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41. MuslimHeritage.com - Muslim Scholars ulugh beg 1420 AD, Category Science. The Lagacy of ulugh beg. ZhengHe, 1371 AD. ulugh beg, 1420 AD. Piri Reis, 1465 AD. Personalities ofToday. http://www.muslimheritage.com/day_life/default.cfm?ArticleID=237&Oldpage=2&yearl |
42. Ulugh Beg Definition Meaning Information Explanation ulugh beg. definition, meaning definition.com -. ulugh beg (1394-October27, 1449) was a Timurid astronomer, mathematician and sultan. http://www.free-definition.com/Ulugh-Beg.html | |
43. Ulugh-Beg. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ulughbeg. or Ulug-beg(both ´l gb g) (KEY) , 13941449, Timurid ruler and astronomer. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ul/UlughBeg.html | |
45. Uzbekistan - Day 13 Samarkand. Today we visited the observatory of ulugh beg. Before his death in1449, with this instrument, ulugh beg marked degrees, minutes, seconds. http://www.squiresweb.com/uzbek/day13.htm | |
46. Afghanland.com Afghanistan Famous Atronomer Astronomy Muhammed Taragai ulugh beg (13941449) was a Turk who ruled the province of Transoxiana(Maverannahr), a region situated between the River Oxus (Amu Darya) and http://www.afghanland.com/history/astro.html | |
47. The Legacy Of Ulugh Beg - By Kevin Krisciunas Edited by HB Paksoy. The Legacy of ulugh beg. Kevin Krisciunas1. ulughbegs grandfather was the famous conqueror Timur (13361405). http://eurasia-research.com/erc/006cam.htm | |
48. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Ulugh-Beg (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon ulughbeg, Astronomy, Biographies. ulugh-beg, Astronomy, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/U/UlughBeg.html | |
49. The Khwarzimic Science Society - Takveen TAKVEEN. ulugh beg 13941447. Umair Stephen Spender. ulugh beg was thegrandson of Timor, a warrior emperor. He was born in Sultanya. After http://www.khwarzimic.org/takveen/ulugh/ | |
50. Astronomers-Zoom Astronomy Glossary beg, ulugh ulugh beg (13591449) was a Persian astronomer who cataloged1012 stars and made detailed observations of the moon and planets. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/glossary/Astronomers.shtml | |
51. Ulugh Beg Go to Tamerlane. ulugh beg. lived from 1393 to 1449. ulugh beg was the grandsonof the conqueror Tamerlane. He did important early work on trigonometry. http://home.student.uva.nl/aida.giniyatullina/Samarqand/Ulugh_Beg/ulugh_beg.html | |
52. Iranian Personalities: Ghyath Al-Din Jamshid Kashani The city became the capital of Timur s empire and Shah Rokh made hisown son, ulugh beg, ruler of the city. ulugh beg, himself a http://www.iranchamber.com/personalities/jkashani/jamshid_kashani.php | |
53. Learn More About Ulugh Beg In The Online Encyclopedia. Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answeredabout ulugh beg. You are here Online Encyclopedia ulugh beg. ulugh beg. http://www.onlineencyclopedia.org/u/ul/ulugh_beg.html | |
54. CENTRAL ASIAN MONUMENTS Edited By HB Paksoy Table Of Contents HB 90 + 216 321 38 51 FAX +90 + 216 321 86 66 OR Booksellers Please refer to theprinted version for the footnotes The Legacy of ulugh beg Kevin Krisciunas1 http://www.angelfire.com/on/paksoy/6ULUGHBE.html | |
55. 15th Century Islamic History 1446 In the Timurids empire, Death of Shah Rukh, succession of ulugh beg. Inthe Timurids empire, Death of ulugh beg, succession of Abdul Latif. http://www.angelfire.com/ak4/Archive1/15Century.html | |
56. Thais - Architettura Islamica - Madrasa Di Ulugh Beg http://www.thais.it/architettura/islamica/schede/sc_00197.htm | |
57. Thais - Architettura Islamica - Madrasa Di Ulugh Beg Translate this page Email. http://www.thais.it/architettura/islamica/schede/scm_00197.htm | |
58. 15th Century (1400-1499) C.E. 1446 In the Timurids empire, Death of Shah Rukh, succession of ulugh beg. Inthe Timurids empire, Death of ulugh beg, succession of Abdul Latif. 1450 http://www.islamicweb.com/history/century15.htm | |
59. Archived Weblog Entry - 04/17/2004: "Ulugh Beg - Ulughbek And Samarkand" 04/17/2004 Archived Entry ulugh beg ulughbek and Samarkand .ulugh beg (aka ulughbek) is not well known, but that s part http://www.llpoh.org/archives/00001093.html | |
60. TurkicWorld ulugh beg (13931449), a preeminent astronomer and mathematician of fifteenth century,published a new star catalog, correcting many errors in Ptolemy s work. http://sophistikatedkids.com/turkic/70 Dateline/71 Huns/hun dateline14 En.htm |
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