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21. Reconstruction Of Berwick Castle And The Battle Of Melrose Instead though the Scots led by Dunbar and against william Douglas s wishes stormedBerwick town setting it ablaze as they were unable to secure the castle and http://www.maybole.org/history/castles/berwick.htm | |
22. Reconstruction Of North Berwick Castle Though the Stewarts held the nearby Barony of North berwick the castle of Tantallonwas originally built by william 1st Earl of Douglas around 1360 and was http://www.maybole.org/history/castles/northberwick.htm | |
23. ISTG - Thomas & William Ship Thomas william Date 512 April 1774 (Departure) Departing Scarborough,Yorkshire Barlow 24 Farmer To seek for better employ F Ann berwick M George http://www.immigrantships.net/1700/thomas&william17740516.html | |
24. Berwick Family Genealogy Forum william berwick of England b. EST17761805 - Albert berwick 1/31/02Thomas berwick born about 1810 UK - Bruce Howie 9/27/01 william http://genforum.genealogy.com/berwick/ | |
25. Re: WILLIAM EDGAR ,WHITSOME,BERWICK,SCOTLAND Re william EDGAR ,WHITSOME,berwick,SCOTLAND Posted by Melanie (ID *****0867) DateJuly 12, 2002 at 105411 In Reply to Re william EDGAR ,WHITSOME,berwick http://genforum.genealogy.com/edgar/messages/995.html | |
26. William Mason, North Berwick, Dunbar, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland, UK, Fo william Mason, North berwick, Dunbar, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland, UK, footwearspecialists, shoe specialists, shoe shops, footwear, shoes, childrens http://www.mason-shoes.co.uk/ | |
27. William Melton - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia English army were at berwick, a Scottish army lead by Sir James Douglas invaded Yorkshire.With an untrained army, the Archbishop of York william Melton tried http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Melton | |
28. Passengers On The "Lord Delaval" 50 of the passengers were from berwick upon Tweed. Articles from the NewcastleCourant. Booth, John, 1, child, Scottish. Butement, william, 18, Farmer, Scottish. http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/Indexes/PassengerLists/LordDelaval.html | |
29. U.S. Treasury - Biography Of Secretary William H. Woodin william H. Woodin was nominated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to be the 51stSecretary of the Woodin was born May 27, 1868, at berwick, Pennsylvania. http://www.ustreas.gov/education/history/secretaries/whwoodin.html | |
30. Berwick Cemetery, Hall County, Nebraska My heartfelt thanks to Paul and Connie for the information on berwick Cemetery. NAMEBORN DIED COMMENTS AYE, william 1871 1886 BISHOP, Eva Aug. 27, 1884 Aug. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nehall/berwickcem.html | |
31. William Hall VC, RN Transcribed from the (all but one obit.) Register, berwick, NS. to wear the littlebronze cross, one encounters the entry, Hall, Seaman william, India, 1857 . http://www.rootsweb.com/~canbrnep/whallvc.htm | |
32. EURE Children 2. Felicia STRANGEWAYS. Married 3 John ELLERKER william EURE (Sir). Born18 Feb 1440, berwick Castle, Northumberland, England. Died BEF 19 Jun 1484. http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/EURE.htm | |
33. HASTINGS Of Huntingdon 2. william HASTINGS (ABT 1510, Huntingdon, Brewick, Scotland). 3. CatherineHASTINGS. 6. Henry HASTINGS (b. ABT 1508, Huntingdon, berwick, Scotland). http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/HASTINGS2.htm | |
34. William Wallace wars. Edward took his army to berwick upon Tweed to teach the Scotsa lesson. His killed. berwick was to become an English town. The http://www.britainunlimited.com/Biogs/Wallace.htm | |
35. Berwick Upon Tweed, Links To Berwick, Berwick Borough, Lindisfarne, Holy Island berwick was part of the ransom paid by the captured william the Lionof Scotland to Henry II in 1147. It was sold to the Scots by http://www.berwick.org.uk/berwick/berwick.htm | |
36. TimeRef - History Timelines Back to timeline. 1357, Oct 3 Treaty of berwick. william Wynford 784 wasthe architect behind the South-west tower of Wells Cathedral. See Also. http://www.btinternet.com/~timeref/hstt54.htm | |
37. Chadbourne Family Association Some have conjectured that william may have returned to England afterdeeding his berwick homestead to sonin-law Thomas Spencer. http://develop.nmdg.com/virtualhosts/communities/chadbourne/firstgen.html | |
38. Glasgow City Guide: Glasgow Info: William Wallace Destiny from Scone, then moves back south to berwick to take the oaths of loyaltyfrom over 2000 Scottish nobles (the Ragman Roll). 1297, william Wallace kills http://www.glasgowguide.co.uk/info-historyww.html | |
39. Bass Rock written affirmation of ownership the Lauders were given the rock by william de Lambert aisleof lairds of the Bass in the Auld Kirk graveyard at North berwick. http://www.north-berwick.co.uk/bass.html | |
40. North Berwick of the fire, 60 firemen from Edinburgh, Haddington and North berwick were in fiveand sixteen were lead to safety by deputy superintendent william Craig and http://www.north-berwick.co.uk/glasclune.html | |
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