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         Banach Stefan:     more books (44)
  1. Theory of Linear Operations by Stefan Banach, 2009-03-26
  2. Topics in Banach Space Integration (Series in Real Analysis) by Stefan Schwabik, 2005-08-30
  3. Through a Reporter's Eyes: The Life of Stefan Banach by Roman Kaluza, 2004-10-15
  4. Number Theory in Progress: Proceedings of the International Conference on Number Theory Organized by the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center in Honor of the 60th bir by Poland) International Conference on Number Theory (1997 Zakopane, 1999-02
  5. Partial differential equations: Papers presented at Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center at the Semester "Partial differential equations," held ... 16, 1978 (Banach Center publications)
  6. Complex analysis: Papers presented at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center at the semester "complex analysis" held February 15-May 30, 1979 (Banach Center publications)
  7. Algebraic Geometry, Hirzebruch 70: Proceedings of an Algebraic Geometry Conference in Honor of F. Hirzebruch's 70th Birthday, May 11-16, 1998, Stefan Banach ... Mathematical (Contemporary Mathematics) by Mica Szurek, Jarosaw Wisniewski, 1999-08
  8. Theorie des operations lineaires (AMS Chelsea Publishing) (French Edition) by Stefan Banach, 1978-01-01
  9. Probability theory: Papers presented at Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center at the semester "probability theory" held February 11-June 11, 1976 (Banach Center publications ; v. 5)
  10. Théorie des Opérations Linéaires by Stefan Banach, 1963-01-01
  11. People From Kraków: Stefan Banach, Casimir Iv Jagiellon, Sigismund Ii Augustus, Alexander Jagiellon, Saint Casimir, Wladyslaw Iv Vasa
  12. Mathématicien Polonais: Stanislaw Lesniewski, Edward Kofler, Alfred Tarski, Stefan Banach, Jan Lukasiewicz, Szolem Mandelbrojt, Marian Rejewski (French Edition)
  13. Members of the Polish Academy of Learning: Waclaw Sierpinski, Stefan Banach, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Hugo Steinhaus, Edward Flatau
  14. Lwów Scientific Society: Members of the Lwów Scientific Society, Marie Curie, Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus, Ignacy Moscicki, Moses Schorr

1. Stefan Banach Store
Stefan Banach Listing of 5 Stefan Banach items available for purchase at our online store. Click here for Stefan Banach and Stefan Banach related products. Stefan Banach Store. Buy Stefan Banach books and other Mathematician Biographies products online! Choose from 5 Stefan Banach items in-stock as of 10-5-2003
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2. Banach
Stefan Banach. Born 30 March 1892 in Kraków, AustriaHungary (now Poland) Died31 Aug 1945 in Lvov, (now Ukraine). Stefan Banach s father was Stefan Greczek.
Stefan Banach
Died: 31 Aug 1945 in Lvov, (now Ukraine)
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Stefan Banach 's father was Stefan Greczek. The first thing to notice is that Banach was not his father's surname, but Banach was given his father's first name. Stefan Greczek was a tax official who was not married to Banach's mother who vanished from the scene after Stefan was baptised, when he was only four days old, and nothing more is known of her. The name given as Stefan's mother on his birth certificate is Katarzyna Banach. She is thought by some to have been the servant of Stefan's mother, while others claim that she was a laundress who took care of Stefan when he was very young. In later life Banach tried to find out who his mother was but his father refused to say anything except that he had been sworn to secrecy over her identity. Gymnasium During his first few years at the Gymnasium Banach achieved first class grades with mathematics and natural sciences being his best subjects. A fellow school pupil recalled Banach at this period in his life (see [3]):- Banach was pleasant in dealings with his colleagues, but outside of mathematics he was not interested in anything. If he spoke at all, he would speak very rapidly, as rapidly as he thought mathematically. ... Wilkosz was a similar phenomenon. Between the two of them there was no mathematical problem that they could not speedily tackle. Also, while Banach was faster in mathematical problems, Wilkosz was phenomenally fast in solving problems in physics, which were of no interest to Banach.

