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41. OBHS 3. Camden, ME Picton Press, 1995, p. 2042 Portland Street Cemetery, South berwick Cheney, william G. 1836 1895; Cheney, Lizzie 1838 - 1915; Cheney http://www.obhs.net/goochcheney.html | |
42. WWW.SHROUDEATER.COM - Vampire Of Berwick It might be interesting to compare this translation against william of Newburgh soriginal text. A visit to berwick could also be of interest. http://www.shroudeater.com/cberwick.htm | |
43. THE MARSHAL DUKE OF BERWICK (1670- 1734 ) Captain of a Troop of Irish HorseGuards, Colonel of the Irish Infantry Regimentof berwick, Marshal, Duke of His daughter Mary was married to william of Orange http://indigo.ie/~wildgees/duke1.htm | |
44. Wild Geese Heritage Museum And Library, Portumna, Co. Galway, Ireland He obtained the title Duke of berwick in 1687, and he fought against the Turksin Hungary, and against william of Orange in Ireland and in Flanders. http://indigo.ie/~wildgees/wildgees.htm | |
45. The Patriot Resource: William Howe 1793 william Howe is promoted to full General. 1795 - william Howe becomesGovernor of berwick. 1799 - william Howe succeeds to the Irish Viscount. http://www.patriotresource.com/people/howe/time3.html | |
46. The Berwickshire Hogarths Preston Hall Pringle died 9 August 1877 aged 72 ..B5 william Hogarth, baptised died17 August 1761 having had issue ..B1 John Hogarth, in berwick, born 1743 http://www.baronage.co.uk/bphtm-03/hogarth1.htm | |
47. Old Fields Burying Ground, South Berwick Maine (ME) - William Hight In Memory of Mr. william Hight who died Nov. r 30 1782 Ætat 75. Copyright© 2003, Jenn Marcelais. a Soul Oyster Web Studios production. http://www.gravematter.com/hight-william.asp | |
48. First Baptist Berwick Celebrates 160 Years Of Ministry pastor of the church was a blacksmith, civil war soldier and practiced medicinein berwick. The longest serving pastor was the Reverend william Rees, who http://www.abcopad.org/abcopad/home.nsf/0/8D3BBD2E5919200A85256C6B0066D6FE?OpenD |
49. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. berwick, william Gender Male Family Marriage 26 DEC 1834 inKirkcudbright, Kirkcudbright, Scotland Spouse McKeachie, Jane Gender Female. http://www.gillean.com/Roots/db/dat683.htm | |
50. Berwick-upon-Tweed The currents of history have drawn some of Britain s most famous names to berwick,including Edward I, william Wallace, Robert the Bruce, Henry Hotspur, and http://www.britishheritage.com/travelberwick.htm | |
51. Tidbits Of History On the 3rd of October 1354 the Treaty of berwick was signed granted liberty to Crawford,the lord of Dalkeith, sir Thomas of Hay, constable Sir william of Keith http://www.royal-stuarts.org/history_tidbits.htm | |
52. Sir William De Miggeley, Knight. william Midgley is likely to have been involved with this campaign, the nearest whereBaliol awaited the amassing of an English army division for berwick. http://members.tripod.com/~midgley/knight.html | |
53. Indentured Servants Of The Van Diemens Land Company ELLIOTT william, berwick, Mason, Mrs. ELLIS Robert, berwick, Spadesman, Mrs.LEDGERWOOD william, berwick, Carpenter, Mrs. LINTON John, Roxburgh, Shepherd, http://vision.net.au/~indenturedservants/servants.htm | |
54. HUNT, ALFRED WILLIAM 1ST BARON (c. 15241596), English soldier and courtier, was a son of william Carey(d In 1568 he became governor of berwick and warden of the eastMarches, and he http://47.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HU/HUNT_ALFRED_WILLIAM.htm | |
55. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Berryhill To Betz Protestant. Burial location unknown. Bertschy, william Democrat. BERVIN See alsoBervin J. Larson. berwick, Dudley of Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, La. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/berryhill-betz.html | |
56. William Wallace Wallace undertook a raid accompanied by Sir william Douglas (who had surrenderedthe castle at berwick at the time of the notorious massacre mentioned above http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/lennich/wwallace.htm | |
57. U.K. Hotels Booking Server With Discount Hotels In U.K.. Belfast Hotels, Inverness Hotels, Southampton Hotels. berwick Hotels, IpswichHotels, Southend Hotels. Y. Fort william Hotels, Pitlochry Hotels, York Hotels.G. http://www.hotels-booking-server.co.uk/ | |
58. William Braveheart Wallace 700 1297. The main item exported from Southern Scotland at this time waswool which was mainly sent through the port of berwick. Much http://www.biggar-net.co.uk/wallace700/europe.htm | |
59. 1905 N Berwick It is taken from the North berwick Town Register, compiled by Mitchell, Daggett Sinsurance broker James A mill overseer *Miranda S housework william H ice http://www.knights.hls-inc.net/1905CenNB.htm | |
60. [SCT-BERW] William DODDS B Berwick 1820-30s Father John SCTBERW william DODDS b berwick 1820-30s father John. Also another Elisabeth Dodds2/7/1834 at Duns, berwick Scotland died 9/9/1874 Nothing for my william!!! http://www.british-genealogy.com/pipermail/sct-berwickshire/2003-April/000002.ht | |
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