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         Bers Lipa:     more detail
  1. Lipa's Legacy: Proceedings of the Bers Colloquium, October 19-20, 1995, Graduate School and University Center of Cuny (Contemporary Mathematics) by Bers Colloquium (1st : 1995 : Graduate School and University Center of CUNY), Jozef Dodziuk, et all 1997-06

41. Linda Keen
lipa s Legacy Proceedings of the bers Colloquium, October 1920, 1995, GraduateSchool and University Center of Cuny lipa s Legacy Proceedings of the bers

42. WhoWasThere Reply
Mary Cannell was 77 this year and would die in a further 10 years.lipa bers was 76 this year and would die in a further 3 years.

43. WhoWasThere Reply
Mary Cannell was 67 this year and would die in a further 20 years.lipa bers was 66 this year and would die in a further 13 years.

44. Keen, Linda Book At The Best Price
more. 3. Title lipa s Legacy. Author(s) Keen, Linda, Dodziuk, Jozef. The worksof Lars Ahlfors and Lipman bers have influenced 20thcentury mathematics.
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  • Tolkien, J.R.R. Blyton, Enid Rowling, J.K. Pratchett, Terry ... K Keen, Linda Browse by author : Keen, Linda (1-4 of 4) Title: Across the Universe with John Lennon Author(s): Keen, Linda more Title: Intuition Magic Author(s): Keen, Linda more Title: Lipa's Legacy Author(s): Keen, Linda Dodziuk, Jozef The works of Lars Ahlfors and Lipman Bers have influenced 20th-century mathematics. After Ber's death, it was decided conferences should be held, their... more Title: Local Government Management Author(s): Keen, Linda Scase, Richard Explores the impact of the changes in local government upon the attitudes, behaviour and job satisfaction of the managers most affected by them. The text... more
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  • 45. }‘Ú×î•ñ
    lipa s legacy proceedings of the bers Colloquium, October 1920, 1995, GraduateSchool and University Center of CUNY / Jozef Dodziuk, Linda Keen, editors 212

    46. 図書詳細情報
    lipa s legacy proceedings of the bers Colloquium, October 1920, 1995 GraduateSchool and University Center of CUNY / Józef Dodziuk, Linda Keen, editors;

    47. :: Joe Monster
    Henua Retoromanski Bella Festas daz Nadal ed in Ventiravel Onn Nov Romski - Bachtalokrecunu Thaj Bachtalo Nevo bers Rosyjski - Pozdrevlyayu s E tam, lipa!!

    48. 28th EPS - Index By Authors [T#2]
    Electron Bernstein Waves in Spherical Tokamaks AK Ram, A. bers, CN LashmoreDavies,G. Taylor, P. Efthimion. Taylor, TS Id Ghendrih, M. lipa, PR Thomas.
    th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics
    Madeira, Portugal
    18 - 22 June 2001
    Index by Authors [T#2]
    Tardocchi, M.: Id cross-ref. Title Author(s) Neutron Emission From JET DT Plasmas with RF Heating on Minority Hydrogen H.Henriksson, S.Conroy, G.Ericsson, G.Gorini, A.Hjalmarsson, J.Kallne, M.Tardocchi
    Tatematsu, Y.: Id cross-ref. Title Author(s) High Density Experiment in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror K.Yatsu, T.D.Akhmetov, T.Cho, M.Hirata, H.Hojo, M.Ichimura, K.Ishii, A.Itakura, Y.Ishimoto, I.Katanuma, J.Kohagura, Y.Nakashima, T.Saito, Y.Tatematsu, M.Yoshikawa
    Taylor, G.: Id cross-ref. Title Author(s) OR.32 Stability and Confinement Properties of Auxiliary Heated NSTX Discharges J.E. Menard, R.E. Bell, C. Bourdelle, D.S. Darrow, E.D. Fredrickson, D.A. Gates, L.R. Grisham, S.M. Kaye, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, S.S. Medley, D. Mueller, F. Paoletti, S.A. Sabbagh, D. Stutman, D.W. Swain, J.R. Wilson, M.G. Bell, J.M. Bialek, C.E. Bush, J.C. Hosea, D.W. Johnson, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, R.J. Maqueda, M. Ono, Y-K.M. Peng, C.H. Skinner, V.A. Soukhanovskii, E.J. Synakowski, G. Taylor, G.A. Wurden, S.J. Zweben Beta Limiting MHD Activity in Alcator C-Mod J. A. Snipes, R. S. Granetz, A. E. Hubbard, Y. In, D. Mossessian, J. E. Rice, J. J. Ramos, D. Schmittdiel, G. Taylor, S. M. Wolfe

    49. Prognozes 2002
    136, Nikijs, 7, 05.03.2002 153509. 137, bers, 7, 05.03.2002 160710. 138, Blink,7, 05.03.2002 195422. 215, slengs, 6, 04.03.2002 090619. 216, lipa, 6, 04.03.2002091231.

