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         Bhaskara I:     more books (15)
  1. Expounding the Mathematical Seed. Vol. 1: The Translation: A Translation of Bhaskara I on the Mathematical Chapter of the Aryabhatiya (Science Networks. Historical Studies) by Agathe Keller, 2006-04-28
  2. 7th-Century Mathematicians: Brahmagupta, Anania Shirakatsi, Bhaskara I
  3. 7th-Century Scientists: 7th-Century Mathematicians, Brahmagupta, Anania Shirakatsi, Bhaskara I
  4. Geboren 600: Bhaskara I., Martin I., Amalberga Von Maubeuge, Audomar (German Edition)
  5. Gestorben 680: Bhaskara I., Muawiya I., Husain Ibn ali, Hilda Von Whitby, Theodo I., Al-Abbas Ibn Ali, Wulfoald, Svevlad (German Edition)
  6. Bhaskara: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  7. Bhaskara I and his works (Hindu Astronomical and Mathematical texts series) by Bhaskaracarya,
  8. Laghu-bhāskariya (Bhaskara I and his works ; pt.3) by Bhāskarācārya, 1963
  9. Mahā-bhāskarīya (Bhaskara I and his works) by Bhāskarācārya, 1960
  10. Laghu-bhaskariya (Bhaskara I and his works ; pt.3) by Bhaskaracarya, 1963
  11. Bhaskara I and His Works: Part II: Maha-Bhaskariya by Kripa Shankar Shukla (Ed. & Trs. ), 1960-01-01
  12. Maha-bhaskariya (Bhaskara I and his works) by Bhaskaracarya, 1960
  13. Techniques of Teaching Political Science by I. Surya Madhava and Digumarti Bhaskara Rao, 2007
  14. The Moon-Light of Logic: Studies in Laugaksi Bhaskara's Tarka-Kaumaudi : Text, Translation and Comments (Sophia Indological Series, No 4) by P. I. Gradinarov, 1991-10

1. Bhaskara II --  Encyclopædia Britannica
also called Bhaskaracarya, or Bhaskara The Learned the leading mathematician of the 12th century bhaskara iI was the lineal successor of the noted Indian mathematician Brahmagupta

2. Kamat's Potpourri: Glossary: Bhaskara
india, glossary, dictionary, definition, who's who Bhaskara Search Kamat's Potpourri for Bhaskara. Try Kamat's PictureSearch for pictures of Bhaskara. Search Google for

3. Bhaskara_II
Bhaskara. Born bhaskara is also known as bhaskara iI or as Bhaskaracharya,this latter name meaning Bhaskara the Teacher . Since
Born: 1114 in Vijayapura, India
Died: 1185 in Ujjain, India
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Bhaskara is also known as Bhaskara II or as Bhaskaracharya, this latter name meaning "Bhaskara the Teacher". Since he is known in India as Bhaskaracharya we will refer to him throughout this article by that name. Bhaskaracharya's father was a Brahman named Mahesvara. Mahesvara himself was famed as an astrologer. This happened frequently in Indian society with generations of a family being excellent mathematicians and often acting as teachers to other family members. Bhaskaracharya became head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, the leading mathematical centre in India at that time. Outstanding mathematicians such as Varahamihira and Brahmagupta had worked there and built up a strong school of mathematical astronomy. In many ways Bhaskaracharya represents the peak of mathematical knowledge in the 12th century. He reached an understanding of the number systems and solving equations which was not to be achieved in Europe for several centuries. Six works by Bhaskaracharya are known but a seventh work, which is claimed to be by him, is thought by many historians to be a late forgery. The six works are:

4. Bhaskara_I
bhaskara i. Born about We have very little information about bhaskara i slife except what can be deduced from his writings. Shukla deduces
Bhaskara I
Born: about 600 in (possibly) Saurastra (modern Gujarat state), India
Died: about 680 in (possibly) Asmaka, India
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We have very little information about Bhaskara I 's life except what can be deduced from his writings. Shukla deduces from the fact that Bhaskara I often refers to the Asmakatantra instead of the Aryabhatiya that he must have been working in a school of mathematicians in Asmaka which was probably in the Nizamabad District of Andhra Pradesh. If this is correct, and it does seem quite likely, then the school in Asmaka would have been a collection of scholars who were followers of Aryabhata I and of course this fits in well with the fact that Bhaskara I himself was certainly a follower of Aryabhata I There are other references to places in India in Bhaskara's writings. For example he mentions Valabhi (today Vala), the capital of the Maitraka dynasty in the 7 th century, and Sivarajapura, which were both in Saurastra which today is the Gujarat state of India on the west coast of the continent. Also mentioned are Bharuch (or Broach) in southern Gujarat and Thanesar in the eastern Punjab which was ruled by Harsa for 41 years from 606. Harsa was the preeminent ruler in north India through the first half of Bhaskara I's life. A reasonable guess would be that Bhaskara was born in Saurastra and later moved to Asmaka. Bhaskara I was an author of two treatises and commentaries to the work of

