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81. Search The Internet For UK. Searchtheinternet.co.uk Mass., 2000, ISBN 0 7382 0068 9, GOLDSTEIN BR The Astronomy of levi ben gerson (12881344),QB 34, Springer New York, 1985, ISBN 0 387 96132 1 http//www http://www.searchtheinternet.co.uk/internet/searchinternet.php?keyword=levis_584 |
82. US Book Review Form bar Hiyya, Joseph ibn Zaddik, Judah HaLevy, Moses and Avraham ibn Ezra, Abrahamibn Daud, Moses Maimonides, Hillel ben Samuel, levi ben gerson, Aaron ben http://notesjds.cesjds.org/libraries/upper/BookRevi.nsf/0/440f37a4974030d085256e |
83. Faculty Professor Goldstein has written extensively on medieval Jewish science with specialattention to the work of levi ben gerson gersonides, and he has also http://www.pitt.edu/~jsp/faculty.html | |
84. Exodus 6 daartoe ben ik onbesneden van lippen. 15, Dit nu zijn de namen der zonenvan levi, naar hun geboorten gerson, en Kehath, en Merari. http://www.coas.com/bijbel/ex6.htm | |
85. Bible Gateway EXOD 6; Ik ben toch immers geen spreker! 12 Toen beval de HERE Mozes en de stam van levi,in volgorde van leeftijd gerson, Kehath en levi was 137 jaar toen hij stierf http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?passage=EXOD 6&language=dutch&version=H |
86. Segeln/ Der Jakobsstab, Winkelmessinstrument Der Alten Seefahrer Translate this page Die erste bekannte sachkundige Beschreibung stammt vom jüdischen GelehrtenLevi ben gerson aus Bagnolos in Katalonien (1288-1344). http://www.esys.org/technik/jakobsstab.html | |
87. Mathematics 245 Assignments Theorem Begin reading Dunham, Chapter 6, Cardano and the Solution of the CubicLevi ben gerson, from the Maasei Hoshev (Art of the Calculator) Do Burton http://newton.uor.edu/facultyfolder/beery/M245Assignments.html | |
88. LEVI - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for levi, site map index. levi. Shopping online forlevi or just looking for more information about levi? Here at http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/le/levi/index.shtml | |
89. LEVI'S - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for levi S, map index. levi S. Shopping online forlevi s or just looking for more information about levi s? Here http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/le/levi_s/index.shtml | |
90. îÏ×ÁÑ áÓÔÒÏÌÏÇÉÞÅÓËÁÑ üÎÃÉËÌÏÐÅÄÉÑ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://encyclopedia.astrologer.ru/cgi-bin/guard/L/Levi.html |
91. Judaic Treasures Of The Library Of Congress: Women Of Italy Among the earliest of Hebrew books is this commentary on the Pentateuch by Leviben gerson (gersonides), printed by Abraham Conat in Mantua, c. 1476. http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/loc/Italy.html | |
92. SISIUS: Ficha Personal: José Luis Mancha Rodríguez Star List for 1336. Aleph. http://investigacion.us.es/sisius/sis_showpub.php?idpers=5940 |
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