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         Barbier Joseph Emile:     more detail

21. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page -THOMAS, Noël THOMAS, joseph Alexis emile -barbier, Nicolas joseph barbier, Marie Charlotte MORELLE, Marie-Jeanne Victoire,
MARTIN, Hubert Joseph
MARTIN, Hubert (Henri) Joseph
THIRION, Catherine

Occupation : Cultivateur
Famille MARTIN - PIERRARD Mariage: PIRARD, Jean LEGRAND, Anne Marguerite PIERRARD, Anne-Marie
de BASSINE, Jean
BASSINE, Marie Catherine
MARTIN, Guillaume

MARTIN, Hubert Joseph

MARTIN, Marie Joseph
MARTIN, Henri Joseph

Inhumation : 1ER COMPL AN13
MARTIN, Gilles Joseph
LEGRAND, Anne Marguerite Famille PIRARD - BASSINE Mariage: de BASSINE, Jean BASSINE, Marie Catherine PIRARD, Jean Joseph PIRARD, Gaspar PIRARD, Anne Catherine PIRARD, Marie Joseph PIERRARD, Anne-Marie ... PIRARD, Marie-Jeanne
SEPTON, Jean Toussaint Famille SEPTON - LEGRAND Mariage: LEGRAND, Anne Joseph SEPTON, Marie-Anne (Marguerite)
MARTIN, Hubert Joseph
MARTIN, Hubert (Henri) Joseph THIRION, Catherine MARTIN, Hubert Joseph PIERRARD, Anne-Marie BASSINE, Marie Catherine Occupation : Scieur de long Famille MARTIN - SIMAL Mariage: SIMAL, Joseph SIMAL, Jean Joseph MARTIAL, Anne Joseph NIVARLET, Marie-Jeanne ... SIMAL, Joseph SIMAL, Jean Joseph MARTIAL, Guillaume Martin MARTIAL, Anne Joseph Famille SIMAL - NIVARLET Mariage: NIVARLET, Jean Nicolas

22. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page LAMBERT, emile joseph, Naissance 27 novembre 1857 à Sinsin. MERCIER, Florent Nicolasjoseph FROIDLIEU, Marie Famille barbier - HANSOTTE, Mariage Maffe.
GALLAND, Antoine

DUBOIS, Elisabeth

Gregoire, Nx epouse

Famille LEGALAND - PONCIN Mariage: PONCIN, Marie Catherine
PIRSON, Catherine

LEGALAND, Marie Elisabeth
LEGALAND, Marie Joseph
GALAND, Jean Joseph
REMY, Jean Joseph

LEGALAND, Marie Joseph
... PONCIN, Marie Catherine
Famille X - REMY REMI, Jean Joseph Famille PAULUS - REMY Mariage: PAULUS, Gille Joseph
GALAND, Jean Joseph
COLLIGNON, Marie Elisabeth CROSSE, Isidore CROSSE, Marie-Jeanne ... FLUZIN, Marie Catherine Famille GALLAND - HENROTTIN Mariage: HENROTTIN, Marie Joseph Virginie GALLAND, Jean Joseph Occupation : cultivateur GALLAND, Victor GALLAND, Marie Catherine GALLAND, Victor GALLAND, Hypolite Jean Joseph GALLAND, Marie Sidonie Famille GALLAND - GERARD Mariage: GERARD, Marie Catherine
GALLAND, Gustave Gilles Joseph
TOUSSAINT, Sylvie LOMBET, Florent Gilles LOMBET, Flore Alberte Ghislaine ... DUCHENE, Marie Joseph Naissance : vivant Famille GALLAND - BREULET Mariage: vivant BREULET, Yolande Marie Lambertine Gh. GALLAND, Jessica Naissance : vivant Naissance : vivant Famille GALLAND - GILLARD Mariage: GILLARD, Dominique

