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         Blichfeldt Hans:     more detail
  1. Finite collineation groups, with an introduction to the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups by Hans Frederik Blichfeldt, 2010-09-11
  2. Theory and applications of finite groups by G A. 1863-1951 Miller, Hans Frederick Blichfeldt, et all 2010-08-30
  3. Finite Collineation Groups: With An Introduction To The Theory Of Groups Of Operators And Substitution Groups (1917) by Hans Frederik Blichfeldt, 2010-09-10
  4. [Pamphlets] by Hans Frederick Blichfeldt, 1902-01-01
  5. Theory and Applications of Finite Groups by George Abram Miller, Hans Frederick Blichfeldt, 2010-02-12
  6. Biographical memoir of Hans Frederick Blichfeldt, 1873-1945 (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Biographical memoirs) by E. T Bell, 1951
  7. [Lectures delivered at Stanford University, 1930-1932] by Hans Frederick Blichfeldt, 1932

1. Blichfeldt
Hans Frederick Blichfeldt. Born 9 Jan Hans Blichfeldt s father, ErhardChristoffer Laurentius Blichfeldt, was farmer. However this broke
Hans Frederick Blichfeldt
Born: 9 Jan 1873 in Illar, Denmark
Died: 16 Nov 1945 in Palo Alto, California, USA
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Hans Blichfeldt 's father, Erhard Christoffer Laurentius Blichfeldt, was farmer. However this broke with a long tradition in the family who were ministers of the church. Erhard Blichfeldt married Nielsine Maria Scholer and their son Hans soon showed remarkable mathematical ability. Despite the family being poor, they were well educated and Hans's father helped him with his studies. Hans showed a talent for all subjects, but he shone in mathematics. At an early age Hans took the university entrance examinations. He passed with distinction but his parents were too poor to be able to afford to send him to university. Looking for a better life and to escape the poverty which they lived in, Hans's family decided to emigrate to the United States when he was 15 years of age. This was not the immediate solution to all of Hans's problems for once in the United States he spent four years as a labourer working on farms and in sawmills. It was hard work for the young man, so when he became a surveyor travelling round the country, it was a step towards a better life. As a surveyor Blichfeldt had the opportunity to show his mathematical skills. All his colleagues marvelled at his ability to do mental arithmetic calculations of great complexity. Although this is no real sign of mathematical ability, it is usually taken as such by non-mathematicians and in the case of Blichfeldt his fellow surveyors were absolutely correct in persuading him to study mathematics at university.

2. Blichfeldt
Hans Frederick Blichfeldt. Born 9 Jan 1873 in Hans Blichfeldt s familyemigrated to the USA when he was 15. He returned to Europe to
Hans Frederick Blichfeldt
Born: 9 Jan 1873 in Illar, Denmark
Died: 16 Nov 1945 in Palo Alto, California, USA
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Hans Blichfeldt 's family emigrated to the USA when he was 15. He returned to Europe to obtain a doctorate under Lie on transformation groups. His research was on group theory and number theory, covering many topics within these areas. Blichfeldt wrote papers on the geometry of numbers and he has an important work Finite Collineation Groups . He co-authored Theory and Application of Finite Groups with G A Miller and Dickson References (2 books/articles) Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
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Famous curves index ... Search Suggestions JOC/EFR December 1996 The URL of this page is:

3. Aftenposten - Skatt 2002 - Skattelister
373.158. 60, 1965, Reigstad Trond, 3475 Sætre, 0, 789.200, 404.695.61, 1936, blichfeldt hans Mow, 3484 Holmsbu, 586.000, 784.300, 218.435.62,

4. Norsk Journalistlag: Årsberetning Trondhjems Journalistforening 2002 - 2003
Erlend Hansen Juvik Marte Mona Arne Sellæg Magne Vik Bjørkøy Bror blichfeldt hansMartin Hauge Terje Eidsvåg og Sigmund Raanes deltok i kraft av sine verv;action=Article.publicShow;ID=2138

5. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs
Translate this page blichfeldt, hans Frederik Finite collineation groups, with an introductionto the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups.
Sorted by Title A B C ... XYZ Authors "B" Bachelier, Louis Jean Baptist Bahier, Eugène Baker, Arthur Latham Baker, H. F. Ball, Robert S. Baltzer, Richard Bardey, Ernst Barlow, Peter Barrow, Isaac Bartlett, Dana Prescott Bassett, Alfred Barnard Bellacchi, Giacomo

6. Books On-line: Search Results
You requested author names with the words "hans". Andersen, hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales Goodby (HTML at blichfeldt, hans Frederik Finite Collineation Groups

7. B Index
Abu al (3002*) Bjerknes, Carl (932*) Bjerknes, Vilhelm (1895*) Black, Max (1139)Blackwell, David (1242*) Blaschke, Wilhelm (107*) blichfeldt, hans (665*) Bliss
Names beginning with B
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Babbage , Charles (2793*)
, Louis (1384*)
, Claude (165)
, Paul (386*)
, John (542*)
, Roger (657*)
, Reinhold (596*)
, Abu al (947)

, Alan (647*)
, Henry (794*) Ball , Walter W Rouse (706) Balmer , Johann (601*) Banach , Stefan (2533*) Banneker , Benjamin (892*) Banna , al-Marrakushi al (861) Banu Musa brothers Banu Musa, al-Hasan Banu Musa, Ahmad Banu Musa, Jafar ... bar Hiyya , Abraham (641) Barbier , Joseph Emile (637) Bari , Nina (403*) Barlow , Peter (623) Barnes , Ernest (609*) Barocius , Franciscus (201) Barrow , Isaac (2332*) Barozzi , Francesco (201) Bartholin , Erasmus (189) Batchelor , George (1035*) Bateman , Harry (1651*) Battaglini , Guiseppe (102*) Baudhayana Battani , Abu al- (1333*) Baxter , Agnes (624*) Bayes , Thomas (538*) Beaugrand , Jean (222) Beaune , Florimond de (316) Beg , Ulugh (1219*) Bell, Eric Temple Bell, John Bellavitis , Giusto (762*) Beltrami , Eugenio (1057*) ben Ezra , Abraham (552) ben Gerson , Levi (268) ben Tibbon , Jacob (198) Bendixson , Ivar Otto (1208*) Benedetti , Giovanni (211) Bergman , Stefan (311*) Berkeley , George (239*) Bernays , Paul Isaac (772*) Bernoulli, Daniel

8. Biography-center - Letter B baeyerbio.html. Baeyer, hans Ritter von blichfeldt, hans.
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1183 biographies

9. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member
blichfeldt, hans F. Date of Birth January 9, 1873. Electedto NAS 1920. Date of Death November 16, 1945.

10. Nat'l Academies Press, The National Academy Of Sciences: (1978), Appendix D: Mem
1948 iBerry, Edward Wilber, 1922 Bethe, hans Albrecht, 1944 tBigelow, Henry Bryant 1931 Alfred, 1945 Bleakney, Walker, 1959 blichfeldt, hans Frederik, 1920 Blinks, Lawrence Rogers
Read more than 3,000 books online FREE! More than 900 PDFs now available for sale HOME ABOUT NAP CONTACT NAP HELP ... ORDERING INFO Items in cart [0] TRY OUR SPECIAL DISCOVERY ENGINE Questions? Call 800-624-6242
The National Academy of Sciences: The First Hundred Years, 1863-1963
National Academy of Sciences ( NAS
Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-viii Table of Contents, pp. ix-xvi 1. The Academy's Antecedents, pp. 1-15 2. Scientists and Scientific Organizations in Mid-Century Am..., pp. 16-42 3. The Incorporation and Organization of the Academy, pp. 43-78 4. The Government Calls upon the Academy, pp. 79-99 5. Postbellum Years and the Crisis within the Academy, pp. 100-133 6. The End of the Nineteenth Century, pp. 134-164 7. The Academy Marks Its Semicentennial, pp. 165-199 8. World War I and the Creation of the National Research Cou..., pp. 200-241 9. The Research Council's Permanent Status and the Academy's..., pp. 242-280 10. The Twenties: New Horizons in Science, pp. 281-316 11. The Academy during the Great Depression, pp. 317-346

