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         Bjerknes Vilhelm:     more detail
  1. Appropriating the Weather: Vilhelm Bjerknes and the Construction of a Modern Meteorology by Robert Marc Friedman, 1993-11
  2. Vorlesungen Über Hydrodynamische Fernkräfte Nach C. A. Bjerknes' Theorie, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Vilhelm Bjerknes, Carl Anton Bjerknes, 2010-03-21
  3. Vorlesungen Über Hydrodynamische Fernkräfte Nach C. A. Bjerknes' Theorie, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Vilhelm Bjerknes, Carl Anton Bjerknes, 2010-01-11
  4. Vilhelm Bjerknes
  5. Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by William J. McPeak, 2000
  6. Norwegian Meteorologists: Harald Sverdrup, Sverre Petterssen, Vilhelm Bjerknes, Jørgen Holmboe, Jacob Bjerknes, Arnt Eliassen, Odd Reinsfelt
  7. Dynamic Meteorology and Hydrography: Plates by Vilhelm Bjerknes, 2010-04-04
  8. Appropriating the Weather Vilhelm Bjerknes and the Construction of a Modern Meteorology by RobertMarcFriedman, 1993-01-01
  9. Fields of Force: A Course of Lectures in Mathematical Physics. by Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes, 1906
  10. Lectures on physical hydrodynamics by Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes, 1924
  11. The Bergen School of Dynamic Meteorology and Its Dissemination: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by William J. McPeak, 2000

21. Bjerknes, Vilhelm Firman Koren
bjerknes, vilhelm Firman Koren (18621951). Norwegian scientist whosetheory of polar fronts formed the basis of all modern weather
Bjerknes, Vilhelm Firman Koren
Norwegian scientist whose theory of polar fronts formed the basis of all modern weather forecasting and meteorological studies. He also developed hydrodynamic models of the oceans and the atmosphere and showed how weather prediction could be carried out on a statistical basis, dependent on the use of mathematical models.
Bjerknes was professor at Stockholm, Sweden, and Leipzig, Germany, before returning to Norway and founding the Bergen Geophysical Institute 1917.
During World War I, Bjerknes instituted a network of weather stations throughout Norway; coordination of the findings from such stations led him and his co-workers to the theory of polar fronts, based on the discovery that the atmosphere is made up of discrete air masses displaying dissimilar features.
He coined the word 'front' to denote the boundary between such air masses.

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23. EO Library: Vilhelm Bjerknes Page 4
bjerknes, vilhelm Friman Koren, Encyclopedia Britannica Online http//www.britannica.com19992000 Inc. All rights reserved.
Internet References "Bjerknes, Vilhelm Friman Koren," Encyclopedia Britannica Online
O'Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson, July 2000: "Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes." School of Mathematics and Statistics. University of St. Andrews, Scotland. "Vilhelm Bjerknes." European Geophysical Society. Print References Ahrens, C. Donald. Meteorology: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1994. Friedman, Robert Marc. Appropriating the Weather: Vilhelm Bjerknes and Construction of a Modern Meteorology. Cornell University Press, 1989. Moran, Joseph M., and Michael D. Morgan. Meteorology: The Atmosphere and the Science of Weather. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997. Schneider, Stephen H., ed. Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. return to: Vilhelm Bjerknes
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24. Météo-France - Bjerknes (Vilhelm) = "_root"
Bjerknes (Vilhelm)
Géophysicien norvégien (1862-1951). Mathématicien et physicien de formation, il ne tarda pas à s'intéresser aux applications de l'hydrodynamique à la météorologie et à l'océanographie ; l' atmosphère étant un fluide, la prévision du temps , en vint-il à penser, constituait un problème dont la formulation était de nature mathématique et dont la résolution dépendait de conditions bien déterminées (voir l' encart
Dans les années 1907 à 1910, Vilhelm Bjerknes établit avec Johan Wilhelm Sandström qu'il était préférable d'analyser et prévoir l'atmosphère sur des surfaces isobares plutôt que sur des surfaces à altitude constante ; tous deux démontrèrent des théorèmes fondamentaux concernant la circulation atmosphérique. Après un séjour en Allemagne, entre 1913 et 1917, en qualité de Directeur du Nouvel Institut de Géophysique de Leipzig, Bjerknes revint en Norvège et fonda à l'université de Bergen, en 1917, un Institut de géophysique ; il y regroupa d'éminents météorologistes, parmi lesquels Holvar Solberg, Tor Bergeron , plus tard Ragnar Fjörtoft, et également son propre fils

