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61. Child Marriage In Ancient India seclusion which presupposes postpuberty marriages. Sharma also argues that themarriage rituals described in the Grihyasutras, the baudhayana presuppose that http://www.stormloader.com/munaypata/India.htm | |
62. Brahmanism And The Final Development Of Hinduism race after the flood; the Institutes of Vishnu, delivered, it was said, personallyby the god; and many others, of which the Apastamba, the baudhayana, and the http://paganizingfaithofyeshua.netfirms.com/no_8_brahmanism.htm | |
63. .::. .::. Deepa & Sanal's Home Page >> INDIAN SCIENTIFIC HERITAGE .::. .::. Susrutha Samhitas! baudhayana propounded the theorem four hundred yearsbefore Pythagorus, but baudhayana was forgotten! Bhaskaracharya http://www.sanalnair.org/links/indianheritage.htm | |
64. Untitled Document What is not well understood is that this theorem was known to the authors of theVedas, and was proved in baudhayana s Shulva Sutra, which was composed several http://www.infinityfoundation.com/ECIT819talk.htm | |
65. Project Sheet Most important of these is the baudhayanaGrhya-Sutra, one of the longest and mostimportant of its genre, which will be edited critically and translated for http://www.ifpindia.org/brahmin.html | |
66. Swaveda - Background - Mathematics In Ancient India - Introduction Timeline of Indian Mathematical Works 800 BC baudhayana Sulba Sutra by baudhayana.500 BC Surya Prajnapti. 500 BC Jamboo Dwipa Prajnapti. http://www.swaveda.com/background.php?category=science&title=Mathematics in Anci |
67. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results AV Atharva Veda. BDh baudhayana Dharmasutra, in Buhler 187982 and Olivelle2000. Berger, PL 1969. The Sacred Canopy. Garden 15. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
68. Category Selections - New: Title baudhayana Srautasutra (4 Volume Set) Author(s) Edited and Translated byCG Kashikar ISBN 8120818539 Edition 1st Pages 275 Binding HC Publication http://www.southasiabooks.com/Categories.asp?SentCategory=125 |
69. Patrick Olivelle - Buch / Bücher - International Online Suche - 11 Mal Gefunden baudhayana, and Vasistha (Oxford World s Classics (Paperback)). Patrick Olivelle. http://www.nomax.de/suche/intbuecher/sb-Patrick Olivelle/s-1.html | |
70. Law - Buch / Bücher - International Online Suche - 32000 Mal Gefunden Translate this page Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama baudhayana and Vasistha TheLaw Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, baudhayana and Vasistha. Patrick Olivelle. http://www.nomax.de/suche/intbuecher/sb-Law/s-18.html | |
71. 4 II. Sulba Sutras Of the Sulvas so far uncovered the four major and most mathematically significantare those composed by baudhayana, Manava, Apastamba and Katyayana (perhaps http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce/Chapters/Ch4_2.h | |
72. Cult Of Skanda-Murukan In Ancient Tamil Nadu Further, in the baudhayana Dharma Sutra, names such as Skanda, Sanatkumara, Vis×aka,Sanmukha, Mahasena and Subrahmanya, etc., have been attribued as names http://murugan.org/research/ambikai.htm | |
73. Hindu Womens' Universe Of these treatises the DharmaSastra of Gautama has been taken to be the earliestlaw-book; for both baudhayana and Vasishtha, who are also reckoned among the http://hinduwomen.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=hncontent&pa=showpage&pid=1091 |
74. Re: MBh Question Because in general (there appears to have been a practice of niyoga when the manwas impotent etc also baudhayana 2.3.17) the man is dead and his brother http://www.sandiego.edu/theo/risa-l/archive/msg04684.html | |
75. Baudhaayana-Dharmasuutra Typed And Analyzed By Masato Fujii Masato Fujii Mieko Kajihara Proofread by Toru Yagi Revised version 1 (completedon May 20, 1992) Editions H E. Hultzsch (ed.) Das baudhayanaDharmasutra. http://www.kyoto-su.ac.jp/~yanom/sanskrit/dharmas/baudha.dhs |
76. Dharam : Alle Produkte Mon May 31 13:11:33 2004 Translate this page 3. Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama baudhayana and VasisthaThe Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, baudhayana and Vasistha. http://www.e-loh.de/Dharam.shtml | |
77. 21A1.Riddles In Hinduism PART I The views of baudhayana are given below I6. baudhayana goes into much greaterdetails about the qualification of the Shishtas. This is what he says http://www.ambedkar.org/riddleinhinduism/21A1.Riddles in Hinduism PART I.htm | |
78. Acts Of Faith (Part III Of XII) India. Sulba means cord. Of the various Sulba Sutras, those of baudhayana,Apastamba and Katyayana are best known. Scholars believe http://www.hvk.org/articles/0601/93.html | |
79. This Article Appeared In The Indian Journal At present we know, however, of only seven Sulbastitras, those belonging to theSrauta-sutras of baudhayana, Apastamba, Katyayana, Manava, Maitrayana, Varaha http://www.vmacademy.com/kenneth/articles/kansara/kansara.htm | |
80. World - Punjabi - Samaaj - Dharam - TutorGig.co.uk Directory Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama baudhayana and VasisthaThe Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, baudhayana and Vasistha , by Motilal http://www.tutorgig.co.uk/webdir/index.php/World/Punjabi/Samaaj/Dharam/ | |
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