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         Bhaskara I:     more books (15)
  1. Expounding the Mathematical Seed. Vol. 1: The Translation: A Translation of Bhaskara I on the Mathematical Chapter of the Aryabhatiya (Science Networks. Historical Studies) by Agathe Keller, 2006-04-28
  2. 7th-Century Mathematicians: Brahmagupta, Anania Shirakatsi, Bhaskara I
  3. 7th-Century Scientists: 7th-Century Mathematicians, Brahmagupta, Anania Shirakatsi, Bhaskara I
  4. Geboren 600: Bhaskara I., Martin I., Amalberga Von Maubeuge, Audomar (German Edition)
  5. Gestorben 680: Bhaskara I., Muawiya I., Husain Ibn ali, Hilda Von Whitby, Theodo I., Al-Abbas Ibn Ali, Wulfoald, Svevlad (German Edition)
  6. Bhaskara: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  7. Bhaskara I and his works (Hindu Astronomical and Mathematical texts series) by Bhaskaracarya,
  8. Laghu-bhāskariya (Bhaskara I and his works ; pt.3) by Bhāskarācārya, 1963
  9. Mahā-bhāskarīya (Bhaskara I and his works) by Bhāskarācārya, 1960
  10. Laghu-bhaskariya (Bhaskara I and his works ; pt.3) by Bhaskaracarya, 1963
  11. Bhaskara I and His Works: Part II: Maha-Bhaskariya by Kripa Shankar Shukla (Ed. & Trs. ), 1960-01-01
  12. Maha-bhaskariya (Bhaskara I and his works) by Bhaskaracarya, 1960
  13. Techniques of Teaching Political Science by I. Surya Madhava and Digumarti Bhaskara Rao, 2007
  14. The Moon-Light of Logic: Studies in Laugaksi Bhaskara's Tarka-Kaumaudi : Text, Translation and Comments (Sophia Indological Series, No 4) by P. I. Gradinarov, 1991-10

41. Bhaskara From
bhaskara. Timeline c.1114 c.1185. Nickname bhaskara the Learned.Nationality Indian. Occupation Mathematician and Astronomer. Also

42. Bhaskaracharya
Bhaskaracharya II(11141185). Bhaskaracharya otherwise known as Bhaskarais probably the most well known mathematician of ancient Indian today.
Bhaskaracharya II(1114-1185)
Bhaskaracharya otherwise known as Bhaskara is probably the most well known mathematician of ancient Indian today. Bhaskara was born in 1114 A.D. according to a statement he recorded in one of his own works. He was from Bijjada Bida near the Sahyadri mountains. Bijjada Bida is thought to be present day Bijapur in Mysore state. Bhaskara wrote his famous Siddhanta Siroman in the year 1150 A.D. It is divided into four parts; Lilavati (arithmetic), Bijaganita (algebra), Goladhyaya (celestial globe), and Grahaganita (mathematics of the planets). Much of Bhaskara's work in the Lilavati and Bijaganita was derived from earlier mathematicians; hence it is not surprising that Bhaskara is best in dealing with indeterminate analysis . In connection with the Pell equation, x^2=1+61y^2, nearly solved by Brahmagupta , Bhaskara gave a method ( Chakravala process ) for solving the equation.
Picture of Goladhyaya.
Bhaskara was somewhat of a poet as were many Indian mathematicians at this time.
Here is couple of verse found in Lilavati that demonstrates his poetic inclination.

43. Sadguru Sri Nannagaru
Ramana bhaskara. Issue Date, Link. January 5th 2004, View. December 20th 2003,View. December 5th 2003, View. November 20th 2003, View. November 5th 2003,View.

