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61. MSN Encarta - Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra Translate this page Inicia una sesión arriba. abraham ben Meir ibn ezra. abraham ben Meir ibn ezra(c. 1092-1167), erudito, poeta y autor judeoespañol nacido en Tudela. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761560300/Abraham_ben_Meir_ibn_Ezra.html | |
62. Antopol, Belarus Akiva ben ezra, E. Leidiger, 127. Pintche Berman, A. Baraban, 129. abrahamWarsaw, A. Baraban, 131. Akiva benezra, 127. Pintche Berman, 129. abraham Warsaw,131. http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/antopol/antopol.html | |
63. Gorodets, Belarus Folk Medicine, Dr. I. Farber, 178. Gatherings, A. benezra, 181. Folk Remediesand Doctors, Yudel Kaplansky, 181. The End, 193. The Letter, 193. abraham Winograd,196. http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/gorodets/gorodets.html | |
64. Samuel Ben Hofni ben Hofnil translated and wrote a commentary on the Torah in Arabic, which was usedwidely by abraham ibn ezra, abraham ben Moses ben Maimon, Bachya ben Asher http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/biography/Hofni.html | |
65. Torah Productions Web Site - Commentators abraham of Toledo;Ibn ezra, abraham; Ibn ezra, Moses ben Jacob; Ibn Gabirol, Solomon; Ibn Ghayyat;Ibn http://www.torahproductions.com/commentators.html | |
66. Manisa (Magnasia), Jewish Community Raphael abraham Masliah; (died in 1784). 18. Nissim Zerahia Azoulay. He left Manisaand went to Safed, Eretz Yisrael. 19. Joseph ben ezra; there are letters http://www.sephardicstudies.org/manisa.html | |
67. Meira - Article - Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra - Life & Astrological Books of abraham ibn ezra is legion. The Hebraists who cited them from the twelfth tothe seventeenth century include Samuel Abu Nasr ibn Abbas, Eleazer ben Juda http://bear-star.com/article - ibn ezra - life and work.htm | |
68. Kolel's Parasha Study Israel 10401105 Rashi - Shlomo ben Yitzchak, France 1085-1174 Shmuel ben Meir(Rashis grandson), France 1092-1167 abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra, Spain 1135 http://www.kolel.org/pages/parasha/commentator.html | |
69. CHESMAYNE CHESMAYNE. ezra abraham ben Meir. ezra, abraham (10921167) link. 12th century. Author of several books and poet who wrote a 76 line http://www.chess-dictionary-chesmayne.net/Ezra Abraham Ben Meir Ibn.htm | |
70. LookSmart Australia The Web Sites from Australia. Rabbi abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra (Abenezra).Directory Topics The World Personal Religion Belief http://explore.looksmart.com.au/synd-oz/explore/index.jsp?catPath=302562;317837; |
71. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Humanities - History - Europe - By Re 1. allRefer Reference abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra http//reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/I/Ibnezra.htmlOffers a biographical sketch of the 12th century http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10186497 |
72. A Window Into Jewish Medieval Life attacks on Jewish funeral processions, members of the benezra Synagogue in The letteris signed Moses ben Maimon, at the bottom The saga of abraham ben Yiju. http://www.tau.ac.il/taunews/97spring/medieval.html | |
73. Egyptvoyager.com: The Roman Fort- Roman Cairo It was acquired by the Jewish community around the ninth centuryand restored by Rabbi abraham benezra in the twelfth century. http://www.egyptvoyager.com/towns_cairo_history_roman_romanfort.htm | |
74. Astrología Clásica Translate this page abraham ben ezra, nacido en Tudela en 1089, posee una lista de obras científicasmuy larga, posiblemente debido al hecho de que a menudo escribió dos o más http://www.segundoruiz.com/astrologia_clasica.htm | |
75. LN00005.htm Translate this page Salomon ben BARON Simha ben ezra Anne ben ezra benjamin ben Mardochee ben SIMONMhana ben YAICHE Isaac ben YAICHE Reine BIJAOUI abraham BIJAOUI Isaac http://perso.wanadoo.fr/bob.cassuto/RegIII/Liste/LN00005.htm | |
76. Cairo (5 Days), Nile Cruise (8 Days) Detailed Itinarary Day By Day abraham ben Meir Ibn ezra, (c.10891164), was a Spanish-Jewish scholar. abrahamben Meir Ibn ezra, (c.1089-1164), was a Spanish-Jewish scholar. http://www.christmasinegypt.com/Common/PackageResult.asp.Cairo_(5_Days),_Nile_Cr | |
77. I = I-point E abraham ben Ibn-ezra b. in Tudela, Spain. Author of Hebrewchess works. E BW = 1092. IBN-ezra; abraham Ibn-ezra died in London. http://www.chessworld.org/I.htm | |
78. Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra, Michael Linetsky -Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezras Commentary No. 1 Rabbi abraham Ibn ezras Commentary on the Creation . written by. abrahamBen Meir Ibn ezra, Michael Linetsky. Isadore Twersky, Jay M. Harris ! http://www.reviewofbooks.net/298476rabbi_abraham_ibn_ezras_commentary_creation.h | |
79. Ibn Gabirol, Solomon Ben Judah his name a number of times, combining it with that of his father Judah Ibn (or ben)Gabirol Jewish philosophers such as Moses ibn ezra, and abraham ibn ezra http://www.wzo.org.il/en/resources/view.asp?id=1182 |
80. La Cultura Judía En Los Reinos Cristianos. Translate this page La ciencia árabe influyó en el estudio de la Astronomía, significándose enesta ciencia abraham ben Daud, abraham ben ezra y Yehudá Cohen entre otros. http://sefarad.rediris.es/textos/0cultura.htm | |
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