3. Poster Of Banach
Stefan Banach. lived from 1892 to 1945. Banach founded modern functional analysisand made major contributions to the theory of topological vector spaces.
Stefan Banach lived from 1892 to 1945 Banach founded modern functional analysis and made major contributions to the theory of topological vector spaces. In addition, he contributed to measure theory, integration, and orthogonal series. Find out more at

4. WIEM: Banach Stefan
banach stefan (18921945), jeden z najwybitniejszych matematyków polskich,samouk, wykladowca Instytutu Technologicznego we Lwowie (od 1919
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Matematyka, Polska
Banach Stefan
Banach Stefan (1892-1945), jeden z najwybitniejszych matematyków polskich, samouk, wyk³adowca Instytutu Technologicznego we Lwowie (od 1919) i  Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego (od 1922), od 1927 prof. zwyczajny matematyki na Uniwersytecie Lwowskim, cz³onek Polskiej Akademii Umiejêtno¶ci i Akademii Nauk Ukraiñskiej SSR. Jeden z twórców tzw. lwowskiej szko³y matematycznej. Laureat Wielkiej Nagrody PAU w 1939. Zapocz±tkowa³ wspó³czesn± analizê funkcjonaln± , wniós³ istotny wk³ad w rozwój teorii topologicznych przestrzeni wektorowych , zajmowa³ siê ponadto teori± liczb rzeczywistych i szeregów ortogonalnych. W czasie okupacji niemieckiej by³ karmicielem wszy w lwowskim Instytucie Badañ nad Durem Plamistym R. Weigla. Zmar³ przed repatriacj±.

5. Banach
strona glówna. banach stefan, ur. 1892, zm. 1945, matematyk polski,jeden z najwybitniejszych matematyków XX w. Wspóltwórca
strona g³ówna Banach Stefan
W 1919 Banach by³ jednym ze wspó³za³o¿ycieli Towarzystwa Matematycznego w Krakowie (przekszta³conego potem w Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne). Dziêki wstawiennictwu Steinhausa Banach zosta³ w 1920 asystentem przy katedrze matematyki (kierowanej przez A. £omnickiego) na Politechnice Lwowskiej (choæ nigdy nie ukoñczy³ ¿adnych studiów). W 1920 uzyska³ stopieñ doktora nauk matematycznych na podstawie rozprawy O operacjach na zbiorach abstrakcyjnych i ich zastosowaniach do równañ ca³kowych, przedstawionej Uniwersytetowi Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie.
W 1922 habilitowa³ siê i zostat profesorem matematyki na Uniwersytecie Jana Kazimierza. Prowadzit nies³ychanie aktywn± dzia³alno¶æ naukow± i jednocze¶nie wyk³ada³ zarówno na uniwersytecie, jak i na politechnice we Lwowie, w mie¶cie, w którym wkrótce powstal najsilniejszy (w okresie miêdzywojennym) na ¶wiecie o¶rodek badawczy zajmuj±cy siê analiz± funkcjonaln±. S³ynne sta³y siê spotkania w Kawiarni Szkockiej, gdzie lwowscy matematycy z Banachem na czele, a tak¿e przyjezdni go¶cie, spêdzali d³ugie godziny dyskutuj±c o matematyce, stawiaj±c problemy i rozwi±zuj±c je. Pocz±tkowo rozwi±zania notowali na marmurowych blatach stolików, po pewnym czasie ¿ona Banacha, £ucja, kupi³a specjalny zeszyt (nazwany Ksiêg± Szkock±), w którym notowano problemy, nagrody za ich rozwi±zania. Na Miêdzynarodowym Kongresie Matematyków w Oslo w 1936 Banach wyg³osi³ jeden z g³. plenarnych referatów.

