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         Biot Jean-baptiste:     more books (87)
  1. An Experimental Treatise On Optics: Comprehending the Leading Principles of the Science, and an Explanation of the More Important and Curious Optical Instruments ... a Course of Natural Philosophy, Compiled for by John Farrar, Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-02-17
  2. An Elementary Treatise On Astronomy: Adapted to the Present Improved State of the Science : Being the Fourth Part of a Course of Natural Philosophy, Compiled ... of the University at Cambridge, New England by John Farrar, Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-01-11
  3. Etudes Sur L'Astronomie Indienne Et Sur L'Astronomie Chinoise (1862) (French Edition) by Jean Baptiste Biot, 2010-02-23
  4. Traité De Physique Expérimentale Et Mathématique, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-03-05
  5. Essai De Géométrie Analytique: Appliquée Aux Courbes Et Aux Surfaces Du Second Ordre (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-02-28
  6. Traité Élémentaire D'astronomie Physique, Volume 3 (French Edition) by Pierre Simon Laplace, Jean-Baptiste Biot, et all 2010-02-09
  7. Notions Élémentaires De Statique: Destinées Aux Jeunes Gens Qui Sa Préparent Pour L'Ecole Polytechnique, Ou Qui Suivent Les Cours De L'Ecole Militaire De St. Cyr (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-01-09
  8. Traité De Physique Expérimentale Et Mathématique, Volume 3 (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-03-05
  9. Mélanges Scientifiques Et Littéraires: Avertissement. Une Anecdote Relative À Laplace. Discours Prononcé Aux Obsèques De M. Le Marquis De Laplace. Voyages; ... Études Sur Newton (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-03-05
  10. Mélanges Scientifiques Et Littéraires (French Edition) by Jean Baptiste Biot, 2010-04-03
  11. Recherches Expérimentales Et Mathématiques Sur Les Mouvemens Des Molécules De La Lumière Autour De Leur Centre De Gravité (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-02-23
  12. Mélanges Scientifiques Et Littéraires, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-04-03
  13. Traité Élémentaire D'astronomie Physique, Volume 5 (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-02-04
  14. Mélanges Scientifiques Et Littéraires, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste Biot, 2010-03-01

1. Jean-Baptiste BIOT
JeanBaptiste BIOT. uvres. Discours et travaux académiques. Physicien, mathématicien, astronome, chimiste. Biographie. Né à Paris, le 21 avril 1774. Retour. Jean-Baptiste BIOT. ( 1774-1862)

2. Biot
JeanBaptiste Biot. Jean-Baptiste Biot was educated at the college of Louis-le-grandin Paris, then after graduating he joined the army in 1793.
Jean-Baptiste Biot
Born: 21 April 1774 in Paris, France
Died: 3 Feb 1862 in Paris, France
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Jean-Baptiste Biot Monge realised his potential. There was an attempted insurrection by the royalists against the Convention and Biot took part. He was captured by government forces and taken prisoner. Had it not been for Monge , who could not see someone with such talents remain in jail, or even die, pleading successfully for his release his promising career might have ended. Laplace In 1803 Biot was elected to the First Class of the Institute. Three years later he went with Arago to Spain to complete earlier work begun there on calculating the measure of the arc of the meridian. In 1809 Biot was appointed Professor of Physical Astronomy at the Faculty of Sciences. Biot studied a wide range of mathematical topics, mostly on the applied mathematics side. He made advances in astronomy, elasticity, electricity and magnetism, heat and optics on the applied side while, in pure mathematics, he also did important work in geometry. He collaborated with Arago on refractive properties of gases.

3. Biographies Info Science : Biot Jean-Baptiste

4. BIOT JEAN-BAPTISTE (1774-1862)
Translate this page biot jean-baptiste (1774-1862). Fils d’un paysan lorrain qui le destinaitau commerce, Biot fait ses études au collège Louis-le-Grand (Paris).

5. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Biot Jean-Baptiste
biot jean-baptiste . Page 1 sur4 Suivant. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour biot jean-baptiste .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Biot Jean-Baptiste" Page sur 4 Suivant R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Biot, Jean-Baptiste Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862), physicien, astronome et math©maticien fran§ais, qui a utilis© le premier la lumi¨re polaris©e pour l’©tude des... st©r©ochimie Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article st©r©ochimie Jean-Baptiste, saint Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Jean-Baptiste, saint (8-4 av. J.-C.-v. 27 apr. J.-C.), en qui les ‰vangiles reconnaissent le pr©curseur annon§ant la venue de J©sus-Christ. N© en Jud©e,... Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, saint Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, saint (1651-1719), prªtre et ©ducateur fran§ais, fondateur des Fr¨res des ©coles chr©tiennes. N©   Reims, il se consacra... Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste (1605-1689), grand voyageur fran§ais du XVII e  si¨cle.

6. Talbot’s Correspondence:Search The Letters
Name search for biot jeanbaptiste 35 documents 4 20 Feb 1839 TRANSCRIPTIONWHFT to biot jean-baptiste Doc No 03812 Collection PUBLISHED

7. Talbot Correspondence Project: BIOT Jean-Baptiste To WHFT, 30 Apr 1853 [06764]

8. Biot Number - Encyclopedia Article About Biot Number. Free Access, No Registrati
JeanBaptiste biot jean-baptiste Biot (April 21 1774, Paris-February 3 1862, Paris)was a French physicist and mathematician who in the early 1800s studied the number
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Biot number
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The Biot number (Bi) is a dimensionless number A dimensionless number is a quantity which describes a certain physical system and which is a pure number without any physical units. Such a number is typically defined as a product or ratio of quantities which do have units, in such a way that all units cancel. For example: "one out of every 10 apples I gather is rotten." The rotten-to-gathered ratio is [1 apple] / [10 apples] = 0.1 , which is a dimensionless quantity.
Click the link for more information. used in unsteady-state and heat transfer calculations. It relates the heat transfer resistance inside and at the surface of a body. It is defined as follows: Where:
  • h - overall heat transfer Heat transfer or heat flow is the process whereby heat flows from regions of higher to regions of lower temperature. The flow of heat from one region to another is called a heat current. The rate of heat flow depends on the mode of heat transfer and on the temperature difference across which the heat flows, as well as on the matter of the system under consideration and its geometry.
    Click the link for more information.

9. Biot-Savart's Law - Encyclopedia Article About Biot-Savart's Law. Free Access, N
See Jean Baptiste biot jeanbaptiste Biot (April 21 1774, Paris-February 3 1862,Paris) was a French physicist and mathematician who in the early 1800s's Law
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Biot-Savart's Law
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The Biot-Savart Law states that the intensity of the magnetic field In physics, the magnetic field is the field produced by a magnet. A field , in this context, is a vector field; that is, a vector for each point in space, possibly changing in time. Given the symbol B Historically,
Click the link for more information. set up by a current flowing through a wire varies inversely with the square distance from the wire. This principle is fundamental to modern electromagnetic Electromagnetism is the physics of the electromagnetic field, including its effect on electrically charged particles. While the electric and magnetic forces may sound fairly esoteric, almost all of the phenomena one encounters in daily life (with the exception of gravity) actually result from electromagnetism. The forces between atoms, including the attractive forces between atoms in
Click the link for more information. theory. The Biot-Savart law is also used to calculate the velocity induced by vortex lines in aerodynamic theory. For an vortex line of infinite length, the induced velocity at a point is given by

10. Biot
Translate this page biot jean-baptiste, français, 1774-1862. Physicien, astronome, historiendes sciences, il enseigna la physique au Collège de France.
Bureau des longitudes et Delambre Il fut professeur d'astronomie physique à la faculté des sciences de Paris. Outre en astronomie avec Arago, on lui doit de nombreuses publications en physique (réfraction, lumière, magnétisme). courbes et les Gergonne Wronsky

11. Jean-Baptiste Biot
JeanBaptiste Biot was educated at the college of Louis-le-grandin Paris, then after graduating he joined the army in 1793. He
Themes Science Physics Electromagnetism ... Currents from magnetism

