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         Bhaskaracharya:     more detail
  1. Bhaskaracharya's Bijaganita and its English translation by Bhaskaracarya, 1980
  2. Face to Face with the Supreme by Sadhu Gopal Swamy, 1991

61. Space
bhaskaracharya (circa AD 1150), in his Siddhanta Siromani and Ganitadhyaya, measuredaverage velocity as v=s/t where v is the average velocity, s is distance
A Living portrait of India India Heritage Science Physics Space T he solar day was the natural divider - 24 hours with 1,944,000 ksana (units of time), as the Nyaya-Vaisesikas saw it. Each ksana was thus .044 seconds. This is interesting because the modern unit is accepted as 1/86400 of a mean solar day. The ancient Indian astronomers accepted the truti as the smallest unit of time i.e. 2.9623 x 10-4. Further study was prevented by the lack of appropriate instruments. The Silpasastra records the smallest measure of length as the paramanu i.e. -1/349525 of an inch. This measurement corresponds to the smallest thickness of the Nyaya-Vaisesika school - the trasarenu, which was the size of the smallest mote visible on a sunbeam as it shone into a dark room. Varahamihira (circa AD sixth century) accorded that 86 trasarenu were equal to one anguli i.e. three-fourths of an inch. However, he also stated that 64 trasarenu are equal to the thickness of a hair.

62. Mathematics
He continued the division process till the remainder 1, and Bhaskara the Second,also known as bhaskaracharya, (AD 1150), simplified the method till the
A Living portrait of India India Heritage Science Mathematics A s early as the Vedic period (1500-1000BC), the Shulvasutras facilitated the construction of sacrificial altars by their principles of plane geometry particularly through the figures of the triangle and the rectangle, the circle and the rhombus. Negative numbers, the zero, place-value notations and simple algorithms were already a part of mathematics. The great Indian mathematician Aryabhata (born 476 AD) wrote the Aryabhatiya - a volume of 121 verses. Apart from discussing astronomy, he laid down procedures of arithmetic, geometry, algebra and trigonometry. He calculated Pi at 3.1416 and covered subjects like numerical squares and cube roots. Aryabhata is credited with the emergence of trigonometry through sine functions.
The eleventh century saw the solving of Diophantine equations (second order), and by the fourteenth century tremendous progress had been made in trigonometry. Sine and cosine functions as well as high-level approximations were tabulated and the essential irrationality of trigonometry recognized. Around the beginning of the sixteenth century Madhava developed his own system of calculus based on his knowledge of trigonometry. He was an untutored mathematician from Kerala, and preceded Newton and Liebnitz by more than a century.

63. Goodness Of The Good
bhaskaracharya (1114 AD) even developed the concept of infinity andthe effect of division by zero. Algebra and Trigonometry were
Volume 26: Issue 3 : June 2001
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Some Major Contributions of India To World Civilization by Debanshu Bhattacharya (Author’s Note: It is my feeling that while the contributions of ancient cultures such as China and Egypt are well publicized in the press, contributions of India, by comparison, are not that well touted. This is an attempt to bring a few of India’s contributions to our children’s attention. I must confess, however, that I will not be able to provide exact references for these facts; they are taken from the Internet.) Although India is now a poor and developing country, it was the richest country on earth until the beginning of the 17th century. India’s civilization is also one of the oldest in the world. It was centuries ahead in terms of progress compared to the rest of the world. While people were barbaric in Europe, India was building great monuments, discussing scientific theories and developing advanced philosophical thoughts. Here are but a very few of the great contributions made by India to world culture; to try to cover all the ideas will take too much space. The second most significant contribution of India is in the area of medicine. Sushruta is the father of surgery. About 2600 years ago, he and other doctors of his time conducted complicated surgeries. The use of anesthesia was well known in ancient India, while patients were tied up and had to suffer in Europe. These operations required extensive knowledge of the human anatomy and physiology. The use of sophisticated drugs to treat ailments was also widespread in ancient India. Charaka, the father of medicine, developed the Ayurveda School of Medicine, which is now finally coming to be recognized by modern medicine.

