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         Bernoulli Daniel:     more books (65)
  1. Hydrodynamics. Hydraulics. Translated from the Latin by Thomas Carmody & Helmut Kobus by Daniel & Johann Bernoulli Bernoulli, 1968
  2. Bernoulli Family: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by J. William Moncrief, 2002
  3. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Volume 1 (Latin Edition) by Isaac Newton, Daniel Bernoulli, 2010-01-11
  4. Anfangsgrunde Der Elektricitat (1777) (German Edition) by Abel Socin, Daniel Bernoulli, 2009-06-13
  5. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Volume 3 (Latin Edition) by Colin MacLaurin, Leonhard Euler, et all 2010-03-25
  6. Recherches Mechaniques Et Astronomiques (1750) (French Edition) by Daniel Bernoulli, 2009-05-10
  7. Recherches Mechaniques Et Astronomiques (1750) (French Edition) by Daniel Bernoulli, 2010-09-10
  8. Dissertatio Inauguralis Physico-Medica De Respiratione (1721) (Latin Edition) by Daniel Bernoulli, 2010-09-10
  9. Anfangsgrunde Der Elektricitat (1777) (German Edition) by Abel Socin, Daniel Bernoulli, 2010-09-10
  10. Recherches Mechaniques Et Astronomiques (1750) (French Edition) by Daniel Bernoulli, 2010-09-10
  11. Anfangsgrunde Der Elektricitat (1777) (German Edition) by Abel Socin, Daniel Bernoulli, 2010-09-10
  12. Pieces Qui Ont Remporte Le Prix De Lââ¬â¢Academie Royale Des Sciences, En 1740 (1741) (French Edition) by Antoine Cavalleri, Daniel Bernoulli, et all 2010-09-10
  13. Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin Edition) by Colin MacLaurin, Leonhard Euler, et all 2010-02-03
  14. Die Werke von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 5: Hydrodynamik II (German Edition) (v. 5) by Daniel Bernoulli, 2002-09-23

bernoulli and Newton On the figure at the top of this page we show portraits of daniel bernoulli,on the left, and Sir Isaac Newton, on the right. Newton

62. ETHZ - Who's Who: Daniel (em.) Bernoulli
Translate this page bernoulli, daniel (em.). Geologisches Institut ETH Zentrum, NO G54 CH-8092 Zürich Tel. + 41 1 632 36 70 , Fax + 41 1 632 10 80
Bernoulli, Daniel (em.)
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63. Daniel Bernoulli
bernoulli, daniel (17001782), Dutch-born Swiss scientist, who discoveredthe basic principles of fluid behaviour. He was the son
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782), Dutch-born Swiss scientist, who discovered the basic principles of fluid behaviour. He was the son of Johann Bernoulli and the nephew of Jakob Bernoulli, both of whom made major contributions to the early development of calculus.
Bernoulli was born in Groningen, the Netherlands, on January 29, 1700, and took an early interest in mathematics. Although he earned a medical degree in 1721, he became a Professor of Mathematics at the Russian Academy in St Petersburg in 1725. He later taught experimental philosophy, anatomy, and botany at the universities of Groningen and Basle, Switzerland.
Bernoulli pioneered in Europe the acceptance of the new physics of the English scientist Isaac Newton. He studied the flow of fluids and formulated the principle that the pressure exerted by a fluid is inversely proportional to its rate of flow (see Bernoulli's Principle). He used atomistic concepts in trying to develop the first kinetic theory of gases, accounting for their behaviour under conditions of changing pressure and temperature in probabilistic terms. This work, however, did not gain wide notice at the time. Bernoulli died in Basle on March 17, 1782.

64. Auteur - Bernoulli, Daniel
Translate this page Auteur bernoulli, daniel, 4 documents trouvés. Band 5 hydrodynamik IIbernoulli, daniel (Principal) Birkhauser-Verlag 2002, 729 p. Oeuvres RdC.

65. Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften. daniel bernoulli. ausführliche Lebensbeschreibung,Daten (engl.) Poster daniel bernoulli and the making of the fluid equation.
Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften
Daniel Bernoulli
Leben und Werk Bernoulli (1700-1782) (Uni Bern) ausführliche Lebensbeschreibung, Daten (engl.) Poster Major Contributors to the Development of Probability St.-Michaels-Gymnasium Metten

66. Bernoulli
Translate this page Fue maestro de Leonhard Euler y padre de daniel bernoulli (famoso por sustrabajos en hidráulica), Nicolaus bernoulli y Johann (II) bernoulli.
Los Bernoulli
Fecha de primera versión: 15-11-97
Fecha de última actualización: Los hijos de los genios, de cualquier ciencia o arte, no suelen ser genios. Está claro que el genio no se hereda. Los Bernoulli son la excepción: Tres generaciones de matemáticos tiene esta familia. La saga comienza con Jacob I y Johann I. En la segunda generación, tres hijos de Johann I, Daniel I Johann II y Nicolás II y un sobrino, Nicolas I. En la tercera generación, tres hijos de Nicolas II, Johann III, Daniel II y Jacob II. Todos fueron matemáticos destacables, especialmente Jacob I y Johann I. Los Bernoulli eran originarios de los Paises Bajos pero huyeron a Suiza por la persecución que los españoles (concretamente el Duque de Alba, en el reinado de Felipe II) hicieron a los que no eran católicos. Los padres de los Bernoulli eran personas influyentes. El padre tenía una tienda de especias y la madre era de una familia de banqueros.
Jackob Bernoulli
Nació el 6 de febrero de 1655 en Basilea (Suiza)
Murió el 16 de agosto de 1705 en Basilea (Suiza) También conocido como Jacques (en francés), y James (en ingles). Nació en Basilea, Suiza.

67. Daniel Bernoulli - Reference Library
daniel bernoulli. daniel bernoulli (February 9, 1700 March 17, 1782)was a Swiss mathematician. He worked with Leonhard Euler on
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Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli February 9 March 17 ) was a Swiss mathematician . He worked with Leonhard Euler on the equations bearing their names. Bernoulli's principle is of critical use in aerodynamics . It is applicable to steady, inviscid, incompressible flow, along a streamline The son of Johann Bernoulli , nephew of Jakob Bernoulli , Daniel Bernoulli was by far the ablest of the younger Bernoullis. He is said to have had a bad relationship with his father. Upon both of them entering and tying for first place in a scientific contest at the University of Paris, Johann, unable to bear the "shame" of being compared to his offspring, banned Daniel from his house. Johann Bernoulli also tried to steal Daniel's book Hydrodynamica and rename it Hydraulica . Despite Daniel's attempts at reconciliation, his father carried the grudge until his death. Daniel Bernoulli taught at the University of Basel for 26 years until his death. He was a contemporary and intimate friend of Euler. He went to St. Petersburg

68. Daniel Bernoulli, Note
daniel bernoulli and the St. daniel bernoulli thought that the paradox may be resolvedthis way, and other authors, notably Laplace, supported this view.
Daniel Bernoulli and the St. Petersburg Paradox The Bernoulli family is famous for a number of distinguished mathematicians. Daniel is a son of Johann (Jean) I, who was a younger brother of Jakob (Jacques), the author of Ars Conjectandi . Despite Johann's objections Daniel became a mathematician himself, and Daniel spent several years in St. Petersburg, as a professor of mathematics. This period seems to be most fruitful for Daniel, partly because of his collaboration with Leonhard Euler. Daniel produced significant results in hydrodynamics, probability, and became a precursor of the kinetic theory of gases. However, Daniel did not like the climate of Russia and went back to Basel (Switzerland) and taught there. But, since he shared with his father Johann the Grand Prix of Paris Academy for 1734, the father became angry, and their relationships were seriously damaged. According to the formula of mathematical expectation, the expected value of this game is Daniel thought that the value of any amout of money is determined relative to one's whole wealth, and its contribution to the value of the whole is inversely proportional to the whole. In symbols, letting y the value (now called utility) and x the amount of money

69. Lexikon - Daniel Bernoulli Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist daniel bernoulli - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von danielbernoulli. daniel bernoulli. Artikel auf Englisch daniel bernoulli.
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Daniel Bernoulli
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Artikel auf Englisch: Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli 9. Februar in Groningen 17. M¤rz in Basel ) war ein schweizer Mathematiker
Er arbeitete mit Leonhard Euler an den Gleichungen, die ihre Namen tragen. Das Bernoulli-Prinzip ist von ¼berragender Bedeutung in der Aerodynamik
Er war Sohn von Johann Bernoulli , Neffe von Jakob Bernoulli und der bei weitem begabteste der j¼ngeren Bernoullis. Offenbar hatte er eine schlechte Beziehung zu seinem Vater gehabt. Als beide an einem wissenschaftlichen Wettbewerb an der Universit¤t von Paris teilnahmen und sich den ersten Platz teilten, verstieŸ Johann Daniel aus seinem Haus, da er nicht die "Schande" ertragen konnte, mit seinem Abk¶mmling verglichen zu werden. Johann Bernoulli versuchte auch, Daniels Buch Hydrodynamica zu stehlen und es in Hydraulica umzubenennen. Trotz Daniels Vers¶hnungsversuchen hegte der Vater seinen Groll bis zu seinem Tod.

