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         Bernoulli Johann:     more books (79)
  1. Johann Bernoulli's Reisen durch Brandenburg, Pommern, Preussen, Kurland, Russland und Polen in den Jahren 1777 und 1778. Band II. R?ckreise von Danzig ?ber Stettin nach Berlin im Jahre 1777, und zweite Reise nach Danzig im Jahr 1778 by Johann Bernoulli, 2010
  2. Johann Bernoullis Reisen durch Brandenburg, Pommern, Preussen, Kurland, Russland und Polen in den Jahren 1777 und 1778. Band VI. Rückreise von St. Petersburg über Mietau und Warschau nach Berlin by Johann Bernoulli, 1780-01-01
  3. Mathematiker (18. Jahrhundert): Leonhard Euler, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Daniel Bernoulli, Christian Goldbach, Johann Bernoulli, Edmond Halley (German Edition)
  4. 1748 Deaths: George Wade, William Kent, John Balguy, Johann Bernoulli, William Adam, Isaac Watts, Qamar-Ud-Din Khan, Asaf Jah I
  5. Swiss Calvinists: Henry Dunant, Daniel Bernoulli, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli, Karl Barth, Philip Schaff, Nicolaus Ii Bernoulli
  6. Leibnizens mathematische Schriften. Abteilung 1. Band IV. Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli und Nicolaus Bernoulli, Folge 3: Mathematik, Band 4 by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 2010
  7. Johann Bernoulli's Reisen durch Brandenburg, Pommern, Preussen, Kurland, Russland und Polen in den Jahren 1777 und 1778. Band IV. Aufenthalt zu St. Petersburg, nebst dem Verzeichnis der kaiserl. Gem?ldesammlung by Johann Bernoulli, 2010
  8. Johann Bernoulli's Reisen durch Brandenburg, Pommern, Preussen, Kurland, Russland und Polen in den Jahren 1777 und 1778. Band III. Reise von Danzig nach K?nigsberg, und von da nach Petersburg, im Jahr 1778 by Johann Bernoulli, 2010
  9. Johann Bernoulli's Reisen durch Brandenburg, Pommern, Preussen, Kurland, Russland und Polen in den Jahren 1777 und 1778. Band VI. R?ckreise von St. Petersburg ?ber Mietau und Warschau nach Berlin by Johann Bernoulli, 2010
  10. Johann Bernoulli: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  11. Leibnizens mathematische Schriften. Abteilung 1. Band III. Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli und Nicolaus Bernoulli, Folge 3: Mathematik, Band 3, Abt. 1 by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 1855-01-01
  12. 1654 Births: Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, Joshua Barnes, Kangxi Emperor, Michiel de Swaen
  13. Leibnizens mathematische Schriften. Abteilung 1. Band IV. Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli und Nicolaus Bernoulli, Folge 3: Mathematik, Band 4 by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 1859-01-01
  14. Leibnizens mathematische Schriften. Abteilung 2. Band III. Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli und Nicolaus Bernoulli, Folge 3: Mathematik, Band 3, Abt. 2 by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 2010

21. Johann Bernoulli
Johann Bernoulli. Johann Bernoulli was a very famous and successful mathematician. JohannBernoulli was a very smart and interesting man.
Johann Bernoulli Johann Bernoulli was a very famous and successful mathematician. On July 27,1667, in Basel, Switzerland, he was born. His mother’s name was Margeretha and his father’s name was Nicholaus. Jacob was one of his brothers. Jacob was also a famous mathematician.
By: Carrie Bib Page search

22. 10.3. Bernoulli, Johan (1667-1748)
Pioneers in the field of calculus, appied the new tool to real problems, life was one of the most controversial of any mathematician, member of the world's most successful mathematical family, also known as Johannes, Jean or John.
10.3. Bernoulli, Johan (1667-1748)
IRA Johann Bernoulli was one of the pioneers in the field of calculus and helped apply the new tool to real problems. His life was one of the most controversial of any mathematician. He was a member of the world's most successful mathematical family, the Bernoullis. Johann (also known as Johannes, Jean or John, depending on the translation) Bernoulli was born in Basel, Switzerland, on August 6, 1667. His family had originally been from Antwerp, Belgium, but had fled to avoid persecution by Catholics. After first settling down in Frankfurt, Johann's grandfather moved to Basel in 1622. Johann was the tenth son of a successful merchant and local official. Originally, Johann's father had attempted to make a merchant out of his child but the son failed miserably as an apprentice. In 1683, he was given permission to enter the University of Basel, where his older brother Jacob, who was also a great mathematician, was already a professor. While pursuing a degree in medicine, Johann was tutored in mathematics by his older brother and soon developed a mastery of the new Leibnizian calculus. In 1694, he had committed himself to this new field and received his doctorate on a mathematical paper on muscular movement. Unable to get the seat of mathematics at University of Basel because his brother held it, Johann accepted a position at the University of Groningen. In 1705, he returned to Basel after his brother's death to take Jacob's old position at the university. During his life he was awarded many honors including membership at the Academies of Science at Paris, Berlin, St. Petersburg and many others. He died in Basel on January 1, 1748.

