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         Bernoulli Daniel:     more books (65)
  1. Daniel Bernoulli - Biographie by SPEISER, 1991-01-01
  2. Werke 2analysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsr. by Bernoulli Daniel, 1982-11
  3. Specimen theoriae novae de mensura sortis by Daniel Bernoulli, 1967
  4. Specimen theoriae novae de mensura sortis by Daniel Bernoulli, 1967
  5. Hydrodynamics, by Daniel Bernoulli, 1968
  6. The contributions of Newton, Bernoulli and Euler to the theory of the tides (Annals of science) by E. J Aiton, 1956
  7. PHYSICS.: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>New Dictionary of the History of Ideas</i> by G. Weisel, 2005
  8. On the normative dimension of the St. Petersburg paradox [An article from: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science] by D. Teira, 2006-06-01
  9. Daniil Bernulli, 1700-1782 (Nauchno-biograficheskaia seriia) by Ashot Tigranovich Grigorian, 1981

81. Deutsches Museum - Sonderausstellungen - Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page Frühere Sonderausstellungen. daniel bernoulli - zum dreihundertsten Geburtstag.Ort Foyer der Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums 5. August bis 15. Oktober 2000.
Daniel Bernoulli - zum dreihundertsten Geburtstag
Ort: Foyer der Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums
5. August bis 15. Oktober 2000
Die Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums zeigt in ihrem Foyer vom 5. August bis zum 15. Oktober eine Ausstellung zu Leben und wissenschaftlichem Werk Daniel Bernoullis (1700-1782), der zusammen mit Isaac Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz und Leonhard Euler zu den bedeutendsten Mathematikern der Barock- und Aufklärungszeit zählt.
Die Ausstellung, die bis vor wenigen Wochen in der Universität Basel zu sehen war, geht auf die Initiative der Bernoulli-Edition zurück, in deren Rahmen neben den Werken Daniel Bernoulllis auch die Werke seines Vaters Johann und seines Onkels Jacob herausgegeben werden. Die Bernoulli-Edition sowie die Edition der Werke des Schweizer Mathematikers Leonhard Euler bilden die ehrgeizigsten Publikationsprojekte des Basler Birkhäuser-Verlages. Dieser traditionsreiche Verlag, in dem nach 1933 nicht zuletzt die Werke vieler aus Deutschland geflohener Wissenschaftler weiter erscheinen konnten, ist heute der größte naturwissenschaftliche Verlag der Schweiz und weltweit der bedeutendste Verlag für Architektur-Bücher. Die Bernoulli-Edition und die Euler-Edition sind wissenschaftshistorische Großprojekte mit einer Bearbeitungszeit von vielen Jahrzehnten.
Physik, Mathematik, Astronomie, Medizin und Nautik waren die Arbeitsfelder Daniel Bernoullis. In Basel 1700 geboren, nahm er mit 17 Jahren das Medizinstudium auf und promovierte 1721 mit einer Dissertation über die Atmung. Nach einem dreijährigen Italienaufenthalt wurde er 1725 an die neu gegründete Akademie in St. Petersburg berufen. 1733 kehrte er nach Basel zurück und wurde Professor für Anatomie und Botanik. Als Anatom wandte er sein physikalisches Wissen zur Klärung physiologischer Fragen an, wie etwa zur Berechnung der Leistung des menschlichen Herzens. Daneben vollendete er sein berühmtestes Werk die Hydrodynamica, in dem er die Strömungen von Flüssigkeiten und Gasen behandelte. 1750 wurde er zum Professor der Physik berufen, hielt vielbeachtete Vorlesungen und befasste sich daneben mit der Herstellung von Hufeisenmagneten, Kompassnadeln und elektrischen Instrumenten.

82. Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page daniel bernoulli (1700 - 1782). daniel bernoulli wurde in Groningen (Niederlande)in einer der damals führenden Mathematikerfamilien geboren.
Daniel Bernoulli (1700 - 1782)
schweizer Wissenschaftler, niederländischer Herkunft
Daniel Bernoulli wurde in Groningen (Niederlande) in einer der damals führenden Mathematikerfamilien geboren. Er war der Sohn von Johann Bernoulli, der in Groningen einen Lehrstuhl für Mathematik unterhielt. Sein älterer Bruder war Nicolaus Bernoulli und sein Onkel Jacob Bernoulli. In dieser Familie gab es unglückliche Rivalität, Eifersucht und Bitterkeit. Daniel Bernoulli zog 1705 mit seiner Familie nach Basel, wo sein Vater den frei gewordenen Lehrstuhl für Mathematik seines Bruders übernahm. Bereits im Alter von 13 Jahren studierte er Philosophie und Logik an der Universität Basel. 1716 machte er dort seinen Magister. 1718 begann er auf Druck seines Vaters ein medizinisches Studium. Er erwarb im Jahre 1721 einen medizinischen Titel. Trotzdem erhielt er 1725 eine Professor für Mathematik an der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Sankt Petersburg. Später lehrte Bernoulli experimentelle Physik, Anatomie und Botanik an den Universitäten von Groningen (Niederlande) und Basel (Schweiz). 1734 erhielten Vater und Sohn eine gemeinsame Auszeichnung der Pariser Universität über ihre Gedanken zur Astronomie. Dies hatte einen Bruch zwischen Vater und Sohn zur Folge, da Johann Bernoulli nicht akzeptieren konnte, dass ihm sein Sohn gleichgestellt worden war.

83. ¿·ÈÇ¡¡Åý·×³Ø¤Îǧ¼±¡¡´ðÈפÈÊýË¡
Bernard, Claude, 165, 7.1. bernoulli, daniel, 37, 2.1. bernoulli, daniel, 50,2.5. bernoulli, daniel, 61, 2.7. bernoulli, daniel, 62, 2.8. bernoulli, daniel,88, 4.2.
Page Section A Achenwall, Gottfried Ancherson, Johann Peter Avogadro, Amedeo Page Section B Bacon, Francis Bayes Bayes Beaven Beaven Bernard, Claude Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, Jakob Birkhoff, G.D. Birkhoff, G.D. Borel, H. Borel, H. Borel, H. Boltzmann, Ludwig Bortkiewicz, L.von Bowley, A.L. Bowley, A.L. Brown, Robert Buffon, George Louis Leclerc de Buffon, George Louis Leclerc de Buffon, George Louis Leclerc de Busching, Anton Friedrich Page Section C Cantor, G. Cantor, G. Condorcet Conring, Hermann Cournot, Antoine Augustin Cramer, G. Crome Page Section D D'Alembert Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Dalton, John Deming, Edwards D. De Moivre, Abraham De Moivre, Abraham De Moivre, Abraham De Moivre, Abraham Dirichlet Page Section E Engel, Ernst Euler, Leonhart Page Section F Feller Fermat, Pierre de Fisher, Irving Fisher, Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Ronald Aylmer

84. Daniel Bernoulli Definition Meaning Information Explanation
daniel bernoulli definition, meaning and explanation and more about daniel bernoulli.FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, daniel bernoulli.
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Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli February 9 March 17 ) was a Swiss mathematician . He worked with Leonhard Euler on the equations bearing their names. Bernoulli's principle is of critical use in aerodynamics . It is applicable to steady, inviscid, incompressible flow, along a streamline The son of Johann Bernoulli , nephew of Jakob Bernoulli , Daniel Bernoulli was by far the ablest of the younger Bernoullis. He is said to have had a bad relationship with his father. Upon both of them entering and tying for first place in a scientific contest at the University of Paris, Johann, unable to bear the "shame" of being compared to his offspring, banned Daniel from his house. Johann Bernoulli also tried to steal Daniel's book Hydrodynamica and rename it Hydraulica . Despite Daniel's attempts at reconciliation, his father carried the grudge until his death. Daniel Bernoulli taught at the University of Basel for 26 years until his death. He was a contemporary and intimate friend of Euler. He went to St. Petersburg in as professor of mathematics , but did not like it there, and a temporary illness in gave him an excuse for leaving. He returned to

85. Bernoulli
Translate this page daniel bernoulli. bernoulli, daniel (1700-1782), Schweizer Wissenschaftler niederländischerHerkunft, der die Grundprinzipien der Hydrodynamik aufdeckte.
Daniel Bernoulli
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782), Schweizer Wissenschaftler niederländischer Herkunft, der die Grundprinzipien der Hydrodynamik aufdeckte. Er war der Sohn von Johann Bernoulli und der Neffe von Jakob Bernoulli, die beide wichtige Beiträge zur frühen Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung geliefert hatten. Bernoulli wurde in Groningen (Niederlande) geboren und zeigte schon frühzeitig Interesse an der Mathematik. Er erwarb zwar im Jahre 1721 einen medizinischen Titel, wurde aber 1725 Professor für Mathematik an der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Sankt Petersburg. Später lehrte Bernoulli experimentelle Physik, Anatomie und Botanik an den Universitäten von Groningen (Niederlande) und Basel (Schweiz). Bernoulli setzte sich dafür ein, daß sich in Europa die neue Physik des englischen Wissenschaftlers Sir Isaac Newton durchsetzte. Er studierte die Strömung von Flüssigkeiten und formulierte das Prinzip, daß der Druck, der von einer Flüssigkeit ausgeübt wird, umgekehrt proportional zu ihrer Strömungsgeschwindigkeit ist ( Bernoulli-Prinzip Bei dem Versuch, die erste kinetische Gastheorie zu entwickeln, stützte sich Bernoulli auf atomistische Auffassungen; er erklärte das Verhalten von Gasen unter Bedingungen von veränderlichem Druck und veränderlicher Temperatur mit Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriffen. Seine Arbeit fand allerdings zur damaligen Zeit keinen großen Anklang. Bernoulli starb am 17. März 1782 in Basel.