5. Bhaskara - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Bhaskara. Bhaskara (11141185), also called bhaskara iI and Bhaskaracarya( Bhaskara the teacher ) was an Indian mathematician.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(1114-1185), also called and ("Bhaskara the teacher") was an Indian mathematician . He was born near Bijjada Bida in Bijapur near Mysore district, Karnataka and became head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain , continuing the mathematical tradition of Varahamihira and Brahmagupta His main works are the Lilavati (dealing with arithmetic , and supposedly written in the memory of his daughter), Bijaganita algebra ) and Siddhantasiromani which consists of two parts: Goladhyaya (sphere) and Grahaganita (mathematics of the planets). edit
See also
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  • Bhaskara II MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

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6. Bhaskara I --  Encyclopædia Britannica
MLA style " bhaskara i." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. APA style bhaskara i. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 11, 2004, from

7. Bhaskara II --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
bhaskara iI Britannica Student Encyclopedia. (1114–85?), Indianmathematician. bhaskara iI was born in 1114 in Biddur, India. He number system&ct=e

8. Bhaskara - Encyclopedia Article About Bhaskara. Free Access, No Registration Nee
encyclopedia article about Bhaskara. bhaskara in Free online Englishdictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides Bhaskara. Word
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition (1114-1185), also called and ("Bhaskara the teacher") was an Indian The Republic of India , located in South Asia and comprising most of the Indian subcontinent is the second most populous country in the world and is the world's largest democracy, with over one billion people speaking more than one hundred distinct languages. The Indian economy is the fourth-largest in the world, in terms of purchasing power parity. India borders Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan, with Sri Lanka and the Maldives just across the Indian mainland in the Indian Ocean.
Click the link for more information. mathematician A mathematician is a person whose area of study and research is mathematics.
Mathematicians not only study, but also research, and this must be given prominent mention here, because a misconception that everything in mathematics is already known is widespread among persons not learned in that field. In fact, the publication of new discoveries in mathematics continues at an immense rate in hundreds of scientific journals, many of them devoted to mathematics and many devoted to subjects to which mathematics is applied (such as theoretical computer science, physics or quantum mechanics).
Click the link for more information.

9. História Da Matemática Na Índia - Bhaskara II
Translate this page textos História da Matemática na Índia. bhaskara iI. Bhaskara professor.Bhaskara escreveu o Siddhanta Siromani, aos 36 anos, em 1150.
História da Matemática na Índia
Bhaskara II Bhaskara nasceu em 1114, na Índia, numa terra chamada Vijalavida (da qual se desconhece a localização) e morreu, provavelmente, em 1193, aos 79 anos. O seu pai, Mahervara (1078-?), foi astrónomo e o seu professor.
Bhaskara escreveu o Siddhanta Siromani Lilavati (A Bela) sobre aritmética; Bijaganita sobre a álgebra, Goladhyaya sobre a esfera, ou seja sobre o globo celeste e Grahaganita sobre a matemática dos planetas.
O seu livro foi usado em toda a Índia, tendo substituído maior parte dos textos que eram utilizados até então, como o do astrónomo indiano Lalla (720 - 790), mas só saiu as fronteiras da Índia no século XVI. Nessa altura foi traduzido para persa por Faizi (1587). Foi este tradutor que introduziu a história de que Lilavati era o nome da filha de Bhaskara.
De acordo com essa história, a partir do seu horóscopo, Bhaskara tinha previsto o dia e a hora propícia para o casamento da sua filha. Para saber a hora exacta tinha construído um relógio, colocando um copo com um pequeno orifício, por onde entrava água, numa vasilha cheia de água. De tal forma que ao início da hora exacta do casamento o copo afundar-se-ia. Quando tudo estava pronto, Lilavati, cheia de curiosidade, inclinou-se sobre a vasilha e uma perola do seu vestido caiu no copo e bloqueou o orifício. A hora do casamento passou sem que o copo se afundasse. Lilavati nunca se casou. Para consolar a sua filha Bhaskara prometeu escrever-lhe um livro de matemática!