70. Bernoulli's Principle
Related content from HighBeam Research on bernoulli s principle. bernoulli,daniel (17001782) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography).
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    Bernoulli's principle Bernoulli's principle, physical principle formulated by Daniel Bernoulli that states that as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. The phenomenon described by Bernoulli's principle has many practical applications; it is employed in the carburetor and the atomizer, in which air is the moving fluid, and in the aspirator, in which water is the moving fluid. In the first two devices air moving through a tube passes through a constriction, which causes an increase in speed and a corresponding reduction in pressure. As a result, liquid is forced up into the air stream (through a narrow tube that leads from the body of the liquid to the constriction) by the greater atmospheric pressure on the surface of the liquid. In the aspirator air is drawn into a stream of water as the water flows through a constriction. Bernoulli's principle can be explained in terms of the law of conservation of energy (see conservation laws , in physics). As a fluid moves from a wider pipe into a narrower pipe or a constriction, a corresponding volume must move a greater distance forward in the narrower pipe and thus have a greater speed. At the same time, the work done by corresponding volumes in the wider and narrower pipes will be expressed by the product of the pressure and the volume. Since the speed is greater in the narrower pipe, the kinetic energy of that volume is greater. Then, by the law of conservation of energy, this increase in kinetic energy must be balanced by a decrease in the pressure-volume product, or, since the volumes are equal, by a decrease in pressure.

71. Bernoulli
omnia. His son, daniel bernoulli,. 1700 on bernoulli. bernoulli, daniel(17001782) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography).
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    Bernoulli [both: bern OO y E Pronunciation Key Bernoulli or Bernouilli , name of a family distinguished in scientific and mathematical history. The family, after leaving Antwerp, finally settled in Basel, Switzerland, where it grew in fame. Jacob, Jacques, or James Bernoulli, calculus and of the calculus of variations , he was the first to use the word integral in solving Leibniz's problem of the isochronous curve. He wrote an important treatise on the theory of probability (1713) and discovered the series of numbers that now bear his name, i.e., the coefficients of the exponential series expansion of x e -x ). He was succeeded at Basel by his brother, Johann, Jean, or John Bernoulli, Johannis Bernoulli opera omnia. His son, Daniel Bernoulli

72. Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page I fluidi. La concezione aristotelica fu ritenuta valida fino al Rinascimento, quandopersonaggi come Torricelli, Pascal e bernoulli (daniel bernoulli 1700-1782
Qualcosa di fluido… - Cercavano una spiegazione alle origini del cosmo… i Greci avanzarono l’ipotesi di una sostanza iniziale, che, per le proprie capacità di trasformazione, sarebbe stata l’origine di tutti gli esseri. Secondo Talete da Mileto, questa sostanza sarebbe stata l’acqua, Anaximene scelse invece l’aria, che per compressione o rarefazione avrebbe dato origine a tutto. Aristotele, divise il mondo fisico in due parti: il mondo sottolunare, formato dai 4 elementi, aria, acqua, terra e fuoco, caratterizzati da movimenti in linea retta ma incostanti, e il mondo sopralunare, formato da una "quinta essenza", l’etere, che si presenta con movimenti regolari, circolari e continui. - I fluidi La concezione aristotelica fu ritenuta valida fino al Rinascimento, quando personaggi come Torricelli, Pascal e Bernoulli (Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782) , rivoluzionarono la conoscenza dei fluidi. I Bernoulli, originari di Basilea, furono una famiglia di geni, da questa famiglia discendono ben 10 scienziati famosi che avrebbero rivoluzionato la matematica e la fisica dell’epoca. Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) La meccanica dei fluidi si divide in due parti: 1. l’idrostatica, che studia l’equilibrio dei fluidi

