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         Bessel Wilhelm:     more books (47)
  1. A Brief Notice of the Life, Researches, and Discoveries of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel by John Frederick W. Herschel, 2009-10-27
  2. Abhandlungen Von Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel: Bd. I. Bewegungen Der Körper Im Sonnensystem. Ii. Sphàrische Astronomie. 1875 (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2010-03-05
  3. Abhandlungen Von Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel: Bd. Vi. Geodaesie. Vii. Physik. Viii. Verschiedenes. Literatur. 1876 (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2010-01-11
  4. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel 1784 - 1846 (Vita Mathematica) (German Edition) by Kasimir Lawrinowicz, 1995-02-20
  5. Astronomische Untersuchungen (1841) (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2009-02-06
  6. Tabulae Regiomontanae Reductionum Observationum Astronomicarum Ab Anno 1750 Usque Ad Annum 1850 Computatæ (Latin Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2010-03-01
  7. Recensionen (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Rudolph Engelmann, 2010-03-29
  8. Astronomische Untersuchungen (1841) (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2010-09-10
  9. Gradmessung in Ostpreussen Und Ihre Verbindung Mit Preussischen Und Russischen Dreiecksketten (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Johann Jacob Baeyer, 2010-02-28
  10. Astronomische Untersuchungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2010-01-11
  11. Populäre Vorlesungen Über Wissenschaftliche Gegenstände (German Edition) by Heinrich Christian Schumacher, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 2010-03-02
  12. Untersuchungen Über Die Länge Des Einfachen Secundenpendels (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Heinrich Bruns, 2010-02-28
  13. Geodät: Carl Friedrich Gauß, Eratosthenes, Henri Poincaré, Jean-Baptiste Biot, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Percy Fawcett, Peter Andreas Hansen (German Edition)
  14. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by J. William Moncrief, 2000

81. Bessel F. W.
bbessel FW. Friedrich wilhelm bessel (17841846) oli saksalainen tähtitieteilijä,joka Königsbergiin (nykyisin Kaliningrad) perustamassaan observatoriossa
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) oli saksalainen tähtitieteilijä, joka Königsbergiin (nykyisin Kaliningrad) perustamassaan observatoriossa ensimmäisenä mittasi tähden (61 Cygni) etäisyyden. Nämä tuloksensa hän julkaisi vuonna 1838. Bessel edisti huomattavasti tähtitieteellistä havaintojentekoa ja myös tähtitieteeseen liittyvää matematiikkaa sekä geodesia a. Argelander oli Besselin oppilas. Kosmos s. 109-113, Tähtitieteen perusteet s. 53, 545, 547 Argelander Besselin oppilaana: Maailmankaikkeutta tutkimassa s. 322 Edellinen hakusana Etusivulle Hakemisto Lähteet ...
Seuraava hakusana

82. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database
Previous Besant, Annie, Next Bessey, CE. Friedrich wilhelm bessel, 1784–1846.For a list of all references in the database, including, F. W.

83. Bandeira Do Brasil
Translate this page Seus resultados produziram centenas de trabalhos nas áreas de fontes de raios Xgalácticas e extragalácticas. bessel (Friedrich wilhelm bessel 1784-1846).
Bandeira do Brasil o Bandeiras e Astronomia Bar (ver BARNARD (Edward Emerson Barnard 1857-1923) estrela de Barnard BAYER (Johannes Bayer 1572-1625) sistema de Bayer BEGH (Ulugh Begh 1359-1449) do plano da Belinda BepiCOLOMBO European Space Agency (ESA) BeppoSAX (Beppo Satellite per Astronomia X) astronomia de raios X NIVR Gamma-Ray Bursts BESSEL (Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel 1784-1846) Urano paralaxe anos-luz Bianca Big Bang (ver Teoria do Big Bang Blazar (ver BNSC (The British National Space Centre) BODE (Johann Elert Bode 1747-1826) "Lei de Titius-Bode" BOND (William Cranch Bond 1789-1859) Saturno e, juntamente com seu filho George Phillips Bond (1825–65), descobriu, em 1848, Hiperion William Lassell (ver (ver BRAHE (Tycho Brahe 1546-1601) Johannes Kepler elaborou as Leis de Kepler nova BRUNO (Giordano Bruno 1548-1600) Buraco Negro horizonte de eventos
buracos negros primordiais
buracos negros supermassivos "buracos de minhoca" "pontes de Einstein-Rosen"