64. Vedic Mathematics
Europeans however, initially reluctant to use base 10 to represent numbers,inevitably began to use it in 1202 (during the time of bhaskaracharya).
Vedic - Mathematics
This interesting article was forwarded by a friend. I wanted to share this with you. Mathematics is the queen of subjects. Rightly so, then, Vedic Mathematics is the glowing crown that adorns its proud forehead. Very few of the masses today are aware today, of Vedic mathematics, the magnanimity of its profound implications, and of its origins which guided the rest of the world towards purer and more intricate branches of mathematics and which, laid the foundations for number theory and arithmetic, the teeny-weeny part of which we are taught during our alma-mater days with hardly any reference made to its rightful owners ? our very own ancestors ?who pursued the study of mathematics with no less finesse than that of a fine art. A well-known fact it is, as every one knows now, for he/she has seen himself/herself or his friend, being answered by his teacher, during the primary years of his education, in response to his/her query full of childish criticism “What has India given to Mathematics? that the numeral was indeed the creation of Indian mathematicians. Introduction of zero brought about a new revolution into the world of mathematics. It was zero that gave rise to the idea of representing numbers using base 10, as it is commonly used today. And it is zero because of which you are able to read this article. But why? How would a computer work without zeros and ones!!! So that’s the zero there, right!
Though the Arabs are given the credit of taking mathematics into broader frontiers, they had begun their work with the help of Indian manuscripts. The story goes something like this. It was in 773 that the Arabs were able to set their eyes on the astounding developments of numerical methods Indians used when one of the Indian palmist and fortune-teller happened to visit the Arabian lands. So impressed were the Arab mathematicians with Indian inventions that the Arab mathematician Muhammed-Ibna-Musa-Abu-Jafar-Al-Khwarizmi himself came to India to study Indian mathematics. After stating here for some time after learning the subjects to his satisfaction, he wrote his manuscript “Algebra ’–b-e-Mukabla? This is how ‘Algebra?was born. His works, which were nothing but a translation of his Indian studies, left the European mathematicians spell-bound, especially by the use of base 10 to represent numbers. The idea of representing numbers by base 10, is thus, originally Indian.

65. HinduClubForAll
Rishi bhaskaracharya II (11141183) - Master of Algebra/Geometry/Astronomy. bhaskaracharyawas the first to discover gravity, 500 years before Isaac Newton.

66. 'Vedic Practices Provided The Inspiration For Advances In Astronomy And Mathemat
The beginning of the second millenium AD witnessed the emergence ofthe notable astronomermathematician, bhaskaracharya II (b.1114).
'Vedic practices provided the inspiration for advances in astronomy and mathematics' (Excerpted from an article by B.V.Subbarayyappa in the book India 1000 to 2000, Editor : T.J.S.George, published in December 1999 by Express Publications (Madurai) Ltd, Express Estates, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002. The excerpt was also published in The New Indian Express on Sunday in the FYI column on April 8, 2001.)
(astronomy) was one of the six auxiliaries of the Vedas and the earliest Indian astronomical text goes by the name of Vedanga Jyotisha . Year-long sacrifices commenced from the day following the winter solstice and Vedic knowledge of both winter and summer solstices was fairly accurate. The Vedanga Jyotisha had developed a concept of a cycle of 5 years (one Yuga) for luni-solar and other time adjustments with intercalation at regular intervals. Indian mathematics too owes its primary inspiration to Vedic practices. The Shulba sutras, part of another Vedic auxiliary called the Kalpa sutras, deal with the construction of several types of brick altars and in that context with certain geometrical problems including the Pythagorean theorem, squaring a circle, irrational numbers and the like. Yet another Vedic auxiliary, Metrics (chandah), postulated a triangular array for determining the type of combinations of 'n' syllables of long and short sounds for metrical chanting. This was mathematically developed by Halayudha who lived in Karnataka (10th Century) into a pyramidal expansion of numbers. Such an exercise appeared six centuries later in Europe, known as Pascal's triangle. Vedic mathematics and astronomy were pragmatic and integrated with Vedic religio-philosophical life.