11. National Academy Of Sciences
Blalock, Hubert M. Blalock, Alfred. Blau, Peter M. Bleakney, Walker. blichfeldt,hans F. Blinks, Lawrence R. Bliss, Gilbert A. Bloch, Konrad E. Bloch, Felix.$$AlphaListB?OpenDocu

12. Nat'l Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs (1990), Cumulative Index
Frederick Augustus Porter 2025972 Barnard 331-38 Blalock, Alfred 5349-81 blichfeldt, hans Frederik 26 181- 89 Bliss, Gilbert Ames 31 Wigglesworth 15 139-65 Clarke, hans Thacher 463-20 Clarke, John
Read more than 3,000 books online FREE! More than 900 PDFs now available for sale HOME ABOUT NAP CONTACT NAP HELP ... ORDERING INFO Items in cart [0] TRY OUR SPECIAL DISCOVERY ENGINE Questions? Call 800-624-6242
Biographical Memoirs V.59
National Academy of Sciences ( NAS
Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-iv Table of Contents, pp. v-vi Preface, pp. vii-viii Title Page, pp. 1-1 Frederic C. Bartter, pp. 2-25 George Wells Beadle, pp. 26-53 Solomon A. Berson, pp. 54-71 Raymond Thayer Birge, pp. 72-85 William Henry Chandler, pp. 86-115 Gertrude Mary Cox, pp. 116-133 Conrad Arnold Elvehjem, pp. 134-167 Gottfried Samuel Fraenkel, pp. 168-195 Haldan Keffer Hartline, pp. 196-213 Mark Kac, pp. 214-235 Aldo Starker Leopold, pp. 236-255 Manfred Martin Mayer, pp. 256-281 Walsh McDermott, pp. 282-307 Theophilus Shickel Painter, pp. 308-337 Edward Lawrie Tatum, pp. 356-387 Cornelis Bernardus Van Niel, pp. 388-423 Robert H. Whittaker, pp. 424-445 Maxwell Mayer Wintrobe, pp. 446-472 Cumulative Index, pp. 473-486

13. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Hans Blichfeldt
hans Frederik blichfeldt Ph.D. Dissertation 1940, According to our currentonline database, hans blichfeldt has 2 students and 2 descendants.

14. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs
groups, with an introduction to the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups. by blichfeldt, hans Frederik
A B C D E F G H IJ K ... WXYZ Titles "F" Fields of force; supplementary lectures, applications to meteorology; a course of lectures in mathematical physics delivered December 1 to 23, 1905
by Bjerknes, V. Finite collineation groups, with an introduction to the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups
by Blichfeldt, Hans Frederik First six books of the Elements of Euclid, and propositions I.-XXI. of book XI., and an appendix on the cylinder, sphere, cone, etc., with copious annotations and numerous exercises
by Casey, John Die Focaleigenschaften der Flächen zweiter Ordnung, ein neues Capitel zu den Lehrbüchern der analytischen Geometrie des Raumes
by Staude, Otto La fonction gamma: théorie, histoire, bibliographie
by Godefroy, Maurice Les fonctions polyédriques et modulaires
by Vivianti, G (Giulio) Fondamenti di geometria a più dimensioni e a più specie di unità rettilinee esposti in forma elementare. Lezioni per la scuola di magistero in matematica
by Veronese, Guiseppe Fondamenti per la teorica delle funzioni di variabili reali
by Dini, Ulisse Formeln und Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche der elliptischen Functionen
by Weierstrass, Karl

