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         Bhaskaracharya:     more detail
  1. Bhaskaracharya's Bijaganita and its English translation by Bhaskaracarya, 1980
  2. Face to Face with the Supreme by Sadhu Gopal Swamy, 1991

81. A Library Of Swaminarayan Publications - Magazines - Swaminarayan Bliss, May - J
messages. Page 14. bhaskaracharya A leading figure of Indian history,renowned for his expertise in mathematics and astronomy. He
May-June 2001
Vol. 24, No.5-6 Highlights of this issue
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For complete articles please refer to the printed edition.
Divine Darshan
Having effected the transformation of the notorious Joban Pagi from a hardened criminal to a gentle devotee, Shriji Maharaj accepts his invitation to visit Vartal and grants him an unforgettable divine experience.
Page 2
Swamishri's Middle East Satsang Tour
After a gap of 4 years, Pramukh Swami Maharaj led a team of sadhus to the Gulf countries of UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman. During the Satsang tour, his fourth to this region, Swamishri promoted the message of pure, noble and virtuous living. He also met many Arab dignitaries and eminent leaders to convey his message of goodwill and world peace. Detailed web report Page 4 Yogiji Maharaj's Spirit of Service To commemorate the birthday of Yogiji Maharaj, this article takes a close look at the selfless service performed by him. Even in his sleep, he dreamed of serving God and this devotees - this was one of his many trademarks.

82. JKSM U.K. - Religious Information -Contribution Of Hinduism
MEASUREMENT OF TIME. In Surya Siddhanta, bhaskaracharya calculates the time takenfor the Earth to orbit the sun to 9 decimal places (355.258756484 days).
Religious Overview of Hinduism Contribution of Hinduism Key figures in Hinduism ... Choghadiya Hinduism and Language : Sanskrit - The mother of Languages : The Sanskrit language is the oldest, most systematic language that has survived the longest period through history. It has the power of expressing all types of thought in their appropriate terminology from mythology to literature, science to philosophy, poetry to prosody, astronomy to anatomy, as well as genetics, mathematics and cosmology. Richness of Sanskrit : An amazing wealth of words and synonyms gives a great versatility to expression power. With 65 words for Earth and 70 words for water (each word being originally Sanskrit, not derived from any other language), the language is vast. According to the world re-known technology and finance magazine 'Forbes' , after a study of languages of the world and their suitability as a computer language : " Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software. " July 1987.

83. Why Science Declined In Ancient India
With perhaps a solitary exception of bhaskaracharya of 12 to 14th century, therewas not a single activity in the sphere of scientific knowledge, roughly from
Why Science declined in Ancient India ? A learned medical specialist from Nagpur, in a recent article in lay press, while describing ancient medical sciences in India, has remarked that fall of science of surgery was because of 'ahimsa' taught by the Buddha. Though the remark was as an orbus dictum, it shows not only his ignorance of Indian history and of Buddhism, but also desire for making false charges on Buddhism due to, may be, his contempt for the Buddhists. The surgery was never considered 'himsa' by the Buddhists, nor for that matter by anybody. Certainly fall of sciences was not because of 'ahimsa' of the Buddha. Modern science is undoubtedly a contribution of the west. That way, in all societies, there were attempts of obstruction to progress of science. In India they got more success. There was a time in Indian history when Indian science was not only famous in the country, but it was so all over the world. If the progress of Indian science would have been maintained unhindered after the sixth century A.D., we Indians, today, would have been foremost in the scientific field.
Golden era of Science in India
From the ruins of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, it is clear that there existed a pre Aryan urban civilization of Dravidians, which went by the name of Nagas. It shows great development of town planning, water supply and urban facilities, sanitary drainage and granaries.

84. Ancient India - Mathematics
Mathematics, Aryabhattiya. An Indian mathematician astronomer, bhaskaracharyahas also authored a treatise on this subject. The
Ancient India - Mathematics
In India, mathematics has its roots in Vedic literature which is nearly 4000 years old. Between 1000 B.C. and 1000 A.D. various treatises on mathematics were authored by Indian mathematicians in which were set forth for the first time, the concept of zero, the techniques of algebra and algorithm, square root and cube root. A method of graduated calculation was documented in the Pancha-Siddhantika (Five Principles) in the 5th Century. But the technique is said to be dating from Vedic times circa 2000 B.C. The rudiments of Geometry - called Rekha-Ganita in ancient India - were formulated and applied in the drafting of Mandalas for architectural purposes. They were also displayed in the geometric patterns used in many temple motifs. Many motifs in Hindu Temples and Palaces display a mix of floral and Geometric patterns. The technique of calculation, called algorithm, which is today widely used in designing soft ware programs (instructions) for computers was also derived from Indian mathematics. In this chapter we shall examine the advances made by Indian mathematicians in ancient times. In India around the 5th century A.D. a sys tem of mathematics that made astronomical calculations easy was developed. In those times its application was limited to astronomy as its pioneers were Astronomers. As tronomical calculations are complex and involve many variables that go into the derivation of unknown quantities. Algebra is a short-hand method of calculation and by this feature it scores over conventional arithmetic.

85. Secrets Du Mahabharat
DECOUVERTE DE L'ALGEBRE .- En Europe occidentale, la connaissance de l'Algèbre fut empruntée, non à la Grèce et aux Arabes, qui l'avaient acquise de l'Inde. 'Algèbre' n'est que le nom arabe pour Bijaganitha. "ARYABHATTA fut l'un des premiers à utiliser l'algèbre" (Encyclopedia Britannica).
.- La connaissance du mouvement des corps célestes fut découverte par ARYABHATTA (499), LATADEVA (505) et BRAHMAGUPTA (628), pour le calcul du moment de l'apparition des éclipses. Dans le Surya Sidhanta, LATADEVA parle de l'axe de la terre et l'appelle 'Sumeru'. "Que la terre est une sphère et qu'elle tourne autour de son axe" était connu de VARAHAMIHIRA et d'autres astronomes indiens bien avant que Copernic ne publie sa théorie (Jewish Encyclopedia).

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