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         Bernoulli Daniel:     more books (65)
  1. Économiste Suisse: Bernard Salomé, Jean de Sismondi, Joseph Deiss, Daniel Bernoulli, Hans Christoph Binswanger, Samuel Engel (French Edition)
  2. Hochschullehrer (Basel): Leonhard Euler, Friedrich Nietzsche, Daniel Bernoulli, Karl Barth, Jakob I. Bernoulli, Andreas Bodenstein (German Edition)
  3. Naissance à Groningue: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Johan Huizinga, Jacob Bakema, Daniel Bernoulli, Etta Palm D'aelders, Henricus Liberti (French Edition)
  4. Die Werke von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 3: Mechanik (German Edition) (Vol 3) by Daniel Bernoulli, 1986-01-01
  5. Strömungsmechaniker: Blaise Pascal, Leonhard Euler, Archimedes, Viktor Kaplan, Daniel Bernoulli, Ernst Mach, Otto Lilienthal, Walter Tollmien (German Edition)
  6. Wave Equation: Partial Differential Equation, Joseph- Louis Lagrange, Daniel Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler, Jean le Rond d'Alembert
  7. Bernoulli: Daniel Bernoulli, Jakob I. Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli, Hans Bernoulli, Carl Albrecht Bernoulli, Christoph Bernoulli (German Edition)
  8. Mathematical Analysts: David Hilbert, Leonhard Euler, Gottfried Leibniz, Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Daniel Bernoulli, Josiah Willard Gibbs
  9. People From Groningen (City): Daniel Bernoulli, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Albert Schultens, Pete Hoekstra, Diederik Samsom
  10. Mathematiker (18. Jahrhundert): Leonhard Euler, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Daniel Bernoulli, Christian Goldbach, Johann Bernoulli, Edmond Halley (German Edition)
  11. Daniel Bernoulli: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2000
  12. 1700 Births: Daniel Bernoulli, Clemens August of Bavaria, Charlotte Aglaé D'orléans, George H. Steuart, Mary Musgrove
  13. Mathématicien Suisse: Leonhard Euler, Edward Kofler, Jean-Robert Argand, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Ludwig Schläfli, Daniel Bernoulli (French Edition)
  14. 1782 Deaths: Daniel Bernoulli, Charles Lee, Henry Home, Lord Kames, Farinelli, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham

21. Daniel(I) Bernoulli
DANIEL(I) BERNOULLI. People who work in any field associated with pure or appliedfluid motion should be familiar with the name Daniel Bernoulli.
BORN: February 9 1700
DIED: March 17 1782
Daniel was the most notable of the Bernoulli clan in the second generation. His father, Johann(I) tried to force Daniel into becoming a merchant, just as Johann's father had done to him. Daniel was one of three sons to Johann, and his brothers were Nicolaus(II) and Johann(II). Daniel began taking lessons in mathematics at the age of eleven from his older brother Nicolaus, who was only five years older than him. At a later age, Daniel became a physician, thinking he preferred medicine to being a merchant. However this too changed when he became involved in mathematics. Daniel and Leohnard Euler were close friends and at times became friendly rivals. Just like Euler, Daniel had the honour of having won the prize of the French Academy at least ten times (and on occasion the prize was shared between other successful competitors.) Daniel is most remembered for his work on Hydrodynamics, which he developed uniformly from the single principle that later became known as the Conservation of Energy. People who work in any field associated with pure or applied fluid motion should be familiar with the name Daniel Bernoulli. In 1725 (at the age of 25), Daniel became professor of mathematics in St. Petersburg. It is in this time that he and his cousin Nicolaus(II) presented the problem which came to be known as the Petersburg paradox. Several solutions were put forward to answer the problem including one by Daniel.

22. Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli. Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician who lived from17001782. He was the nephew of the mathematician Jacques Bernoulli.
Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician who lived from 1700-1782. He was the nephew of the mathematician Jacques Bernoulli.
Bernoulli was interested in mechanics and mathematics. He worked at the St. Petersburg Academy of Science with Leonhard Euler, a mathematician and physicist. Bernoulli was considered one of the founders of the Kinetic Theory of Matter. His famous work, Hydrodynamica , was published in 1738 and included his principle.

23. Daniel Bernoulli - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Daniel Bernoulli. The son of Johann Bernoulli, nephew of Jakob Bernoulli,Daniel Bernoulli was by far the ablest of the younger Bernoullis.

24. Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli. Daniel Bernoulli se narodil v roce 1700 a patrí k nejvetšímmatematikum a fyzikum v dejinách. Daniel Bernoulli zemrel 17.
Daniel Bernoulli

Daniel Bernoulli se narodil v roce 1700 a patøí k nejvìtším matematikùm a fyzikùm v dìjinách. Významnì pøispìl k rozvoji newtonovské mechaniky, položil základy hydrodynamiky a vytvoøil první kinetickou teorii plynù. Narodil se v holandském Groningenu, mládí strávil v Basileji a v r. 1721 dokonèil studium medicíny. Byl nejen mimoøádnì nadaný, ale také všestranný a nevynechal snad žádnou z oblastí pøírodních vìd. Jeho dìd Nicolaus Bernoulli V Basileji se spøátelil s Leonardem Eulerem, o 7 let mladším švýcarským geniálním matematikem. V r. 1725 obdržel Bernoulli pozvání z Ruska a stal se profesorem matematiky v novì zaøízené petrohradské Akademii vìd. Daniel Bernoulli byl jediný velký uèenec v Petrohradu, zabýval se nejen matematikou, ale i biologií a proslul i jako vynikající lékaø. Na Akademii pøišel spoleènì se svým starším bratrem, ale Nicolaus už nedokázal své nadání projevit - hned následujícího roku 1726 tragicky utonul. Daniel poté k sobì pozval pøítele Eulera a nìjakou dobu pracovali spoleènì. Mezitím se však na ruském trùnì opìt vystøídal panovník, zaèala desetiletá krutovláda carevny Anny a pro Akademii to nevìstilo nic dobrého. V r. 1733 proto Bernoulli radìji z Ruska odešel, cestoval a pøednášel matematiku, fyziku, anatomii a botaniku na univerzitách v rodném Groningenu a v Basileji. Zasazoval se o rozšíøení newtonovské mechaniky v Evropì a sám vyøešil øadu základních fyzikálních problémù. Za své práce obdržel mimo jiné i deset cen francouzské Akademie. Jeho stìžejní dílo

25. Bernoulli_Daniel
Most important work considered the basic properties of fluid flow, pressure, density and velocity, and gave their fundamental relationship now known as bernoulli's principle.
Daniel Bernoulli
Born: 8 Feb 1700 in Groningen, Netherlands
Died: 17 March 1782 in Basel, Switzerland
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Daniel Bernoulli was the son of Johann Bernoulli . He was born in Groningen while his father held the chair of mathematics there. His older brother was Nicolaus(II) Bernoulli and his uncle was Jacob Bernoulli so he was born into a family of leading mathematicians but also into a family where there was unfortunate rivalry, jealousy and bitterness. When Daniel was five years old the family returned to their native city of Basel where Daniel's father filled the chair of mathematics left vacant on the death of his uncle Jacob Bernoulli . When Daniel was five years old his younger brother Johann(II) Bernoulli was born. All three sons would go on to study mathematics but this was not the course that Johann Bernoulli planed for Daniel. Johann Bernoulli 's father had tried to force Johann into a business career and he had resisted strongly. Rather strangely Johann Bernoulli now tried exactly the same with his own son Daniel. First however Daniel was sent to Basel University at the age of 13 to study philosophy and logic. He obtained his baccalaureate examinations in 1715 and went on to obtain his master's degree in 1716. Daniel, like his father, really wanted to study mathematics and during the time he studied philosophy at Basel, he was learning the methods of the calculus from his father and his older brother

26. Daniel Bernoulli --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. daniel bernoulli. born Feb. 8 Jan MLA style " daniel bernoulli." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

27. Bernoulli, Daniel
bernoulli, daniel (17001789) daniel bernoulli was the second son of mathematician Johann bernoulli. In 1713 daniel began to study logic. During his youth, he was taught mathematics by his father.
Bernoulli, Daniel (17001789) Daniel Bernoulli was the second son of mathematician Johann Bernoulli In 1713 Daniel began to study logic. During his youth, he was taught mathematics by his father. In 1724 Bernoulli published his Exercitationes mathematicae which attracted considerable attention. This publication led to a position at the St. Petersburg Academy. At St. Petersburg, Bernoulli was creative and productive as a scientist. He published several books and articles on mathematics and mechanics. His principal work, Hydrodynamica was completed in 1734 but was not published until 1738. Major publications: Exercitationes mathematicae, Hydrodynamica

28. Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
bernoulli, daniel (17001782), Swiss mathematician, son of Johannbernoulli, who showed that as the velocity of a fluid increases
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782)

Swiss mathematician, son of Johann Bernoulli , who showed that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases, a statement known as the Bernoulli principle He won the annual prize of the French Academy ten times for work on vibrating strings ocean tides and the kinetic theory of gases. For one of these victories, he was ejected from his jealous father's house, as his father had also submitted an entry for the prize. His kinetic theory proposed that the properties of a gas could be explained by the motions of its particles. He was the first person to encounter the functions today known as Bessel functions With his brother Nicholas Bernoulli , he discussed the Saint Petersburg paradox Bernoulli (Jakob) Bernoulli (Johann) Bernoulli (Nicholas)
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Bonn
References Bell, E. T. "Nature or Nurture? The Bernoullis." Ch. 8 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 131-138, 1986.

