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Bers Lipa: more detail | |||||
41. Linda Keen lipa s Legacy Proceedings of the bers Colloquium, October 1920, 1995, GraduateSchool and University Center of Cuny lipa s Legacy Proceedings of the bers http://all-garden-books.com/search_Linda_Keen/searchBy_Author.html |
42. WhoWasThere Reply Mary Cannell was 77 this year and would die in a further 10 years.lipa bers was 76 this year and would die in a further 3 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1990 |
43. WhoWasThere Reply Mary Cannell was 67 this year and would die in a further 20 years.lipa bers was 66 this year and would die in a further 13 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1980 |
44. Keen, Linda Book At The Best Price more. 3. Title lipa s Legacy. Author(s) Keen, Linda, Dodziuk, Jozef. The worksof Lars Ahlfors and Lipman bers have influenced 20thcentury mathematics. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c18942676.html | |
45. }Ú×îñ lipa s legacy proceedings of the bers Colloquium, October 1920, 1995, GraduateSchool and University Center of CUNY / Jozef Dodziuk, Linda Keen, editors 212 http://lxweb.lib.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=0&code=10000708 |
46. å³æ¸è©³ç´°æ
å ± lipa s legacy proceedings of the bers Colloquium, October 1920, 1995 GraduateSchool and University Center of CUNY / Józef Dodziuk, Linda Keen, editors; http://runners.ritsumei.ac.jp/opac/books-query?mode=2&code=40006864 |
47. :: Joe Monster Henua Retoromanski Bella Festas daz Nadal ed in Ventiravel Onn Nov Romski - Bachtalokrecunu Thaj Bachtalo Nevo bers Rosyjski - Pozdrevlyayu s E tam, lipa!! http://www.joemonster.org/article.php?sid=2805 |
48. 28th EPS - Index By Authors [T#2] Electron Bernstein Waves in Spherical Tokamaks AK Ram, A. bers, CN LashmoreDavies,G. Taylor, P. Efthimion. Taylor, TS Id Ghendrih, M. lipa, PR Thomas. http://www.cfn.ist.utl.pt/EPS2001/fin/authors/AutT02.html |
49. Prognozes 2002 136, Nikijs, 7, 05.03.2002 153509. 137, bers, 7, 05.03.2002 160710. 138, Blink,7, 05.03.2002 195422. 215, slengs, 6, 04.03.2002 090619. 216, lipa, 6, 04.03.2002091231. http://www.f1.lv/?doc_id=28276&results=1014563427019 |
50. Stanislau List 2 Translate this page 316, Kapfer, Ire, 45, 6, 317, Freiwald, Moses, 40, 6, 318, -, lipa, 35, 5,319, -, Schaya, 42, 5, 494, Silholz, Bruno, 38, 5, 495, Kirschen, bers, 42,7, 496, Drimmer, Hersch, 60, 4, http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/stanislawow-lists/Sta002.html | |
51. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BERS http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/bers.htm | |
52. Descripteur - 30-06 Legacy proceedings of the bers colloquium Graduate School andUniversity Center of CUNY Oct. 19-20 Dodziuk, Jozef (Editeur) ; Keen, Linda http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Thesaurus.htm?numrec=051925835910760 |
53. MathComp Database - Short View Of Documents 1, 1038182, Chaos and fractals 1989, SYMP. 100, 039. 2, 1049080, BersColloquium (1st lipa s legacy 1997, CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS 0211. http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/JMC/FIND-ACC/0423778 | |
54. On Hearing The "Shape" Of A Vibrating String While he credited the original articulation of the problem to Salomon Bochner andLipa bers, Kac seems to be the first to recognize the many connections to http://doi.ieeecs.org/10.1109/5992.998647 | |
55. May 2004 30 Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach, 31 John Kemeny, A quotation for May LipaBers (1914 1993). mathematics is very much like poetry http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/May2004.html | |
56. Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 891 (1967): Ferrell Et Al. - Dispersion In Second Sound... http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.18.891 | |
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