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1. Bhaskara II -- Encyclopædia Britannica bhaskara ii was the lineal successor of the noted Indian mathematician Brahmagupta MLA style " bhaskara ii." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=81187 |
2. História Da Matemática Na Índia - Bhaskara II bhaskara ii. Bhaskara nasceu em 1114, na Índia, numa terra chamada Vijalavida (da qual se desconhece a astrónomo e o seu professor. Bhaskara escreveu o. Siddhanta Siromani, aos 36 http://www.malhatlantica.pt/mathis/India/BhaskaraII.htm | |
3. Bhaskara - Wikipedija bhaskara ii., imenovan Aarja ( sanskrtsko uitelj, ueni), indijski matematik in astronom, * 1114 Bhaskara je deloval v Udainu in bil med drugim vodja tamkajnjega znamenitega http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaskara | |
4. Bhaskara_II Bhaskara is also known as bhaskara ii or as Bhaskaracharya, this lattername meaning Bhaskara the Teacher . Since he is known in http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bhaskara_II.html | |
5. Pell's Equation Next bhaskara ii knows that there are infinitely many m such that am k = b2. bhaskara ii knows (almost certainly by experience rather than by having a proof) that the http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Pell.html | |
6. Pell's Equation The next step forward was taken by bhaskara ii in 1150. bhaskara ii now appliesthe method of composition to the pairs (a, b) and (1, m) to get http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Pell.html | |
7. Bhaskara II -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia bhaskara ii Britannica Student Encyclopedia. (111485?), Indianmathematician. bhaskara ii was born in 1114 in Biddur, India. He http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=342278&query=decimal number system&ct=e |
8. Bhaskara Biography of Bhaskara (11141185) Bhaskara is also known as bhaskara ii or as Bhaskaracharya, this latter name meaning "Bhaskara the Teacher". Since www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/ Mathematicians/Bhaskara_II.html http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bhaskara.html | |
9. Swaveda - Background - Mathematics In Ancient India - Introduction 1150 AD Bijaganita by bhaskara ii. 1150 AD - Karana-Kutuhala by bhaskara ii. 1150 AD - Lilavati by bhaskara ii. http://www.theinquirer.net/clickthru.aspx?id=566 |
10. Winners of equations was first solved by Brahmaguptaand bhaskara ii. The principle is basically the same as his "Chakravala" method. Later, bhaskara ii ( AD 12th century) simplified this http://www.angelfire.com/ak/ashoksandhya/winners2.html | |
11. História Da Matemática Na Índia - Bhaskara II - Teorema De Pitágoras Translate this page História da Matemática na Índia. Lilavati de bhaskara ii. Medições.Medidas de lados (Teorema de Pitágoras). Verso 144 Descobre http://www.malhatlantica.pt/mathis/India/BhaskaraII-7.htm | |
12. 9 II. Mathematicians Of Kerala He was strongly influenced by the work of bhaskara ii, which proves work from theclassic period was known to Keralese mathematicians and was thus influential http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce/Chapters/Ch9_2.h | |
13. Military Implications Of Indias Space Program In November 1981, bhaskara ii, Indias second earth observation satellite, was launched from a Unlike its predecessor, the bhaskara ii experienced no problems with its cameras http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1983/May-Jun/frederick | |
14. 8 V. Bhaskaracharya II Bhaskaracharya, or bhaskara ii, is regarded almost without question as the greatestHindu mathematician of all time and his contribution to not just Indian http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce/Chapters/Ch8_5.h | |
15. The Date Of Mahabharata Based On The Indian Astronomical Works of (Maha)bharat (battle)". Therefore, Bhaskara and Someswara had known the Siddhanta of Aryabhata II (i.5), Siddhantasekhara (i.10), Siddhanta-siromani of bhaskara ii (I.i.15 http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati/colloquium/astronomy01.htm | |
16. Swaveda - Background - Mathematics In Ancient India - Introduction 1150 AD Bijaganita by bhaskara ii. 1150 AD - Karana-Kutuhala by bhaskara ii. 1150AD - Lilavati by bhaskara ii. 1150 AD - Siddhanta-Siromani by bhaskara ii. http://www.swaveda.com/background.php?category=science&title=Mathematics in Anci |
17. Kuttaka 23 + 137m, for m an integer. bhaskara ii later made a modificationto Aryabhata s Kuttaka. Go back to the Indian History timeline. http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/India/5thCenturyAD/Kuttaka.html | |
18. Bhaskara Translate this page inspiré. On parle parfois de Bhaskara I pour évoquer ce mathématicienhomonyme, bhaskara ii désignant celui qui nous intéresse ici. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Bhaskara.html | |
19. Gacetilla Matematica Translate this page Este problema muy posiblemente haya pasado de La China a la India y en efecto esasí pues bhaskara ii (llamado también Bhaskaracharya ) en su Lilavati expone http://www.arrakis.es/~mcj/ | |
20. Bhaskara - Encyclopedia Article About Bhaskara. Free Access, No Registration Nee See also. Bhaskara I. External link. bhaskara ii MacTutor History of Mathematicsarchive. preview not available. Click the link for more information. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Bhaskara | |
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