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21. Science, Civilization And Society bhaskara ii (Bhaskaracarya). bhaskara ii did not recognize this in all its aspectsbut tried to analyze what happens if a number is divided by zero. http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/science society/lectures/illustrations/lec |
22. Sources In The History Of Algebra Supp. Arabe de la Bibliothèque Impériale, MS 952, Paris. bhaskara ii, (1150),Bijaganita. Edinburgh Univ. 500. bhaskara ii, (1150), Lilavati. Edinburgh Univ. http://logica.ugent.be/albrecht/math.php | |
23. Dream 2047-Article far from any educational activity, proved to be the most important work publishedin India after SiddhantaShiromani (written in AD 1150) by bhaskara ii. http://www.vigyanprasar.com/dream/august99/AUGUSTArticle2.htm | |
24. Did You Know? of the Siddhanta period, in a chronological order were Aryabhata I, Varahamihira,Brahmagupta, Aryabhata II, Sripati, bhaskara ii (known popularly as http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/t_dy/t_dy_Q13.htm | |
25. Sourcebook 199204. 8. CO Selenius, 1975. Rationale of the chakravala process of Jayadevaand bhaskara ii. Historia Mathematica, 2, pp. 167-184. 9. KV Sarma, 1972. http://www.infinityfoundation.com/sourcebook.htm | |
26. References For Bhaskara Ed. 8 (1) (1991), 2327. CO Selenius, Rationale of the chakravala processof Jayadeva and bhaskara ii, Historia Math. 2 (1975), 167-184. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZAA2A.htm | |
27. Biography Of Sridhara The works of bhaskara ii (writing around 1150), Makkibhatta, and cite the booksthe Bijaganita, Navasati, and Brhatpati as being written by Sridhara. http://www.cabrillo.edu/~stappero/Sridhara.htm | |
28. Indologie Tübingen: Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2001 Translate this page Zusammenhang mit astronomischen Untersuchungen ist auch das unendlich Kleine thematisiertworden, wobei die Ansätze zur Infinitesimalrechnung bei bhaskara ii. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/indologie/ss01/8.html | |
29. A História De Lilavati Translate this page O livro Lilavati, na verdade, é a quarta parte do livro Siddhanta Siromani, escritopor bhaskara ii (1114-1185), possivelmente o mais famoso matemático http://www.reniza.com/matematica/novidades/0011.htm | |
30. Mathsindiennes Translate this page équation ci-dessus. Les solutions ont été trouvées par la méthodeChakravala imaginée par bhaskara ii. Dans les temps modernes http://pages.intnet.mu/ramsurat/Bharatmata/maths.html | |
31. Il Bambu' Spezzato bhaskara ii, 1150. http://digilander.libero.it/basecinque/pitagora/bambu.htm | |
32. Scale Incrociate Translate this page La figura qui sotto illustra la situazione. Nota storica. Le prime versioni diquesti problemi risalgono a Mahavira 850, bhaskara ii 1150, Fibonacci 1202. http://digilander.libero.it/basecinque/pitagora/scale.htm | |
33. Search from 5th century AD, Aryabhatta I, Prabhakara, Bhaskara I, Brahma Gupta, Vateswara,Aryabhatha II Someswara, Sutananda, bhaskara ii, Amaraja, Parameswara http://www.vichar.nic.in/Astronomy/astronomy_chapter6.asp | |
34. Applications Of Integration For example, bhaskara ii, a well known Indian mathematician of middle ageswrote a math book Lilavati in 1150 AD in the memory of his daughter. http://www.mathwright.com/book_pgs/book680.html | |
35. Math History - Middle Ages 1140, bhaskara ii (sometimes known as Bhaskaracharya) writes Lilavati (The Beautiful)on arithmetic and geometry, and Bijaganita (Seed Arithmetic), on algebra. http://lahabra.seniorhigh.net/pages/teachers/pages/math/timeline/MmiddleAges.htm |
36. Formulas Of Euclid And Archimedes Activity triangle.). Exercise 6 is from the Lilavati, written by the Indianmathematician and astronomer, bhaskara ii, in about 1150 CE. 6 http://newton.uor.edu/facultyfolder/beery/math115/day4.htm | |
37. Pythagoras' Theorem I have been told that this proof, with the exclamation `Behold! , isdue to the Indian mathematician bhaskara ii (approx. 11141185). http://www.math.ntnu.no/~hanche/pythagoras/ | |
38. Profes.net Translate this page a la historia de las matemáticas. bhaskara ii tuvo una hija a la quepuso por nombre Lilavati. Al nacer, su padre consultó a los http://www.matematicas.profes.net/apieaula2.asp?id_contenido=41565 |
39. Pergunta Agora Translate this page Biruni, Avicenna, al-Baghdadi, Al-Jayyani, Al-Nasawi, Hermann of R., Sripati, Shen,Khayyam, Brahmadeva, Abraham, Adelard, Ezra, Aflah, bhaskara ii, Gherard, al http://www.apm.pt/pa/index.asp?accao=showtext&id=3407 |
40. Transmission Of Mathematical Ideas Author 20 bhaskara ii even declares that the Rule of Three pervades the whole field of arithmeticwith its many variations, just as Visnu pervades the entire universe http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/transmath/author20.html | |
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