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41. 104.02.07 1555 BF\scriptures\Dharmasastra\Angirasa Smrti.pdf Ausanasa Smrti.pdf /public_html/scriptures/Dharmasastra AusanasaSmrti.pdf 104.02.07 1620 BF\scriptures\Dharmasastra\baudhayana Smriti.pdf http://www.ikashmir.org/scriptures/Dharmasastra/WS_FTP.LOG |
42. FAQ The Samskrit text, by the famous Hindu mathematician, baudhayana in his baudhayanaSutra of the 6th century BC mentions this ratio as approximately equal to 3 http://www.hindudevotion.com/faq.html | |
43. Am I A Hindu - Udupipages.com 2. Pi is a contribution of India to the world -A Sanskrit text named baudhayanaShulba Sutra of the 6th century mentions the value of PI as 3. Aryabhatta in http://www.udupipages.com/book/hindhu.html | |
44. IndoUSPlaza : Books :: Philosophy VEDA, YOGA, PHILOSOPHY. Dharmasutras The Law Codes of Apastamba Gautama,baudhayana Vasistha. Product Id 26005 Author Patrick Olivelle. http://www.indousplaza.com/data/products/books/philosophy_d.asp?ProdID=4939 |
45. Englische Bücher : Religion & Spirituality - Kaufen, Bestellen, Shop, Vorbestel Translate this page Englische Bücher Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama baudhayanaand Vasistha The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, baudhayana and Vasistha, http://www.firstsfind-shop.de/shop-mode-books_de_intl_us-page_num-121-node-22-lo | |
46. The Keys Of Atlantis [2] - The Athenian Treasury In the baudhayana Sulbasutra (circa 800BC, named for its author) we find a geometricalmethod for constructing a square of area equal to that of a given http://www.odeion.org/atlantis/chapter-2.html | |
47. A Tribute To Hinduism In the Shulba Sutra appended to baudhayana s Shrauta Sutra, mathematicalinstructions are given for the construction of Vedic altars. http://www.atributetohinduism.com/articles_aryan_invasion_theory/14.htm | |
48. Hinduism Today | Mar 1999 1999) you mention baudhayana in the 6th century ce, long before Europe smath whizzes in connection with the Pythagorean Theorem. http://www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/1999/3/1999-3-05.shtml | |
49. .:SAKSIVC: Vedic Literature: Mathematics: Mathematics In India Of The Vedic Age: The writers of the Shatapatha Brahmana knew this knowledge. The theorem andits converse were stated precisely by baudhayana in his Sulba Sutras. http://www.vedah.com/org/literature/maths/mathsInIndia.asp | |
50. India Pythagoras Theorem OR baudhayana s Theorem? The so called Pythagoras Theorem* the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled http://members.tripod.com/munjuluri/india.htm | |
51. VNN Vaishnava News Network - World The old Sanskrit text baudhayana Shulba Sutra of the 6th Century BCE mentions thisratio as approximately equal to 3. Aryabhatta in 499 BCE worked out the http://www.vnn.org/world/9803/16-1698/ | |
52. Badarayana Eg. baudhayana Gryhasutra 3.9.3 baudhayana Srautapravara sutra 20.2 HiranyakesinSrautasutra 16.7.23; 22.2.20 Hiranyakesin Grhyasutra 1.25 Bharadvaja http://www.ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/feb2001/0180.html | |
53. La Géométrie Des Sulbasutras Translate this page Nous disposons de quatre textes complets, traduits en anglais par Sen et Bag,avec le nom de leurs auteurs baudhayana, Manava, Apastamba, Katyayana. http://www.reunion.iufm.fr/recherche/irem/histoire/la_géométrie_des_sulbas | |
54. Amazing Science The world s first university), Mathematics, Zero, the most powerful tool, Geometry,The value of Pi in India, Pythagorean Theorem or baudhayana Theorem? http://www.spiritual-teachers.com/AmazingScience.htm | |
55. Apastamba is essentially impossible since nothing is known of him except that he was the authorof a Sulbasutra which is certainly later than the Sulbasutra of baudhayana | |
56. India's Schoolbook Histories Most readers of this column will have heard only one or two names of the greatestIndian scientists and mathematicians Lagadha, baudhayana, Panini, Pingala http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/aug/22kak.htm | |
57. J. Patrick Olivelle CV Delhi MotilalBanarsidass. Forthcoming. 1999a The Dharmastras of Apastamba, Gautama,baudhayana, and Vasistha. Sanskrit editions and annotated translations. http://inic.utexas.edu/asnic/pages/facultyCVs/JPO/jpocv.html | |
58. Detailed Record The sacred laws of the Aryas, as taught in the schools of Apastamba,Guatama, Vasishtha, and baudhayana. 2. Vasishtha and baudhayana. http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/f457da197c9cb52c.html | |
59. ORIENTALIA | Encyclopedia | International Dictionary Of Hinduism | Vasistha Venkatesananda 1976. 5. Books Dharmasutras The Law Codes of Apastamba,Gautama, baudhayana, and Vasistha. Price $96.95 Subject http://www.orientalia.org/term24611.html | |
60. ORIENTALIA | Encyclopedia | International Dictionary Of Buddhism | GAUTAMA ny¢ya sutr¢s of Gotama by Gautama (Authority on Nyayasastra) 1974. 8. BooksDharam Sutras The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama baudhayana and Vasistha http://www.orientalia.org/term21321.html | |
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