25. Météo France - La Météo De A à Z
Translate this page échelle (de)} V. échelle (de) Beaufort Bergeron (Tor) Bergeron {effet} V. effetBergeron bilan radiatif biosphère bjerknes (vilhelm) bjerknes, fils de V

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V. : Charles (Jacques)

V. : radiosondage
V. : atmosphère barocline

V. : surface isotherme barographe Synonyme de baromètre enregistreur V. : baromètre anéroïde baromètre baromètre à mercure V. : baromètre baromètre anéroïde baromètre enregistreur (syn. : barographe) V. : baromètre anéroïde V. : atmosphère barotrope basse atmosphère V. : atmosphère Beaufort (sir Francis) V. : échelle (de) Beaufort Bergeron (Tor) V. : effet Bergeron bilan radiatif biosphère Bjerknes (Vilhelm) ... Bjerknes, fils de V. Bjerknes (Jacob) V. : Bjerknes (Vilhelm) blizzard bonace V. : vent calme bonne brise V. : brise bourrasque Boyle (sir Robert) V. : Charles (Jacques) brève échéance Synonyme de courte échéance ou court terme V. : échéance (de prévision) brise brise d'amont V. : brise brise d'aval V. :

26. EGS - Vilhelm Bjerknes
vilhelm bjerknes, The medal is named after vilhelm bjerknes (18621951), oneof the leading atmospheric scientists of the first half of this century.
European Geophysical Society Vilhelm Bjerknes The Section on Oceans and Atmosphere has established a new medal for distinguished research in atmospheric sciences. The medal is named after Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862-1951), one of the leading atmospheric scientists of the first half of this century. In the following there is a summary provided by Arnt Eliassen, Honorary Member of the EGS:
In a programmatic paper from 1904 he proposed the procedure Which is now called numerical weather prediction. He advocated that weather prognosis should be considered as an initial value problem of mathematical physics, and carried out by integrating the governing equations forward in time, starting from the observed atmospheric state.
The problems of analysis were further studied during Bjerknes's stay in Oslo and Leipzig. In 1917 Bjerknes settled in Bergen with two research assistants, his son Jack and Jack's fellow student Halvor Solberg; they were later joined by the Swedish meteorologist Tor Bergeron. This team put forward the polar front theory of cyclones, which has for 75 years served as an effective tool in weather analysis and forecasting.
Vilhelm Bjerknes had a rare ability to attract and inspire gifted students. He promoted progress in his field not only through his own work, but also by recruiting into geophysics a considerable number of students who later became prominent meteorologists or oceanographers. He was also efficient in making his and his co-worker's achievements known, not only to the scientific community, but to politicians and the public as well.

27. EGU - Vilhelm Bjerknes
vilhelm bjerknes, The medal is named after vilhelm bjerknes (18621951), oneof the leading atmospheric scientists of the first half of this century.
European Geosciences Union Vilhelm Bjerknes The medal is named after Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862-1951), one of the leading atmospheric scientists of the first half of this century. In the following there is a summary provided by Arnt Eliassen, Honorary Member of the EGS:
In a programmatic paper from 1904 he proposed the procedure Which is now called numerical weather prediction. He advocated that weather prognosis should be considered as an initial value problem of mathematical physics, and carried out by integrating the governing equations forward in time, starting from the observed atmospheric state.
The problems of analysis were further studied during Bjerknes's stay in Oslo and Leipzig. In 1917 Bjerknes settled in Bergen with two research assistants, his son Jack and Jack's fellow student Halvor Solberg; they were later joined by the Swedish meteorologist Tor Bergeron. This team put forward the polar front theory of cyclones, which has for 75 years served as an effective tool in weather analysis and forecasting.
Vilhelm Bjerknes had a rare ability to attract and inspire gifted students. He promoted progress in his field not only through his own work, but also by recruiting into geophysics a considerable number of students who later became prominent meteorologists or oceanographers. He was also efficient in making his and his co-worker's achievements known, not only to the scientific community, but to politicians and the public as well.

