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         Bhaskara I:     more books (15)
  1. Expounding the Mathematical Seed. Vol. 1: The Translation: A Translation of Bhaskara I on the Mathematical Chapter of the Aryabhatiya (Science Networks. Historical Studies) by Agathe Keller, 2006-04-28
  2. 7th-Century Mathematicians: Brahmagupta, Anania Shirakatsi, Bhaskara I
  3. 7th-Century Scientists: 7th-Century Mathematicians, Brahmagupta, Anania Shirakatsi, Bhaskara I
  4. Geboren 600: Bhaskara I., Martin I., Amalberga Von Maubeuge, Audomar (German Edition)
  5. Gestorben 680: Bhaskara I., Muawiya I., Husain Ibn ali, Hilda Von Whitby, Theodo I., Al-Abbas Ibn Ali, Wulfoald, Svevlad (German Edition)
  6. Bhaskara: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  7. Bhaskara I and his works (Hindu Astronomical and Mathematical texts series) by Bhaskaracarya,
  8. Laghu-bhāskariya (Bhaskara I and his works ; pt.3) by Bhāskarācārya, 1963
  9. Mahā-bhāskarīya (Bhaskara I and his works) by Bhāskarācārya, 1960
  10. Laghu-bhaskariya (Bhaskara I and his works ; pt.3) by Bhaskaracarya, 1963
  11. Bhaskara I and His Works: Part II: Maha-Bhaskariya by Kripa Shankar Shukla (Ed. & Trs. ), 1960-01-01
  12. Maha-bhaskariya (Bhaskara I and his works) by Bhaskaracarya, 1960
  13. Techniques of Teaching Political Science by I. Surya Madhava and Digumarti Bhaskara Rao, 2007
  14. The Moon-Light of Logic: Studies in Laugaksi Bhaskara's Tarka-Kaumaudi : Text, Translation and Comments (Sophia Indological Series, No 4) by P. I. Gradinarov, 1991-10

81. Bhaskara
bhaskara, bus kuru Pronunciation Key. bhaskara , called Acarya uchär yuSkt.,=learned, b. 1114, Indian mathematician and astronomer.


Bhaskara u r u Pronunciation Key Bhaskara , called Acarya u u [Skt.,=learned], b. , Indian mathematician and astronomer. According to the custom, he put his learned treatises into verse, adding, however, explanations in prose. His work Siddhantasiromani includes chapters on arithmetic, algebra, and astronomy that have been translated into English. He gives the first systematic exposition of the decimal system. By mentioning such items as rates of interest and the prices of slaves, he gives some indication of economic conditions in his day. He was at the head of the observatory at Ujjain The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
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82. Bhaskara's Lilavati
bhaskara s Lilavati. Wellcome Library MS Indic beta 249 lila13v.giflila13v.gif 199.59 Kb, lila9v.gif lila9v.gif 193.24 Kb.
Bhaskara's Lilavati
Wellcome Library MS Indic beta 249
199.59 Kb
193.24 Kb

83. -- Profile Of Srinivasa Bhaskara S
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    84. With Bhaskara
    With bhaskara and the Golden Gate Bridge. Back to my home page.
    With Bhaskara and the Golden Gate Bridge. Back to my home page.

    85. PET De Matemática - UFSC
    Translate this page Página Inicial, Biografia. bhaskara. bhaskara viveu de 1114 a 1185 aproximadamente,na India. Nascido pulverizador). Mas, ea fórmula de bhaskara?
    Página Inicial Biografia Bhaskara
    Bhaskara viveu de 1114 a 1185 aproximadamente, na India. Nascido numa tradicional família de astrólogos indianos, seguiu a tradição profissional da família, porém com uma orientação científica, dedicando-se mais à parte matemática e astronômica (tais como o cálculo do dia e hora da ocorrência de eclipses ou das posições e conjunções dos planetas) que dá sustentação à Astrologia. Seus méritos foram logo reconhecidos e muito cedo atingiu o posto de diretor do Observatório de Ujjain, o maior centro de pesquisas matemáticas e astronômicas da India, na época. Seu livro mais famoso é o Lilavati, um livro bem elementar e dedicado a problemas simples de Aritmética, Geometria Plana (medidas e trigonometria elementar) e Combinatória. A palavra Lilavati é um nome próprio de mulher (a tradução é Graciosa), e a razão de ter dado esse título a seu livro é porque, provavelmente, teria desejado fazer um trocadilho comparando a elegância de uma mulher da nobreza com a elegância dos métodos da Aritmética. Numa tradução turca desse livro, 400 anos depois, foi inventada a história de que o livro seria uma homenagem à filha que não pode se casar. Justamente essa invenção é que tornou-o famoso entre as pessoas de pouco conhecimento de Matemática e de História da Matemática. Parece, também, que os professores estão muito dispostos a aceitarem estórias românticas em uma área tão abstrata e difícil como a Matemática; isso parece humanizá-la mais. Ele escreveu um livro muito importante, que é:

