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81. Abraham Ibn Ezra Rabbi abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra (také známý jak Ibn ezra, nebo Abenezra) (1092nebo 10931167), byl jeden nejvýznacnejí idovský spisovatelé a http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/a/ab/abraham_ibn_ezra.html | |
82. Aben Ezra 1657). Aben ezra (abraham ben Meir ibn ezra) Jewish poet, grammarian,and commentator; b. in Toledo, Spain, 1092; d. Jan. 23, 1167. http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc01/htm/iii.i.xxxii.htm | |
83. Religion & Éthique (BH - BZ) * Religion & Ethics (BH - BZ) Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meïr, 10921167 Contributions in Biblical hermeneutics.* Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meïr, 1092-1167. Perush ha-Torah. Hakdamah. http://orbis.uottawa.ca/local/newacq/reli.html | |
84. «¥ªâà®ë© ª â «®£ Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir . Ibn ezra s Commentary on the Pentateuch Exodus(Shemot) / abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra . New York (NY) Menorah, 1996. |
85. Traveling EGYPT, 2002 synagogue in Egypt, it dates back to the end of the ninth century AD and was restoredin the twelfth century by the Rabbi of Jerusalem, abraham ben ezra. http://www.travellady.com/Issues/Issue68/68M-travelingegypt.htm | |
86. General Jewish Magic Ibn ezra, abraham ben Meir Le Livre des fondements astrologiues (precede de) LeCommencement de la sapience des signes introduction, traduction et notes de http://faculty.washington.edu/snoegel/astrology.htm | |
87. COMUNIDADE JUDAICA Translate this page Para os devidos efeitos, a sinagoga original , nomeada em memória do rabinoAbraham ben ezra, natural de Jerusalém e que viveu no século XII , foi http://www.riototal.com.br/comunidade-judaica/juda6c8.htm | |
88. Ibn Gabirol, Solomon Ben Judah Ibn Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah, i bun gäbE rôl Pronunciation Key. Relatedcontent from HighBeam Research on Solomon ben Judah Ibn Gabirol. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0824830.html | |
89. Estos Textos Están Tomados íntegramente, Sin Alteración Ninguna ezra (1092-c.1167) Poema de amor. http://members.tripod.com/~Maga/index-2.html | |
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