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21. Bjerknes, Vilhelm Firman Koren bjerknes, vilhelm Firman Koren (18621951). Norwegian scientist whosetheory of polar fronts formed the basis of all modern weather http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/B/Bjerknes/1.htm | |
22. MSN Encarta - Bjerknes, Vilhelm Firman Koren Sign in above. bjerknes, vilhelm Firman Koren. Find more about bjerknes,vilhelm Firman Koren from, Related Items, Other Features from Encarta. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_762504933/Bjerknes_Vilhelm_Firman_Koren.html | |
23. EO Library: Vilhelm Bjerknes Page 4 bjerknes, vilhelm Friman Koren, Encyclopedia Britannica Online http//www.britannica.com19992000 Britannica.com Inc. All rights reserved. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/Giants/Bjerknes/bjerknes_4.html | |
24. Météo-France - Bjerknes (Vilhelm) http://www.meteo.fr/meteonet/decouvr/a-z/html/150_curieux.htm | |
25. Météo France - La Météo De A à Z Translate this page échelle (de)} V. échelle (de) Beaufort Bergeron (Tor) Bergeron {effet} V. effetBergeron bilan radiatif biosphère bjerknes (vilhelm) bjerknes, fils de V http://www.meteo.fr/meteonet/decouvr/a-z/index_b.htm | |
26. EGS - Vilhelm Bjerknes vilhelm bjerknes, The medal is named after vilhelm bjerknes (18621951), oneof the leading atmospheric scientists of the first half of this century. http://www.copernicus.org/EGS/egs_info/bjerknes.htm | |
27. EGU - Vilhelm Bjerknes vilhelm bjerknes, The medal is named after vilhelm bjerknes (18621951), oneof the leading atmospheric scientists of the first half of this century. http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/egu_info/2004/bjerknes.htm | |
28. Essays Page bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren. Encyclopedia ofWeather and Climate. New York Facts On File, Inc., 2002. Science Online. http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Helicon.asp?SID=2&iPin=enweath0380 |
29. Essays Page Source Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate. New York Facts On File, Inc.,2002. Entry Title bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren. Date (18621951). http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Helicon.asp?SID=1&Rec_Title=Weather&R |
30. Arven Etter Vilhelm Bjerknes Arven etter vilhelm bjerknes Universitetet i Bergen har mottatt den gledelige meldingat bjerknessenteret for klimaforskning har fått status som senter for http://www.bt.no/meninger/kronikk/article92098 | |
31. Bt.no - Bergens Tidende Arven etter vilhelm bjerknes. Bergensskolen ble ledet av vilhelm bjerknes, somsammen med sin sønn Jacob bjerknes låner navn til bjerknessenteret. http://www.bt.no/utskrift.jhtml?articleID=92098 |
32. Vilhelm Bjerknes - Universitetet I Oslo Bergensskolens far. vilhelm bjerknes hus. Han hadde en uvanlig langforskerkarriere, vilhelm bjerknes. vilhelm bjerknes ble cand.real. http://www.uio.no/om_uio/navn/bjerknes.html | |
33. UiO - Kart Over Gaustad, Forskningsparken Og Blindern Sundts hus B; Harriet Holters hus C. vilhelm bjerknes hus; Niels HenrikAbels hus; Sophus Lies auditorium; Preklinisk odontologi; Pennalet; http://www.uio.no/om_uio/kart/gaustadblindernnrutskrift.html | |
34. Vilhelm Bjerknes Y Los Inicios De La Meteorología Moderna (I) Translate this page En este artículo enviado por Manuel Palomares Calderón habla sobre vilhelm bjerknesy los inicios de la meteorología moderna (I). (vilhelm bjerknes, 1904). http://www.meteored.com/ram/numero9/Bjerknes.asp | |
35. Biografía - Resultado Translate this page Biografías. ¿Qué biografía buscas? Resultado memo encontró estabiografía vilhelm bjerknes (Oslo, 1862 1951) Físico noruego. http://www.memo.com.co/scripts/fenonino/aprenda/diccionarios/biogresult.php3?bio |
36. Great Norwegians -- Page 2 Carl Anton bjerknes (father of vilhelm bjerknes) (18251903), scientist. bjerknes,vilhelm Frimann Koren Entry in Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. http://www.mnc.net/norway/Page2.htm | |
37. Great Norwegians Homepage RETURN TO MAIN PAGE. (Page Two contains links to sites providing information onCarl Anton bjerknes, vilhelm bjerknes, Jakob bjerknes, Jens Bjorneboe, Ole Bull http://www.mnc.net/norway/3d.htm | |
38. ARISTOTELES Translate this page vilhelm bjerknes. (1862 1951). Sin lugar a equivocarnos BIOGRAFIA GENERAL.vilhelm bjerknes nació en Noruega en 1862. Luego de terminada su http://ar.geocities.com/lapaginaderionegroyneuquen/biografias/bjerknes.htm | |
39. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes (Weather And Climate, Bio AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon vilhelm Frimann Koren bjerknes, Weather And Climate, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/Bjerknes.html | |
40. NRK.no - P2-akademiet og 31. januar. vilhelm bjerknes og loven om værvarsling. Da vilhelm bjerknes skrevsin artikkel, fantes det ikke observasjoner for en tredimensjonal diagnose. http://www.nrk.no/programmer/radio/p2_akademiet/3464396.html | |
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