23. Johann Bernoulli - Johann Bernoulli
Leben und mathematisches Wirken von johann bernoulli.
Johann Bernoulli Johann Bernoulli wurde am 27.Juli 1667 in Basel geboren. Sein Vater Nikolaus I. Bernoulli war Gewürzhändler und Ratsherr und verheiratet mit Margaretha geb. Schönawer. Bereits mit 15 Jahren begann er ein Studium der Medizin an der Basler Universität. Nebenher ließ er sich von seinem älteren Bruder Jakob in die Geheimnisse der Mathematik einweihen.1694 promovierte Johann Bernoulli zum Doktor der Medizin an der Universität zu Basel. Kurz danach heiratete er seine Verlobte Dorothe Falkner, die aus einer der angesehensten Familien Basels stammte. Johann Bernoullis mathematischer Werdegang begann mit dem gemeinsamen Studium von Leibniz Differenzialrechnung. So beschäftigten sich die beiden Brüder mit dem von Leibniz 1686 gestellten Problem der Isochrone und der Frage nach der Gestalt der Kettenlinie, d.h. der Gestalt der Kurve, die eine gleichmäßig schwere Kette bildet, die an beiden Enden in gleicher Höhe aufgehängt wird. Galilei vermutete als Form fälschlicherweise eine Parabel. Leibniz löste die Aufgabe zuerst. Ließ aber den anderen Mathematikern noch Zeit, selbst eine Lösung zu finden, bevor er seine veröffentlichte. Tatsächlich gelang es Johann eine weitere Lösung in dieser Zeit zu finden und damit seinem Bruder Jakob zuvorzukommen. Im Oktober 1690 reiste Johann von Basel nach Genf, wo er die Bekanntschaft mit einigen Gelehrten machte. Im darauffolgenden September zog es Johann dann nach Paris. Dort macht er die Bekanntschaft des Marquis de l'Hopital, der mit Johann ein Abkommen schloß, daß

24. Johann Bernoulli --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Subscribe. My Account. All Encyclopædia Britannica. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Websites. Video and Media. Dictionary. Thesaurus. Not sure of the

25. Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
Swiss mathematician (aka Jacque I or James I) brother of johann bernoulli. they are considered the most important founder of Calculus with the exception of Newton, the two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705)

Swiss mathematician (also known as Jacque I or James I) who was the brother of Johann Bernoulli . With his brother, he is considered the most important founder of calculus with the exception of Newton . Nonetheless, the two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work. In his Ars conjectandi (1713), which was published posthumously, he developed the properties of Bernoulli numbers It has still not been determined how Bernoulli was able to derive many of the properties of Bernoulli numbers he discovered (Smith 1994, p. 85). In a paper of sums, he remarks how useless Bullialdus's voluminous work Opus novum ad arithmeticum infinitorum (1682) was, which "did nothing more that compute with immense labor the sums of the first six powers, which is only a part of what we have accomplished in the space of a single page" (Smith 1994, p. 90). Ars conjectandi was also the first substantial treatise on probability It contained the general theory of permutation and combination the weak law of large numbers as well as the binomial theorem (for which the first adequate proof for positive integers was given) and multinomial theorem He solved the Bernoulli differential equation
independently of Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli . The lemniscate of Bernoulli, described by the polar equation

26. Bernoulli, Johann
bernoulli, johann (16671748) johann bernoulli was born in Switzerland and attended the University of Basel.
Bernoulli, Johann (16671748) Johann Bernoulli was born in Switzerland and attended the University of Basel. His doctoral dissertation was in mathematics despite its medical title, which was used to hide his mathematical work from his father who wanted Johann to become a doctor. Bernoulli privately studied mathematics with his gifted brother Jakob , who served in the mathematics chair at the University of Basel. From that time on, both brothers were engrossed in infinitesimal mathematics and were the first to achieve a full understanding of Leibniz’s presentation of differential calculus. The Bernoulli brothers sometimes worked on the same problems, which was unfortunate in view of their jealous and touchy dispositions. In 1691 Bernoulli was in Paris where he presented and defended the new Leibniz calculus. During this period he also met L’Hosptial , then France’s most famous mathematician. L’Hospital engaged Bernoulli to instruct him in the new calculus. Johann was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Groningen in Holland in 1695. L’Hospital had Bernoulli continue this instruction by correspondence after Bernoulli left for Holland and later moved back to Basel.