23. Pages De Données
Translate this page -barbier, joseph barbier, joseph RICATTE, Barbe barbier, MarieAnne Thomas emile (2284-3.B6. -GELÉ, Clément joseph emile (2284-3
BARBIER, Joseph Sexe: Masculin
Famille BARBIER - MARTIN MARTIN, Jeanne Sexe:
L'enfant du couple BARBIER - MARTIN BARBIER, Jean Joseph
Sexe: Masculin
L'enfant du couple BARBIER - RICATTE BARBIER, Joseph
Anthelupt,54020,Meurthe et Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE Magnières,54331,Meurthe et Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE
JACQUES, Nicolas (Sosa 1270) Sexe: Masculin
Famille JACQUES - BARBIER Mariage: 12 janvier 1700
BARBIER, Madeleine (Sosa 1271) Sexe:
L'enfant du couple JACQUES - BARBIER JACQUES, Barbe (Sosa 635)
Sexe: Masculin
Famille LAURENT - BARBIER BARBIER, Marguerite Sexe:
L'enfant du couple LAURENT - BARBIER LAURENT, Marie Anne
HENRY, Georges
Sexe: Masculin Famille HENRY - BARBIER Mariage: vers 1785 BARBIER, Joseph BARBIER, Joseph RICATTE, Barbe BARBIER, Marie Anne (4860- DENIS, Simon DENIS, Anne FOISELLE, Rose Sexe:
FONTAINE, Jean FONTAINE, Anne Sexe: Masculin Famille CHAMBRÉ - BARCAN Mariage: 13 novembre 1821 BARCANT, Mansuy BARCAN, Catherine DONZEL, Rose Sexe: L'enfant du couple Repel,88389,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE

24. Pages De Données
Translate this page barbier, Emilienne (4860- -barbier, Mélanie (4860-5.1 CharlesNicolas QUEUCHE, Marie Catherine HACHARD, Marie joseph emile (160-2.4.2
COLLIN, Joseph Sexe: Masculin
Famille COLLIN - PETELOT Mariage: 31 mai 1831
PETELOT, Pierre Joseph

PETELOT, Anne Claire (1290- PERRU, Claude
PERRU, Marie

GILBERT, Marie Madeleine

DENIS, Joseph
DENIS, Jean Joseph (1040-3.B1.1)
COLLIN, Marguerite
Sexe: Masculin Naissance: 8 juillet 1805 28 janvier 1848 Famille DENIS - COLLIN Mariage: 28 octobre 1834 COLLIN, Jean CONTAL, Barbe COLLIN, Marguerite (2080- FAIRISE, Marguerite Sexe: Naissance: 5 mai 1814 31 octobre 1874 L'enfant du couple DENIS - COLLIN DENIS, Jean Joseph Ramecourt,88368,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE Ramecourt,88368,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE
DENIS, Joseph Sexe: Masculin Naissance: 28 mars 1769 13 novembre 1833 Famille DENIS - COLLIN Mariage: 31 janvier 1797 (Sosa 1040) NOEL, Marie (Sosa 1041) COLLIN, Marguerite (1040-3.B1) Sexe: Naissance: 5 avril 1772 26 novembre 1844 Les 2 enfants du couple DENIS - COLLIN DENIS, Jean Joseph Ramecourt,88368,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE Ramecourt,88368,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE DENIS, Jean Nicolas Ramecourt,88368,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE Ramecourt,88368,Vosges,Lorraine,FRANCE

25. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Père Bassine, emile joseph Mère Lorand, Marie. Dumont, Maria Dumont, Jean Dumont,joseph Naissance 1897 à Sart Saint Laurent Dumont barbier, Christine.
Vassart, x
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Genot, Jeanne Joseph
Genot, Jean Joseph
Maron, Marie Catherine Joseph
Famille: Conjoint: Deprez, Jeanne
Jenot, Louis Victor

