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61. Bhaskaracharya Bhaskaracharya ii(11141185). Bhaskaracharya otherwise known as Bhaskarais probably the most well known mathematician of ancient Indian today. http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/India/12thCenturyAD/Bhaskara.html | |
62. AllIndianSite.com - Dr.Kasturirangan - It's All About Great People 197983 Project Director-bhaskara-ii, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. 1976-80Project Director-bhaskara-I, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. http://profiles.allindiansite.com/kasturi.html | |
63. Indian National Science Academy Publication Chatterjee Part I Sanskrit Text. An important Astronomical work in theprebhaskara (ii) Period (1981) 280 pp. Rs.45/= US $.15/= Part http://www.insaindia.org/Publication/historypubli.htm | |
64. Scientific Achievements Of India When was bhaskaraii launched? bhaskara-ii, an earth observation satellite,was launched on November 20, 1981, from the Soviet Union. http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au/projects/asia/asiaunits/india/India-ScientificA | |
65. Empirical Analysis Of Passive Microwave Observations From Bbaskara-II SAMIR And temperature measurements at 19, 22 and 31 GHz over tropical oceans from the SatelliteMicrowave Radiometer (SAMIR) system onboard the bhaskaraii satellite. http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-abstract&issn=1520-0450&volume= |
66. ISRO Success Stories an endto-end experimental satellite remote sensing programme. bhaskara-Iwas launched in 1979 followed by bhaskara-ii in 1981. http://www.flonnet.com/fl1809/18090180.htm | |
67. Introduction 1981). bhaskaraii launched (November 20, 1981). 1982 INSAT-1A launched(April 10, 1982). Deactivated on September 6, 1982. 1983 http://www.isro.org/rep2002/Links/Milestones.htm | |
68. ISRO'S Milestones 1981, bhaskaraii launched (November 20, 1981). APPLE, an experimental geo-stationarycommunication satellite successfully launched (June 19, 1981). http://www.isro.org/mileston.htm | |
69. A Tentative Time Table For PORSEC 2000 (5 - 8 December 2000) Poster session ii. (78 Dec). Date. Hall bhaskara. Hall Raman. Hall Sarabhai.Hall Bhabha. Poster session ii. (7-8 Dec). 1030-1045. (15 min). Tea Break. http://members.tripod.com/~PORSEC2000/Timetable.htm | |
70. Space Today Online - Spacefaring India - History In Space 1981, bhaskaraii launched (November 20, 1981) APPLE, an experimental geo-stationarycommunication satellite successfully launched (June 19, 1981) http://www.spacetoday.org/India/IndiaSpaceTimeline.html | |
71. MILESTONES OF INDIAN SPACE PROGRAM 31 May 1981, Rohini, SLV3. 19 June 1981, APPLE, Ariane 1. 20 November 1981,bhaskara-ii, Kosmos. 10 April 1982, INSAT 1A, Delta 3914. 17 April 1983, Rohini,SLV-3. http://www.geocities.com/hari_ghk/milestones.htm | |
72. Biografisk Register Translate this page 1748) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois (1822-1900) BharatiKrsna Tirthaji, Sri (1884-1960) bhaskara (ii) (1114-85) Bierbach, Ludwig http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
73. :: Algosobre Vestibular :: Translate this page Mostraremos agora como usar a fórmula de bhaskara para resolver a equaçãox 2 - 5 x + 6 = 0. I. Identificar os coeficientes. a = 1 , b = -5 , c = 6. ii. http://www.algosobre.com.br/ler.asp?conteudo=413&Titulo=Equações Algébr |
74. Indian Space Program By Subhajit Ghosh bhaskaraI was the second Indian satellite bhaskara-ii the third which were launchedfrom the same soviet cosmodrome mainly for observations on the earth. http://www.boloji.com/computing/012.htm | |
75. K Kasturirangan Project Directorbhaskara-I, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore; 1976-80 Project Director-bhaskara-ii,ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore; 1979-83 Project Director http://www.iisc.ernet.in/nias/kkpro.htm | |
76. Wednesday Discussion Meetings A brief survey of the development of astronomy in India through the vedanga Jyothisya,Aryabhata, bhaskaraI, Brahmagupta, bhaskara-ii, Ganesh Daivajna and the http://www.iisc.ernet.in/nias/wlec.htm | |
77. Matemática Do Científico E Do Vestibular Translate this page Há quase 10 anos na FUVEST ii. Aplicando a conhecida fórmula atribuída a bhaskara(matemático hindu do século Xii), vem Então y = 3 ey = - 4 http://www.terra.com.br/matematica/arq14-10.htm | |
78. Press Information Bureau 1981. APPLE, an experimental geo-stationary communication satellitesuccessfully launched. -bhaskara-ii launched (November). 1982. http://pib.myiris.com/facts/article.php3?fl=D3505 |
79. Bhaskara Em Detalhes Translate this page procedimentos de resolução da equação de 2º grau que nos levaram à fórmulade bhaskara. x + 3podemos afirmar que (x + 3) 2 = 36, ou seja x+ 3 = 6 (ii). http://sites.uol.com.br/mscabral/mauro/curioso/bhaskara.htm | |
80. India And Space Research launched. November 20, 1981 bhaskaraii launched April 10, 1982 INSAT 1A launched. Deactivated on September 6, 1982. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/4-3-2004-52488.asp | |
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