15. Contact Details For Temperature Technology
Temperature Technology Staff. General. Technical. Marketing/Accounts. Website.hans/Kirsten blichfeldt, hans blichfeldt, Kirsten blichfeldt, Katrina blichfeldt.
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Hans/Kirsten Blichfeldt Hans Blichfeldt Kirsten Blichfeldt Katrina Blichfeldt Or you can use our feedback form
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16. Blichfeldt
Biography of hans blichfeldt (18731945) hans Frederick blichfeldt. Born 9 Jan 1873 in Illar, Denmark Main index. hans blichfeldt's father, Erhard Christoffer Laurentius blichfeldt, was farmer
Hans Frederick Blichfeldt
Born: 9 Jan 1873 in Illar, Denmark
Died: 16 Nov 1945 in Palo Alto, California, USA
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to see a larger version Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Hans Blichfeldt 's father, Erhard Christoffer Laurentius Blichfeldt, was farmer. However this broke with a long tradition in the family who were ministers of the church. Erhard Blichfeldt married Nielsine Maria Scholer and their son Hans soon showed remarkable mathematical ability. Despite the family being poor, they were well educated and Hans's father helped him with his studies. Hans showed a talent for all subjects, but he shone in mathematics. At an early age Hans took the university entrance examinations. He passed with distinction but his parents were too poor to be able to afford to send him to university. Looking for a better life and to escape the poverty which they lived in, Hans's family decided to emigrate to the United States when he was 15 years of age. This was not the immediate solution to all of Hans's problems for once in the United States he spent four years as a labourer working on farms and in sawmills. It was hard work for the young man, so when he became a surveyor travelling round the country, it was a step towards a better life. As a surveyor Blichfeldt had the opportunity to show his mathematical skills. All his colleagues marvelled at his ability to do mental arithmetic calculations of great complexity. Although this is no real sign of mathematical ability, it is usually taken as such by non-mathematicians and in the case of Blichfeldt his fellow surveyors were absolutely correct in persuading him to study mathematics at university.

17. Personside 305
1 Han var sønn av Nikolai Kristian Harder og Bergitta Sørensdatter. hans ChristianHarder døde i 1862. Ole Danielsen døde i 1875. NN blichfeldt (M).
Personside 305 Hovedindeks Etternavnsliste Hjem
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Christen Christensen Elster (M)
f. 2 april 1764, d. 11 mars 1833 Christen Christensen Elster var Amtmann i Nord Trøndelag. Han ble født den 2 april 1764. Han giftet seg med Christiane Fredrike Collin , datter av Friderich Collin og Bernhardine Mølmann , den 7 november 1797. Christen Christensen Elster døde den 11 mars 1833 i en alder av 68.
Barn av Christen Christensen Elster og Christiane Fredrike Collin
Bernhardine Katrine Elster f. 26 aug. 1798

Christiane Fredrike Collin (F)
f. 7 november 1777, d. 28 januar 1821
Christiane Fredrike Collin ble født den 7 november 1777. Hun var datter av Friderich Collin og Bernhardine Mølmann . Christiane Fredrike Collin giftet seg med Christen Christensen Elster den 7 november 1797. Christiane Fredrike Collin døde den 28 januar 1821 i en alder av 43.
Barn av Christiane Fredrike Collin og Christen Christensen Elster
Bernhardine Katrine Elster f. 26 aug. 1798

Friderich Collin (M)
f. 24 juni 1740, d. 19 april 1802
Friderich Collin ble født den 24 juni 1740. Han var sønn av

