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21. Johann Bernoulli Johann Bernoulli. Johann Bernoulli was a very famous and successful mathematician. JohannBernoulli was a very smart and interesting man. http://neomail.nknox.k12.in.us/elem/east/organmath/carrie.html | |
22. 10.3. Bernoulli, Johan (1667-1748) Pioneers in the field of calculus, appied the new tool to real problems, life was one of the most controversial of any mathematician, member of the world's most successful mathematical family, also known as Johannes, Jean or John. http://www.shu.edu/projects/reals/history/bernoull.html | |
23. Johann Bernoulli - Johann Bernoulli Leben und mathematisches Wirken von johann bernoulli. http://www.bernoulli.ag.vu/ | |
24. Johann Bernoulli -- Encyclopædia Britannica Subscribe. My Account. All Britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Websites. Video and Media. Dictionary. Thesaurus. Not sure of the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=80997 |
25. Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra Swiss mathematician (aka Jacque I or James I) brother of johann bernoulli. they are considered the most important founder of Calculus with the exception of Newton, the two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work. http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/BernoulliJakob.html | |
26. Bernoulli, Johann bernoulli, johann (16671748) johann bernoulli was born in Switzerland and attended the University of Basel. http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/thomas_awl/chapter1/medialib | |
27. Bernoulli_Johann johann bernoulli. Born 27 July 1667 johann bernoulli was the tenthchild of Nicolaus and Margaretha bernoulli. He was the brother http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bernoulli_Johann.html | |
28. Bernoulli_Johann Biography of johann bernoulli (16671748) johann bernoulli was the tenth child of Nicolaus and Margaretha bernoulli. He was the brother of Jacob bernoulli but johann was twelve years younger than http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bernoulli_Johann.html | |
29. Bernoulli_Johann(III) johann(III) bernoulli. Born 4 Nov 1744 in Basel, Switzerland Died 13 July 1807in Berlin, Germany. johann(III) bernoulli was a son of johann(II) bernoulli. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bernoulli_Johann(III).ht | |
30. Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr Scientific Families. bernoulli, johann (16671748) bernoulli) and brother of Jakob bernoulli. With his brother Jakob, johann bernoulli is considered the most important http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/BernoulliJohann.html | |
31. Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr bernoulli, johann (16671748), Swiss mathematician (also known as Jean I or JohnI) who was the father of Daniel bernoulli) and brother of Jakob bernoulli. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/BernoulliJohann.html | |
32. Bernoulli, Johann [Jean] Catalog of the Scientific Community. bernoulli, johann Jean for which L'Hospital "generously compensated" him; L'H. gave bernoulli a "considerable fee" to continue the lessons by http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/Files/bernouli_joh.html | |
33. Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra Swiss mathematician (also known as Jacque I or James I) who was the brotherof johann bernoulli. independently of Leibniz and johann bernoulli. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/BernoulliJakob.html | |
34. Bernoulli_Johann(II) Biography of johann(II) bernoulli (17101790) johann(II) bernoulli. Born 28 May 1710 in Basel, Switzerland johann(II) bernoulli was one of three sons of johann bernoulli. In fact he was the http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bernoulli_Johann(II). | |
35. Johann Bernoulli -- Encyclopædia Britannica bernoulli, johann Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style johann bernoulli. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=80997&tocid=0 |
36. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Johann Bernoulli Ole Miss. IMPA. johann bernoulli. Biography. 1694 According to our current online database, johann bernoulli has 1 students and 25498 descendants http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=53410 |
37. Bernoulli,Johann bernoulli, johann (English). Search for bernoulli, johann in NRICH PLUS maths.org Google. Definition level 4. johann bernoulli http://thesaurus.maths.org/mmkb/entry.html?action=entryById&id=4183 |
38. Bernoulli this family were responsible for the bernoulli equation, the concept of a bernoullitrial, Prominent members of the family were Jacob and johann (brothers) and http://thesaurus.maths.org/mmkb/entry.html?action=entryByConcept&id=3212&langcod |
39. Bernoulli, Johann bernoulli, johann (16671748). Swiss mathematician who with his brother Jakobbernoulli pioneered German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz s calculus. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/B/BernoulliJO/1. | |
40. Bernoulli, Johann Translate this page 02/07/02. No 9 bernoulli, johann. 27.1.1667 Basel, 1.1.1748 Basel, ref.,von Basel. Sohn des Nicolaus, Kaufmanns, Grossrats und Gerichtsherrn http://www.dhs.ch/externe/protect/textes/d/D19087.html | |
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