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81. Obituaries For March 31, 2000 SOUTH berwick william Albert Hilbourn, 87, of Union Street,, died Wednesday,March 29, 2000, of congestive heart failure at the Maine Veterans Home in http://www.seacoastonline.com/2000news/3_31obit.htm | |
82. Berwick Public Library - Recent Memorials And Honors Paul J. Husak, Elaine Sheep. Paul J. Husak, Dr. Mrs. John DeFinnis. Paul J. Husak,berwick Area Chamber of Commerce. william I. Gensemer, Jr. Clyde Joy Hicks. http://www.ncldistrict.org/berwick/memorials_DEC03.html | |
83. Berwick Public Library - Recent Memorials And Honors william C. Rebuck. Mr. Mrs. Paul Kester. william C. Rebuck. Mr. Mrs. GlenM. Shaffer. berwick Public Library is an agency of the berwick United Way, http://www.ncldistrict.org/berwick/memorials_may03.html | |
84. Berwick Upon Tweed TD15 2AS, WR Matthews berwick upon Tweed. TD15 1JB, william Leith - berwickupon Tweed. TD15 2XF, Wood James H Engineers - berwick upon Tweed. Hot Links. http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/towns/all-berwick-upon-tweed.htm | |
85. British Forces Deaths World War I Townsley Jean, berwick, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Alan Ronald, 29 Mar 1945, 148 (The BedfordshireYeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, 24, Parents william Allen http://homepages.tesco.net/~townsleyb/TownsFH/british14.htm | |
86. The Scotsman - UK - Riders Around The World Set For Historic Berwick Ride Riders around the world set for historic berwick ride william CHISHOLM ONE OF thelongest unbroken traditions in Britain will be continued today, with the http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=495412004 |
87. Hogg Family In Berwick On Tweed Genealogy, Local History, Family History, Census in 1718. william was apprenticed in berwick on Tweed and became anAlderman and Bailiff until his death in 1763. The family were http://www.rootschat.co.uk/forum/index.php?board=28;action=display;threadid=3309 |
88. ABNEY, ANTHONY TONIA ANDERSON BERTHELOT, TRACY, PATTERSON, LA, 70392, BERUBE, ROBBIE E REGINA B, LEESVILLE, LA,71446, berwick, william B, LEESVILLE, LA, 71446, BESHEARS, BENNY B, BATON ROUGE,LA, 70808, http://www.treasury.state.la.us/ucpm/federalunclaimedproperty/LA Undelivered Ref | |
89. Allan JA Schneider s. 107 Af de gamle fra forrige periode døde william Allan ca med AlexanderFarrie i Ervin; Alex Stephens og John Stephens i berwick; James Cowie http://home.online.no/~aaroenes/moldefolk/personer/a/allan_william_de.htm | |
90. NORTHUMBERLAND 1881 PART 2 Nth Shields, NBL Mate WESTGARTH James m 27 Chelsea, London Engine Driver ROBSONThomas u 18 Newcastle, NBL Fireman Vessel JOHN berwick SIMPSON william u 17 http://www.angelfire.com/de/BobSanders/Northumberland81-2.html | |
91. Berwick-upon-tweed William Leith In Berwick-upon-tweed - William Leith Berwick-u berwickupon-tweed william Leith in berwick-upon-tweed UK is one of berwick-upon-tweed sCanvas and Related Products Manufacturers - these details are brought http://www.touchgalashiels.com/comdir/cditem.cfm/472 | |
92. Berwick Upon Tweed William A Riddell In Berwick Upon Tweed - William A Riddell B berwick Upon Tweed william A Riddell in berwick Upon Tweed UK is one of berwickUpon Tweed s Local Hauliers these details are brought to you by TouchBorders http://www.touchgalashiels.com/comdir/cditem.cfm/2707 | |
93. Bowes Family Genealogy william Governor of berwick and Chamberlain to John Duke of Bedford,the younger brother of Henry V while he was Regent of France. http://www.aritek.com/hartgen/htm/bowes.htm | |
94. Judith ROMKEY - Sadie ROWLIE berwick ROONEY william C. ROONEY /-Elias BEZANSON /-John David BEZANSON \-Nancy Ann HILTZ \-Margaret Pearl BEZANSON \-Harriett Ann GATES http://www.bezanson.ca/history/ged2web/people/p0000053.htm | |
95. The BENSON, BERWICK, BICKFORD, BISHOP, BLAIR, BOARDMAN, BOUDESART,BRADFORD, BRAD in T. with a family, and Nathaniel, william and Timothy in E. with families. Noconnection is known bet. them and they prob. rem. from the island. berwick. http://history.vineyard.net/miscfamilies2.htm | |
96. I2631: William ALLGAR (____ - ____) Family 1 william BALLARD MARRIAGE 1656, Andover, Essex Co., Mass. +Sarah BALLARD. _Berwyke Grace berwick (1617 1694 http://bonnie.kics.bc.ca/gedcom/d0001/g0000096.html | |
97. King William IV Hotel Hostel In London, England King william IV Hotel, London, England. Email Ambleside YHA Ambleside Bath Bath BackpackersBath YMCA St Christophers Inn berwick on Tweed berwick on Tweed http://reservations.bookhostels.com/anaussieinlondon.com/hostel.php?HostelNumber |
98. South Berwick, Maine Scanner Frequencies 461.1625, SPAULDING SECURITY INC. 462.0375, SPAULDING SECURITY INC. 464.0000,RENAUD JR william A. 464.5000, berwick ACADEMY. 464.5500, berwick ACADEMY. http://www.cityfreq.com/me/southberwick/ | |
99. Family Database - Person Page 266 Lydia was born. She married william H?enry Cole on 1 October 1864. 1. CyrusBerwick Durand Du297 (M) b. 27 July 1835, d. 14 August 1904 Pedigree. http://alvyray.com/Family/dag/all-p/p266.htm | |
100. Pane-Joyce Genealogy Thomas berwick . . . . Francis berwick . . . . Margaret Hornbury . . . . . WilliamHornbury . . Ann Blount . . . . Francis Blount . . . . . John Blount . http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr02/rr02_242.html | |
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