Famille: Conjoint: Detillieux, Marie Philippine
Enfant(s) Genot, Augustine Joseph
Famille: Conjoint: Wuynant, Anne Joseph
Genot, Marie Rosalie Joseph
Ladrille, x
Famille: Conjoint: Genot, Marie Rosalie Joseph
Wuynant, Anne Joseph
Rossomme, Pierre Mathieu Famille: Conjoint: Enfant(s) Rossomme, Jeanne Marie Anne
Meunier, x Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Parents Genot, Jean Joseph Rossomme, Jeanne Marie Anne
Massart, x Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Genot, Catherine Joseph Parents Genot, Jean Joseph Rossomme, Jeanne Marie Anne
Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Genot, Marie Joseph Parents Genot, Jean Joseph Rossomme, Jeanne Marie Anne
Parents Genot, Jean Joseph Rossomme, Jeanne Marie Anne Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Thibaut, x
Bassine, Emile Joseph Parents
Delobbe, Sophie (Deloppe) Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Lorand, Marie Parents Enfant(s) Bassine, Jules

26. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Enfant(s) barbier, Rosalie. Père Derèse, joseph Mère Petit, Catherine. Retourà la page principale. Retour à la page principale. Dubois, emile Parents
Coriat, Joseph
Famille: Conjoint: Charlier, Marie charlotte
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Guillaume, Marie josephe
Ancelot, Jeanne Ansellot

Famille: Conjoint: Jacquet, Gaspard
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Lesire, Jacques
Enfant(s) Lesire, Jacques simon
Robert, Jean
Famille: Mariage:
Parents Enfant(s) Mouthuy, Alexandre Joseph Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Migeot, Valentin Parents Migeot, Joseph , Corradin
Gilles, Louis Joseph Parents Gilles, Antoine Bourglain, Marie Barbe (BarbaraBorgelain) Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Hannus, Rosalie Parents Hannus, Feuillen Daffe, Constantine Enfant(s) Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Detienne, Adolphine Parents Detienne, Jean Joseph Migeot, Jeanne josephe
Coume, Jean Laurent Parents Coume, Louis Votin, Catherine Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Defleur, Marie Catherine Parents Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Defleur, Elisabeth
Robert, Philippe Famille: Conjoint: Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Naissance : Meux Parents Jauquet, Louis
Haneuse, Feuillen Parents Haneuse, Nicolas Stevenne, Catherine (Stevens) Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Parents Fuisoul, Jean Baptiste

27. Base Joconde - Personnages Représentés
Translate this page Mr Badiou de la Tronchère Jacques joseph emile Baffier Mr Barbès Armand Barbetde Jouy joseph Henri Barbet de Barbezieux seigneur de barbier barbier Henri
Base Joconde
Bachaumont Louis Petit de
Bachelier Henri de

Bachet Claude Gaspard

Bachoux Berthe Marie
Barthe H.

28. Genealogy Data
1845 Gender Male De Blanc, joseph Derosin Birth De Blanc, Charlotte emile DespanetGender Female De barbier, Jean Thomas Birth 1692 Seneffe , Belgium Gender

29. Genealogy Data
Spouse Harkins, Jerry emile Gender Male Parents Father barbier, Jean Thomas.Children Father Verger, joseph Mother Dumont, Angelique. Family

30. Lillers
Translate this page Jules BOULINGUEZ Louis HOFFMANN Benjamin ROUSSEL Adolphe barbier Jean-Baptiste MERRIENHenri PICQUE Alfred PRUVOST Georges SOLCE joseph, DUPUIS emile
Monument aux morts de 1870-1871
- Lillers Centre : Monument aux morts
Hameau d'Hurionville

Hameau de Rieux
Monument aux morts de 1870-1871 Localisation : Liste des noms inscrits :
LEMOINE Guislain
AGRAIN Jules BOULINGUEZ Louis HOFFMANN Benjamin ROUSSEL Adolphe BARBIER Jean-Baptiste Louis DUHAMEL Dominique BAILLY Louis LECAT Ludger BAZEEL Henri GALAND Henri DELANNOY Edouard PRUVOST DELOBEL Casimir EDMOND Fleury dit Romain Monument aux morts Localisation : Lillers centre Liste des noms inscrits : Victimes militaires, 1914-1918 : ALLUIN Delphin AVERLANT Julien BALEMBOIS Georges BARBAUR Cyr BARBEL Gustave BARRE Alphonse BARRE Emile BARRE Jean BARRE Fernand BARROIS Augustin BAUDELLE Paul BAYART Maurice BAYART Raymond BEAUTEMPS Gilles BECART Emmanuel BECCART Louis BLANCHEGORGE Christophe BLANCHEGORGE Mura BLANQUIN Paul BLONDEL Victor BOLLE H. BOILLY Louis BOURGEOIS David BOURY Joseph BRIANCON Jean-Baptiste BRINIO Paul BROUTAIN Auguste BULTEL Clotaire CAPRON E. CAPRON Gabriel CARLIER Augustin CARNEZ Gaston CARON Aimable CAUDRON Georges CHRETIEN Louis CLABAUT Henri CLERBOUT Henri COLLETTE Amaury CONARD Emile CORDONNIER Henri CORDONNIER Joseph COSSART Galila COUPET Georges COUPIGNY Louis COUVREUR Daniel COUSIN David CREPIN Gustave CRESSON Jules CRETEL Adolphe CROIX Edouard DAUTRICHE L.

31. RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Southeastern Louisiana Genealogy - By Le Ray
JUL 1941 in Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana barbier, emile Simon b in Galliano,Louisiana barbier, Eno barbier, Ernest barbier, Ernest joseph Sr

32. RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Southeastern Louisiana Genealogy - By Le Ray
Surnames Adams, Allemand, barbier, Barrilleaux, Blanchard, Bonvillain, Bourgeois,Brignac, Caillouet joseph Alfred b 1870 d 1901 Druilhet, joseph emile Sr.

33. Math Surprises
pD. Which is the theorem due to joseph emile barbier (18391889)all shapes of constant width D have the same perimeter, L = pD.
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August 2001 Compte de Buffon (1707-1788) in the 18 th century posed and solved the very first problem of geometric probability. A needle of a given length L is tossed on a wooden floor with evenly spaced cracks, distance D apart. What is the probability of the needle hitting a crack? The answer he discovered with the help of integral calculus is given by the simple formula [ Beckmann Eves Kasner Paulos ... Stein P = 2L/ p D With P approximated by the ratio of hits to the total number of tosses, the formula offers a way of evaluating p , an observation that eventually led Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827) to propose a method, known today as the Monte Carlo Method, for numerical evaluation of various quantities by realizing appropriate random events. History records several names of people who applied the method manually to approximate p . A Captain Fox [ Beckmann , p. 77] mentions Wolf from Zurich (1850) who obtained

34. Familles BEUGIN
Translate this page 62) +04/11/1892 Norrent Fontes (62) *Charles barbier. 7. Désiré Justin emile BEUGIN°16/10/1868 Norrent Nicolas joseph BEUGIN °vers 1745 +11/12/1803 Laires
Louis BEUGIN * Marie CLAIRBOUT dont : A- Barbe BEUGIN +vers 1697 Molinghem (62) *22/08/1680 Lillers (62) Guislain DEBRUGES dont : 1. Jean Baptiste DEBRUGES 2. Antoine Ignace DEBRUGES 3. Jean Baptiste DEBRUGES 4. Marie Anne DEBRUGES B- Robert BEUGIN *17/09/1702 Lillers (62) Marie Catherine LAVERSIN C- Maurice BEUGIN +25/02/1731 Molinghem (62) 20/09/1697 Molinghem (62) Marguerite BIZET +30/12/1742 Molinghem (62) dont : 1. Marie Isbergues BEUGIN 27/06/1730 Molinghem (62) DELEPINE 2. Marie Marguerite BEUGIN 28/07/1729 Molinghem (62) Pierre Antoine LEGRAND 3. Maurice Joseph BEUGIN 13/02/1738 Molinghem (62) Marie Barbe MANTEL dont : a- Isbergues BEUGIN *Pierre COMPAGNON b- Nicolas Joseph BEUGIN ( Auteur de la branche A ) c- Marie Noel BEUGIN 28/11/1786 Molinghem (62) Lambert Joseph MINETTE d- Maurice Joseph BEUGIN Marie Isbergues DELAHAYE ou DELHAY dont : - Augustin Joseph BEUGIN ( qui suit ) - Sabine Isbergues BEUGIN 15/09/1819 Molinghem (62) Antoine Joseph FILBIEN - Rosalie BEUGIN - Marie Isbergues BEUGIN *Charles Antoine Joseph CONQUART - Rosalie Joseph BEUGIN Augustin Joseph BEUGIN