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    44. Bhaskara 1, 2
    bhaskara 1, 2. bhaskara 1. bhaskara was launched as part Xray astronomy.bhaskara was a 26-faced quasi-spherical polyhedron. It had
    Bhaskara 1, 2
    Bhaskara 1 Bhaskara was launched as part of the satellite-for-earth-observations (SEO) program, and was placed in orbit by a Soviet vehicle launched from a Cosmodrome in the U.S.S.R. The main objectives were to conduct earth observation experiments for applications related to hydrology, forestry, and geology using a two-band TV camera system, and to conduct ocean-surface studies using a two-frequency satellite microwave radiometer (SAMIR) system. Secondary objectives were to test engineering and data processing systems, to collect limited meteorological data from remote platforms, and to conduct scientific investigations in X-ray astronomy. Bhaskara was a 26-faced quasi-spherical polyhedron. It had a height of 1.66 m, and a diameter of 1.55 m. Named after the two "Bhaskaracharyas," astronomer-mathematicians of ancient India. Nation: India Type / Application: Earth Observing, technology Operator: ISRO Contractors: ISRO Equipment: Configuration: Propulsion: Mass: 444 kg Orbit: 512 km x 557 km, 50.7° Satellite Date LS Suc Launcher Remarks: Bhaskara 1 KY Kosmos-3M Bhaskara 2 KY Kosmos-3M Last update:

    45. Bhaskara Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    bhaskara. Bhāskara (11141185), also called Bhāskara II and Bhāskarācārya( bhaskara the teacher ) was an Indian mathematician.
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    Bhāskara (1114-1185), also called Bhāskara II and Bhāskarācārya ("Bhaskara the teacher") was an Indian mathematician . He was born near Bijjada Bida in Bijapur near Mysore district, Karnataka and became head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, continuing the mathematical tradition of Varahamihira and Brahmagupta His main works are the Lilavati (dealing with arithmetic , and supposedly written in the memory of his daughter), Bijaganita ( algebra ) and Siddhantasiromani which consists of two parts: Goladhyaya (sphere) and Grahaganita (mathematics of the planets).
    See also
    • Bhaskara I
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    46. BHASKARA
    Translate this page bhaskara. VOLTAR. -bhaskara viveu de 1114 a 1185 aproximadamente, na India.

    Bhaskara viveu de 1114 a 1185 aproximadamente, na India.
    Nascido numa tradicional família de astrólogos indianos, seguiu a tradição profissional da família, porém com uma orientação científica, dedicando-se mais à parte matemática e astronômica ( tais como o cálculo do dia e hora da ocorrência de eclipses ou das posições e conjunções dos planetas ) que dá sustentação à Astrologia.
    Seus méritos foram logo reconhecidos e muito cedo atingiu o posto de diretor do Observatório de Ujjain, o maior centro de pesquisas matemáticas e astronômicas da India, na época.
    Seu livro mais famoso é o Lilavati, um livro bem elementar e dedicado a problemas simples de Aritmética, Geometria Plana (medidas e trigonometria elementar ) e Combinatória. A palavra Lilavati é um nome próprio de mulher (a tradução é Graciosa), e a razão de ter dado esse título a seu livro é porque, provavelmente, teria desejado fazer um trocadilho comparando a elegância de uma mulher da nobreza com a elegância dos métodos da Aritmética. Numa tradução turca desse livro, 400 anos depois, foi inventada a história de que o livro seria uma homenagem à filha que não pode se casar. Justamente essa invenção é que tornou-o famoso entre as pessoas de pouco conhecimento de Matemática e de História da Matemática. Parece, também, que os professores estão muito dispostos a aceitarem estórias românticas em uma área tão abstrata e difícil como a Matemática; isso parece humanizá-la mais.
    Ele escreveu dois livros matematicamente importantes e devido a isso tornou-se o matemático mais famoso de sua época. Esses livros são:

    47. Bhaskara
    Translate this page bhaskara. This page is dedicated to bhaskara. BishopIsabellaLucyBirdbirdofparadise bhaskara Bion bivalve Bibescu bicarbonate Bitolj
    This page is dedicated to Bhaskara.
    birdofparadise Bhaskara Bion bivalve Bibescu bicarbonate ...
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    48. BhAskara Satakam
    bhaskara Satakam. by mAravi venkayya. nArAyaNa Satakamu (Introduction) (Full text). Clickhere for poems in Telugu Lipi font. bhaskara SatakaM. mAravi veMkayya.
    Home Prabandha Sataka Script BhAskara Satakam by mAravi venkayya nArAyaNa Satakamu