67. ¼Æ¾Ç¥v½×¾Â
Two arguments were associated with the “upapatti” in bhaskaracharya’s (b.1114 AD) Bijaganita, ie, “kshetra” and “avyakta”, representing
¨å«¬¦b¦g©õ¡G½ÆÅܤj®v Lars V. Ahlfors (1907-1996)...¬x¸U¥Í04021998

·s¨ì´Á¥Z¤¶²Ð¡GHM Vol. 25, No. 2.....¬x¸U¥Í08271998

Example for WGB2 of the ICMI Study on the Role of History of Mathematics
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¨å«¬¦b¦g©õ¡G½ÆÅܤj®v Lars V. Ahlfors (1907-1996)
ö©ó Ahlfors¡Aµ´¤j³¡¤À¼Æ¾Ç¨tªº¾Ç¥Í³£»â±Ð¹L¥Lªº½ÆÅܸg¨å Complex Analysis¡A³o¥»®Ñ¼g±o¨¥Â²·N¸ð¡A¯Ê¥F¤@ÂI¼Æ¾Ç¼z®Ú¡A¬O«Üø¿s¨ä°ó¶øªº¡C¤£¹L¡AAhlfors ±j½Õ¥L¦b¸Ó®Ñ¤¤¡A¨Ï¥Î¤F«Ü¦h½Ñ¦p "clearly"¡B"obviously"¡B"evidently" µ¥µ¥°Æµü¡A¥Øªº¨¤£¬O¦b¬G§Ë¥Èµê¡A¦Ó¬O¸ÕÅçŪªÌ¬O§_¯u¥¿¤F¸Ñ¡C½Ð¬Ý¥L¦b¸Ó®Ñ²Ä¤@ª©¡]1953¡^ªº±Ô¨¥¡G
    O ne more point: the author makes abundant and unblushing use of the words "clearly", "obviously", "evidently" etc. They are not used to blur the picture. On the contrary, they test the reader's understanding, for if he does not agree that the omitted reasoning is clear, obvious, and evident, he had better turn back a few pages and make a fresh start.
Hejhal ¤]«ü¥XAhlfors ±q¨Ó´N¨S¦³·Q­n¼vÅT¥L¡A¦Ó¥u¬O¹ªÀy¡BÀ°§U¥L¡A¬ÝµÛ¥L¬ã¨s¿³½ìÂà¨ì­þ¨à¡A´N¶¶¶Õ±À¥L¤@§â¡CAhlfors °ß¤@±j¯P§Æ±æ Hejhal ±µ¨üªº«Øij¡]¦b¥L­Ì³q¤F¨â¤T«Ê«H«á¡^¬O¡G¨ìªÛ¥[­ô¤j¾Ç¼Æ¾Ç¨tªº¨ó§U»P«ü¾É¡C©ó¬O¡A Hejhal ®³¤F¤@«Ê Ahlfors ¼gµ¹¥Lªº«H¥h«ô³X¨t¥D¥ô¡Aµ²ªG¥L¨£¨ì¤F¥N²z¥D¥ô Herstein¡A«áªÌ¥ß¨èµ¹¥L¤@±i«K±øÁn©ú¥L¥i¥H¨Ï¥ÎªÛ¤j¹©¹©¤j¦Wªº Eckhart Hall ¹Ï®ÑÀ]¡A¦Ó¥B¥i¥H§â®Ñ­É¥X¡]¥HHersteinªº¦W¸q¡^¡C«á¨Ó Hejhal ¶i¤JªÛ¥[­ô¤j¾Ç´NŪ¡A¦AÂ੹¥v¤¦ºÖ¤j¾Ç§ðŪ³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ì¡A±µ¨ü Polya¡BBergman¡BSchiffer¡BRoyden¡BCohen¡BZalcmanµ¥¤Hªº«ü¾É¡C