    50. Stanislau List 2
    Translate this page 316, Kapfer, Ire, 45, 6, 317, Freiwald, Moses, 40, 6, 318, -, lipa, 35, 5,319, -, Schaya, 42, 5, 494, Silholz, Bruno, 38, 5, 495, Kirschen, bers, 42,7, 496, Drimmer, Hersch, 60, 4,
    Stanislau List 2
    No. Last Name First Name Age No. of Street Remarks Fald Wolf Fald Rosalia wife Fald son Feld Dawid Feld Amalia wife Feld daughter Dr.Rotbaum Jacob Kirschenbaum Leib Dr.Mark Lolko Silber Max Baidaf Dawid Wachtel Josef Fridman Moses Bratspis Chaskel Schnee Leibin T[u]schim Marcus Hamburger Pincas Baumrind Moses Leib Blasenheim Herman Weidman Yulik Scholler Wolf Glotzer Chaim Scholler Moses Stein Meiliks Kirschenaum Zin Lindner Mechel Topf Abrham Preis Rachel Menkes Yuda Hader Moses Landau Regina Mauer Maier Gotword Efroim Bohnen Moses Walter Meiser Pikholz Hersch Blumenfeld Hersch Mark Salamon Dinstag Marcus Schwarz Bernard Wachshel Baruch Wachshel Leior Mader Kopel Flus Josef Widerker Josef Shashkevicha Karpin Samuel Axelrad Fischel Kern Josef Spigel Holz Zigmund Landau Jacob Landau Zigmunt Eichenstein Dawid Yawez Chaim Altbauer Sofie Ferleiser Cele Krid Mechel Zlatkes Chaim Komsomolska Zlatkes Zigmunt Lewenter Pincas Zitron Wolf Moses Goldhamer Nina Regen Jacob Walowa Wagen Moses Direnfeld Chaskel Kupferstock Leiser Blei Moses Finer Hersch Boznicha Handsnur Salamon Blotner Yuda Durst Alter Durst Dawid Metg Isak Kasten Moses Rauch Ire Windrauch Cina Grosman Simon Minstein Nathan Baumrind Naftaly Genne Israel Nagelberg Semi Baumrind Rafael Zucker Mechel Mantel Jacob Rosman Mendel Pekarska Steinbruch Feiwel Sider Jacob Beder Osias Eides Hersch Belf Semche Eizes Israel Fidelbagen Josef Schklnik Nathan Boxer Isak Blank Hersch Wachtel Ferdynand Steinvurcel Chaim Haber Abraham Mangard Sane Gutter Chaim Bernstein Refka Glanzberg Leopold Wol Isak Kazimirska [Kazimirowska] Schechter Moses Schechter Salamon Schechter Jacob Haber Samuel Nemeng Jonas Kazimirowska Schnicer Israel Tir Marcus Schwarz Dawid Honig

    51. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BERS
    • BERS (Lipa)
      • Photo

    52. Descripteur - 30-06
    Legacy proceedings of the bers colloquium Graduate School andUniversity Center of CUNY Oct. 19-20 Dodziuk, Jozef (Editeur) ; Keen, Linda

    53. MathComp Database - Short View Of Documents
    1, 1038182, Chaos and fractals 1989, SYMP. 100, 039. 2, 1049080, BersColloquium (1st lipa s legacy 1997, CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS 0211.
    MathComp database - Short view of 2 documents
    To display full information of a single document, click on the eye.
    to mail the retrieved set in brief format to your e-mail account.
    Chaos and fractals :
    SYMP. 100 Bers Colloquium (1st ... Lipa's legacy :

    54. On Hearing The "Shape" Of A Vibrating String
    While he credited the original articulation of the problem to Salomon Bochner andLipa bers, Kac seems to be the first to recognize the many connections to
    p p. 100-c3 On Hearing the "Shape" of a Vibrating String Nicholas Giordano The full text of Computing in Science and Engineering is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and an web account

    55. May 2004
    30 Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach, 31 John Kemeny, A quotation for May LipaBers (1914 1993). mathematics is very much like poetry
    May 2004
    Can you identify the pictured Mathematicians? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    Evelyn Boyd Granville
    D'Arcy Thompson
    Vito Volterra
    Jean Charles Borda
    Anna Pell Wheeler
    Carl Neumann
    Karol Borsuk
    John Scott Russell
    Wilhelm Killing
    Edna Kramer Lassar Florence Nightingale Lorenzo Mascheroni Archie Alexander Emile Mathieu Maria Agnesi Bertrand Russell Edmond Bour Henry White Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis Alfred Dixon Lipman Bers Wladyslaw Orlicz Karl Peterson Abraham de Moivre John Edward Campbell Hans Zassenhaus Harry Bateman Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach John Kemeny A quotation for May: Lipa Bers (1914 - 1993) ... mathematics is very much like poetry ... what makes a good poem a great poem is that there is a large amount of thought expressed in very few words. In this sense formulas like or are poems. Quoted in D Albers, G Alexanderson, C Reid, More Mathematical People This calendar is available in a printable PDF format.

    56. Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 891 (1967): Ferrell Et Al. - Dispersion In Second Sound...
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys. Rev. E Phys. Rev. ST AB Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. (Series I) Phys. Rev. Volume: Page/Article:
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    Dispersion in Second Sound and Anomalous Heat Conduction at the Lambda Point of Liquid Helium
    R. A. Ferrell , H. Schmidt , F. Schwabl
    Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
    Received 24 April 1967 The absence of a characteristic length at the lambda temperature T lambda of liquid helium is used to determine the wave-number dependence of the phase fluctuations and the second-sound dispersion relation omega ak where omega and k are the frequency and wave number and a cm sec T T lambda singular temperature variation for second-sound damping ( lambda ) and the thermal conductivity ( lambda URL:
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.18.891
    On leave from University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
    On leave from Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary.

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