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1. WILLIAM EDWARD HODGSON BERWICK William Edward Hodgson Berwick. Obituary. Reproduced from J. London Math. Soc.21 (1946) 7480 with the permission of the London Mathematical Society. http://www.numbertheory.org/obituaries/LMS/berwick/ | |
2. Berwick William Edward Hodgson Berwick. William Berwick wrote only 13 papers and a monograph.Ill health prevented him from undertaking more extensive work. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Berwick.html | |
3. Tasmanians In The Boer War - 5th Contingent BARWISE William Kenyon Lieutenant Previously served in the 1st Tasmanian ImperialBushmen with the 3rd Contingent berwick william Private . . http://members.iinet.net.au/~perthdps/military/bor-tas5.htm | |
4. Berwick Biography of william berwick (18881944) william Edward Hodgson berwick. Born 11 March 1888 in Dudley Hill (near Bradford), England Main index. william berwick wrote only 13 papers and a monograph http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Berwick.html | |
5. B Index 387*) Bers, Lipa (2157*) Bertini, Eugenio (151*) Bertins, Alexis des (555), Bertrand,Joseph (306*) Berwald, Lugwig (336) berwick, william (121) Besicovitch http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/B.html | |
6. Wilson Relations: Manderson Family Wilson Relations Manderson Family. william Manderson Margaret Morton. Margaret, dau. of Patrick Morton Christian Lugton( b. 1754, North berwick) 26 Mar. 1778, dau. Christian b. North berwick, East Lothian, Scotland (bap. 5 Apr., 7 May, william laborer in N. berwick) m. Jean Bridges 1804 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~swilson/wilson/manderson.htm | |
7. William Berwick, Of East Dereham Mark Humphrys Family History - berwick - Contents - william berwick,of East Dereham. william berwick, of East Dereham. william berwick. http://www.compapp.dcu.ie/~humphrys/FamTree/Berwick/william.html | |
8. Beautiful North Berwick - William Topaz McGonagall - Poem Beautiful North berwick by william Topaz McGonagall .. North berwick is a watering-place with golfing links green, With a fine bathing beach most lovely to be seen; And there's a large number of http://www.poemhunter.com/p/m/poem.asp?poem=26811 |
9. Berwick Of East Dereham, Norfolk berwick of East Dereham, Norfolk. (Left) william berwick, senior. williamberwick, of East Dereham, born 1843. Jack berwick, didn t marry. http://www.compapp.dcu.ie/~humphrys/FamTree/Berwick/ | |
10. Untitled 3. william Hardie was the third child of John Hardie and Isabel Cousin william Hardie baptized 20 August 1839 in Ayton, berwick. william took over his fathers farm at Ross http://www.thornhill.org/siblings/William.html | |
11. Find A Grave Search for "berwick" at Ancestry.com. berwick, Alexander william. b. May Louisiana, USA. berwick, william F. b. Sep. 15, 1914 d http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gsr&GSfn=&GSmn=&GSln=B |
12. Sir William Wallace Of Ellerslie "from Outlaw To Guardian Of Scotland" - Toom Ta 28 August 1296, parliament was convened at berwick, and two thousand prominent Scottish Annandale,his son, the 2 nd Earl of Carrick and william Wallace s uncle http://www.waichung.demon.co.uk/william/toomtabard.htm | |
13. William Turnbull william Roule the First Turnbull the English was led by a Douglas over a town called berwick. william and his Huge Dog went to the front of the Scottish http://www.turnbullclan.com/main/william.htm | |
14. Sir William Wallace Of Ellerslie "from Outlaw To Guardian Of Scotland" - Rebel C after his release from captivity in the latter months of 1296, Sir william Douglas(the former governor of berwick) joined the rebel ranks of william Wallace. http://www.waichung.demon.co.uk/william/rebel.htm | |
15. William McGonagall - Beautiful North Berwick And Its Surroundings Beautiful North berwick And Its Surroundings. North berwick is a wateringplacewith golfing links green, With a fine bathing beach http://www.dundee22.freeserve.co.uk/berwick.htm | |
16. Wilson Relations: Lugton Family 1881, census North berwick (res. 25 Westgate, Robert "Lountain" 75 laborer N berwick, william 47 laborer N berwick, Elizabeth 41 general http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~swilson/wilson/lugton.htm | |
17. Thomas & William Or Prince George Passenger List The Thomas and william or the Prince George arrived at Halifax from Scarborough,Yorkshire on May 14/16, 1774. berwick, George, **, **, *,,. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/8429/tmwlad.html | |
18. Ballard, William/Berwick, Grace Other Spouses Wife Grace berwick. Born 12 DEC 1617 1) william Ballard of Lynn came on the James from London in 1635 at age 32 with wife Elizabeth, age 26 http://www.bargeron.com/genealogy/gsb/f0703.html |
19. William Berwick--Conservation DistList Subject william berwick From Christine Smith (capi@erols.com) Date0112-2000. Next message George Hagerty Coatings for outdoor http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/2000/0075.html | |
20. #33 William Berwick, Starting Pitcher, 34 Yrs, Cleveland Spiders - Out Of The Pa 33 william berwick, Starting Pitcher, 34 yrs, Cleveland Spiders Position Bats Throws william berwick. 6/28/1972. 34 http://www.thepostgamereport.net/clubhouses/p28.html | |
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