84. Bessel
bessel, Friedrich wilhelm, 17841846. Abhandlungen von Friedrich wilhelm bessel.Hrsg. von Rudolf Englemann in drei banden. Leipzig, W. Englmann, 1875-76.
The Expanding Universe In modern times, first German, then English became the principal language of astronomy. Attention shifted from the planets to the stars, then to the immense expanding universe of galaxies, created billions of years ago in a " Big Bang ." Modern scientists, unlike Copernicus or Newton , first use papers in journals to introduce new ideas to their fellow researchers, and then books to spread those ideas to a wider scientific community or the general public. Classic scientific papers and books illustrating this giant step to an expanding universe conclude the display. Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Abhandlungen von Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. Hrsg. von Rudolf Englemann... in drei banden. Leipzig, W. Englmann, 1875-76. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, a leading German astronomer and mathematician, was the first person to measure the distance to a star other than a sun. He used the special type of telescope called a heliometer that is shown here in a collection of his astronomical papers. The Dudley Observatory Last Top Next

85. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
Friedrich wilhelm bessel. Born 22 July 1784 Prussia (now Kaliningrad,Russia). wilhelm bessel s father was a civil servant in Minden. Wilhelm Bessel.htm
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
Born: 22 July 1784 in Minden, Westphalia (now Germany)
Died: 17 March 1846 in Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia)
Wilhelm Bessel 's father was a civil servant in Minden. Bessel attended the Gymnasium in Minden for four years but he did not appear to be very talented, finding Latin difficult. The fact that he later became proficient in Latin, teaching himself the language, probably suggests that the Gymnasium failed to inspire Bessel. In January 1799, at the age of 14, he left school to become an apprentice to the commercial firm of Kulenkamp in Bremen. The firm was involved in the import-export business. At first Bessel received no salary from the firm but, as his accounting skills became appreciated by the firm, he received a small salary. Interest in the countries his firm dealt with led Bessel to spend his evenings studying geography, Spanish and English. His interests turned towards navigation and he considered the problem of finding the position of a ship at sea. This in turn led him to study astronomy and mathematics and he began to make observations to determine longitude. In 1804 Bessel wrote a paper on Halley 's comet, calculating the orbit using data from observations made by

86. Friedrich Bessel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
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Friedrich Bessel
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Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel July 22 March 17 ) was a German mathematician astronomer , and systematizer of the Bessel functions (which, despite their name, were discovered by Daniel Bernoulli ). He was born in Minden Westphalia and died of cancer in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad Russia ). Bessel was a contemporary of Carl Gauss , also a mathematician and astronomer. Bessel was the son of a civil servant, and at the age of 14 he was apprenticed to the import-export concern Kulenkamp. He shortly became an accountant for them, and the business' reliance on cargo ships led him to turn his mathematical skills to problems in navigation. This in turn led to an interest in astronomy as a way of determining longitude He came to the attention of a major figure of German astronomy at the time, Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers , by producing a refinement on the orbital calculations for Halley's Comet . Within two years he had left Kulenkamp and become an assistant at Lilienthal Observatory near Bremen, Germany