29. Bernoulli_Daniel
daniel bernoulli. Born 8 Feb 1700 in Groningen, Netherlands Died 17 March 1782in Basel, Switzerland. daniel bernoulli was the son of Johann bernoulli.
Daniel Bernoulli
Born: 8 Feb 1700 in Groningen, Netherlands
Died: 17 March 1782 in Basel, Switzerland
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Daniel Bernoulli was the son of Johann Bernoulli . He was born in Groningen while his father held the chair of mathematics there. His older brother was Nicolaus(II) Bernoulli and his uncle was Jacob Bernoulli so he was born into a family of leading mathematicians but also into a family where there was unfortunate rivalry, jealousy and bitterness. When Daniel was five years old the family returned to their native city of Basel where Daniel's father filled the chair of mathematics left vacant on the death of his uncle Jacob Bernoulli . When Daniel was five years old his younger brother Johann(II) Bernoulli was born. All three sons would go on to study mathematics but this was not the course that Johann Bernoulli planed for Daniel. Johann Bernoulli 's father had tried to force Johann into a business career and he had resisted strongly. Rather strangely Johann Bernoulli now tried exactly the same with his own son Daniel. First however Daniel was sent to Basel University at the age of 13 to study philosophy and logic. He obtained his baccalaureate examinations in 1715 and went on to obtain his master's degree in 1716. Daniel, like his father, really wanted to study mathematics and during the time he studied philosophy at Basel, he was learning the methods of the calculus from his father and his older brother

30. Poster Of Bernoulli_Daniel
daniel bernoulli. lived from 1700 to 1782. daniel bernoulli s most importantwork considered the basic properties of fluid flow, pressure
Daniel Bernoulli lived from 1700 to 1782 Daniel Bernoulli 's most important work considered the basic properties of fluid flow, pressure, density and velocity, and gave their fundamental relationship now known as Bernoulli's principle. Find out more at

31. Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
bernoulli, Johann (16671748), Swiss mathematician (also known as Jean I or JohnI) who was the father of daniel bernoulli) and brother of Jakob bernoulli.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Swiss ... Scientific Families
Bernoulli, Johann (1667-1748)

Swiss mathematician (also known as Jean I or John I) who was the father of Daniel Bernoulli ) and brother of Jakob Bernoulli . With his brother Jakob , Johann Bernoulli is considered the most important founder of calculus (with the exception of Newton and Leibniz ). Nonetheless, Johann and Jakob two had bitter arguments about the quality of each other's work. Johann instructed l'Hospital , who later incorporated one of his Johann's results in a textbook he wrote, so that it has come to be known as l'Hospital's rule Johann filled the mathematics chair at Basel left vacant by his brother's death. He drove his son Daniel away from home after he won a prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences for which Johann had competed. Johann Bernoulli proposed the brachistochrone problem which asks what shape a wire must be for a bead to slide from one end to the other in the shortest possible time, as a challenge to other mathematicians in June 1696. For this, he is regarded as one of the founders of the calculus of variations The brachistochrone problem was solved by himself

32. Daniel Bernoulli And The Making Of The Fluid Equation
daniel bernoulli (17001782) discovered the relationship between the density of a fluid in a pipe, the speed it is travelling in the pipe and the pressure exerted by the fluid against the walls of
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Permission is granted to print and copy this page on paper for non-commercial use. For other uses, including electronic redistribution, please contact us. Issue 1 January 1997 Contents Features Understanding turbulence Daniel Bernoulli and the making of the fluid equation Career interview Student interview - Mark Langley Career profile - Academic Researcher Regulars Plus puzzle Pluschat Mystery mix Letters ...
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Daniel Bernoulli and the making of the fluid equation
by D.A. Quinney
Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782
Source: The Turner Collection, Keele University. Daniel Bernoulli was born on January 29th 1700. He came from a long line of mathematicians. His father Johann was head of mathematics at Groningen University in the Netherlands. The family was prone to bitter rivalry: something he was to suffer when he became estranged from his father some 30 years later. At the age of five, the Bernoulli family returned home to Basel in Switzerland, so that Johann's wife could be with her ailing father. Some years earlier Johann had applied to become professor of mathematics at Basel University, but this was denied him because his elder brother, Jakob had deliberately schemed to prevent him getting the post. Later Jakob got the professorship. En route to Basel, Johann learned that Jakob had just died of tuberculosis. He later recalled rather shamelessly that " ... I could succeed to my brother's position." He set about lobbying for the vacant position and in less than two months he got his way.