68. SearchBug Directory: Science: Math: Education: Institutes
(India) bhaskaracharya Pratishthana, Pune http// Educationaland research institute in Mathematics, training for International
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- ranked by popularity (UK) METRIC Mathematics Education Technology Research Imperial College. University of London. (UK) Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching The Centre, established in 1986, is a focus for research and curriculum development in mathematics teaching and learning with the unifying aim of enhancing mathematical progress in schools and colleges. (USA) Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE) Established in 1985 within the College of Sciences at SDSU. (UK) University of Nottingham

69. Nonduality Salon Highlights, #1408
In Siddhanta Siromani ( Bhuvanakosam 6 ) bhaskaracharya II describedabout gravity of earth about 400 years before Sir Isaac Newton.
Home Search Site Map Contact ... Non-duality books Specialises in book and audio resources on Advaita and non-duality Awakening to the Dream
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70. NOVA | Infinite Secrets | Library Resource Kit | Famous Mathematicians | PBS
Bhaskara. (AD 11141185) Bhaskara (also know as bhaskaracharya) was born inAD 1114 in Vijayapura, India. Learning More. Lilavati of bhaskaracharya.
Famous Mathematicians
Infinite Secrets homepage
The history of mathematics spans thousands of years and touches all parts of the world. Likewise, the notable mathematicians of the past and present are equally diverse. The following are brief biographies of three mathematicians who stand out for their contributions to the fields of geometry and calculus.
Hypatia of Alexandria (c. A.D. 370-415 )
Born in Alexandria, Egypt, around A.D. 370, Hypatia was the first documented female mathematician. She was the daughter of Theon, a mathematician who taught at the school at the Alexandrine Library. She studied astronomy, astrology, and mathematics under the guidance of her father. She became head of the Platonist school at Alexandria around A.D. 400. Although little of Hypatia's own work survives, one of her pupils, Synesius of Cyrene, wrote numerous letters documenting Hypatia's contributions. Hypatia lectured in Alexandria on Plato, Aristotle, and other philosophers, and wrote student editions (known as commentaries) of classic works by Euclid, Diophantus, Apollonius, and Ptolemy. There is some evidence that she even wrote a commentary on Archimedes' Dimension of the Circle.

71. Medicinal Plants Conservation Centre, Pune
2, Nagzira, Gondia, mdf, 103, 63, 3, 12, 50, 128. 3, bhaskaracharya, Jalgaon,Scb, 124, 74, 4, 9, 42, 99. 2, Nagzira, Gondia, 103, 50, 25. 3, bhaskaracharya,Jalgaon, 124, 42, 60.
Medicinal Plants related floristic database
Floristic Database The main project action on this front has been the regular collection of basic botanical data by the ancestral botanists( Bare Foot Botanists or the BFBs) along with the trained taxonomists in all the thirteen MPCAs. This activity, of course, has involved technical trainings (two workshops) and follow-ups. Herbarium preparation, a database on botanical inventory with their local names and local medicinal usage as well as the taxonomic details of the plants occurring or collected, are the activities complemented during the regular collection of basic botanical data. The floristic survey involves:
  • Detailed, exhaustive, criss-crossing survey of the MPCA.
  • Recording of species found and collection of flowered and fruited specimens for herbarium.
  • Visits in different seasons.
  • Assistance of a local knowledgeable person in each visit for gathering of information of medicinal and other uses.
  • 72. Bharat
    bhaskaracharyadonne un exemple de cette Viloma Vidhi dans sa Lilavati Ganita
    * BAUDHAYANA et APASTAMBA ont donné comme valeur de Ö2 : 1 + 1/3 + 1(3x4)-1(3x4x34) qui, lorsqu'on la développe, est correcte jusqu'à la cinquième décimale. Ils ont aussi établi que c'était une valeur approximative en utilisant le mot "savisheshah". Comment ont-ils pu arriver à cette expression très spéciale ? Non pas par intuition, mais en utilisant la méthode d'approximation qui porte graduellement la réponse à de plus grands degrés de précision. Comme cela est simple et parfait ! * Aryabatta donne une magnifique méthode pour résoudre les problèmes, appelée Viloma Vidhi (méthode de l'inversion). Il dit : "Multiplication signifie division, la division devient multiplication; ce qui est gain devient perte, ce qui est perte devient gain". L'énoncé est si bref qu'il semble ne pas avoir de sens. Bhaskaracharya donne un exemple de cette Viloma Vidhi dans sa "Lilavati Ganita" : "Dis-moi, ô fille aux yeux radieux, comment tu comprends la bonne méthode de l'inversion; quel est le nombre qui, multiplié par 3, puis augmenté des 3/4 du produit, divisé par 7, diminué d'un tiers, porté au carré, diminué de 52, dont on extrait la racine carrée, ajouté de 8 et divisé par 10 donne le nombre 2 ?"