27. Bernoulli_Johann
johann bernoulli. Born 27 July 1667 johann bernoulli was the tenthchild of Nicolaus and Margaretha bernoulli. He was the brother
Johann Bernoulli
Born: 27 July 1667 in Basel, Switzerland
Died: 1 Jan 1748 in Basel, Switzerland
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Johann Bernoulli was the tenth child of Nicolaus and Margaretha Bernoulli. He was the brother of Jacob Bernoulli but Johann was twelve years younger than his brother Jacob which meant that Jacob was already a young man while Johann was still a child. The two brothers were to have an important influence on each others mathematical development and it was particularly true that in his early years Johann must have been greatly influenced by seeing Jacob head towards a mathematical career despite the objections of his parents. As to his education as a child, Johann wrote in his autobiography that his parents:- ... spared no trouble or expense to give me a proper education in both morals and religion. This religion was the Calvinist faith which had forced his grandparents to flee from Antwerp to avoid religious persecution. Nicolaus and Margaretha Bernoulli tried to set Johann on the road to a business career but, despite his father's strong pushing, Johann seemed to be totally unsuited to a future in business. Johann's father had intended him to take over the family spice business and in 1682, when he was 15 years old, Johann worked in the spice trade for a year but, not liking the work, he did not do well. It was with great reluctance that Johann's father agreed in 1683 to Johann entering the University of Basel. The subject that Johann Bernoulli was to study at university was medicine, a topic that many members of the Bernoulli family ended up studying despite their liking for mathematics and mathematical physics.

28. Bernoulli_Johann
Biography of johann bernoulli (16671748) johann bernoulli was the tenth child of Nicolaus and Margaretha bernoulli. He was the brother of Jacob bernoulli but johann was twelve years younger than
Johann Bernoulli
Born: 27 July 1667 in Basel, Switzerland
Died: 1 Jan 1748 in Basel, Switzerland
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Johann Bernoulli was the tenth child of Nicolaus and Margaretha Bernoulli. He was the brother of Jacob Bernoulli but Johann was twelve years younger than his brother Jacob which meant that Jacob was already a young man while Johann was still a child. The two brothers were to have an important influence on each others mathematical development and it was particularly true that in his early years Johann must have been greatly influenced by seeing Jacob head towards a mathematical career despite the objections of his parents. As to his education as a child, Johann wrote in his autobiography that his parents:- ... spared no trouble or expense to give me a proper education in both morals and religion. This religion was the Calvinist faith which had forced his grandparents to flee from Antwerp to avoid religious persecution. Nicolaus and Margaretha Bernoulli tried to set Johann on the road to a business career but, despite his father's strong pushing, Johann seemed to be totally unsuited to a future in business. Johann's father had intended him to take over the family spice business and in 1682, when he was 15 years old, Johann worked in the spice trade for a year but, not liking the work, he did not do well. It was with great reluctance that Johann's father agreed in 1683 to Johann entering the University of Basel. The subject that Johann Bernoulli was to study at university was medicine, a topic that many members of the Bernoulli family ended up studying despite their liking for mathematics and mathematical physics.

29. Bernoulli_Johann(III)
johann(III) bernoulli. Born 4 Nov 1744 in Basel, Switzerland Died 13 July 1807in Berlin, Germany. johann(III) bernoulli was a son of johann(II) bernoulli.
Johann(III) Bernoulli
Born: 4 Nov 1744 in Basel, Switzerland
Died: 13 July 1807 in Berlin, Germany
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Johann(III) Bernoulli was a son of Johann(II) Bernoulli . He was certainly considered a prodigy when a child with an encyclopedic knowledge and, like many other members of his extraordinarily talented family, he studied law and took an interest in mathematics. At the early age of fourteen he graduated with the degree of master of law. He was appointed to a chair at Berlin Academy at the age of only 19. Frederick II asked him to revive the astronomical observatory of the Academy but this was not a task for which Johann(III) was particularly well suited. His health had never been particularly good and his qualities as an astronomical observer were relatively poor. Johann(III) Bernoulli wrote a number of works on astronomy, reporting on astronomical observations and calculations, but these are of little importance. Strangely his most important contributions were the accounts of his travels in Germany which were to have a historical impact. In the field of mathematics he worked on probability , recurring decimals and the theory of equations. As in his astronomical work there was little of lasting importance. He did, however, publish the

30. Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
Scientific Families. bernoulli, johann (16671748) bernoulli) and brother of Jakob bernoulli. With his brother Jakob, johann bernoulli is considered the most important
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748)

Swiss mathematician (also known as Jean I or John I) who was the father of Daniel Bernoulli ) and brother of Jakob Bernoulli . With his brother Jakob , Johann Bernoulli is considered the most important founder of calculus (with the exception of Newton and Leibniz ). Nonetheless, Johann and Jakob two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work. Johann instructed l'Hospital , who later incorporated one of his Johann's results in a textbook he wrote, so that it has come to be known as l'Hospital's rule Johann filled the mathematics chair at Basel left vacant by his brother's death. He drove his son Daniel away from home after he won a prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences for which Johann had competed. Johann Bernoulli proposed the brachistochrone problem which asks what shape a wire must be for a bead to slide from one end to the other in the shortest possible time, as a challenge to other mathematicians in June 1696. For this, he is regarded as one of the founders of the calculus of variations The brachistochrone problem was solved by himself

31. Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
bernoulli, johann (16671748), Swiss mathematician (also known as Jean I or JohnI) who was the father of Daniel bernoulli) and brother of Jakob bernoulli.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748)

Swiss mathematician (also known as Jean I or John I) who was the father of Daniel Bernoulli ) and brother of Jakob Bernoulli . With his brother Jakob , Johann Bernoulli is considered the most important founder of calculus (with the exception of Newton and Leibniz ). Nonetheless, Johann and Jakob two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work. Johann instructed l'Hospital , who later incorporated one of his Johann's results in a textbook he wrote, so that it has come to be known as l'Hospital's rule Johann filled the mathematics chair at Basel left vacant by his brother's death. He drove his son Daniel away from home after he won a prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences for which Johann had competed. Johann Bernoulli proposed the brachistochrone problem which asks what shape a wire must be for a bead to slide from one end to the other in the shortest possible time, as a challenge to other mathematicians in June 1696. For this, he is regarded as one of the founders of the calculus of variations The brachistochrone problem was solved by himself

32. Bernoulli, Johann [Jean]
Catalog of the Scientific Community. bernoulli, johann Jean for which L'Hospital "generously compensated" him; L'H. gave bernoulli a "considerable fee" to continue the lessons by
Catalog of the Scientific Community
Bernoulli, Johann [Jean]
Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
1. Dates
Born: Basel, Switzerland 6 Aug 1667 (ADB: 27 July)
Died: Basel, Switzerland 1 Jan 1748
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Drug Merchant
Clearly prosperous.
3. Nationality
Birth: Swiss
Career: Netherlands, Swiss
Death: Swiss
4. Education
Schooling: Basel, M.A. M.D.
1683, enrolled in U. of Basel.
1685, promoted to MA, began to study medicine;
Began to study math privately with brother Jakob I.
1690, licentiate in medicine.
Temporarily halted studies see support.
1694, doctoral dissertation in medicine (iatromathematics).
5. Religion
Affiliation: evangelical Protestanti.e, Lutheran
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Mathematics, Mechanics
Subordinate: Medicine, Chemistry
(Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie also mentions minor chemistry).
7. Means of Support
Primary: Schoolmaster, Academic Position
Secondary: Personal Means
1691, spent most of year in Geneva teaching differential calculus to J. Christoph. Fatio-de- Duillier.

33. Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
Swiss mathematician (also known as Jacque I or James I) who was the brotherof johann bernoulli. independently of Leibniz and johann bernoulli.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705)

Swiss mathematician (also known as Jacque I or James I) who was the brother of Johann Bernoulli . With his brother, he is considered the most important founder of calculus with the exception of Newton . Nonetheless, the two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work. In his Ars conjectandi (1713), which was published posthumously, he developed the properties of Bernoulli numbers It has still not been determined how Bernoulli was able to derive many of the properties of Bernoulli numbers he discovered (Smith 1994, p. 85). In a paper of sums, he remarks how useless Bullialdus's voluminous work Opus novum ad arithmeticum infinitorum (1682) was, which "did nothing more that compute with immense labor the sums of the first six powers, which is only a part of what we have accomplished in the space of a single page" (Smith 1994, p. 90). Ars conjectandi was also the first substantial treatise on probability It contained the general theory of permutation and combination the weak law of large numbers as well as the binomial theorem (for which the first adequate proof for positive integers was given) and multinomial theorem He solved the Bernoulli differential equation
independently of Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli . The lemniscate of Bernoulli, described by the polar equation