73. The Bernoulli Family
Jacob Bernouli (1654 1705) Johann Bernouli (1667 - 1748) daniel bernoulli (1700- 1787). Like a bernoulli, daniel did not want to learn the business.
Family Squabbles: The Bernoulli Family
Jacob Bernouli (1654 - 1705)
Johann Bernouli (1667 - 1748)
Daniel Bernoulli (1700 - 1787) The Bernoulli family may sound like a Mafia family from a television show, but they were the most predominant math family of Europe. Their fame was in the late 17th and early 18th century in Bale, Switzerland. The uniqueness of this particular family is a stubborn streak which brought devastation to the family life. The Bernoulli family was originally from Holland with strong Calvinism religion. They needed to avoid Spanish religious persecution, so they fled to Switzerland. Nicholas Bernoulli brought the family to Switzerland. This family was not math oriented, they had a spice business in Bale. He had three sons which two of them became the most influential math experts in the academic community yet hostile to each other. The eldest son, Jacob (James or Jacques), was born 1654 and died 1705 in Bale, Switzerland. His parents compelled him to study philosophy and theology. Like a Bernoulli, he resented the studies but he did acquire a masters in philosophy. He was intrigued with mathematics and astronomy so much he included them with his studies, regardless his parents wishes. He made more of a career in mathematics than philosophy. He became the first Bernoulli to be recognized as a strong influential mathematician. He contributed highly to probability: if something is going to happen again and again is large amounts, it is likely it will happen most of the time. He may be a brilliant mathematician, but he did have a mean streak.

74. Daniel Bernoulli
Translate this page daniel bernoulli. Medizinstudium 1718 in Heidelberg In den Matrikeln der UniversitätHeidelberg findet sich am 28. bernoulli, daniel (29.1.1700 - 17.3.1782).
Daniel Bernoulli
Medizinstudium 1718 in Heidelberg Daniel Bernoulli, Basileensis, stud. med.
Daniel Bernoulli widmete seine Doktorarbeit De Respiratione dem Heidelberger Professor Daniel Nebel. VIRO
Experientissimo atque Excellentissimo
Danieli Nebelio, Medicinae Doktori, ejusdemque in Universitate Heidelbergensi Professori famigeratissimo, S. Elect. Palat. Medico Aulico meritissimo,
sacras facit
AUCTOR Zu Daniel Nebel vgl. immatr. Name Fak. Nr. lebte Beruf Daniel Bernoulli Jur.
Richter Niklaus Bernoulli Jur.
Richter C. Bernoulli Jur.
Geschichtslehrer Franz Bernoulli Med.
Arzt Adolf Bernoulli Med.
Cand. med.
    Bernoulli, Daniel (29.1.1700 - 17.3.1782)
    Lexika (Printausgaben) WWW-Informationen Print-Biographien Werk Bibliographien
    Mathematiker-Lexikon / Herbert Meschkowski
    Sein Vater (Johann (I) B.) wollte ihn zum Kaufmann machen. Er wurde aber Mediziner und wandte sich bald der Mathematik zu. 1725 Professor der Mathematik in St. Petersburg, 1733 in Basel.
    Bd. 2. - 2000, S. 187
    Die Bernoulli-Familie H.-J. Ilgauds und K.-H. Schlote

75. John Bernoulli - Encyclopedia Article About John Bernoulli. Free Access, No Regi
The son of Johann bernoulli, nephew of Jakob bernoulli, daniel bernoulliwas by far the ablest of the younger bernoullis. He is Bernoulli
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
John Bernoulli
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Johann Bernoulli 27 July July 27 is the 208th day (209th in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, with 157 days remaining.
  • 1214 - Battle of Bouvines: In France, Philip II of France defeats John of England.
  • 1663 - The British Parliament passes the second Navigation Act requiring that all goods bound for the American colonies have to be sent in English ships from English ports.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century Decades: 1610s 1620s 1630s 1640s 1650s - Years: 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 -
  • January 20 - Poland cedes Kyiv, Smolensk, and eastern Ukraine to Muscovy in the Treaty of Andrusiv

Click the link for more information. January 1 January 1 is the first day of the calendar year in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Here a calendar year means the order in which the months are displayed, January to December. January 1 was usually not the first day of the medieval Julian year. January 1 was adopted as the first day of the Julian year by all Western European countries except England between about 1450 and 1600. The Gregorian calendar as promulgated in 1582 did