    (Full text)
    kRShNa Satakamu
    sumatee Satakamu

    (Full text)
    kALahasteeSvara Satakamu
    dASarathee Satakamu
    Andhra nAyaka Satakamu
    narasimha Satakamu
    BhartRhari neeti Satakamu
    BhAskara Satakamu rAmalingESa Satakamu Authorship mAravi (mArada) venkayya kavi (fl. CE 1550-1650?) was a kaLiMga poet who lived in the vicinity of Srikakulam/Visakhapatnam. He was a sUrya Bhakta . There is a famous Sun ( sUryanArAyaNa ) temple at arasavilli , about 3 km from the present day Srikakulam town. It is one of the very few such temples in India. Sun worship is very prevalent in these areas. mAravi kavi composed BhAskara Satakam in praise of Lord sUrya BhAskara ). The Satakam became quite famous for its excellent poetry and moral teachings. It is one of the early Satakas using dRShTAntAlamkAram (some critics bill it as the very first). He used several instances from the epics to extol morals about right conduct, right attitude, the see-sawing nature of wealth, social responsibility, self sacrifice, determination, women, etc. Text in RIT/RTS format The following poems are in RIT/RTS format. Click

    49. Web-Server NRW - Wartung
    Translate this page Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien. bhaskara, Atscharja, indischerMathematiker und Astronom * um 1114, † 1185 (?). Arbeitsgebiete
    Web-Server NRW - Wartung
    Sie haben einen Web-Server der Landesverwaltung NRW angesprochen. Leider ist dieser Server wegen technischer Wartung vom Netz genommen. Gegen 16 Uhr werden wir den Betrieb wieder aufnehmen. Bitte versuchen Sie dann nochmal. Ihre Webadministration NRW

    50. MSN Encarta - Bhaskara (1114-c. 1160)
    Translate this page bhaskara (1114-c. 1160). bhaskara (1114-c. 1160), uno de los matemáticosindios más notables. Más información sobre bhaskara (1114-c. 1160) de,
    Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
    Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Bhaskara (1114-c. 1160) Bhaskara (1114-c. 1160) , uno de los matem¡ticos indios m¡s notables. Fue un destacado representante de la escuela Ujjain, uno de los centros del... ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
    • M¡s de 41.000 art­culos Diccionario biling¼e Atlas din¡mico
    M¡s informaci³n sobre Bhaskara (1114-c. 1160) de Otras funciones de Encarta Principal Mi MSN ... Dinero ©2004 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Condiciones de uso Declaraci³n de privacidad aprobada por TRUSTe

    51. MSN Encarta - Bhaskara (c. 600)
    Translate this page Inicia una sesión arriba. bhaskara (c. 600). bhaskara (c. 600), matemático indio. Másinformación sobre bhaskara (c. 600) de, Otras funciones de Encarta.
    Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
    Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Bhaskara (c. 600) Bhaskara (c. 600) , matem¡tico indio. Realiz³ diversos trabajos astron³micos, pero es conocido sobre todo por su glosa sobre Aryabhatiya, un tratado del... ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
    • M¡s de 41.000 art­culos Diccionario biling¼e Atlas din¡mico
    M¡s informaci³n sobre Bhaskara (c. 600) de Otras funciones de Encarta Principal Mi MSN ... Dinero ©2004 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Condiciones de uso Declaraci³n de privacidad aprobada por TRUSTe

    52. Graph Theory White Pages: Siddani Bhaskara Rao
    Siddani bhaskara Rao. Statistical Mathematical DivisionIndian Statistical Institute 206 BT Road Calcutta 700035
    Siddani Bhaskara Rao
    Statistical Mathematical Division
    Indian Statistical Institute
    206 B T Road
    Calcutta 700035
    Ph.D. 1971 ISI; C.R. Rao
  • Graph Theory Publications:
  • Chordal graphs with specified perfect elimination orderings. (with Panda, B. S., Mohanty, S. P.)
    J. Ramanujan Math. Soc.
  • On totally supercompact graphs. (with Simonovits, M.
  • Measuring reciprocity in weighted social networks. (with Rao, A. Ramachandra
  • Characterizations of harmonious marked graphs and consistent nets. J. Combin. Inform. System Sci.
  • On regular and strongly-regular self-complementary graphs. Discrete Math.
  • Alternating Eulerian trails with prescribed degrees in two edge-colored complete graphs. (with Das, Prabir) Discrete Math.
  • Intersection graphs of k -uniform linear hypergraphs. (with Naik, Ranjan N. Shrikhande, S. S. Singhi, N. M. European J. Combin.
  • Graphs with eigenvalues at least -2. (with Kumar, Vijaya, Singhi, N. M. Linear Algebra Appl.
  • Intersection graphs of k -uniform hypergraphs. (with Naik, R. Shrikhande, S. S. Singhi, N. M. Ann. Discrete Math.
  • Solution of the Hamiltonian problem for self-complementary graphs.
  • 53. Graph Theory White Pages Rao, Siddani Bhaskara
    Rao, Siddani bhaskara. Statistical MathematicalDivision Indian Statistical Institute 206 BT Road Calcutta 700035, Siddani