86. Daniel Bernoulli :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
daniel bernoulli. Online Encyclopedia. daniel bernoulli (February 9,1700 March 17, 1782) was a Swiss mathematician. He worked with
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Daniel Bernoulli
Online Encyclopedia

Daniel Bernoulli February 9 March 17 ) was a Swiss mathematician . He worked with Leonhard Euler on the equations bearing their names. Bernoulli's principle is of critical use in aerodynamics . It is applicable to steady, inviscid, incompressible flow, along a streamline The son of Johann Bernoulli , nephew of Jakob Bernoulli , Daniel Bernoulli was by far the ablest of the younger Bernoullis. He is said to have had a bad relationship with his father. Upon both of them entering and tying for first place in a scientific contest at the University of Paris, Johann, unable to bear the "shame" of being compared to his offspring, banned Daniel from his house. Johann Bernoulli also tried to steal Daniel's book Hydrodynamica and rename it Hydraulica . Despite Daniel's attempts at reconciliation, his father carried the grudge until his death. Daniel Bernoulli taught at the University of Basel for 26 years until his death. He was a contemporary and intimate friend of Euler. He went to St. Petersburg

87. Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page daniel bernoulli.
Daniel Bernoulli

88. Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page daniel bernoulli. (1700-1782). Nenhuma família na história da danielbernoulli nasceu em Groningen, Holanda. Quando tinha 5 anos, sua

Daniel Bernoulli

Mathematical exercises Mathematical exercises "Paradoxo de S. Petersburgo" , provavelmente porque apareceu pela primeira vez nos Commentarii Indiscutivelmente, o mais importante trabalho que Daniel produziu enquanto estava em S. Petersburgo foi Hydrodynamica Hydrodynamica foi finalmente publicado em 1738 mas, no ano seguinte, Jean Bernoulli publicou Hydraulica Hydrodynamica em Hydraulica
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Translate this page bernoulli. He was born in Groningen while his father held the chair of 7. bernoulli, daniel bernoulli
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    Biography of Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705) ... Jacob Bernoulli's father, Nicolaus Bernoulli (1623-1708) inherited the spice business in Basel that had been ... people but most, like the Bernoulli family who were of the Protestant ...

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    Popular Searches for DANIEL BERNOULLI
    Biography of Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) ... Daniel Bernoulli. Born: 8 Feb 1700 in Groningen, Netherlands ... Main index. Daniel Bernoulli was the son of Johann Bernoulli ...
    Daniel Bernoulli and the making of the fluid equation

    Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) discovered the relationship between the density of a fluid in a pipe, the speed it is travelling in the pipe and the pressure exerted by the fluid against the walls of... Collection, Keele University. Daniel Bernoulli was born on January 29th 1700 ...
    ... Continue Searching : Further Associated Searched keywords relating to DANIEL BERNOULLI Please click here to return to the main site map index.
    Shopping online for daniel bernoulli or just looking for more information about daniel bernoulli? Here at

    91. Online Encyclopedia - Daniel Bernoulli
    , Encyclopedia Entry for daniel bernoulli.Dictionary Definition of daniel bernoulli. Imagedanielbernoulli......Encyclopedia
    Encyclopedia Entry for Daniel Bernoulli
    Dictionary Definition of Daniel Bernoulli

    Daniel Bernoulli February 9 March 17 ) was a Swiss mathematician . He worked with Leonhard Euler on the equations bearing their names. Bernoulli's principle is of critical use in aerodynamics . It is applicable to steady, inviscid incompressible flow, along a streamline The son of Johann Bernoulli , nephew of Jakob Bernoulli , Daniel Bernoulli was by far the ablest of the younger Bernoullis. He is said to have had a bad relationship with his father. Upon both of them entering and tying for first place in a scientific contest at the University of Paris, Johann, unable to bear the "shame" of being compared to his offspring, banned Daniel from his house. Johann Bernoulli also tried to steal Daniel's book Hydrodynamica and rename it Hydraulica . Despite Daniel's attempts at reconciliation, his father carried the grudge until his death. Daniel Bernoulli taught at the University of Basel for 26 years until his death. He was a contemporary and intimate friend of Euler. He went to St. Petersburg

