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41. Mmmm The First Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science abraham bar hiyya s Yesodei haTevunahu-Migdal ha-Emunah . Mercedes Rubio, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. http://www.biu.ac.il/hu/pg/hazmana.htm | |
42. List Of Entries Abhidharmika Schools of Buddhism Collett Cox. Abhinavagupta Paul MullerOrtega.abraham bar hiyya Geoffrey Wigoder. abraham Cohen Herrera Nissim Yosha. http://www.routledge-ny.com/rep/entries.html | |
43. Jewish History Aboab, Isaac Da Fonseca, 1605. Abohar, Isaac, 1453. abraham bar hiyya, http://www.davidsconsultants.com/jewishhistory/history.php?index=names |
44. Jewish History 1120 - 1129 in all additions. 1129 abraham bar hiyya (d.1136) (Spain). Philosopher,mathematician and astronomer. Published Meggilat HaMegaleh http://www.davidsconsultants.com/jewishhistory/history.php?startyear=1120&endyea |
45. Tony Lévy Translate this page 2001b Les débuts de la littérature mathématique hébraïque la géométriedabraham bar hiyya (XIe-XIIe s.), Micrologus IX 35-64. http://chspam.vjf.cnrs.fr/Personnel/Levy.htm | |
46. Jewish Heritage Online Magazine back 5. Ms. Parma (2637), p. 336 f. 73. back 6. abraham bar hiyya (Spain, early12th century), and Eleazar of Worms (Germany, c. 1200), rationalized that http://www.jhom.com/lifecycle/birth/mazal_tov.htm | |
47. Results Of Query Church of England; Abbot Ruotbertus; abraham Abulafia; abraham Abulafia;abraham bar hiyya haNasi; abraham ibn Ezra; abraham ibn Ezra; http://dpg.lib.berkeley.edu/scripts/idc/ds/dsauthor.idc | |
48. Arzobispo Raimundo De Toledo Escuela De Traductores [1130-1187] He was assisted by abraham bar hiyya (or Chijja). Translated either from 11161138or 1134-45. Interested in Astrology. Contemporary of Juan Hispano. http://faculty.washington.edu/petersen/alfonso/esctra12.htm | |
49. Azogue Translate this page En las páginas siguientes se comienzan a citar una serie de filósofos árabes yjudíos Yehuda Ha-Levi, abraham ben Ezra, abraham bar hiyya, Mose Sefardí y http://idd00dnu.eresmas.net/recension_4_4.htm | |
50. HistoryMole: The Calendar (0001-1972) 1125, abraham bar hiyya haNasi Jewish calendar, http://www.historymole.com/cgi-bin/main/results.pl?type=theme&theme=Calendar |
51. Il Teatro Della Natura la géométrie dabraham bar hiyya (XIe-XIIe siècle); S http://www.sismelfirenze.it/micrologus/Pubblicazioni/Micrologus/Gliebrei.html | |
52. Quadratic Formula abraham bar hiyya HaNasi (also known by the Latin name Savasorda) was the firstto introduce the complete solution to Europe in his book Liber embadorum. http://www.fact-index.com/q/qu/quadratic_formula.html | |
53. Histoire De L'astrologie Occidentale - Bibliographie Translate this page abraham bar hiyya Ha-Nasi, Llibre revelador Meguillat Hamegallè, éd. J. Guttman,trad. de lhébreu J. Millas Vallicrosa, barcelona, 1929, 252 pp. http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/mnemosyne/orientation/astrobib/astro_biblio5.htm | |
54. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Banna, al-Marrakushi al (861) Banu Musa brothers (1208) Banu Musa, al-Hasan (133)Banu Musa, Ahmad (61) Banu Musa, Jafar (161) bar hiyya, abraham (641) barbier http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
55. ThinkQuest : Library : Go Forth & Multiply: A Mathematics Adventure abraham bar hiyya gave geometric proofs of algebraic methods. He also proved therelationship A = Cd / 4 (refer the first article), using infinitesimals. http://library.thinkquest.org/C0110248/geometry/history4.htm | |
56. Rabbi Scheinerman's Home Page - Sermons Shmuel said During prayer, I count the clouds. Rabbi Bun bar hiyya said I Maythe One who blessed our ancestors abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses and Aaron http://www.scheinerman.net/judaism/sermons/pray.html | |
57. Summary Cubics In The Math History abraham bar hiyya HaNasi, often known by the Latin name Savasorda, is famed forhis book Liber embadorum published in 1145 which is the first book published http://hem.passagen.se/ceem/summary.htm | |
58. Pubblicazione Translate this page Jewish Authors - T. LÉVY, Les débuts de la littérature mathématique hébraïquela géométrie dabraham bar hiyya (XI-XIIe siècle) - S. SELA, abraham http://www.sismel.it/it/dettagl.asp?p1=703 |
59. 5. Aragon. 2001. The Encyclopedia Of World History the vernacular. abraham barhiyya (d. 1136) (Sarasorda) was one ofthe earliest to introduce Muslim mathematics to the West. Moses http://www.bartleby.com/67/479.html | |
60. Talmud Page 204-208 in the year 4859, on the 16th of Av, or 30th of August, the Christians recapturedJerusalem, during the days of R. abraham bar hiyya of Spain.} When Ali ibn http://www.israelshamir.net/talmud/204-208.shtml | |
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