35. LIORAT, Marianne
Translate this page Elisabeth - LIORAT, Marianne - barbier, Jean -barbier, Madelaine CLIOT Père LOICHOT, Camille emile joseph.
LIORAT, Marianne
  • Sexe :
LIORAT, Marcellin
BARBIER, Madelaine

Famille 1 : BARBIER, Louis
  • BARBIER, Louis
  • BARBIER, Marianne
  • BARBIER, Jean ... CLIOT, Catherine
    LIOTARD, Jean Antoine
    • Sexe : Masculin
    Famille 1 : BRESSON, Marguerite
  • LIOTARD, Magdelaine
    LIOTARD, Magdelaine
    • Sexe :
    LIOTARD, Jean Antoine
    BRESSON, Marguerite

    Famille 1 : VOSSEY, Jean
  • VOSSEY, Jean
    LIOTARD, Jean Antoine
    BRESSON, Jean ... BRESSON, Marguerite
  • Sexe : Masculin
  • LOICHOT, Jules Paul Joseph Famille 1 : GAUME, Louise LOICHOT, Jules Paul Joseph NARBEY, Constance Honorine CUENIN, Benjamin Joseph ... CAILLE, Virginie
    Confidentiel 4892
    • Sexe : Masculin
    LOICHOT, Camille Emile Joseph Famille 1 : Confidentiel 4896
  • Confidentiel 4901
  • Confidentiel 4903
  • Confidentiel 4905 ... JOUBERT, Auguste Marie Edmond
  • Sexe : Masculin LOICHOT, Charles Auguste Alexandre INCONNU, LOICHOT, Charles Auguste Alexandre RICHARD, Marie Emilie ... INCONNU,
  • Sexe : Masculin
  • RICHARD, Marie Emilie Famille 1 : NARBEY, Constance Honorine
  • Mariage : mer 30 janvier 1856 - Frambouhans
  • LOICHOT, Jules Paul Joseph
  • LOICHOT, Pierre Modeste JEANCLERC, Jeanne Marie RICHARD, Joseph Celestin ... ARNOUX, Jeanne Marie Victoire
    Confidentiel 4916
    • Sexe : Masculin
    Confidentiel 4907 Confidentiel 4911 Famille 1 : Confidentiel 5345 LOICHOT, Camille Emile Joseph
  • 36. Descendance De Joseph Xavier Bouhelier Par François Barbier
    Translate this page BOUHELIER joseph Constantin emile (o 2/4/1878 à Fournet Blancheroche). x 23/2/1959à Besançon avec barbier Pierre Georges (o 22/7/1928 à Alixan-26).

    37. ISTG Vol 3 - Ship Ocean Home
    Constante 18 France 210 Mangin Auguste 15 France 211 Mangin emile 4 France 212 Catherine48 France 282 barbier Jacques 16 France 283 barbier joseph 14 France
    Immigrant Ships
    Transcribers Guild Ship Ocean Home
    Havre, France to New Orleans
    18 May 1854
    DISTRICT OF NEW ORLEANS - PORT OF NEW ORLEANS There was no notation of the district and port, however this manifest is filmed with arrivals at the port of New Orleans, and the collector who signed the sworn statement is the collector for the Port of New Orleans. I, A H Merryman, Master or Commander of the Ship Ocean Home do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear, that the within list, signed by me and now delivered by me to the Collector of this District, contains the names of all the Passengers, taken on board the said Ship Ocean Home at the Port of Havre or at any time since, and that all matters therein set forth are, according to the best of my knowledge and belief, just and true. I do further swear, that one of the said Passengers have died on the voyage. Sworn before me, this 18th day of May 1854
    (signed) A H Merryman
    (signed) J M Hunt jr Collector There is no Captain's statement Columns represent: Name of Passenger, Age, Country of Birth, Last Legal Residence, Country Claiming Allegiance and Occupation and Remarks. The columns for Last Legal Residence and Country Claiming Allegiance had no entries, so they have been omitted. Farmers was written at the top of each page in the Occupation and Remarks column, so it was also omitted. Infants National Archives and Records Administration, Film M259, Reel 40, List 209.