6. Stefan Banach - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Stefan Banach. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Stefan Banach(March 30, 1892 August 31, 1945), a Polish mathematician, one
Stefan Banach
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Stefan Banach March 30 August 31 ), a Polish mathematician , one of the moving spirits of the Lvov school of mathematics in pre-war Poland (see: Lviv ). He was largely self-taught in mathematics; his genius was accidentally discovered by Hugo Steinhaus . When World War II began, Banach was President of the Polish Mathematical Society and a full professor of Lvov University . Being on good terms with Soviet mathematicians, he was allowed to hold his chair during the Soviet occupation of Lvov. The German occupation of the city in resulted in the mass murder of Polish academics. Banach survived, but the only way he could work for a living was by feeding lice with his blood in a German institute where typhoid fever research was conducted. His health undercut during the occupation, Banach died before he could be repatriated from Lvov, which was incorporated into the Soviet Union, to Poland after the war. Teoria operacji liniowych , 1932) is regarded as Banach's most influential work. He also initiated and edited the Studia Mathematica series.

7. Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach. Stefan Banach (March 30 1892 August 31 1945), a greatPolish mathematician, one of the moving spirits of the Lvov
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach March 30 August 31 ), a great Polish mathematician , one of the moving spirits of the Lvov school of mathematics in pre-war Poland (see: Lviv ). He was largely self-taught in mathematics; his genius was accidentally discovered by Hugo Steinhaus . When World War II began, Banach was President of the Polish Mathematical Society and a full professor of Lvov University. Being on good terms with Soviet mathematicians, he was allowed to hold his chair during the Soviet occupation of Lvov. The German occupation of the city in resulted in the mass murder of Polish academics. Banach survived, but the only way he could work for a living was by feeding lice with his blood in a German institute where typhoid fever research was conducted. His health undercut during the occupation, Banach died before he could be repatriated from Lvov, which was incorporated into the Soviet Union, to Poland after the war. Teoria operacji liniowych , 1932) is regarded as Banach's most influential work. He also initiated and edited the Studia Mathematica series.

8. Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach. 18921945. Stefan Banach attended various primary andsecondary schools in Kraków. During his first few years at the
Stefan Banach
Banach was offered an assistantship to Lomnicki at Lvov Technical University in 1920. He lectured there in mathematics and submitted a dissertation for his doctorate. This was, of course, not the standard route to a doctorate, for Banach had no university mathematics qualifications. However, an exception was made to allow him to submit his thesis. In his dissertation, written in 1920, he defined axiomatically what today is called a Banach space. The name Banach algebras were also named after him. The importance of Banach's contribution is that he developed a systematic theory of functional analysis, where before there had only been isolated results which were later seen to fit into the new theory. The theory generalised the contributions made by Volterra, Fredholm and Hilbert on integral equations. This thesis is sometimes called the birth of functional analysis. He was appointed Professor Extraordinary of mathematics in 1922, and promoted to full professor. As well as continuing to produce a stream of important papers, he wrote arithmetic, geometry and algebra texts for high schools. He also was very much involved with the publication of mathematics. In 1929, together with Steinhaus, he started a new journal Studia Mathematica , and Banach and Steinhaus became the first editors.

9. Stefan Banach | Mathe Board Lexikon
Startseite Mathe Board Lexikon Mathe Tools ... Partner Das Mathe Board: Kostenlose Nachhilfe in Mathematik von der Grundschule bis zur Hochschule. A B C D ... Z
Stefan Banach
Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung
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Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach 30. März in Kraków 31. August in Lwów ) war ein polnische Mathematiker . Sein Vater war Stefan Greczek (wobei dies nicht völlig gesichert ist), seine Mutter Katarzyna Banach. Er wuchs in einer Pflegefamilie auf (bei Franciszka Plowa und ihrer Tochter, Maria Puchalska). Von 1902 bis besuchte er das Vierte Gymnasium in Krakau. Nach der Matura arbeitete er in einer Krakauer Buchhandlung und studierte gleichzeitig als Autodidakt Mathematik . Zwischen 1911 und war er Student am Polytechnikum in Lwow und legte dort ein Teilexamen, das so genannte Halbdiplom, ab. Nach Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs arbeitete er als Aufseher beim Straßenbau. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Krakau verdiente er seinen Lebensunterhalt mit Nachhilfestunden; er studierte weiterhin Mathematik auf eigene Faust. Im Jahre lernte der Mathematiker Hugo Steinhaus Banach zufällig kennen und begann, sich für ihn zu interessieren. Ihre Bekanntschaft mündete in einer gemeinsamen Publikation und einer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit. Dank Steinhaus' Bemühungen erhielt Banach