    92. Daniel Bernoulli - InformationBlast
    daniel bernoulli Information Blast. daniel bernoulli. daniel bernoullitaught at the University of Basel for 26 years until his death.
    Daniel Bernoulli
    Daniel Bernoulli February 9 March 17 ) was a Dutch -born mathematician who spent much of his life in Switzerland . He worked with Leonhard Euler on the equations bearing their names. Bernoulli's principle is of critical use in aerodynamics . It is applicable to steady, inviscid , incompressible flow, along a streamline Born on February 9 in Groningen , as the son of Johann Bernoulli , and nephew of Jakob Bernoulli , Daniel Bernoulli was by far the ablest of the younger Bernoullis. He is said to have had a bad relationship with his father. Upon both of them entering and tying for first place in a scientific contest at the University of Paris, Johann, unable to bear the "shame" of being compared to his offspring, banned Daniel from his house. Johann Bernoulli also tried to steal Daniel's book Hydrodynamica and rename it Hydraulica . Despite Daniel's attempts at reconciliation, his father carried the grudge until his death. Daniel Bernoulli taught at the University of Basel for 26 years until his death. He was a contemporary and intimate friend of Euler. He went to St. Petersburg

    93. Bernoulli
    Bernoulli, Daniel
  • Né en 1700 à Groningue et décédé en 1782 à Bâle Nationalité suisse Physicien et mathématicien Bernoulli est un des créateurs de l'hydrodynamique* (un théorème sur ce sujet porte d'ailleurs son nom). Il a aussi fait d'importantes recherches en mécanique.
    * partie de la mécanique des fluides s'appliquant aux liquides
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    94. The Development Of Analysis On The Continent
    2, 1704, was among the earliest pupils of John bernoulli, who, in 1691, spent somemonths at l Hospital s house in Paris for the purpose of teaching him the
    The Development of Analysis on the Continent
    From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. L'Hospital Varignon De Montmort Nicole ... Fagnano Leaving for a moment the English mathematicians of the first half of the eighteenth century we come next to a number of continental writers who barely escape mediocrity, and to whom it will be necessary to devote but few words. Their writings mark the steps by which analytical geometry and the differential and integral calculus were perfected and made familiar to mathematicians. Nearly all of them were pupils of one or other of the two elder Bernoullis, and they were so nearly contemporaries that it is difficult to arrange them chronologically. The most eminent of them are Cramer de Gua De Montmort Fagnano l'Hospital Nicole Parent Riccati Saurin , and Varignon
    , born in Paris in 1661, and died there on Feb. 2, 1704, was among the earliest pupils of John Bernoulli, who, in 1691, spent some months at l'Hospital's house in Paris for the purpose of teaching him the new calculus. It seems strange, but it is substantially true, that a knowledge of the infinitesimal calculus and the power of using it was then confined to Newton, Leibnitz, and the two elder Bernoullis - and it will be noticed that they were the only mathematicians who solved the more difficult problems then proposed as challenges. There was at that time no text-book on the subject, and the credit of putting together the first treatise which explained the principles and use of the method is due to l'Hospital; it was published in 1696 under the title

    95. Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
    ETHZ Who s Who daniel (em.) BernoulliBernoulli, daniel (em.). Institute of Geology ETH Zentrum, NO G 54CH-8092 Zürich Tel. + 41 1 632 36 70 , Fax + 41 1 632 10 80 Mail
    Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
    Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782)

    Swiss mathematician, son of Johann Bernoulli , who showed that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases, a statement known as the Bernoulli principle He won the annual prize of the French Academy ten times for work on vibrating strings ocean tides and the kinetic theory of gases. For one of these victories, he was ejected from his jealous father's house, as his father had also submitted an entry for the prize. His kinetic theory proposed that the properties of a gas could be explained by the motions of its particles. He was the first person to encounter the functions today known as Bessel functions With his brother Nicholas Bernoulli , he discussed the Saint Petersburg paradox Bernoulli (Jakob) Bernoulli (Johann) Bernoulli (Nicholas)
    Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Bonn
    References Bell, E. T. "Nature or Nurture? The Bernoullis." Ch. 8 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 131-138, 1986.

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