33. MSN Encarta - Bernoulli, Daniel
Sign in above. bernoulli, daniel. bernoulli, daniel (17001782), Dutch-bornSwiss scientist, who discovered basic principles of fluid behavior.
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Find more about Bernoulli, Daniel

34. Bernoulli, Daniel
bernoulli, daniel (17001782). Swiss mathematical physicist who made importantcontributions to trigonometry and differential equations (differentiation).
Bernoulli, Daniel
Swiss mathematical physicist who made important contributions to trigonometry and differential equations (differentiation). In hydrodynamics he proposed Bernoulli's principle, an early formulation of the idea of conservation of energy.
Bernoulli was born in Groningen in the Netherlands, the son of mathematician Johann Bernoulli . Having studied philosophy, logic, and medicine in Basel, Switzerland, he became professor of mathematics at the St Petersburg Academy, Russia, 1725-32, and professor of anatomy and botany at the University of Basel from 1733. During his career he won ten prizes from the French Academy, for papers on subjects which included marine technology, oceanology, astronomy, and magnetism.
Bernoulli's Hydrodynamica 1738 is both a theoretical and practical study of equilibrium, pressure, and velocity in fluids. Bernoulli's principle states that the pressure of a moving fluid decreases the faster it flows (which explains the origin of lift on the aerofoil of an aircraft's wing). Hydrodynamica also contains the first attempt at a thorough mathematical explanation of the behaviour of gases by assuming they are composed of tiny particles, producing an equation of state that enabled Bernoulli to relate atmospheric pressure to altitude, for example. This was the first step towards the kinetic theory of gases achieved a century later.

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    Bio details the life and work of a man born into a family of math and jealousy. Read about his work with pressure and his rift with his father.
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    Daniel Bernoulli's Principle - Find out what Daniel Bernoulli's principle states and how it applies to flight and physics. See diagrams.
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  • Bernoulli, Daniel - Princeton University
    Check out the math behind Bernoulli's equations, see real-life and diagramed examples, and find out how it is applied to aerodynamics.
    allRefer Reference - Bernoulli's Principle, Physics

    Examine this principle that was formulated by Daniel Bernoulli. Includes an article on conservation laws in physics.
    Bernoulli's Principle Animation

    Adjustable Venturi tube with animation demonstrates Bernoulli's Principle. Read background on the theory.
    Bernoulli, Daniel - Bernoulli's Equation

    National Aeronautics and Space Association offers this detailed explanation of the theorem that makes its existence possible. See a diagram.
    Bernoulli, Daniel - Physics 1501
    Brief explanation accompanies several diagrams of the equation which makes it clear how and why airplanes fly. Bernoulli, Daniel - Principles of Flight
  • 37. Matematicos
    Translate this page daniel bernoulli fue el segundo hijo de Johann bernoulli y sobrino deJacob bernoulli y hermano de Nicolás bernoulli y Johann bernoulli.
    Daniel Bernoulli fue el segundo hijo de Johann Bernoulli y sobrino de Jacob Bernoulli y hermano de y Johann Bernoulli
    "A lo largo de toda corriente fluida la energía total por la unidad de masa es constante, estando constituida por la suma de la presión, la energía cinética por unidad de volumen y la energía potencial igualmente por unidad de volumen".

    38. Bernoulli, Daniel - Physik Lexikon - Bernoulli, Daniel
    Translate this page bernoulli, daniel. bernoulli, daniel (1700-1782), Schweizer Wissenschaftler niederländischerHerkunft, der die Grundprinzipien der Hydrodynamik aufdeckte., Daniel

    39. Bernoulli, Daniel
    Bernoulli, Christoph Bernoulli, Elisabeth No 3
    Bernoulli, Daniel
    8.2.1700 Groningen, 17.3.1782 Basel, ref., von Basel. Sohn des Johann ( -> No 9 ). Ledig. Ab 1705 mit der Fam. wieder in Basel, wurde B. 1713-16 von seinem Vater und seinem älteren Bruder Nicolaus ( -> No 14
    Die Werke von Daniel B., 8 Bde., 1982- , (bisher erschienen Bde. 1-3 und 7)
    -R. Wolf, Biogr. zur Kulturgesch. der Schweiz 3, 1860, 151-202
    -Poggendorff, Hwb. 7a, 73-75
    DSB 2, 36-46
    Fritz Nagel

    Alle Urheberrechte dieser elektronischen Publikation sind beim Historischen Lexikon der Schweiz, Bern. Für alle elektronisch publizierten Texte gelten dieselben Regeln wie für eine gedruckte Veröffentlichung. Bernoulli, Christoph Bernoulli, Elisabeth

    40. Bernoulli,Daniel
    bernoulli, daniel (English). Search for bernoulli, daniel in NRICH PLUS Google. Definition level 2. daniel bernoulli

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