18. Personside 276
Ernst Wilhelm von Hadeln ble født i 1744. Han var sønn av Knud von Hadelnog Johanne blichfeldt. hans Bernhoft Hegge (M) f. circa 1742 Anetavle.
Personside 276 Hovedindeks Etternavnsliste Hjem
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Inger Eline Johnsdatter (F)
f. 29 juni 1872 Inger Eline Johnsdatter ble født den 29 juni 1872 i Jektevik, Andørja, Troms. Hun giftet seg med Peder Kristoffer Mortensen , sønn av Morten Jenssen og Nikoline Bergitta Martinusdatter , i 1895 i Jektvik, Ibestad, Troms.
  • Tore Meyer, Astafjord Bygdebok , Fam. 3688.
    Samuel Hanssen (M)
    f. 1785, d. 1856
    Samuel Hanssen ble født i 1785 i Dyrstad, Ibestad, Troms. Han var sønn av Hans Samuelsen og Valborg Natanaelsdatter . Samuel Hanssen døde i 1856.
    Knud Olsen Aas (M)
    Knud Olsen Aas var sønn av Ole Knudsen Aas og Karen Anfinnsdatter Røgh
    Ole Olsen Aas (M)
    f. 1774 Anetavle Ole Olsen Aas ble født i 1774. Han var sønn av Ole Knudsen Aas og Maren Pedersdatter Hønnichen Ingebrigt Knudsen Aas (M) f. 1713 Anetavle Ingebrigt Knudsen Aas ble født i 1713. Han var sønn av Knud Ingebrigtsen Aas og Kirsten Pedersdatter Braad Peder Knudsen Aas (M) f. 1715 Anetavle Peder Knudsen Aas ble født i 1715. Han var sønn av Knud Ingebrigtsen Aas og Kirsten Pedersdatter Braad Karen Knudsdatter Aas (F) f. 1717
  • 19. B [Blaker - Blom]
    blichfeldt, hans Christian, sorenskr. 22 237. blichfeldt, HenrichFrantzen, bergråd, assessor, 22 237. blichfeldt, Henriette, 1415.
    B [Blaker - Blom]
    oversikt forrige neste Blaker Anne Blaker Eli Michelsd. Blaker Gunhild Blaker Haldor Blaker Marie Blaker Michel Lauritzen (Munk) Blaker Mikkel (Michel) Blaker Rolv (Rolf) Blaker Sevald Blakstad Rasm. Mart. Blakstad Signe Blakstad slekten Blanc T. Blanche Anders Pederss. 9: 188 f., 354 Blank Anna Olavsd., g.m. Atletveit Blank Henrik Henrikss. Blanke Anders Blankenborg Knud Jacobss., borgerm., Odense 5: 134, 214 flg Blankenborg Lambert, rektor Blankenborg Louise Birg. Pedersd., g.m. Prydz Blankenborg Peder, borgerm., Odense Blankenfeld Blaschitz Mena Blaskowitz Helena, g.m. Wichman Blauenfeldt Henrich Blauenfeldt Henriette Tugendreich Blauenfeldt Johan Samuel Berthold Achebye Blauenfeldt Johanne Petronelle Blauenfeldt Margrethe Blauenfeldt Peder Blauenfeldt Stephan Blauenfeldt Thomas Blauenfeldt Thomas Hakon Blauenfeldt Thomasine Margrethe Blaum frk. Blechen Ellen Christophersd. Bleching Claus, rektor Blechmand Cornelsche, g.m. Gad Blege Anne Blege Halvor Knutss. Blegebachen Rasmus Blegebachen Stoe Blegen Theodore C. Bleggraf Peter, prest Blehr Blehr Albert Blehr Blehr Albert Albertss., skredder, Bergen

    20. Baden, Emerentze Pedersdatter
    Bleicwedel, Michael Frederik Blichfeld Blicher, Nina blichfeldt, hans Jakob 17531822blichfeldt, Oline Frederikke 1824-1899 blichfeldt, Rasmus Christian 1797
    Baden, Emerentze Pedersdatter
    Bager, Anders Jespersen ?-1671

    Bager, Dorthe Andersdatter ?-1720

    Bager, Jesper Jacobsen 1630-1671
    ... Homepage 10 Feb 2004

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