10. História Da Matemática Na Índia - Bhaskara II - Teorema De Pitágoras
Translate this page História da Matemática na Índia. Lilavati de bhaskara iI. Medições. Perímetrodo círculo e outras medidas. Bhaskara usa para valor de pi, 22/7.
textos: Problemas
de Lilavati:
Quantidades desconhecidas Equações quadráticas Regra de três Lucros ... Progressões Medições Volumes
História da Matemática na Índia Lilavati de Bha skara II Medições Medidas de lados ( Teorema de Pitágoras) Verso 144
Descobre a hipotenusa se a base é 3 e a altura 4.
Se a hipotenusa e a base são 5, 3, qual é o comprimento da altura?
Se a hipotenusa e a altura são 5, 4, qual é a sua base? Verso 149
Se a base de um triângulo rectângulo é 12, descobre os números inteiros que são a sua altura e hipotenusa. Verso 151
Se a hipotenusa é 85 descobre os números inteiros que são os outros lados. (a partir da tradução de Patwardhan et al. Verso 156
Se um bambu medindo 32 cúbitos e estando em pé, se partisse, num local, por acção do vento, e a sua extremidade encontrasse o chão a 16 cúbitos da base do bambu. Diz, matemático, a quantos cúbitos da raiz é que ele se partiu? (citado por Shen Kangshen et al. Nota: Para conhecer a história deste problema consulte a página Problemas Pitagóricos Verso 158
O buraco de uma cobra está na base de um pilar que tem 9 cúbitos de altura. Um pavão está empoleirado no seu cume. Vendo uma cobra, a uma distância igual ao triplo da altura do pilar, a deslizar para o seu buraco, precipita-se obliquamente sobre a cobra. Diz depressa a quantos cúbitos do buraco da cobra é que eles se encontram, ambos

11. Bhaskara - InformationBlast
Bhaskara Information Blast. Bhaskara. Bhaskara (1114-1185), also theplanets). See also. bhaskara i. © 2004 Information Blast. All content
(1114-1185), also called and ("Bhaskara the teacher") was an Indian mathematician . He was born near Bijjada Bida in Bijapur near Mysore district, Karnataka and became head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, continuing the mathematical tradition of Varahamihira and Brahmagupta His main works are the Lilavati (dealing with arithmetic , and supposedly written in the memory of his daughter), Bijaganita ( algebra ) and Siddhantasiromani which consists of two parts: Goladhyaya (sphere) and Grahaganita (mathematics of the planets).
See also
  • Bhaskara I
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13. Bhaskara Reddy. Poluru
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14. Bhaskara Industries In Global Recycling Network --- Industry Directory
Industry Directory. bhaskara industries. Baled Waste Paper BhaskaraIndustries Cleveland Ohio USA Contact JA Bhaskaran Fernando
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Last modified Sunday, 30-May-2004 07:51:20 EDT

15. TSE - Bhaskara 2
bhaskara 2. General. Designation, 12968 / 81115A. Launch date, 20 Nov 1981.

16. TSE - Bhaskara 1
bhaskara 1. General. Designation, 11392 / 79051A. Launch date, 7 Jun 1979.

17. Bhaskara In 4-D By David V Feldman
bhaskara in 4D by David V Feldman. reply to this message post a messageon a new topic Back to sci.math.research Subject Bhaskara
Bhaskara in 4-D by David V Feldman
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Subject: Bhaskara in 4-D Author: Organization: University of New Hampshire Date: 22 Nov 1995 03:31:14 GMT In the Fermat mailing list the question of a Pythagorean theorem for right tetrahedra came up, and indeed it is easy to see that the sum of the squares of the areas of the three right triangular sides equals the square of the area of the ``hypotenuse.'' Suppose one fixes such a tetrahedron, and forms the Cartesian square of each of the four faces. Then is the disjoint union of the three from right triangles polyhedrally equidecomposible with the fourth (at least modulo sets of measure 0)? An affirmative answer would generalize classical visual proofs of the Pythagorean theorem, hence my subject line. Department of Mathematics The Math Forum

18. The Lilavati Of Bhaskara
The Lilavati of bhaskara. Definitions ( verses 111
The Lilavati of Bhaskara

19. Bhaskara Reddy .Poluru

20. Kamat's Potpourri: No Match For 'bhaskara'
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