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Banu Musa Brothers: more detail |
41. Astronomy The brothers banu musa who lived in the ninth century may be said to be the firstoutstanding Muslims in the field of geometry while their contemporary Thabit http://www.salaam.co.uk/themeofthemonth/october01_index.php?l=3 |
42. MMD Archives: Water Organs In Book "The Organ Of The Ancients" The first mechanically played musical instrument on record was a waterorgan made by the musa brothers (banu musa) in the ninth century AD. http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/Digests/200010/2000.10.03.01.html | |
43. Islam, Knowledge, And Science The brothers banu musa who lived in the 9th century may be said to be the firstoutstanding Muslim geometers while their contemporary Thabit ibn Qurrah used http://www.islamicweb.com/begin/woi_knowledge.htm | |
44. Littera: He gained favour at court through the Bukhtyishu family and through the banu musa,three wealthy brothers who were patrons of learning and wrote on mathematics http://littera.deusto.es/prof/abaitua/hlt/hlt0304/History of Arabic translation | |
45. PakTribune Forum -> The Significance Of Muharram And Ashoora brothers! musa (as) liberated the Children of Israel from the Firawn, we to needto to achieve this is taken from the well known Hadith, banu Israel used to http://www.paktribune.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1466&view=getlastpost |
46. PakTribune Forum -> Zahoor Of Imam Mehdi I rather put the blame upon banu Abbasid and banu Ummayads. and we love each otherlike brothers, so please stop as) Imam Jafare Saqid (as) Imam musa Kazim (as http://www.paktribune.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1524&st=15 |
47. Islamic Forum -> The Significance Of Muharram And ashoora brothers and sisters, America is not the only Firawn in musa (as) liberated the Childrenof Israel from the taken from the well known Hadith, banu Israel used http://forums.gawaher.com/show.php/showtopic/5891 | |
48. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #13 (10/21/1994) Apollonius, on the basis of the Arabic version translated from the Greek by ThabitIbn Qurra (d. 901) and corrected by the brothers banu musa (11th century). http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_13.html | |
49. Al-Amali the narration of Hudhaifa when he mentioned banu Dhabbah as Abu Yashkur alBalkhi,who reported from musa b. Ubaidah How eager am I to meet my brothers. So Abu http://al-islam.org/amali/9.htm | |
50. Baghdads Rulers Three brothers, the sons of musa ibn Shakir, sought to distinguish The banu musa werethemselves scholars who made advances in mathematics and astronomy. http://home.tiscali.dk/8x036176/baghdhis.htm | |
51. Islamic Council preached Islam to his mother and two brothers who responded attacked by a gang ofrobbers of banu Ghatfan Once Abu Zar musa Ashari, the Governor of Iraq went to http://www.alazhr.org/encyclopedia/Chapter1-3.htm | |
52. .: OBL Crew :. unless they leave. Amongst all of the banu Israel, musa are believers.But theBani Israel said O musa. and ease the suffering of our brothers and sisters. http://oblcrew786.jeeran.com/110.htm | |
53. A Case For Muslim Political Participation an opportunity to stand up in defense of musa (S) and Some of our brothers use Quranthe way Khawarij Ali ibn Abi Talib and Khulafa of banu Umayyiah until http://www.iiie.net/Articles/MuslimPolPart.html | |
54. Chapter 120 Your brothers and family will very soon after you will And very soon after banu (childrenof) Ammar began narrated from Muhammad ibn Isa from musa ibn al http://www.al-shia.com/html/eng/books/hadith/al-kafi/part4/part4-ch120.htm | |
55. My Lines - Person Page 144 and A isha bint Abd al Aziz ibn musa ben Nuseir y Tudela Musá II al-Qawasi ibnMusá banu Qasi+ b and His Companions (London, England Tinsley brothers, 1874 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~cousin/html/p144.htm | |
56. Appendix E father in the tale of Prince Ahmad and Peribanu . Shayk who guided musa and Talibto the mountains in wife) came in the tale of Khudadad and His brothers . http://history.nasa.gov/SP-474/appe.htm | |
57. Arabian Nights: 16 Appendix i. Envy and Malice, Of, i. Fairy Peribanu, Adventures of Man, Tale of the, i. Khudadadand his brothers, Adventures of and his Wife, v. Mohsin and musa, Tale of http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/Sn_6/16appendixB.htm | |
58. A Case For Muslim Political Participation an opportunity to stand up in defense of musa (S) and Some of our brothers use Qur anthe way Khawarij did Ali ibn Abi Talib and Khulafa of banu Umayyiah until http://www.mpacuk.org/mpac/data/4b354229/4b354229.jsp |
59. Contrasting The Prophet Jesus (P) And The Prophet Muhammad (P): A Christian View Abu Afak, was from banu Amr Ibn Awf, and was sent the following letter warning theJulanda brothers through the Abu musa said, I came to the Prophet along http://answer-islam.org/Muhjes2.html | |
60. New Page 74 There brothers, known as banu musa, distinguished themselves in this period; theywere sons of a certain Shakir who, says a biographer, had been a brigand in http://www.islam4all.com/new_page_74.htm | |
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