28. Essays Page
bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren. Encyclopedia ofWeather and Climate. New York Facts On File, Inc., 2002. Science Online.

29. Essays Page
Source Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate. New York Facts On File, Inc.,2002. Entry Title bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren. Date (1862–1951).

30. Arven Etter Vilhelm Bjerknes
Arven etter vilhelm bjerknes Universitetet i Bergen har mottatt den gledelige meldingat bjerknessenteret for klimaforskning har fått status som senter for
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31. - Bergens Tidende
Arven etter vilhelm bjerknes. Bergensskolen ble ledet av vilhelm bjerknes, somsammen med sin sønn Jacob bjerknes låner navn til bjerknessenteret.

32. Vilhelm Bjerknes - Universitetet I Oslo
Bergensskolens far. vilhelm bjerknes hus. Han hadde en uvanlig langforskerkarriere, vilhelm bjerknes. vilhelm bjerknes ble cand.real.
UiO - nettsider UiO - personer BIBSYS - forfatter BIBSYS - tittel WWW - Google Studier Studentliv Forskning For ansatte ... Henrik Wergeland
Bergensskolens far
Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Tekst: Randi Meyer Tre generasjoner Teksten er hentet fra Apollon , nr. 4/94.
Enhet: Informasjonsavdelingen
Dokument opprettet: 05.05.2000, endret: 24.07.2000 Kontakt UiO Hjelp

33. UiO - Kart Over Gaustad, Forskningsparken Og Blindern
Sundts hus B; Harriet Holters hus C. vilhelm bjerknes hus; Niels HenrikAbels hus; Sophus Lies auditorium; Preklinisk odontologi; Pennalet;
UiO - nettsider UiO - personer BIBSYS - forfatter BIBSYS - tittel WWW - Google Studier Studentliv Forskning For ansatte ... Tilbake til standard versjon av kartet
Gaustad, Forskningsparken og Blindern
GA01Domus Medica
GA02 Domus Odontologica
GA04 Informatikkbygningen
GA10 Domus Athletica
GA11 Forskningsparken
GA14 Forskningsveien 3B
GA17 Harald Schjelderups hus
  • Administrasjonsbygningen Lavblokka Frederikke Idrettsbygningen Sophus Bugges hus Henrik Wergelands hus P.A. Munchs hus Niels Treschows hus Eilert Sundts hus A Eilert Sundts hus B Harriet Holters hus C Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Niels Henrik Abels hus Sophus Lies auditorium Preklinisk odontologi Pennalet Kristine Bonnevies hus Geologibygningen Helga Engs hus ZEB-bygningen Kjemibygningen Fysikkbygningen Farmasibygningen Svein Rosselands hus Georg Sverdrups hus Villa Eika Domus Theologica Institutt for arkeologi, kunsthistorie og konservering Ragnar Frischs auditorium

  • De kan ikke kopieres og brukes med mindre spesifikk tillatelse er gitt av Informasjonsavdelingen ved UiO, e-post:

    34. Vilhelm Bjerknes Y Los Inicios De La Meteorología Moderna (I)
    Translate this page En este artículo enviado por Manuel Palomares Calderón habla sobre vilhelm bjerknesy los inicios de la meteorología moderna (I). (vilhelm bjerknes, 1904).
    (I) (Vilhelm Bjerknes, 1904) Una carrera marcada por la lealtad filial El joven Vilhelm Bjerknes
    Febrero 2003 Referencias Bajate este reportaje en pdf (207 Kb)

    35. Biografía - Resultado
    Translate this page Biografías. ¿Qué biografía buscas? Resultado memo encontró estabiografía vilhelm bjerknes (Oslo, 1862 – 1951) Físico noruego.