34. Bernoulli_Johann(II)
Biography of johann(II) bernoulli (17101790) johann(II) bernoulli. Born 28 May 1710 in Basel, Switzerland johann(II) bernoulli was one of three sons of johann bernoulli. In fact he was the
Johann(II) Bernoulli
Born: 28 May 1710 in Basel, Switzerland
Died: 17 July 1790 in Basel, Switzerland
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Johann(II) Bernoulli was one of three sons of Johann Bernoulli . In fact he was the most successful of the three. He originally studied law and in 1727 he obtained the degree of doctor of jurisprudence. He worked on mathematics both with his father and as an independent worker. He had the remarkable distinction of winning the Prize of the Paris Academy on no less than four separate occasions. On the strength of this he was appointed to his father's chair in Basel when Johann Bernoulli died. However, quoting [1]:- ... thereafter his mathematical production dwindled to occasional academic papers and a treatise, although he lived to almost as old as his father. His shyness and frail constitution did not, however, prevent him from engaging in extensive scientific correspondence about items and from furthering the publication, in four volumes, of his father's Opera Omnia. He personified the mathematical genius of his native city in the second half of the eighteenth century.

35. Johann Bernoulli --  Encyclopædia Britannica
bernoulli, johann Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style johann bernoulli. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

36. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Johann Bernoulli
Ole Miss. IMPA. johann bernoulli. Biography. 1694 According to our current online database, johann bernoulli has 1 students and 25498 descendants

37. Bernoulli,Johann
bernoulli, johann (English). Search for bernoulli, johann in NRICH PLUS Google. Definition level 4. johann bernoulli

38. Bernoulli
this family were responsible for the bernoulli equation, the concept of a bernoullitrial, Prominent members of the family were Jacob and johann (brothers) and

39. Bernoulli, Johann
bernoulli, johann (16671748). Swiss mathematician who with his brother Jakobbernoulli pioneered German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz s calculus.
Bernoulli, Johann
Swiss mathematician who with his brother Jakob Bernoulli pioneered German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz's calculus. He was the father of Daniel Bernoulli.
Johann also contributed to many areas of applied mathematics, including the problem of a particle moving in a gravitational field. He found the equation of the catenary 1690 and developed exponential calculus 1691.
Bernoulli was born in Basel and studied medicine, but became professor of mathematics at Groningen, the Netherlands, 1694-1705, and then at Basel. Both Johann and Jakob wrote papers on a wide variety of mathematical and physical subjects, and it is often difficult to separate their work, although they never published together.

40. Bernoulli, Johann
Translate this page 02/07/02. No 9 bernoulli, johann. 27.1.1667 Basel, 1.1.1748 Basel, ref.,von Basel. Sohn des Nicolaus, Kaufmanns, Grossrats und Gerichtsherrn
Bernoulli, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann No 9
Bernoulli, Johann
27.1.1667 Basel, 1.1.1748 Basel, ref., von Basel. Sohn des Nicolaus, Kaufmanns, Grossrats und Gerichtsherrn, und der Margarethe Schönauer. Dorothea Falkner, von Basel. B. studierte in Basel Medizin (1685 Magister Artium, 1690 Lic. med., 1694 Dr. med.), wurde aber gleichzeitig von seinem älteren Bruder Jacob ( -> No 7 (vis viva) nahm B. Stellung gegen René Descartes und für die Leibnizsche Dynamik. Im Prioritätsstreit zwischen Newton und Leibniz ergriff B. entschieden die Partei des Letzteren. Durch seine Lehrtätigkeit - Schüler waren z.B. seine Söhne Daniel ( -> No 3 ), Johann ( -> No 10 ) und Nicolaus ( -> No 14 ), Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, Alexis Claude Clairaut, Gabriel Cramer, v.a. aber Leonhard Euler -, durch seine Publikationen und durch seinen Briefwechsel (ca. 3'500 erhaltene Briefe) trug B. entscheidend zur Verbreitung der Infinitesimalmathematik in ihrer Leibnizschen Form in Europa bei.
Théorie de la manoeuvre des vaisseaux, 1714
Opera omnia, 1742

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