    86. Powell's Books - Aphorisms Of Siva: The Siva Sutra With Bhaskara's Commentary, T
    Aphorisms of Siva The Siva Sutra with bhaskara s Commentary, the Varttika (SunySeries in Tantric Studies) by Mark SG Dyczkowski Condition Standard Out of

    87. Downs Mailing List Archive: Index BHASKARA Unscheduled Downtime
    Downs mailing list archive Index bhaskara unscheduled downtime. SEYMOUR downtime09541335 PDT, 08/15/00. bhaskara downtime 0954-1315 PDT, 08/15/00.
    High Performance Computing Facility
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    Index BHASKARA unscheduled downtime
    About this list Date view Thread view Subject view ... Attachment view From: NERSC Operations Staff (
    Date: =============================================================================== ESCHER: SCHEDULED DOWNTIME ESCHER will be down for Scheduled Hardware Maintenance 1400-1800 PDT, 8/22. - MCURIE: SCHEDULED DOWNTIME MCURIE will be down for Scheduled Hardware Maintenance 1600-2100PT, 08/22. - NERSC ENVIRONMENT: UNSCHEDULED POWER OUTAGE LBNL had a site-wide power outage from 09:54 to 09:56 PDT, 08/15/00, which affected Building 50B and the entire NERSC environment. Downtimes follow: HPSS downtime: 09:54-12:55 PDT, 08/15/00. MCURIE downtime: 09:54-12:42 PDT, 08/15/00. KILLEEN downtime: 09:54-13:10 PDT, 08/15/00. SEYMOUR downtime: 09:54-13:35 PDT, 08/15/00. BHASKARA downtime: 09:54-13:15 PDT, 08/15/00. FRANKLIN downtime: 09:54-13:13 PDT, 08/15/00. GSEABORG downtime: 09:54-17:40 PDT, 08/15/00.

    88. Downs Mailing List Archive: Index Bhaskara Status Update
    Downs mailing list archive Index bhaskara status update. SV1 Cluster(KILLEEN, bhaskara, SEYMOUR) Currently up and available. 03
    High Performance Computing Facility
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    Index Bhaskara status update
    About this list Date view Thread view Subject view ... Attachment view From: NERSC Operations (
    Date: Current Message Of The Day as updated by NERSC Operations: ALVAREZ: Currently up and available. ESCHER: Currently up and available. * 03/29/2002 12:00-14:00PT, DOWNTIME: Scheduled Maintenance. Due to installation of GigE interface cards. NEWTON: Currently up and available. PDSF: Currently up and available. STORAGE: (HPSS and ARCHIVE): HPSS/REGENT and ARCHIVE are up and available. SV1 Cluster: (KILLEEN, BHASKARA, SEYMOUR): Currently up and available. 03/29 11:00 - Bhaskara down for Emergency maintenance. No estimated uptime. MCURIE: Currently up and available. SEABORG: Currently up and available. ===============================================================================

    89. D'après Bhaskara
    Translate this page Exercice 14-spécial seconde- 12 points. D’APRÈS bhaskara. Calculerle volume de cette excavation par la méthode de bhaskara.
    Exercice 14-spécial seconde- 12 points Le mathématicien hindou Bhaskara (x II e siècle) explique, dans son traité " La Lilavati ", comment calculer le contenu d’une excavation en forme de tronc de pyramide à bases rectangulaires parallèles dont les dimensions sont celles de la figure ci-dessous. 1) Bhaskara donne en toutes lettres sa méthode de calcul : " ". Calculer le volume de cette excavation par la méthode de Bhaskara.
    Calculer le volume de ce tronc de pyramide en le considérant comme la différence des volumes de deux pyramides.
    Comparer les deux résultats. Recommencer le même travail avec une grande base de dimensions 12 et 10, une petite base de dimensions 9 et 7,5 et une profondeur de 8.
    Calculer son volume par les deux méthodes précédentes.
    La méthode de Bhaskara est-elle valable ? VOIR LA SOLUTION SOMMAIRE ÉPREUVE

    90. Currículo Do Sistema De Currículos Lattes (Bhaskara Rao Adusumilli) - CNPq
    Translate this page Curriculum Vitae bhaskara Rao Adusumilli, Veja bhaskara Rao Adusumilli em outrasbases Histórico no CNPq. Dados Pessoais Nome, bhaskara Rao Adusumilli.