    36. Great Norwegians -- Page 2
    Carl Anton bjerknes (father of vilhelm bjerknes) (18251903), scientist. bjerknes,vilhelm Frimann Koren Entry in Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
    Page 2
    Listed below are other Norwegians of high attainment. There are, however, not yet extensive resources relating to them on the Internet. Where available, descriptions of them by the Norway Online Information Service, appearing on the Odin website, are quoted in boxes.
    Ivar F. Andresen Carl Anton Bjerknes Vilhelm Bjerknes Jakob Bjerknes ... Henrik Wergeland

    Ivar F. Andresen
    (1896-1940), opera singer (bass)
    Ivar F. Andrésen From Derrick Everett's pages relating to Richard Wagner.
    Carl Anton Bjerknes
    (father of Vilhelm Bjerknes) (1825-1903), scientist
    Carl Anton Bjerknes
    Thumbnail biography provided
    by Scotland's University of St. Andrews.
    Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes
    (father of Jakob Bjerknes) (1862-1951), physicist, meteorologist

    37. Great Norwegians Homepage
    RETURN TO MAIN PAGE. (Page Two contains links to sites providing information onCarl Anton bjerknes, vilhelm bjerknes, Jakob bjerknes, Jens Bjorneboe, Ole Bull

      On this page: mathemeticians, scientists and sports figures. In the previous page , government officials, and a journalist.
      On the main page , persons in the arts and economists.
    In a life that was tragically short, he displayed unparalleled mathematical prowess.
    The nephew of economist Thorstein Veblen and the son of a professor of mathematics, he made highly valuable contributions to the fields of differential geometry and topology. He served as president of the International Congress of Mathemeticians.
    Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1972 in connection with his studies of the amino acid sequence.

    Translate this page vilhelm bjerknes. (1862 – 1951). Sin lugar a equivocarnos BIOGRAFIA GENERAL.vilhelm bjerknes nació en Noruega en 1862. Luego de terminada su
    VILHELM BJERKNES Sin lugar a equivocarnos, podemos decir que Vilhelm Bjerhnes y su hijo Jacob son dos de los grandes nombre de la meteorología moderna. Su aporte al entendimiento atmosférico es la piedra angular de los conocimientos que forman parte del diseño de los poderosos modelos meteorológicos actuales. BIOGRAFIA GENERAL Vilhelm Bjerknes nació en Noruega en 1862. Luego de terminada su formación profesional, colabora con su padre en algunas investigaciones, pero finalmente su vida continúa en otro pais: Alemania. Ya en Alemania, Bjerknes trabaja junto a Rudolf Hertz, y participa de sus estudios sobre resonancia eléctrica, y la radiación descubierta por el físico alemán. Luego se radica en Suecia, dedicando su tiempo a estudiar termodinámica e hidrodinámica relacionandolas con el movimiento de las masas de aire. Sus concluisiones llevan a los dos importantes principios que lo inmortalizan en el mundo de la meteorología. Fundamentalmente, su aporte apunta a indicar claramente que la conjunción del calentamiento solar y el movimiento terrestre (que genera rozamiento) son protagonistas de la dinámica atmosférica. Su primer principio es de múltiples aplicaciones en meteorología. Indica que si los gradientes de presión y de temperatura tienen direcciones distintas, "se crea energía" que fuerza al aire a circular en el sentido que lleva desde el extremo del vector gradiente de presión (direccion en la que aumenta la presión) al del vector gradiente de temperatura (direccion en la que aumenta la temperatura) por el camino más corto". (

    39. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes (Weather And Climate, Bio reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon vilhelm Frimann Koren bjerknes, Weather And Climate, Biographies.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Weather And Climate, Biographies ... Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes
    By Alphabet : Encyclopedia A-Z B
    Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes, Weather And Climate, Biographies
    Related Category: Weather And Climate, Biographies Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes E u Pronunciation Key meteorology Fields of Force (1906) and the classic book On the Dynamics of the Circular Vortex with Applications to the Atmosphere and to Atmospheric Vortex and Wave Motion (1921); he is also coauthor with J. W. SandstrOm (on Vol. I) and with T. Hesselberg and O. Devik (on Vol. II) of Dynamic Meteorology and Hydrography Jakob Aall Bonnevie Bjerknes,
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  • 40. - P2-akademiet
    og 31. januar. vilhelm bjerknes og loven om værvarsling. Da vilhelm bjerknes skrevsin artikkel, fantes det ikke observasjoner for en tredimensjonal diagnose.
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    Foredrag ved Sigbjørn Grønås 29. og 31. januar
    Vilhelm Bjerknes og loven om værvarsling
    I dette foredraget skildrer professor i meteorolgi ved Universitetet i Bergen, Sigbjørn Grønås, Vilhelm Bjerknes' (bilde) banebrytende forskning og utviklingen i moderne værvarsling.
    Publisert 27.01.2004 11:59.

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