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21. Somdat Mahabir's The Samskrit text, by the famous Hindu mathematician, baudhayana in his baudhayanaSutra of the 6 th century BC mentions this ratio as approximately equal to 3 http://www.caribbeanhindu.com/Som.htm | |
22. 2.3. THE PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOX In the Shulba Sutra appended to baudhayanas Shrauta Sutra, mathematicalinstructions are given for the construction of Vedic altars. http://www.bharatvani.org/books/ait/ch23.htm | |
23. - Women In The Sacred Laws - The Dharma Sutras ( Page 10) From a consideration of the above it appears as though the DharmaSutra of baudhayanaconsisted originally of two Prasnas and the rest were additions by later http://www.hindubooks.org/women_in_the_sacredlaws/the_dharma_sutras/page10.htm | |
24. Hindu Dharma Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, is stated to be approximatelyequal to three in the 600 BCE Sanskrit text baudhayana Sulba Sutra http://www.hindubooks.org/authors/bansi_pandit/hindu_dharma/ch16.htm | |
25. Hindunet: The Hindu Universe: A Request For Info Regarding Veda Classes Hello to all posters here! I belong to the Bhargava Gotra, Shukla YajurVeda, baudhayanaSutra. baudhayana sutra belongs to Taittiriya Krishna Yajurveda. http://www.hindunet.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=40141&page=0&view=collaps |
26. Dhaman - The Definitive Guide: Amazing Facts Pythagoras Theorem or baudhayana Theorem. The so called PythagorasTheorem the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle http://www.users.totalise.co.uk/~anu/facts.html | |
27. Body It was known in the Sulbasutra (for example, Sutra 52 of baudhayana s Sulbasutram)that the diagonal of a square is the side of another square with two times http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dwh/papers/sulba/sulba.html | |
28. Body something else I ran across an item that said that the problem of changing a rectangleinto a square appeared in the Sulbasutram by baudhayana (see Prakash http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dwh/papers/geomsolu/geomsolu.html | |
29. Hindu Scriptures Shrouta Sutras, Aswalayana, Shankhyayana, Apasthamba, baudhayana, Hiranyakesi,Bharadwaja, Vaikhanasa, Vadhoola, Manava, Varaha, Katyayana (Paaraskara), Khadira http://www.hinduism.co.za/vedas-.htm | |
30. Sutra Some of the important Grihyasutras are the Apastamba Grihyasutra, the baudhayanaGrihyasutra, the Ashvalayana Grihyasutra, the Sankhayana Grihyasutra, and the http://www.gurjari.net/ico/Mystica/html/sutra.htm | |
31. SBA > India, A Centre Of Learning A Sanskrit text named baudhayana Shulba Sutra of the 6th century mentions the valueof Pi as 3. Aryabhatta, in 499 AD, had computed the value of Pi as 3.1416. http://www.saralabirlaacademy.org/sba/centre_of_learning.htm | |
32. TITUS Texts: Yajur-Veda: Baudhayana-Srautasutra Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 29.8.2002. No parts of this document maybe republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder. http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/ved/yvs/baudhss/baudh.h | |
33. TITUS Texts: Black Yajurveda: Baudhayana-Dharmasutra TITUS Texts Black Yajurveda baudhayanaDharmasutraIndex /TITLE META NAME=. http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/ved/yvs/dhs/baudhdhs/ba | |
34. Sword Of Truth Archives -- Hindu Geometry - Part 4 Numerous passages of baudhayana and Apastambha Shulba dealing with the spatialmagnitudes of sacrificial altars as well as with the methods of their http://www.swordoftruth.com/swordoftruth/archives/byauthor/aniruddhaavanipal/hgp | |
35. SanathanaDharma According to Asvalayana, baudhayana, Apastamba and Parasara, it is a Ksetra Samskaraand should be performed only once. Harita and Devala followed them. http://www.sanathanadharma.com/samskaras/prenatal2.htm | |
36. SanathanaDharma may be the method through which marriage was effected, the religious ceremonieswere essential to make it valid.78c Vasistha and baudhayana declare Where a http://www.sanathanadharma.com/samskaras/marriage/mar3.htm | |
37. Untitled Document baudhayana, 20.25); One should perform the animalsacrifice for Indra-Agni onceevery six months or at the commencement of every course of the sun or once http://lett.ubbcluj.ro/~echinox/caiete4/15.htm | |
38. Hand Of The Vedapurusa From The Chapter "Kalpa", In Hindu Dharma : Kamakoti.org: Six sages have composed Kalpasutras for the KrsnaYajurveda which is predominantlyfollowed in the South - Apastamba, baudhayana, Vaikhanasa, Satyasadha http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part11/chap1.htm | |
39. Bharat mentionné dans les Sulvasutras par baudhayana, Katyayana et Apastamba, qui http://pages.intnet.mu/ramsurat/Bharatmata/meremathematiques.html | |
40. Übersicht über Die Wichtigsten Quellen Des Dharmashastra Translate this page - 440 S. Olivelle (2000) = Dharmasutras the law codes of Apastamba, Gautama,baudhayana, and Vasistha / annotated text and transl. Patrick Olivelle. http://www.payer.de/dharmashastra/dharmash03.htm | |
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