banach stefan (1892 1945) Urodzil sie 20 marca 1892 roku w Krakowie i tamtez spedzil swe dziecinstwo, o którym mamy jedynie skape wiadomosci.




>góra strony

11. Stefan Banach - Encyclopedia Article About Stefan Banach. Free Access, No Regist
encyclopedia article about Stefan Banach. Stefan Banach in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Stefan Banach. Banach
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Stefan Banach
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Stefan Banach March 30 March 30 is the 89th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (90th in Leap years). There are 276 days remaining.
  • 1492 - Ferdinand and Isabella sign a decree aimed at expelling all Jews from Spain unless they convert to Roman Catholicism.
  • 1533 - Thomas Cranmer becomes Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • 1814 - Napoleonic Wars: Sixth Coalition forces march into Paris.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s - Years: 1888 1889 1890 1891 -
  • January 1 - Ellis Island begins accepting immigrants to the United States.
  • January 14 - Death of Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, second in line heir to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Next in line is his younger brother Prince George of Wales.

Click the link for more information. August 31 August 31 is the 243rd day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (244th in leap years), with 122 days remaining.
  • 1535 - King Henry VIII of England is excommunicated by Pope Paul II
  • 1876 - Ottoman sultan Murat V was deposed and succeeded by his brother Abd-ul-Hamid II.

12. Banach Tarski Paradoxical Decomposition - Encyclopedia Article About Banach Tars
In 1924, Stefan banach stefan Banach (March 30 1892 August 31 1945), a Polishmathematician, one of the moving spirits of the Lvov school of mathematics in Tarski Paradoxical Decompositio
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Banach Tarski Paradoxical Decomposition
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition First stated by Stefan Banach Stefan Banach (March 30 1892 - August 31 1945), a Polish mathematician, one of the moving spirits of the Lvov school of mathematics in pre-war Poland (see: Lviv). He was largely self-taught in mathematics; his genius was accidentally discovered by Hugo Steinhaus. When World War II began, Banach was President of the Polish Mathematical Society and a full professor of Lvov University. Being
Click the link for more information. and Alfred Tarski Alfred Tarski (January 14, 1901 - October 26, 1983) was a Polish logician considered to be one of the greatest logicians of all time in a manner after Aristotle, Gottlob Frege, and Kurt Gödel. Tarski made contributions to algebra, measure theory, mathematical logic, set theory and metamathematics. See Truth for a brief description of the "Convention T" standard in his "inductive definition of truth". This was an important contribution to symbolic logic and the philosophy of language.
Click the link for more information.

13. Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach Born in Krakow, Stefan Banach studied mathematics at theJagiellonian University there. Stefan Banach .

Where is Poland Basics Environment ... Other resources Stefan Banach
Born in Krakow, Stefan Banach studied mathematics at the Jagiellonian University there. Lecturing in the Institute of Technology and then the University of Lvov, he became professor of Mathematics at the University of Lvov in 1927. Banach founded modern functional analysis and made major contributions to the theory of topological vector spaces. His dissertation of 1920 defined axiomatically what is today called a Banach space. Banach algebra's are also his work. A Banach space is a real or complex normed vector space that is complete as a metric space under the metric d(x, y) = llx-yll induced by the norm. The completeness is important as this means that Cauchy sequences in Banach spaces converge. Many important theorems are named after Banach. There is the Hahan-Banach theorem, Banach-Steinhaus theorem, the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, the Banach fixed-point theorem and the Banach-Tarski paradoxical decomposition of a ball. His most important work is the Theorie des operations lineaires of 1932. Attributed to Banach by S.M Lam in his book Adventure of a Mathematician is the comment that good mathematicians see analogies between theories, the very best ones see analogies between analogies.