    73. Errors And Thoughts On Energy (or Particles) Going Faster Than The Speed Of Ligh
    365.258756484. I can only assume you mean that bhaskaracharya was the firstto come close enough to the correct number for your standards.
    Errors and thoughts on energy (or particles) going faster than the speed of light
    Post a new reply Back to the message board This message was posted by Darkblade , posted on October 05, 2002 at 06:46:34 coming from 63.27.222
    This message is a reply to India; The cradle of all civilization posted from Vijai Singh posted at February 10, 2001 at 12:24:45
    I believe that all particles are configurations of energy, and thus, since energy is movement, all things in the universe are non-static. Something that would be static for even an instant would not be existent. The maximum speed of a particle before it becomes unstable and therefore can not continue to be that particle is obviously determined by how the particle is configured; how stable or resistant to relative change the particle is. Therefore, to say that there is a universal maximum speed for all particles and energy would be equivalent to saying that either energy itself is inherently unstable (in which case I would not exist) or there is a limit to how much energy can exist in a finite amount of space. There are 31,556,926 seconds (on average) in one year, so there are approximately 365.2421991 days (of 86,400 seconds (60 seconds*60 minutes*24 hours)) in a year, not 365.258756484. I can only assume you mean that Bhaskaracharya was the first to come close enough to the correct number for your standards.

    74. Zoo Station
    Today s poem is called Mathematical Problem by the ancient Indian mathematician,bhaskaracharya. Whilst making love a necklace broke.
    Zoo Station
    Reuben Abraham's fair and balanced take on life, the universe and everything in between.
    Thursday, July 31, 2003
    Auf Wiedersehn, Dr. Strangelove
    Unlike his celluloid doppelganger, John Poindexter has finally had to resign . The flap over the Total Information Awareness program did not get him, but the "terrorism futures" idea did. While I thought TIA was an unbelievably bad idea, I happen to think that the "futures market" on terror had some merit and was shot down due to a lack of understanding of how it worked and an overdose of political correctness. Just for my own intellectual curiosity, it woud have been interesting to see if the idea would work. Perhaps I feel that way because of my own interest in both the role of information in efficient functioning of markets and the way markets capture information better than any other tool seems to. Professor Hal Varian agrees with my assessment of the terrorism futures idea in this piece he wrote in today's New York Times.
    Markets do an awfully good job of forecasting many events and trends. The futures price for oil is about the best predictor available for this critical commodity, and it is widely used for forecasting by both political and economic analysts. The question is whether speculative markets would work well for other policy-relevant events.
    backBlog('105970909205771139','Zoo Station')