87. Too Many ``Friedrich Wilhelms''
As a nice tiein to where this all began, I see that the Alexander von HumboldtFoundation is granting Friedrich wilhelm bessel Research Awards.
All the ``Friedrich Wilhelms''
One day I was seated in the library, reading Volume 2 of the Astronomische Nachrichten , in which F. W. Bessel mentioned that he had he asked a young assistant, F. W. A. Argelander, to make some observations of refraction near the horizon. Now, as it happens, I was aware that the already-famous Bessel, as well as the soon-to-become-famous Argelander, were both named Friedrich Wilhelm. ``Gee, that's funny,'' I thought. ``Both of these astronomers had the same first names.'' Then I remembered that F. W. Murnau, the director of the classic vampire film Nosferatu , was also a Friedrich Wilhelm. (Actually, it turns out he was born Friedrich Wilhelm Plumpe ; but it's the ``F. W.'' I'm concerned with here.) I began to wonder just how many other Friedrich Wilhelms there were among notable Germans.
More Friedrich Wilhelms
A lot, I discovered. A little searching turned up the fact that Friedrich Nietzsche was really Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Besides his imposing work ``Also sprach Zarathustra,'' Nietzsche wrote an essay on Richard Wagner. And it turns out that Wagner's father was actually named Friedrich Wilhelm Wagner.

88. Bessel, Franz Friedrich Wilhelm - Gedächtnis Berlin
Translate this page bessel, Franz Friedrich wilhelm. * 22.07.1784 Minden (Brandenburg-Preußen).† 17.03.1846 Königsberg (Provinz Preußen). Astronom. Straße
Bessel , Franz Friedrich Wilhelm Astronom

89. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel - Wikipedia
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel 22. Juli in Minden Westfalen 17. März in Königsberg ) war ein deutscher Mathematiker und Astronom Bessel war ein Zeitgenosse von Carl Gauß - und wie dieser wurde er auch mit Vermessungsaufgaben der Geodäsie betraut. Dabei berechnete er 1841 das Bessel-Ellipsoid , welches bis heute für die Landesvermessung vieler Staaten verwendet wird. In der Astronomie und der Berechnung von Kometenbahnen wurde er von Wilhelm Olbers gefördert, der ihn um 1800 an die Sternwarte von Johann Hieronymus Schröter bei Bremen empfahl. Sein größter astronomischer Erfolg war die erste erfolgreiche Parallaxenmessung zur Entfernungsbestimmung des Sterns 61 Cygni Nach Bessel wurden der größte Krater im Mare Senitatis (Mond) und ein Gymnasium in seiner Heimatstadt Minden benannt. Nach ihm wurden die so genannten Bessel-Funktionen benannt. bearbeiten

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90. Friedrich Bessel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Friedrich bessel. (Redirected from Friedrich wilhelm bessel). Friedrichwilhelm bessel (July 22, 1784 March 17, 1846) was a German
Friedrich Bessel
Categories Mathematicians
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel July 22 March 17 ) was a German mathematician astronomer , and systematizer of the Bessel functions (which, despite their name, were discovered by Daniel Bernoulli ). He was born in Minden Westphalia and died of cancer in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad Russia ). Bessel was a contemporary of Carl Gauss , also a mathematician and astronomer. Bessel was the son of a civil servant, and at the age of 14 he was apprenticed to the import-export concern Kulenkamp . He shortly became an accountant for them, and the business' reliance on cargo ships led him to turn his mathematical skills to problems in navigation. This in turn led to an interest in astronomy as a way of determining longitude He came to the attention of a major figure of German astronomy at the time, Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers , by producing a refinement on the orbital calculations for Halley's Comet . Within two years he had left Kulenkamp and become an assistant at Lilienthal Observatory near Bremen, Germany

91. MSN Encarta - Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm
Translate this page bessel, Friedrich wilhelm. Plus de résultats pour bessel, Friedrich wilhelm,Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher bessel, Friedrich wilhelm.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1846), astronome et math©maticien allemand, connu principalement pour avoir effectu© les premi¨res mesures pr©cises de... Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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92. Freiburger, Überregionale Internationale Preise - Zentrale
Translate this page Beschreibung Die Humboldt-Stiftung hat im Rahmen des Zukunftsinvestitionsprogrammsdie Friedrich wilhelm bessel-Forschungspreise für ausländische

93. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
Translate this page . Friedrich wilhelm bessel. Friedrich wilhelm bessel war einer der großen Astronomendes 19. Friedrich wilhelm war der zweite Sohn der Familie bessel.
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel

94. Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel Definition Of Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel.
Friedrich wilhelm August Froebel. Noun, 1. Friedrich wilhelm August Froebel German educator who founded the kindergarten system (1782-1852) Wilhelm August Froebel
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Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel - German educator who founded the kindergarten system (1782-1852) Friedrich Froebel Froebel educator pedagogue - someone who educates young people Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel" in the definition: August Friedrich Leopold Weismann
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95. Friedrich Bessel
Friedrich bessel Friedrich bessel werd geboren in Minden in Duitsland. Hijwerd beroemd doordat hij als eerste de afstand tot een ster mat.
Guajara in other languages: Spanish Deutsch English French ... Italian
Friedrich Bessel
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel 22 juli 17 maart Duits astronoom en wiskundige Friedrich Bessel werd geboren in Minden in Duitsland . Hij werd beroemd doordat hij als eerste de afstand tot een ster mat. Dit deed hij door middel van de parallax ; dat is de schijnbare verplaatsing van de betrekkelijk nabije sterren ten opzichte van de achtergrond van ver verwijderde sterren. Hij hield zich met zowel de theoretische als de praktische astronomie bezig, hij was bovendien ook een knap wiskundige Bessel bepaalde de precessie , de nutatie, de aberratie en de helling van de ecliptica Koningsbergen , waar hij in 1813 een sterrenwacht stichtte, en meer dan 75.000 positiebepalingen van sterren verrichtte. Hij slaagde erin om als eerste (in 1839) de parallax en dus de afstand van de maan te bepalen (61 Cygni ). In zijn Untersuchungen über die Veränderlichkeit der eignen Bewegung der Fixsterne , in 1844, sprak hij op grond van de veranderlijke eigenbeweging van Sirius en Procyon de onderstelling uit dat deze sterren dubbel zijn, wat later bevestigd werd. Verder verrichtte Friedrich Bessel onderzoek aan

96. Bessel
BESSEL Friedrich Wilhelm, allemand, 1784-1846 Astronome, ami de Gauss (un des berceaux , avec Copernic Fourier Dans l'espace vectoriel L des i , les nombres : a i i sont les coefficients de Fourier p Parseval Riemann calcul de z Poisson Dupin

97. Astronomes : Lettre B
Translate this page Il était le frère aîné du compositeur Meyerbeer. bessel (FriedrichWilhelm), Astronome allemand (Minden 1784 - Königsberg 1846).
Nom Sa vie... Baade (Walter) Astronome américain d'origine allemande Schröttinghausen Westphalie Göttingen
Sa carrière débuta à l' observatoire de Hambourg (1920-1931), où il s'intéressa aux comètes , aux astéroïdes est aux étoiles variables . En 1931, il accepta un poste à l' observatoire du mont Wilson , aux Etats-Unis . Ses recherches s'orientèrent alors vers la spectroscopie et il travailla avec Hubble sur les galaxies et avec Zwicky sur les supernovae . Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale , consigné à Pasadena , il se livra, à l'aide de grands instruments auxquels il avait accès, à une étude observationnelle approfondie de la galaxie d' Andromède et de ses satellites . Il parvint ainsi à résoudre en étoiles le noyau de (1944) et put établir l'existence, au sein des galaxies , de deux populations stellaires distinctes. Ses travaux ultérieurs sur les céphéides amenèrent les astronomes , en 1952, à réviser l'échelle de détermination des distances extragalactiques et à doubler toutes celles mesurées jusque-là, donc à assigner à l' Univers observé des dimensions doubles de celles qu'on lui attribuait auparavant.

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