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21. Bohr, Harald Spiller nr. 4 harald bohr. f. 22. april 1887. AB. 4 Alandskampe -2 mål. 3 sejre 0 uafgjorte 1 nederlag. 28 - 4 i målscore. 1. 1) 19.10 http://home6.inet.tele.dk/pin/landsholdet/Bohr_Harald.htm | |
22. 1908 harald Hansen, B 93, 1 landskamp, Charles Bilot. harald bohr, AB, 1 landskamp 2mål, Sadi Dastarac. 25. min. 4 0 harald bohr. 46. min. 5 - 0 harald bohr. 50.min. http://home6.inet.tele.dk/pin/landsholdet/1908.htm | |
23. Auteur - Bohr, Harald Translate this page Auteur bohr, harald, 6 documents trouvés. Ouvrage Almost periodic functionsbohr, harald (Principal) Chelsea Publisher Co. 1985 Ouvrage RdC (C). http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Auteur.htm?numrec=061961779914350 |
24. Descripteur - 01A60 Translate this page Ouvrage harald bohr collected mathematical works in three volumes Vol.I Dirichletseries the Riemann zeta-function bohr, harald (Principal) Dansk Matematisk http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051919646919140&Range=0019 |
25. Publishing København 1917. 25. bohr, harald Collected Mathematical Works in three Volumes. 200.bohr, harald Collected Mathematical Works in three Volumes. Volume II. http://www.dmf.mathematics.dk/publ_en.html | |
26. Almost Period Functions; Author: Bohr, Harald; Hardback; Book Almost Period Functions. Author bohr, harald Hardback; Book Published January1999 Oxford University Press ISBN 082840027X This item nonreturnable. http://www.opengroup.com/mabooks/082/082840027X.shtml | |
27. Biographie : Harald Bohr (22 Avril 1887 [Copenhague] - 22 Janvier 1951 [Copenhag Translate this page harald bohr (22 avril 1887 Copenhague - 22 janvier 1951 Copenhague). haraldbohr a effectué la quasi-totalité de sa carrière à Copenhague. http://www.bibmath.net/bios/index.php3?action=affiche&quoi=bohr |
28. Polytech Photos Lære / Portrætter / bohr, harald, Kategorier. . Nyheder. Engelsk, Nielsbohr (18851962). Dansk fysiker. Her sammen med broderen harald. Mere information. http://www.polytechphotos.dk/index.php?CatID=382 |
29. Niels Bohr Not only did Professor bohr keep their educations balanced, but he also Both brothersachieved national recognition as soccer players, and harald even became a http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/bohr/section1.html | |
30. Niels Bohr Ellen bohr . bohr s mother. harald bohr -. A beloved brother of Niels,who remained a close companion and confidant throughout their lives. http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/bohr/terms.html | |
31. Harald August Bohr Translate this page harald August bohr. http://www.chemie.uni-bremen.de/stohrer/biograph/bohrh.htm | |
32. Niels Bohr Translate this page November 1962. Niels bohr stammte aus einer Familie von Wissenschaftlern SeinVater Christian bohr war Physiologe, sein Bruder harald bohr Mathematiker. http://www.chemie.uni-bremen.de/stohrer/biograph/bohr.htm | |
33. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BOH bohr (harald, frère de Niels bohr) Photo 1(2) Photo de groupe 1 (avec son frère Niels bohr). bohr (Aage Niels http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/boh.htm | |
34. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : BOH Michael)(18871965) Photo 1; bohr (harald, brother of Niels bohr)Photo 1 (2) Group photo 1 (with brother Niels bohr). bohr (Aage Niels http://www.onlipix.com/personages/boh.htm | |
35. Mathematics List2 bohr, harald. Kleinere Beitrage Zur Theorie der Fastperiodischen Funktionen,III. III-IV 17, 15 pp. Det Kgl. MATH13238 $30.00. bohr, harald. http://www.significantbooks.com/mthl2.htm | |
36. The Bohr Atom For one thing, Rutherford was a soccer fan, and bohr s brother harald (only nineteenmonths younger than bohr) was famoushe had played in the silver medal http://www.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/Bohr_Atom/Bohr_Atom.html | |
37. From Bohr's Atom To Electron Waves harald bohr wrote to his brother from Göttingen in the fall of 1913 that theyoung physicists there considered bohr s model too bold and fantastic . http://www.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/Bohr_to_Waves/Bohr_to_Waves.html | |
38. Booktrader - Nature And Technology DKK (500) 325. 19133 bohr, harald Collected Mathematical Works. Ed. by ErlingFølner and Børge Jessen. 3 vols. Copenhagen 1952. 4to. Cloth. DKK 3.000. http://www.booktrader.dk/n.html | |
39. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Harald Bohr harald bohr Biography Ph.D. Københavns Universitet 1910. According to our currentonline database, harald bohr has 2 students and 10 descendants. http://www.genealogy.ams.org/html/id.phtml?id=44557 |
40. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of BO Translate this page Bohorquez, Jaime, Cornell University, 1982. bohr, Kurt, Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg, 1965. bohr, harald, Københavns Universitet, 1910. http://www.genealogy.ams.org/html/letter.phtml?letter=BO&fShow=1 |
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