of
Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and a continuation of the account
of his childhood in Ex-Prodigy
Garden City, New York HTML-âåðñèÿ TXT-âåðñèÿ äàìàð, Æàê (Hadamard, Jacques) Àëåêñàíäåð, Äæ. Ó. (Alexander J. W.) Àðòèí (Artin) àáà (Bhabha) Áàéàðòà, Ìàíóýëü Ñàíäîâàëü (Vallarta, Manuel Sandoval) Áàéãëîó (Bigelow) Áàíàõ (Banach, Stefan) Áàðíåò, È. (Barnett, I.) Áàðíóì, Ôèíåàñ Ò. (Barnum, Fineas T.) Áåðãåð, àíñ (Berger, Hans) Á¸ðëèíã (Beurling) Áåðíàð, Êëîä (Bernard, Claude) Áèçîíåò (Bisonette) Áèðâèðò (Bierwirth) Áèðêãîô, Äæ. Ä. (Birkhoff, G. D.) Áëåéê, Äæîí (Blake, John) Áëÿøêå, Âèëüãåëüì (Blaschke, Wilhelm) Áîäåò, Òîððåñ (Bodet, Torres) Áîçå (Bose) Áîëüöìàí (Boltzmann) Áîð, Íèëüñ (Bohr, Niels) Áîð, Õàðàëüä (Bohr, Harald) Áîðí, Ìàêñ (Born, Max) Áîÿè (Bolyai) Áðåéãåëü (Breigel) Áðîóýð (Brower) Áóëèãàí (Bouligand, G.) Áóðáàêè (Bourbaki) Áóø, Âåíèâàð (Bush, Vannevar) Áýááåäæ (Babbage) àëëå-Ïóññåí, äå ëà (Vallee Poussin de la)

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