Born: 21 April 1774 in Paris, France
Died: 3 Feb 1862 in Paris, France
Click the picture above
to see a larger version Jean-Baptiste Biot was educated at the college of Louis-le-grand in Paris, then after graduating he joined the army in 1793. He was then a pupil at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris where Monge realised his potential. There was an attempted insurrection by the royalists against the Convention and Biot took part. He was captured by government forces and taken prisoner. Had it not been for Monge, who could not see someone with such talents remain in jail, or even die, pleading successfully for his release his promising career might have ended. He became Professor of Mathematics at the Ecole Centrale at Beauvais in 1797. Three years later he became Professor of Mathematical Physics at the Collège de France, an appointment which was due to the influence of Laplace. In 1803 Biot was elected to the First Class of the Institute. Three years later he went with Arago to Spain to complete earlier work begun there on calculating the measure of the arc of the meridian. In 1809 Biot was appointed Professor of Physical Astronomy at the Faculty of Sciences. Biot studied a wide range of mathematical topics, mostly on the applied mathematics side. He made advances in astronomy, elasticity, electricity and magnetism, heat and optics on the applied side while, in pure mathematics, he also did important work in geometry. He collaborated with Arago on refractive properties of gases.

12. Jean-Baptiste Biot - Wikipedija
Drugi jeziki Deutsch English. JeanBaptiste Biot. Iz Wikipedije, prosteenciklopedije. Jean-Baptiste Biot, francoski fizik in matematik, * 21.
Jean-Baptiste Biot
Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije.
Jean-Baptiste Biot francoski fizik in matematik 21. april Pariz Francija ... 3. februar , Pariz. Biot je v zgodnjih letih raziskoval povezavo med električnim tokom in magnetizmom (glej Biot-Savartov zakon ), kot tudi polarizacijo svetlobe v kemičnih raztopinah. Biot je prvi odkril optično razliko sljude in zaradi tega so njemu v čast imenovali mineral biotit spremeni
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Physicist and mathematician. (17741862)
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Jean-Baptiste Biot
Biot was actively engaged in the various branches of the geodetic work involved in the famous measurement of the quadrant of a meridian, for the purpose of standardizing the length of the new unit, the meter. As a member of the Bureau of Longitudes he went, in 1806, with young Arago, to Formentera, in the Balearic Islands, to resume the measurement of a degree of the meridian, interrupted by the death of Mechian. In 1808 he determined, with Mathieu, the length of the seconds pendulum at Bordeaux and Dunkirk. In 1817 he went to Scotland and the Shetland Islands to verify the geodetic operations of the English under Colonel Mudge. In 1824 he returned to Italy, Sicily, and Spain, in order to correct some of the observations of the year 1808. He contributed more than 250 memoirs to various societies and periodicals. This enormous work covers the entire field of experimental and mathematical physics, as well as ancient and modern astronomy. He was the champion of the corpuscular theory of light which he extended to some most ingenious explanations of the very complex phenomena of polarization. Biot discovered the laws of rotary polarization by crystalline bodies and applied these laws to the analysis of saccharine solutions. His fame rests chiefly on his work in polarization and double refraction of light. Regular habits of study and recreation kept him in good health and led to a ripe old age. His mental attitude may be indicated by his opposition to the open meetings of the Academy; he feared the influence of the vulgar public upon the scientific tone of the Institute. Since he was brought up in the turbulent times of the

14. Jean-Baptiste Biot --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. jeanbaptiste biot. born April 21, 1774, Paris, France MLA style " jean-baptiste biot." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004

15. Biot
Biography of jeanbaptiste biot (1774-1862) jean-baptiste biot. Born 21 April 1774 in Paris, France jean-baptiste biot was educated at the college of Louis-le-grand in Paris, then after graduating he joined
Jean-Baptiste Biot
Born: 21 April 1774 in Paris, France
Died: 3 Feb 1862 in Paris, France
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Jean-Baptiste Biot Monge realised his potential. There was an attempted insurrection by the royalists against the Convention and Biot took part. He was captured by government forces and taken prisoner. Had it not been for Monge , who could not see someone with such talents remain in jail, or even die, pleading successfully for his release his promising career might have ended. Laplace In 1803 Biot was elected to the First Class of the Institute. Three years later he went with Arago to Spain to complete earlier work begun there on calculating the measure of the arc of the meridian. In 1809 Biot was appointed Professor of Physical Astronomy at the Faculty of Sciences. Biot studied a wide range of mathematical topics, mostly on the applied mathematics side. He made advances in astronomy, elasticity, electricity and magnetism, heat and optics on the applied side while, in pure mathematics, he also did important work in geometry. He collaborated with Arago on refractive properties of gases.

16. Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Bio
biot, jeanbaptiste (1774-1862), French physicist whose most importantinvestigations involved polarized light and optical rotation
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality French
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862)

French physicist whose most important investigations involved polarized light and optical rotation, which he suggested was caused by an asymmetry in the aqueous molecules. This view was verified by Pasteur . With Arago , Biot studied the optical refraction of gases. Biot also showed that the change in polarization found in light passing through materials was a rotation, and demonstrated that many liquid organic solutions exhibited this optical activity. In a textbook, he affirmed the importance of precise mathematical experimentation and measurement, which he presented as the paradigm of physics. Biot is also known for his ascent in a balloon loaded with scientific equipment which he undertook with Gay-Lussac . With Savart in 1820, he showed that the magnetic force due to a current could be given by a mathematical formula, the so-called Biot-Savart law Arago Gay-Lussac Pasteur ... Savart
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)

17. Jean-Baptiste Biot (1774-1862)
jeanbaptiste biot (1774-1862) This is a biographical sketch of Jean Baptiste biot. jean-baptiste biot was a physicist and mathematician who made advances in geometry, astronomy, elasticity,

18. Les œuvres De Jean-Baptiste BIOT
Translate this page Œuvres de jean-baptiste biot. 1801, Analyse du traité de mécanique céleste deLaplace. 1802, Traité analytique des courbes et des surfaces du second degré.

19. Biot, Jean-Baptiste
Biot, Jean-Baptiste X1794
Professeur à l’Ecole centrale de Beauvais (1797), il devient examinateur d'admission à l'Ecole polytechnique de 1799 à 1806. Il est tout d'abord assistant de Laplace, puis un mémoire présenté à l'Institut lui vaut la chaire de physique mathématique au Collège de France en 1800 et l'Académie des sciences en 1803. Il prend part à l'ascension en ballon de Gay-Lussac (X1797) en 1804. Membre de l'Observatoire et astronome adjoint au Bureau des longitudes, il poursuit en Espagne, avec Arago (X1803), la triangulation de la méridienne en 1806, puis en Ecosse, aux îles Shetland, l'observation du pendule en 1817. Professeur d'astronomie physique de 1809 à 1816 puis en 1826 à la Sorbonne, membre de la Société royale de Londres en 1815, il découvre le pouvoir rotatoire moléculaire de certaines substances. Nommé au conseil de perfectionnement de l'Ecole polytechnique de 1816 à 1821, il est doyen de la Sorbonne de 1840 à 1849, membre libre de l'Académie des inscriptions en 1841 pour ses travaux sur l'astronomie des Egyptiens, puis de l'Académie française en 1856. Il travaille sur l'origine des météorites, le magnétisme terrestre, la lumière polarisée, invente le saccharimètre, et fonde avec Savart une loi sur les interactions entre aimants et courants.

20. Sommaire Alphabétique
Translate this page Pierre-Augustin (1818-1884) Blondel, André Eugène (1863-1938) Bréguet, Louis(1804-1883) Bréguet, Antoine (1851-1882) biot, jean-baptiste (1774-1862).
A B C D ... Z
Arithmomètre de Thomas

Appareil Clément et Desormes

Appareil à deux globes de verre de Gay-Lussac

Appareil de rotation des courants par les aimants
Appareil de Faraday

Appareil de Bertin

Appareil à pyrrothine

Aimant de Jamin
Analyseur Macé de Lépinay

Appareil de polarisation elliptique de la lumière convergente Appareils de polarisation de Savart et Biot Ampère, André Marie (1775-1836) Arago François (1786-1853) Armstrong, William George (1810-1900) B Balance de Curie Balance de Deleuil Balance accélérée de gay lussac Balance de Coulomb ... Boussole des sinus et des tangentes de Pouillet Boîte d'aimants Boussole de déclinaison de gambey Boussole de Marine et sa boite Boussole d'inclinaison de gambey Bobine de Masson Bobine de Ruhmkorff Babinet, Jacques (1794-1872) Barlow, Peter (1776-1862) ... Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) Bertin, Pierre-Augustin (1818-1884) Blondel, André Eugène (1863-1938)

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