    91. G Bhaskara Ramam - Brazil B2B Marketplace For Trade Offers View Company - G bhaskara Ramam. 227 GMT, Wednesday, May12, 2004. Navigational bar Home - Company Directory - G bhaskara Ramam.

    92. TOPCOM, Memorial For Rae Michael Shortt By K.P.S Bhaskara Rao
    by KPS bhaskara Rao Rae Michael Shortt, 19571999. 1 Rae Shortt and KPS bhaskaraRao, Borel Spaces II, Dissertationes Mathematicae Vol CCCXXII, 1998.
    Topology Atlas Document # topc-84
    Rae-Michael Shortt - A Mathematician in a Hurry
    by K.P.S Bhaskara Rao
    Rae Michael Shortt

    A Memorial from Volume 4, #2 , of TopCom Rae-Michael Shortt, my good friend and Professor, Department of Mathematics, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, USA died on July 11, 1999. Rae was a prolific researcher. It now seems that Rae was a mathematician in a hurry. In a short span of seventeen years of his research life, Rae has published more than 70 research papers, three research monographs (in Dissertationes Mathematicae) and edited four books. Academically, Rae was an open person. He has done lot of his work all by himself. But whenever there was an opportunity to discuss he did not hesitate. He had many coauthors: Lew Robertson, Clark Givens, Manfred Droste, R. Gobel, S. T. Rachev, Dan Dougherty, Steve Landry, Alan Hirshberg Emma d'Aniello and myself - to name some. Rae has also worked on a variety of topics: Strassen's Theorem, Marginal problems, Wasserstein metrics, Descriptive theory of sets, Borel spaces, cardinal algebras, Petri nets, group valued charges, and vector measures - to name some. To some of these themes, like for example, Strassen's Theorem, Rae would return again and again. Once Rae understood a problem he would think about it twenty four hours. Many a time Rae had called me at midnight to tell me that he has a solution to the problem that we were thinking about for the last few days or so. Rae would visit our house at odd hours (he had a standing invitation to our house) and spend the time discussing mathematics. I still recall Rae's ambling up the slope in snow to my house at about midnight to tell me that he had a particularly interesting observation on some problem on integer valued charges (We were still working on this problem at the time of his death). He was very kind to the students. He was active with the graduate students and would make special efforts to take the graduate students for dinners with the visitors to the department. Rae was also very religious. He would go to Church every Sunday. He was also an active participant in Church activities.

    93. Praveena Bhaskara

    94. Résultats De Votre Question: ("dc.creator.personalname":"RAO\, KPS Bhaskara" OR
    Résultats de votre question/Query Results Trouvés/Found 0 objet(s)Your query either did not match any information in this

    95. Bhaskara Reddy.Poluru
    WELCOME ! bhaskara Reddy Poluru Student of Masters in Applied Comp.Sc. (ACS) University of D79110 Germany. bhaskara Reddy Poluru.
    WELCOME ! Bhaskara Reddy Poluru
    Student of Masters in
    Applied Comp. Sc. (ACS)
    University of Freiburg

    Freiburg, D-79110
    Germany. Bhaskara Reddy Poluru

    96. CRM: CTI On
    Re CTI on CRM Posted By Lalitha prasuna bhaskara On Wednesday, May 12, 2004at 509 AM Documents, Lalitha prasuna bhaskara 5/12/04 current message.

    97. Efficient Micro-mobility Using Intra-domain Multicast-based
    Muhammad Jaseemuddin, Ryerson University. Ganesha bhaskara, Universityof Southern California. Publisher, ACM Press New York, NY, USA.

    98. Haridwar Hotels In Haridwar India Hotels Of Haridwar Hotel Reservation Booking
    Haridwar Hotels. Haridwar Hotels Directory Hotel Booking for Discount,Budget, Deluxe, Luxury Hotel Reservation in Haridwar. Hotels

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