    38. New Page 1
    Pvt. A, 1st Regt. Cav. BARBAY, emile. Pvt. A, 1st Regt. Cav. BARBAY, Robinson. Gaudet sCo., St. James Regt. Mil. barbier, joseph. Pvt. B, 1st Regt. Hvy. Arty.
    *B* [BABINEAUX] [BADEAUX] [BAILLE] [BARBAY] ... [top of *B* page]

    39. General Staff Officers And Men
    General Heath s Staff. // CSRC, Index. barbier, joseph. MAJ. General Staff.// CSRC, Index joseph barbiere. / CSRC, Index. DUPRE, emile. 2LT. Staff Officers & Men.htm
    Confederate States General Staff Officers and Men ARMANT, Henry. CPT. A.D.C. General Staff. General Heath's Staff. CSRC, Index. BARBIER, Joseph. MAJ. General Staff. CSRC, Index: Joseph Barbiere. Same J.B. as CPT in Company A, 4 th Confederate States Regiment Infantry? BERTHELOT, Wm. H. Surg. General Staff. CSRC, Index. CAPDEVILLE, Martial A. Surg. General Staff. CSRC, Index. CHACHERE, Theogene. Asst. Surg. General Staff. Born 1835. Died 1919, age 84. Buried St. Landry Catholic Cemetery, Opelousas. Served also in Company F, 8 th Regiment Infantry as Pvt. [photo] DUBOIS, S. P. CPT. A.Q.M. General Staff. CSRC, Index. DUGUE, August F. CPT. A.D.C. General Tracy's Staff. CSRC, Index. DUPRE, Alcee. LT. A.D.C. General Gardner’s Staff. CSRC, Index: Alcee Dupree. DUPRE, Daniel. Surg. General Staff. CSRC, Index. DUPRE, Emile. CSRC, Index. DUPRE, L. J., Jr. Surg. General Staff. CSRC, Index: L. J. Dupree, Jr. DUPRE, Thomas C. CPT. Asst.Q.M. General Staff. CSRC, Index: Thomas Dupree. DURAND, Victor J. CPT. General Kirby Smith's Staff. CSRC, Index.

    40. Genealogy Data
    Translate this page Children barbier, Jean Baptiste. Back to Main Page. Back to Main Page.Baudoux, emile joseph Birth EST 1850 Gender Male Parents
    Genealogy Data
    Back to Main Page
    Birth : 30 Dec 1853 Buzet, Hainaut, Belgium
    Gender: Female
    Family: Marriage: 4 Feb 1873
    Spouse: GODEAU, Florimond
    Birth : 27 Jul 1848 Buzet, Hainaut, Belgium
    Gender: Male
    Parents: Father:
    Mother: BAUDOUX, Marie Augustine
    Back to Main Page
    Birth : 11 Jul 1820 Buzet, Hainaut, Belgium
    Gender: Female
    Parents: Father: Mabille, Louis Joseph
    Family: Marriage: 17 Feb 1840 in Buzet, Hainaut, Belgium Spouse: Dumonceau, Gustave Birth : 6 Feb 1820 Buzet, Hainaut, Belgium Gender: Male Parents: Father: Dumonceau, Maurice Joseph Mother: Vandendrix, Catherine Children: Dumonceau, Lucie Joseph Ghislaine Dumonceau, Florence Gender: Female
    Back to Main Page
    Cornet, Jean Joseph Birth : 1841 Gender: Male Family: Marriage: 5 Jan 1868 in Gouy-Lez-Pietons, Hainaut, Belgium Spouse: Dumonceau, Florence Birth : 24 Aug 1849 Buzet, Hainaut, Belgium Gender: Female Parents: Father: Dumonceau, Gustave Mother: Children: Cornet, Marie Ghislaine Birth : EST 1870 Gender: Female Cornet, Jean Joseph

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