    75. New Page 1
    Marathi sentences”. bhaskaracharya Research Institute (BRI)’sJournal of Advances in Science and Technology. 2, 2035. 23. DK
    Publication List A) BOOKS and Book Chapters B) JOURNAL PAPERS C) CONFERENCES PAPERS A) BOOKS and book Chapters (Recent publications) R.1. " Extension of Binary Neural Networks for Multiclass output and Finite Automata " A Book Chapter in " Neural Information Processing: Research and DevelopmentSpringer - Verlag, December, 2003 (Ed. Jagath Rakjkapse and Lipo Wang), Springer Verlag (Accepted in Nov. 2003) R.2. " Digital Engineering Campus: Economics, Acceptance, and Impact " A Book Chapter in " DIGITAL ECONOMY: IMPACTS, INFLUENCES AND CHALLENGES" , (Ed. H. Kehal), IDEA GROUP INC Hershey PA USA (Accepted in Nov. 2003) (with Abhay Jain, M.Chandwani) (1993): Computer System and Data Analysis. New Delhi . Jain Publishers. xiii + 374 pages. 2. (with Abhay Jain, M.Chandwani)(1999): Elements of Computer Science. (Second Edition) New Delhi. Jain Publishers. xiii + 435 pages. ISBN 81-86321-18-7. B) JOURNAL PAPERS (Recent publications) R. 1. (with Di Wang)

    76. Honouring Their Writings - Deccan Herald
    Kamleshwar, Sara Joseph, Sudhir Naorobiam, Bindya Subba, Prof Jatindra Mohan Mohanty,Charan Das Sidhu, Santosh Maya Mohan, Dr bhaskaracharya Tripathia, Hiro
    Sunday, March 21, 2004 Today's
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    77. Vidya Bharati Akhil Bharatiya Shisksha Sansthan
    bhaskaracharya’s book Lilavathi is regarded as the first book on modern arithmetic.The Arabs learnt and adopted it from India and spread it to Europe.

    The term Gadyana has been used to represent a gold coin of 48 rattis or approximately5.2 gms in a famous book Lilawati, written by bhaskaracharya.
    The Marathas were the single most formadible Hindu power who made a successful attempt for supremacy of whole of Indian subcontinent on decline of Mughals in seventeenth century. The origin of Marathas can be traced back to reign of Emperor Ashok who ruled in 2nd century BC. It is inscribed in rock eddicts that he sent his missionaries to the Rashtrikas, the dwellers of Dandaka forest. These fierce independent minded people called themselves Maha-rashtrikas ( Maha means great). In course of time the country that they occupied came to know as Maharashtra ( Maha means great, rashtra means country) and its people called themselves Marathas/Maharashtrians. It's not very appropriate to catagorise following dynasties into Marathas and some historian might object my classfication. But for sake of simplicity, all the following dynsties which ruled Maharashtra and other neighbouring southern states of modern India have been categorised as dynasties of Maharashtra (after all, the states have been formed less than 50 years back while these dynasties ruled 1000 years back).
    The Early Chalukyas of Vatapi or Eastern Chalukyas
    The first ancient dynasty of Maharashtra was Satavahanas,

    79. Oppiliappan List Archive Jun 2003
    thought . *** There was a great mathematicianin India who lived in the 10th century CE, He was bhaskaracharya.
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    • Subject : "shoonyah": "Lord Zero" of the Vishnu-Sahasranamam From : "M.K.Sudarshan" < Date : Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:18:42 -0700 (PDT) Cc Date Prev Date Next Thread Prev ... Author Index Home Page

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    80. Oppiliappan List Archive Jun 2003
    ****There was a great mathematician in Indiawho lived in the 10th century CE, He was bhaskaracharya.
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    • Subject : Re: [Oppiliappan] "shoonyah": "Lord Zero" of the Vishnu-Sahasranamam From Date : Sat, 14 Jun 2003 13:08:15 -0400 (EDT)

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