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61. Collected Works Branson V.11 CALL NO QA251 B4972 1987 AUTHOR birkhoff, garrett, 1911 MAIN TITLESelected papers on algebra and topology / by garrett birkhoff ; edited by http://lib.nmsu.edu/subject/math/mbib.html | |
62. The Legacy Of R. L. Moore - Moore, Robert L. -- Center For American History User Lida K. Beckenbach, Edwin F. Bell, Eric Temple, 18831960 Bing, RH birkhoff, garrett,1911- birkhoff, George David, 1884-1944 Bliss, Gilbert Ames, 1876-1951. http://www.discovery.utexas.edu/rlm/reference/cah.html | |
63. SULAIR: Mathematical & Computer Sciences Library: The Undergraduate Collection CALL NO. QA484 .B42 1971. AUTHOR birkhoff, garrett, 1911 TITLE A surveyof modern algebra by garrett birkhoff and Saunders MacLane. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/collections/undergraduate.html | |
64. Big birkhoff, garrett. birkhoff, George David. Birkenhead. Birkenhead, Frederick EdwinSmith,earl of. Birket Qarun. birkhoff, garrett. birkhoff, George David. Birmingham. http://www.slider.com/Enc/B/Big.htm | |
65. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page de Billy, Jacques (1602 - 1679) Binet, Jacques Philippe Marie (1786 - 1856) Biot,Jean-Baptiste (1774 - 1862) birkhoff, garrett (10.1.1911 - ) birkhoff, Georg http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
66. Warrior Books, Inc: Mathematics & Statistics Tables. birkhoff, garrett and Saunders MacLane, Survey of Modern Algebra.birkhoff, garrett and Thomas C. Bartee, Modern Applied Algebra. http://www.warriorbooks.com/cgi-bin/war455/scan/mp=keywords/se=Mathematics & Sta | |
67. SS > NF Reviews > Garrett Birkhoff home NF reviews garrett birkhoff. garrett birkhoff. garrett birkhoff, GianCarloRota. Ordinary Differential Equations 3rd edition. Wiley. 1978. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/bib/nf/b/grrttbrk.htm | |
68. Seznam Odplavene Literatury birkhoff, garrett, Aplikovana algebra \\K1\, Alfa, Bratislava, 1981, 18.birkhoff, garrett, Prehlad modernej algebry \\K2\, Alfa, Bratislava, 1979,2. http://www.mff.cuni.cz/fakulta/lib/voda/sigm.htm | |
69. PHILLIPS University Press. A Survey of Modern Algebra, QA 162 B535 1953, birkhoff,garrett Mac Lane, Saunders, The Macmillan Company. A Survey http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Education/Phillips_Library/a-g.html |
70. PHILLIPS Books. Hydrodynamics a Study in Logic, Fact, and Similitude, QC145. B51 1955, birkhoff, garrett, Dover Publications Inc. Hyperspace http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Education/Phillips_Library/h-p.html |
71. Honorary Doctor Degrees D., FIEE, FBCS, Dr. hc mult., Professor emeritus of Computer Technology an derUniversität Cambridge, England 1986 birkhoff, garrett *1913 +1996 Prof. http://www.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/fak/hc/ | |
72. Yamada birkhoff, garrett. Lattice theory. Rev. birkhoff, garrett. A survey of modern algebra,by garrett birkhoff a Saunders MacLane. New York, Macmillan, 195O. http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/bunko/yamada.htm | |
73. Lib. Cong. Title Author Publisher Year Notes 66013992 Symmetry and Other Types of Serial Order Huntington, Edward V. Dover Publications, Inc. 1917 QA251 B5 A Survey of Modern Algebra birkhoff, garrett and MacLane http://plato.phy.ohiou.edu/~asmith/library/card_catalog_central.txt |
74. Physical Sciences birkhoff, garrett and GianCarlo Rota, Ordinary Differential Equations,2nd Edition, Xerox Co. Lexington, Massachusetts, 1969. birkhoff http://www.faess.jcu.edu.au/saas/downloads/JimCoughlan/Physical_Sciences.htm | |
75. Børge Jessen Papers, First Part Translate this page Bigelow, JH, 1, 1951, 0, English. birkhoff, George D. 2, 1933-34, 0, English.birkhoff, garrett, 11, ?-1935-36-? 0, English. Blake, Martin, 9, 1960-63, 1,1960, English. http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jessen/bjpap1.htm | |
76. Birkhoff : Leading Luminary Of The Mathematical And Physical Sciences. A Name To A Survey of Modern Algebra (Akp Classics) garrett birkhoff, SaundersMac Lane; Hardcover; Algebra Saunders MacLane, garrett birkhoff. http://www.omega23.com/mathematics_physics_papers/Birkhoff.html | |
77. The Theory Of Everything MacLane, Saunders. Categories for the Working Mathematician.SpringerVerlag,1971; MacLane, Saunders and birkhoff, garrett. Algebra http://www.mmsysgrp.com/QIS/category.htm | |
78. BISSCAT Suchergebnis birkhoff, garrett, 1968; Algebra Mac Lane, Saunders;birkhoff, garrett, 1967 Neue Suche . . Alle Titel Nur markierte Titel. http://www.biss.belwue.de/cgi-bin/wwwolix.cgi?opacdb=DB_UBS&si=2H5066 |
79. INDEX OF NAMES algorithm, 1087 Bernoulli, Daniel (Netherlands/Switzerland, 17001782) and moleculartheory of gases, 1019 birkhoff, garrett (USA, 1911-1996) and equational http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/names/ | |
80. ? Math. Soc.} %auth{birkhoff,garrett} \titl{Lattice theory} \seri{AMS Colloquium http://www.ms.osakafu-u.ac.jp/~aaweb/books.html | |
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