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21. BENJAMIN BANNEKER 1731-1806 - Mathematicians Of The African Diaspora Features a detailed biography as well as excerpts from a letter banneker wrote to Thomas Jefferson. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/special/banneker-benjamin.html | |
22. Economic Justice Tax Reform Banneker Center Discover who benjamin banneker was! The benjamin banneker Center 647 PlymouthRoad Baltimore, Maryland 21229 USA EMail banneker@progress.org. http://www.progress.org/banneker/ |
23. Inventor Of The Week: Archive benjamin banneker (17311806) benjamin banneker, one of the nation's best-known African American inventors, was http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/banneker1.html | |
24. Reader's Companion To American History - -BANNEKER, BENJAMIN Publication Data. Advisory Board. Contributors. Introduction. Appendix. U.S. History. Western Civilization. World Civilizations. The Reader's Companion to American History. banneker, benjamin. ( 17311806), African-American scientist. Bedini, The Life of benjamin banneker ( 1984). http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_007800_bannekerbenj.htm | |
25. BENJAMINBANNEKER benjamin banneker. .. BIOGRAPHY .. banneker, benjamin (17311806) African-American Astronomer, Almanac writer http://www.multied.com/Bio/RevoltBIOS/BannekerBenjamin.html | |
26. Benjamin Banneker - Farmers Almanac Includes a short biography and tells about benjamin banneker writing the first Farmers' Almanac. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blbanneker.htm | |
27. Benjamin Banneker Brief studentfriendly article. http://www.benjamin-banneker.com/ | |
28. Banneker Home Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Delaware/Localities/M/Milford/Education/K12_Schools http://www.k12.de.us/banneker/ | |
29. ThinkQuest : Library : Stamp On Black History Detailed biography written by students for students. http://library.thinkquest.org/10320/Banneker.htm?tqskip=1 |
30. ThinkQuest : Library : The History Of African-Americans: State By State Tells the story of the man who carved America's first functional clock. http://library.thinkquest.org/3337/banneker.html?tqskip=1 |
31. Benjamin Bannker Academic High School Alternative school for about 400 students grades 912 that offers a highly structured program directed toward college admission. IB curriculum, application, summer institute, and school profile. http://www.benjaminbanneker.org | |
32. Page Moved Formerly Wilder K8 Community School. http://www.mpls.k12.mn.us/schools/elementary/banneker/ | |
33. Kulture Kidz Short biography and sketch. http://www.aakulturezone.com/kidz/abc/benjamin.html | |
34. ThinkQuest : Library : Stamp On Black History Stamp on Black History Home Page Menu. http://library.thinkquest.org/10320/Banneker.htm | |
35. Inventor Of The Week: Archive Browse for a different Invention or Inventor. benjamin banneker (17311806). Withoutbenjamin banneker, our nation s capital would not exist as we know it. http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/Banneker.html | |
36. Benjamin Banneker: An American Pioneer A detailed look at the selftaught man and the contributions he made to astronomy, science, and math. From About.com. http://afroamhistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa012201a.htm?once=true& |
37. Great American History Fact-Finder - -Banneker, Benjamin The Great American History FactFinder. banneker, benjamin. (1731-1806),mathematician and scientist. banneker, a free black man, gained http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/gahff/html/ff_014100_bannekerbenj.ht | |
38. Banneker, Benjamin banneker, benjamin. (b. Nov. 9, 1731, Ellicott s Mills, Md.d. Oct.25, 1806, Baltimore, Md., US), mathematician, astronomer, compiler http://search.eb.com/blackhistory/micro/50/57.html | |
39. Banneker, Benjamin (1731-1806) banneker, benjamin. Born November disappeared); benjamin banneker to the secretaryof state; Bibliography (Library of Congress entries); References http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_banneker.html | |
40. Benjamin Banneker To The Secretary Of State banneker, benjamin, 17311806. Creation of machine-readable version Readex. banneker,benjamin, 1731-1806. Printed and sold by Daniel Lawrence, no. 33. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/readex/24073.html | |
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