76. Bernoulli Family
daniel (17001782) is the founder of Hydrodynamics and the famousBernoulli Principle. He published his first work, Mathematical
The Mathematics of the Bernoulli Family (Swiss)
The Bernoullis are a family of mathematicians. The most famous of them all are the brothers Jacob and Johann, whose father is Nicolaus (1623-1708). Among the wide range of Mathematics pertaining to the Bernoullis are Bernoulli Numbers, Bernoulli Differential Equation, Bernoulli's Principle of Fluid Dynamics, Bernoulli Trial, Bernoulli Inequality, etc. Jacob (1654-1705) is the first of the Bernoullis to make Mathematics a career, despite pressure to seek a career elsewhere. He contributed greatly to Calculus, Infinite Series and Probability. In particular, he published the Law of Large Numbers in 1689. This Law states that if an experiment of an event is carried out a large number of times, then the relative frequency of the event occurring equals the corresponding probability.
He also solved what is now called Bernoulli Differential Equation: y' = p(x)y + q(x)y n Among his other works are:
  • A general method to determine evolutes of a curve as the envelope of its circles of curvature.    
  • Caustic curves of parabola, logarithmic spiral and epicycloids (1692-93)    
  • 77. Daniel Bernoulli - - Noticias Científicas, Artículos
    Translate this page daniel bernoulli. Publicado el 09-04-2004 . Palabras clave daniel bernoulli (9de febrero de 1700 - 17 de marzo de 1782) fue un matemático suizo.

    78. Berühmte Mathematik: Mathematiker > Bernoulli
    Translate this page Zu seinen Schülern zählten Leonhard Euler und daniel bernoulli, sein Sohn.daniel bernoulli wurde 1700 als mittlerer von drei Söhnen geboren.
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    Basel Basel Am 27. Dezember 1654 wurde Jakob Bernoulli in Basel Im Jahre 1682 kehrte nach Basel Basel Descartes Leibniz Am 27. Juli 1667 wurde Johann Bernoulli Basel Basel Zeit seines Lebens war Johann Bernoulli Verfechter der Leibniz schen Auffassungen, und verbreitete dessen Schreibweisen. Zu seiner Zeit galt er als der bedeutenste Mathematiker, und so verhalf er den Ideen von Leibniz Newton Euler und Daniel Bernoulli, sein Sohn. Daniel Bernoulli Basel berufen. Basel

    79. The Bernoulli Family
    lived from 16671748. The most famous of these is probably daniel bernoulli.He has been called the Father of Mathematical Physics.
    The Bernoulli Family
    The Bernoulli Family was a remarkable collection of scientists. In three generations there were 9 famous mathematicians. Pictured here is the father, Johan Bernoulli, who lived from 1667-1748. The most famous of these is probably Daniel Bernoulli. He has been called the Father of Mathematical Physics. The family were all followers of Leibniz and did a tremendous work in developing his calculus into a useful tool and spreading its practice throughout Europe.
    Author: Dan Thomas email:
    Last Updated: Thursday, July 4, 1996

    80. Daniel Bernoulli And The Making Of The Fluid Equation
    daniel bernoulli (17001782) discovered the relationship between the density ofa fluid in a pipe, the speed it is travelling in the pipe and the pressure
    @import url(../../newinclude/plus_copy.css); @import url(../../newinclude/print.css); @import url(../../newinclude/plus.css); search plus with google
    Permission is granted to print and copy this page on paper for non-commercial use. For other uses, including electronic redistribution, please contact us. Issue 1 January 1997 Contents Features Understanding turbulence Daniel Bernoulli and the making of the fluid equation Career interview Student interview - Mark Langley Career profile - Academic Researcher Regulars Plus puzzle Pluschat Mystery mix Letters ...
    poster! January 1997 Features
    Daniel Bernoulli and the making of the fluid equation
    by D.A. Quinney
    Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782
    Source: The Turner Collection, Keele University. Daniel Bernoulli was born on January 29th 1700. He came from a long line of mathematicians. His father Johann was head of mathematics at Groningen University in the Netherlands. The family was prone to bitter rivalry: something he was to suffer when he became estranged from his father some 30 years later. At the age of five, the Bernoulli family returned home to Basel in Switzerland, so that Johann's wife could be with her ailing father. Some years earlier Johann had applied to become professor of mathematics at Basel University, but this was denied him because his elder brother, Jakob had deliberately schemed to prevent him getting the post. Later Jakob got the professorship. En route to Basel, Johann learned that Jakob had just died of tuberculosis. He later recalled rather shamelessly that " ... I could succeed to my brother's position." He set about lobbying for the vacant position and in less than two months he got his way.

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