14. Bedeutende Mathematiker
Translate this page banach stefan (1892 - 1945, Lwów), Euklid von Alexandria (um 360 - um 300 v. Chr.?). Thales von Milet (um 625 - 546 v. Chr.), banach stefan (1892 - 1945, Lwów).
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Bedeutende Mathematiker
alphabetisch nach Geburtsdatum Abel Niels (1802 -1829, Froland, Norwegen) Thales von Milet (um 625 - 546 v. Chr.) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Pythagoras von Samos (um 580 - 496 v. Chr., Kroton) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Zenon von Elea (um 490 - um 430 v.Chr.) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Banach Stefan (1892 - 1945, Lwów) Euklid von Alexandria (um 360 - um 300 v. Chr. ?) Bernoulli Jakob (1654 - 1705, Basel) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Bernoulli Johann (Bruder von Jakob) (1667 - 1748, Basel) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Bernoulli Daniel (Sohn von Johann) (1700 - 1782, Basel) Ries Adam (1492 - 1559, Annaberg) Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm (1784 - 1846, Königsberg) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom) Cantor Georg (1845-1918, Halle) Viète (Vieta) François (1540 - 1603, Paris) Cauchy Augustin Louis (1789 - 1857, Paris) Neper (Napier) John (1550 - 1617, Edinburgh) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom)

15. Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach. Stefan Banach syntyi Krakowassa vuonna 1892 köyhään perheeseenja joutui jo 15vuotiaasta asti huolehtimaan elannostaan ja koulutuksestaan.
Stefan Banach
Klaus Vala, Helsingin yliopiston emeritusprofessori, piirtää eräässä kirjassaan mielenkiintoisen henkilökuvan Stefan Banachista, joka on yksi tämän vuosisadan suurista matemaatikoista. Seuraava lyhyt teksti pohjautuu pääosin Valan asiatietoihin. Stefan Banach syntyi Krakowassa vuonna 1892 köyhään perheeseen ja joutui jo 15-vuotiaasta asti huolehtimaan elannostaan ja koulutuksestaan. Hän opiskeli matematiikkaa Krakowan yliopistossa Hugo Steinhausin johdolla ja julkaisi väitöskirjansa vuonna 1922. Samana vuonna hänestä tuli Lwowin yliopiston ylimääräinen matematiikan professori. Banachin väitöskirja oli tieteellisesti erittäin merkittävä. Hän loi siinä abstrakteja vektoriavaruuksia koskevan teorian, johon jokainen yliopistossa matematiikan syventäviä opintoja harrastava saa nykyisin tutustua. Tietynlaisia vektoriavaruuksia kutsutaan hänen mukaansa Banachin avaruuksiksi. Stefan Banach Banachin työskentelytavat olivat poikkeukselliset. Sen sijaan, että hän olisi istunut yliopistolla huoneessaan pohdiskelemassa, hän vietti aikaa eräässä kahvilassa, jossa hän kaiken hälinän keskellä kävi matemaattisia väittelyjä opiskelijoiden ja muiden matemaatikoiden kanssa ja pystyi toisaalta täysin keskittymään tieteelliseen työhönsä. Lwowin Skottilaisesta kahvilasta tuli Banachin ansiosta matemaatikoiden kantapaikka. Ensin alkuun Banach piirteli teoreemoitaan pöytäliinoihin ja huonekaluihin, mutta kun kahvilan henkilökunta lopulta kyllästyi tähän, hankittiin iso vihko, joka tuotiin pöytään heti, kun Banach ilmaantui paikalle. Vihko, "Skottilainen kirja", täyttyi vähitellen matemattisista tehtävistä, joita toisinaan julistettiin kilpatehtäviksi. Siitä lienee peräisin seuraava probleema, Banachin tulitikkuongelma:

16. Banach
Stefan Banach. Born 30 March 1892 in Kraków, AustriaHungary (now Poland) Died31 Aug 1945 in Lvov, Ukraine. Stefan Banach s father was Stefan Greczek.
Stefan Banach
Born: 30 March 1892 in Kraków, Austria-Hungary (now Poland)
Died: 31 Aug 1945 in Lvov, Ukraine
Stefan Banach 's father was Stefan Greczek. The first thing to notice is that Banach was not his father's surname, but Banach was given his father's first name. Stefan Greczek was a tax official who was not married to Banach's mother who vanished from the scene after Stefan was baptised, when he was only four days old, and nothing more is known of her. The name given as Stefan's mother on his birth certificate is Katarzyna Banach. She is thought by some to have been the servant of Stefan's mother, while others claim that she was a laundress who took care of Stefan when he was very young. In later life Banach tried to find out who his mother was but his father refused to say anything except that he had been sworn to secrecy over her identity. Stefan Greczek was born in a small village called Ostrowsko, some 50 km south of Kraków. It was to Ostrowsko, to his grandmother's home, that Banach was taken after his baptism. However, when Banach's grandmother took ill, Stefan Greczek arranged for his son to be brought up by Franciszka Plowa who lived in Kraków with her daughter Maria. Although Banach never went back to live with his grandmother, he did visit her frequently as he grew up. Maria's guardian was a French intellectual Juliusz Mien and he quickly recognised the talents that Banach had. Mien taught the young boy to speak French and in general gave him an appreciation for education.

17. - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books.
Stefan Banach. Everything you wanted to know about Stefan Banach but hadno clue how to find it.. Learn about Stefan Banach here! Stefan Banach.
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18. Stefan Banach - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Back to Encyclopedia Main Page Printable Version of this Page Encyclopediahelp PhatNav s Encyclopedia A Wikipedia . Stefan Banach.

19. Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach. Stefan Banach (Brezen 30 1892 Srpen 31 1945), velkýLesk matematik, jeden z pohybování duši Lvov škola matematiky
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Stefan Banach
Stefan Banach Březen 30 Srpen 31 ), velk½ Lesk matematik , jeden z pohybov¡n­ duÅ¡i Lvov Å¡kola matematiky v předv¡lečn½ Polsko (vidět: Lviv ). On byl velmi samouck½ v matematice; jeho genialita byla n¡hodně zjistil Hugo Steinhaus . Když Světov¡ v¡lka II začal, Banach byl prezident polsk©ho matematick©ho celku a ř¡dn©ho profesora Lvov univerzita. B½t v dobr©m vztahu s Sovět matematici, on měl dovoleno ponechat si jeho židli během sovětsk©ho zaměstn¡n­ Lvov. Němec zaměstn¡n­ města v vyºstil v masovou vraždu polsk½ch akademiků. Banach se dochoval, kromě jedin© cesty, kterou on konzervoval studium pro živobyt­ bylo krmen­m vÅ¡i s jeho krv­ v institutu Němce kde břiÅ¡n­ tyfus studium bylo ř­zeno. Jeho zdrav­ podř­znout během zaměstn¡n­, Banach umřel dř­ve, než on mohl b½t repatriov¡n od Lvov, kter½ byl přidružen Sovětsk½ svaz, do Polska po v¡lce. Th©orie des op©rations lin©aires Teoria operacji liniowych , 1932) je považov¡n za Banachovu nejvlivnějÅ¡­ pr¡ci. On tak© zah¡jil a editoval

20. Editions Jacques Gabay - Stefan BANACH
Translate this page Stefan BANACH. Stefan BANACH. 1892 - 1945. Au catalogue des EditionsJacques Gabay BANACH Théorie des opérations linéaires, 1932 Stefan

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