    54. Profile Of Mr. Bhaskara Rao Botcha On - Telugu People From All
    Profile of Mr. bhaskara Rao Botcha. Profile ID HIMANJALI, Click here toSend a Message. Click here to Send a Message to Mr. bhaskara Rao Botcha.

    55. Bhaskara
    Translate this page ou pulverizador). Mas, ea fórmula de bhaskara ? bhaskara conhecia a regraacima, porém, a regra não foi descoberta por ele. A regra
    S Lilavati
    • a = N y
      ax + bx = c
      , os indianos usavam a seguinte regra:
    x = px + q e x + px = q B
    • chakravala kuttaka

    SCHOOL OF SANTHI The late bhaskara Pillai SwamikalThe late bhaskara Pillai Swamikal. SWAMIKAL EXPLORED the hidden andforgotten areas of spirituality, which was once very prevalent

    57. Bhaskara - India And Earth Observation Systems
    bhaskara. India has 3.3 million http// by Webmaster Updated Monday, May 01, 2000 92454 AM
    FAS Space Guide India ... Join FAS
    India has 3.3 million land area with varied physical features ranging from snow-covered Himalaya in the north to tropical forests in south and from regions in the east receiving highest rainfall in the world to deserts of Rajasthan in the west. India is also blessed with vast natural wealth but yet to be exploited fully. A coastal belt of 7,500 km. has a store of rich aquatic resources. What better way can be there to monitor and manage the natural resources for a large country like India than using the powerful tool of space-based observation systems? India not only demonstrated the potential of space-based remote sensing in the 70s using data received from the US satellite, Landsat, but also built its own experimental satellites, Bhaskara-1 and Bhaskara-2, which were launched in June 1979 and November 1981, respectively.
    Sources and Resources
  • FAS Space Guide India ... Join FAS
    Maintained by Webmaster
    Updated Monday, May 01, 2000 9:24:54 AM
  • 58. Bhaskara
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia bhaskara, bus kuru Pronunciation Key. bhaskara Relatedcontent from HighBeam Research on bhaskara. REPUBLIC
    in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
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    59. Bhaskara :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
    bhaskara. Online Encyclopedia Removed possible copyright infringement.Text at Talkbhaskara/temp or leave this page to be deleted.
    Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Bhaskara
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    60. Curriculum Prof.Bhaskara Rao Adusumilli
    Translate this page bhaskara Rao Adusumilli. Professor (1972 - 1992) Doutorado - 1957 - Universidade bhaskaraRao Adusumilli. Professor (1972 - 1992) PhD - 1957 - University
    Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Geociências Bhaskara Rao Adusumilli Professor
    Graduação - 1949 - Geologia - Andhra University, A.U., Waltair, Índia
    Linhas de Pesquisa:
    • Mineralogia Prospecção Mineral Metalogenia Geologia Ambiental
    PRODUÇO CIENTÍFICA Curriculum Vitae:
    Sistema de Currículos Lattes - CNPq
    Universidade de Brasília / Instituto de Geociências
    Departamento de Geoquímica e Recursos Minerais
    Campus Univesitário Darcy Ribeiro 70910-900 BRASÍLIA - DF University of Brasília Institute of Geosciences Bhaskara Rao Adusumilli Professor
    MSc - 1950 - University of : THE CHARNOCKITES AND ASSOCIATED ROCKS BETWEEN PALLAVARAM AND TAMBARAM, MADRAS Bachelor - 1949 - Geology - Andhra University, A.U., Waltair, Índia. Research areas:
    • Mineralogy Mineral prospection Metallogenesis Environmental Geologyl
    Curriculum Vitae: Lattes System - CNPq Address: Universidade de Brasília / Instituto de Geociências Departamento de Geoquímica e Recursos Minerais Campus Univesitário Darcy Ribeiro 70910-900 BRASÍLIA - DF

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